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"Um, thank you very much..."

Yuu's face was flushed red as Felicia gave him a cup of tea. He couldn't help but feel nervous around her yet he didn't know why.

Was it the fact that she looked like the young lady of an affluent Japanese family? Was it the fact that he had an actual maid serving him?

He asked to not have any maids serve him because he was a bit shy and he thought it would be a bit awkward. Was it her gentle eyes? Her kind and soothing voice? Whichever it was, Yuu couldn't sit still.

"Hmm? Do you have a fever? Your face is quite red... Do you need me to check your temperature?"

Felicia brought her hand closer to Yuu's forehead. He quickly waved his hands in a flush and drank his tea to cover up his embarrassment.

"No! It's fine..."

When Cole brought Igor out to the living room, he could see Felicia seducing Yuu bit by bit. She seemed to have a lot of fun doing so. Cole could imagine her laughing hysterically inside.

But Cole didn't feel threatened at all by her actions. Because for some reason, his gut was telling him that she was aiming for the hero's party members. Eh, why? Cole had a feeling that rather than playing around with men, Felicia did it with women instead.

Reason why? That answer to that would be simple, the scene that played right after.

"HM? Little princess, why aren't you drinking your tea? Is it not to your taste?"

Felicia asked with a concerned tone. The person she was talking to this time was the girl dressed in pure white priest robes. It's a miracle as to how there wasn't a single speck of dirt on the thing.

She didn't have a good impression of Felicia. It looked like she was seducing Yuu on purpose. None of the girls liked that fact since they hadn't reached the point where 'as long as it's for the person we love, it's fine for us to get hurt' in the plotline yet.

"...It's a bit of a shame. You have such a beautiful face yet you're not smiling..."

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"I'm sure if you did, Gods would fall for you."


Miss priest averted her gaze from Felicia. Her cheeks started turning rosy pink and she started fidgeting her fingers together. Receiving such a comment was a first. As in, one of such... how to describe it... Ah, bullshitter-- I mean, intense flattery!

Felicia was about to smoothly shoot out another follow up to make her heart meter for her rise, even more, when a steely hand had descended towards her head.

"Karate Chop."

"GUH! Ow! That was mean, Cole!"

"Don't turn underage girls into your fans."
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"I'm not. I'm raising their affection for me."

She raised a finger and said as if they were two completely different things.

"I'm sorry about that. Are you okay?"

"U-Uh... Yes..."

Cole flashed a princely smile. With his good looks, miss priest's face instantly reddened up like a tomato. And like Yuu, miss priest girl could only sip her tea to hide her embarrassment. Felicia stared at Cole's actions, not with jealous eyes but with ones that shone with a competitive spirit.

"I see... So, it's a contest!"

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"No, it's not."

Cole was starting to wonder if it was already too late to retract his request for Felicia. Well, he wouldn't actually do so but he felt that he needed to add a few more rules. Or else is body might be in legitimate danger.

The more Cole's gaze lingered on her, the clearer the fox ears and fox tail on her person became. Maybe she was a fox temptress in her past life.

'Now that I think about it, she did the same with Zhujiao. Wait, where is the dude?'

Cole didn't see him at the front door when he came back so he secretly thought that maybe he escaped or something or went at the back to train. He could care less. Cole introduced Igor to the hero party as his fellow half-countryman who like sleeping in the lab sometimes because it's nice and warm.

After that, he went to go get Eva who had instantly gone to her room the moment she came back home.

*knock* *knock*

"Eva? I'm coming in."

"Ah, Papa."


She was on her bed holding a book with the title <Alchemy and Nonsense for Dummies>. For once, Cole actually recognized that book. He prioritized the more useful ones in the library and decided that he would read the... uh... More questionable ones some other time if he was bored or needed something to keep him occupied.

As for what Eva was doing with her other hand, she was using it to muffle Libra's face through using a pillow.

'Ah, yes. That is another way to weaponize a pillow. Using it to suffocate someone.'

〔Shouldn't that be somewhat concerning?〕

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'Hm? Why do you say so?'

〔I don't think a normal five-year-old is supposed to be doing that.〕

'Steward, it's understandable that you think that way since you only came to existence when I was fourteen. But I mastered the art of frying pan bashing when I was five so I think this is quite normal.'

Steward paused at Cole's statement. It was indeed so and Cole did have such a childhood. He let it slide and went back to his job of recovering memories that felt like it would continue on for all eternity.

"Eva, you should adjust the position of your hand a bit if you want to kill him but other than that, what are you doing?"

〔I don't think that's what you're supposed to be saying!〕

'Shut up.'

Eva let out a sound of realization and tried adjusting her hand a bit but quickly stopped. She then went back to her book.

「Haