There was silence in the corridor. Even the wind seemed still.

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Si Sheng looked down at the silver wolf in front of him. The worrying remarks he spoke to Xu Sili just now weren’t false.

The remnants of those who colluded with the Bewatt Empire were still hiding in the shadows and it was true he couldn’t guard Lord God all the time. Even if Lord God could summon him, a fight with masters would often be over in a flash. Lord God was now weak and Si Sheng didn’t want to take any risks.

The appearance of the silver wolf gave him a little inspiration. Perhaps he could enhance the protection of Lord God through contracting with an ancient beast.

This world had a ban on it. Apart from him, all the strong people were stuck at the two star power. However, the ancient beasts didn’t have this limit.

Ancient beasts generally had special abilities, just like the silver wolf in front of him. Space manipulation was a very practical skill when evading the enemy’s pursuit.

Si Sheng’s idea was simple. No one in the world was more important and more noble than Lord God. Since the ancient beast had no master, there was no reason to refuse. If he didn’t know any better…

Forces that couldn’t be controlled should be destroyed.

The aura emitted by Si Sheng was too strong. Only those who had seen the patron saint fight and sweep through thousands of enemies could understand the weight of this fierce aura. No one dared to speak.

Ah Huang’s main consciousness wasn’t awake but the animal instincts made him sense the danger. He clamped his tail, lowered his head slightly and shivered.

Si Sheng was one step ahead. He looked at Ah Huang and raised his hand slightly. He was able to form the contract spell when he heard the young man’s slightly depressed voice. “Si Sheng, that’s enough.”

Si Sheng paused. Then he turned to look at the young emperor behind him. The young man wasn’t looking at him. Xu Sili’s lips were pressed together tightly and his purple eyes were a bit unhappy.

“Janice, take Ah Huang back and wipe him clean,” he ordered in a low voice.

Janice didn’t dare move slowly and she rushed to pick up Ah Huang. She was originally a warrior elementalist. It was incredibly easy for her to pick up a dog, well, a wolf.

This time, Ah Huang didn’t resist. He was obediently held by Janice, his hairy tail tightly clamped. His head shrank back and he was terrified.

The shadow leopard glanced at him, green eyes showing a bit of disdain. September was tempted to go trouble Chamo but after seeing Si Sheng, he chose to settle down and strove to reduce his sense of existence. His master at this moment… felt very dangerous!

Xu Sili saw Janice hugging Ah Huang and said goodbye to Asheng. He saw this group of people running back to the room before retracting his gaze.

“Let’s go to Mercenary Town.” He turned and headed to the open space outside.

It was only after he took a few steps that he heard movement behind him—Si Sheng had raised his feet and followed. There was the sound of military boots stepping on the ground.

Xu Sili didn’t speak. He silently came to the yard and watched the shadow leopard lying on the ground. The leopard’s body was huge but he was extremely docile.

Rather than climbing up immediately, he turned back to look at the silent Si Sheng. The man’s eyes were slightly lowered with the hair on his forehead falling down and somewhat obscuring his eyes.

Xu Sili sighed in his heart. He pursed his lips and hesitantly lifted his hand to gently push the light blond hair out of the way.

Si Sheng was stunned. He raised his eyes to meet the young man’s purple eyes.

The young man paused before continuing to help with the bangs. In fact, this gesture was a bit intimate. Xu Sili didn’t think so much. He just felt like doing it at this moment so he did. “I know you were doing it for me.”

He took back his hand and spoke in a low voice, “If something isn’t meant to be, it is no use trying to make it happen. Besides, I can’t just casually contract with a random ancient beast. The silver wolf’s space manipulation is special but now it is so badly injured that you might have to pay a price to treat it. Like you said, he is now too weak.”

He added, “Now his mind is asleep and it is only his subconscious… who knows what type of personality his main consciousness has? September also doesn’t get along with him so it isn’t suitable.”

Xu Sili patiently explained to him. If a person was really good to himself then he would naturally remember it.

In this world, he was alone. He had no relatives and no friends. In fact, his closest relationship was with Si Sheng. It didn’t matter if Si Sheng’s kindness had an ulterior motive or not. He would accept this feeling.

Si Sheng was aware of it. The estrangement between him and Lord God seemed to have loosened a bit.

His heart throbbed. He looked at the young man in front of him and was a bit unable to restrain his mind.

“This is…” Si Sheng’s voice was slightly trembling. He paused for a moment and took a deep breath. “This servant wasn’t considerate.”

Xu Sili’s lips curved slightly and he reached out to pat Si Sheng on the shoulder. “It’s fine. Just don’t be so scary in the future. I think Asheng was going to cry from fear.”

Si Sheng’s thin lips slightly pursed but he didn’t say anything to refute it.

Xu Sili explained it clearly and no longer cared about this person. He grabbed the neck of the shadow leopard and climbed onto his back.

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After sitting still, he patted the leopard on the head. By the way, it was really unexpected that September could speak. Could an ancient beast talk?

Xu Sili was curious as Si Sheng jumped onto the back of the shadow leopard and sat behind him. He was accustomed to Si Sheng’s breath. At this moment, he naturally leaned into Si Sheng’s arms and found a more comfortable position for himself.

Si Sheng carefully held the young man and his thoughts moved. The shadow leopard received the command and once again gave birth to the shadow wings before flying into the blue sky.

Xu Sili looked at the scenery below. He had flown a few times and wasn’t as excited as before. He raised his wrist and sent a message to Janice.

Asheng was staying in the palace so it couldn’t be wasted. He would have her go to stay with Joan tonight. In any case, Joan’s palace was quite big. It would give Joan a boost in the intensity of elements and let the two kids increase their feelings.

Xu Sili sent the message and felt a bit bored. He couldn’t help looking at the shadow leopard under him. He touched the soft, short fur, thought of something and asked a question.

“September, do you know Chamo?”

The shadow leopard hadn’t expected the young man to talk to him. He paused and answered when he saw that Si Sheng didn’t react. “Yes, I would recognize that guy even if he turned gray!”

“It seems that your dispute is quite deep?” Xu Sili raised an eyebrow.

The shadow leopard was silent for a while before saying, “Something unpleasant happened and I haven’t seen him for a long time. I didn’t expect him to still be alive, but he was seriously injured and weak like this.”

At this point, he scolded the other person again. “Che, he deserves it!”

It looked like it was really deep…

Xu Sili nodded. He saw that September obviously didn’t want to mention the unpleasant past and didn’t ask detailed questions.

Just then, they flew over the inner city gate wall and entered the outer city. The slums of the outer city had remained unchanged. There were densely packed low buildings and people who were as busy as ants, moving for their survival.

Xu Sili looked a few times before retracting his gaze. They continued all the way north from the outer gate, preparing to go to Mercenary Town.

During this period, Xu Sili lowered his head and saw a long line of people moving on the only main road in the outer city. They were the apprentices of the Elementalist Academy. The team of more than 100 people seemed to have a sense of vastness.

There was more than one person and the distance was far, so it was hard to use the favorability label. Xu Sili couldn’t see where Li Zhecheng was but he knew that person wouldn’t dare resist his order. He was also originally from the Elementalist Academy and should be quite attached to these juniors.

At this time, his communicator shook. It was from Li Zhecheng.

Speak of the devil and he would appear. Previously in the palace, Xu Sili had sent a message asking about the situation of the students and now Li Zhecheng replied.

[Li Zhecheng]: Your Majesty, there is no problem for the time being. It should be possible to arrive in time.

Xu Sili looked at the team below him. It should be true that there were no problems but it was doubtful if they would arrive on time. It was getting later now and it wasn’t too early.

“Captain, do we have time?” Below, a long-haired girl sitting on a carriage pulled by a star beast was staring up at the sky with some concern.

“No problem, don’t worry.” Su Ye smiled slightly in a warm and clear manner, giving people peace of mind.

The girl was infected by his smile and calmed down. She felt the bump of the carriage and couldn’t help muttering, “Gu Lie and the others should’ve already arrived, right?”

In order to wait for the remaining students who hadn’t been tested yet and the fact that there wasn’t enough transportation, they divided into two groups.

The first group set out early, led by Vice-captain Gu Lie.

He came from a noble family and his family had money. He immediately borrowed a large floating car and pulled 60 or 70 people to go with him.

These 60 or 70 people naturally had a good relationship with Gu Lie and their family background was good. They were either from old noble families or were new nobles who had risen in recent years. The class division between the nobles and civilians actually started from the student days.

In this way, the remaining 100 or so students could only rent carriages. Not every family could afford a type of high-end consumer good like floating cars. In addition, now the Interstellar Alliance no longer assisted the Roland Empire. Even those who had money could no longer buy it.

The carriage they rode this time was pulled by an interstellar beast called the wind horse. After many years of domestication, the temperament of this interstellar beast had become very gentle and it was an important tool in urban transportation.

The speed of this wind horse wasn’t slow. It took around half a day from the inner city to Mercenary Town but it could only pull five people at a time.

They went with the students who were tested later. Combined with the first batch of students who were tested, there were a total of 188 delayed spiritual elementalists.

Deputy Dean Chris’ expression was extremely ugly when she finally got this data.

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Su Ye actually felt shocked. 188 students were detected over just four age groups. Behind them were the younger students aged between 5 and 14.

It was hard to imagine how many spiritual elementalists in the empire would’ve been lost without Su Lin’s brave struggle and His Majesty’s wisdom.

Gu Lie took away a total of 65 students and there were 123 left. It would take 25 interstellar beast carriages to bring them all to Mercenary Town. It was very difficult to organize so many carriages in a short period of time.

Fortunately, His Majesty might’ve stipulated that they needed to think of their own method but he didn’t restrict them or say they couldn’t ask others for help.

Deputy Dean Chris helped them. It was just that it was the emperor’s test so she didn’t completely pave the way for them. She just gave them the contact information.

Su Ye mobilized his teammates to find all the vehicles. Everyone was racing for time, including the students who were only detected later.

They had all watched the video of the emperor’s speech. They were a group of 15 to 16 year old children. They were originally in a desperate mood but they became full of enthusiasm after watching the video.

They were going to Mercenary Town! Going to work for His Majesty!

The journey was full of dust and dirt but they were full of hope. However, they saw the sky becoming darker and everyone’s mood became more nervous and anxious.

They had to reach Mercenary Town before the sun set! Would they really make it in time?


Su Ye glanced at the time and said, “Gu Lie and the others set off earlier than us. They should’ve arrived by now.”

“Captain, do you think that after Gu Lie and the others arrive, they will send the floating car back to pick us up?” At this time, a girl whispered.

Su Ye paused. Due to the dispute over who would be captain, the relationship between him and Gu Lie was a bit strained. He couldn’t be certain if Gu Lie would consider the overall situation…

Just then, there was a loud noise from the front of the team and the train of carriages slowly stopped.

Su Ye frowned. “What’s going on up front?”

He was responsible for completing the last stage of the work and was in the last carriage. He didn’t know what was happening at the front of the train.

Once the speed of the carriage dropped to a certain extent, Su Ye comforted the other students. Then he quickly jumped out of the carriage and ran to the front of the train.

He had half a star of strength and he usually exercised very hard. His speed was much faster than ordinary people. Soon, he was at the front of the train.

“Reid, what happened?” He asked the student in charge of the front while observing the surroundings.

Reid was a brown-haired teenager with a few freckles on his face. He looked ordinary but he had a very sharp mind. He saw Su Ye and quickly pointed in front of him. “Su Ye, look over there. It seems to be Gu Lie’s floating car!”

Su Ye saw it as well. He thought it was Gu Lie and the others who arrived in town and drove back to pick them up.

Then as the carriages approached slowly, they found that the floating car was parked on the side of the road. There were no students in the car. Only the driver was crouched on the side of the road, smoking.

Su Ye frowned, jumped out of the carriage and walked over to ask the driver about the situation.

He was wearing the uniform of the Elementalist Academy and the driver recognized it. The driver didn’t dare ignore him and quickly answered, “We ran out of energy halfway. Master Gu’s group couldn’t wait and they started walking. If you continue to move forward, you should be able to catch up with them.”

Su Ye couldn’t help being stunned. Running out of energy halfway? His expression was a bit ugly as he returned to the carriage and had the carriage catch up quickly.

His Majesty said that no one could be missing!

First, let’s not talk about whether they could arrive on time or not. If something happened to these students on the road then he would bear the responsibility!

These people, especially Gu Lie’s team, were noble young men and women. Many of them might not even walk through the inner city, let alone out of the city.

Combined with the impulsive Gu Lie and Su Ye wasn’t sure if the students could be safely sent to Mercenary Town.

“Master, hurry up. We must get there before sunset.”

Su Ye looked anxious as he urged the driver.

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The carriage driver waved his whip and spoke leisurely, “Don’t worry, Young Master. I will definitely deliver you before sunset. We have traveled back and forth on this road for over a decade. We are very experienced.”

Su Ye didn’t speak. He knew that these masters were experienced but they didn’t know there would be 65 more people later!

They only had 25 carriages which meant that each carriage needed to have 2 or 3 people added. Such an overload would definitely reduce the speed of the carriage. He could only pray that Gu Lie had arrived safely in town or they would be in trouble.

Hidden in the sky, Xu Sili also found this problem. He could see further than Su Ye and the others. In addition, there was the favorability system and he could see that in a place now too far away from Su Ye was a group of die-hard fan labels. In his eyes, it was particularly striking.

Xu Sili watched this scene with interest. He saw the difference between the two students with one glance.

The floating car and the interstellar beast carriages meant he could distinguish the existence of the two classes with one glance. He really didn’t want to see this difference.

Due to Niya, he discovered that some of the nobles’ bias toward commoners was very deep. The innate concept of nobility even overcame Niya’s sense of responsibility toward patients as a doctor, making him very uncomfortable. In the eyes of a doctor, there shouldn’t even be the concept of gender, let alone class.

Xu Sili didn’t want this class concept to be brought to the students, especially among the young elemental apprentices.

He said that they were a whole. If the stinky problems of nobles and civilians dared to be brought into the team and corrupt the whole atmosphere, Xu Sili wouldn’t spare them.

It would be very troublesome for him if the students were late since he gave a firm order. There couldn’t be one less person. If one was missing then they were all gone.

However, if these students didn’t experience any setbacks on the way then it wouldn’t fit his purpose of setting this task.

Perhaps in the midst of the ordeal, they would be able to enhance their relationships with each other? Wasn’t this a good opportunity?

At the same time, it was also a test of the ability of the two captains. If the two captains only had strength and no leadership then he was sorry. He would have to let the more capable take their place.

“Si Sheng, do you think they can reach Mercenary Town on time?” Xu Sili looked at the carriage team that was gradually approaching the walking team in front and couldn’t help asking.

Si Sheng glanced down and nodded. “Yes.”

“Hmm? You believe in them so much?”

“In terms of distance, there should be no problems as long as they don’t drop the ball.”

Xu Sili smiled and looked down. As they were speaking, the two groups of students had met. He could see Gu Lie’s trademark red hair as he met the black-haired Su Ye. The two people didn’t get along very well…

Xu Sili touched his chin. “Okay. In any case, there is Li Zhecheng guarding them. We won’t keep watching.”

It didn’t make sense for him to personally protect this group of students as the emperor. They might be his subjects in the future.

“This is the first test for them. It is completely up to them, no matter whether they can complete it or not. Let’s go to Mercenary Town first.”

Xu Sili had no interest in continuing to watch.

The shadow leopard heard this and roared toward the sky, full of momentum. Then halfway through the roar, he suddenly got stuck. No, he couldn’t roar in case he was heard by the students below…

He listened carefully to the movement on his lower back. He didn’t hear the little emperor or his master saying anything and was secretly relieved.

The shadow leopard flapped his wings and sped up to reach Mercenary Town. It was fast and there were no obstructions in the air.

The journey was smooth and in a short time, they reached the gate of the small town. At Xu Sili’s request, the shadow leopard leaned down and finally landed in front of the small town.

Here, Xu Sili unexpectedly saw Niya.

Most of the victims affected by the three star interstellar beast’s rampage were placed in the open space outside the town. Temporary tents were set up as they waited for the town to rebuild before moving back.

At this time, the disaster relief area that was originally quiet and even a bit silent, suddenly became noisy.

“Everybody, listen up! The emperor didn’t only send elementalists to rebuild the town. He also sent a royal water healer to treat the wounded. The water healer has arrived.”

“Everybody is saved!”

A figure raised a loudspeaker and shouted to the thousands of wounded lying in the disaster relief area.

The moment he finished speaking, those who could walk dragged their injured bodies out of the tents one by one. They watched the old mayor shouting with a loudspeaker and exchanged looks.

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An old woman who was hunched over walked to the old mayor on a cane. She asked in a trembling voice, “Mayor, are your words true? There is really a water healer who is coming to save us?”

“It is really true!” 

The old man shouted loudly to ensure that everyone could hear him. Currently, he was flushed with excitement and he didn’t look as stable as usual.

“Look, that is the water master’s tent. It will be set up soon!”

The mayor told the old woman with joy.

“I know that your son is from the Fire Mercenary Corps. Last time, he fought against the three star interstellar beast and was seriously injured. Now he can be saved!”

During the rampage of the three star beast, no one was killed but many were injured.

There were no serious injuries but some of them lasted a long time and were very troublesome.

For example, the son of this old woman. One of his legs was frozen by the beast. It might’ve been thawed but he had fallen unconscious and it was now in danger of amputation.

Amputation was absolutely deadly for a mercenary who needed to fight on the front lines.

Moreover, he wouldn’t be able to live like a normal person in the future. He might no longer be competent for some jobs.

This was a bad blow for a family that wasn’t wealthy. It could even be described as an extremely heavy blow.

Now the emperor wasn’t just taking care of their homes. He also understood the suffering of the wounded and sent a royal water healer over!

A water healer! The legendary water healer who was capable of making life from the bones of the dead! A water healer who could grab people from the hands of death!

Many of them had never seen an elementalist in their lives, let alone an elementalist with a very high status like a water healer.

The old mayor felt like the last few days were a dream.

“I heard that this royal water healer is the most powerful in the empire and her healing skills are famous throughout the nation!”

“Now she is coming here to Mercenary Town!”

“This is all thanks to His Majesty who saw our suffering and was compassionate to us!”

The old woman heard the mayor’s words and burst into tears.

She stared at the old mayor and said, “His Majesty… His Majesty is really a benevolent ruler! I will go back now and tell my son the good news. He will definitely be happy.”

Then she walked back on her cane.

The old mayor didn’t stop. He continued to yell at the people who walked out of the tent one after another. “For all the wounded, let the seriously injured come first. The less injured will come later. Everyone, line up!”

“Everyone has a chance. Don’t crowd!”

“Only those who cooperate with the work arrangements can get good treatment!”

The wounded were very aware.

A large number of them were mercenaries and they often worked in teams. They had been in the army before and understood the importance of obeying orders.

The originally lifeless disaster area was rejuvenated and noise rang out again.

Once Niya’s tent was set up, she walked into the tent dressed in a long white dress and a hooded cloak, surrounded by maids and guards.

Then under the organization of the old town mayor and a group of soldiers, the wounded lined up one by one to enter Niya’s tent and receive treatment.

It was obviously almost evening but Mercenary Town was full of enthusiasm and hope.

Xu Sili looked at this scene from a distance and then at the light screen in front of him. The notifications that he had new die-hard fans appeared on the screen again.


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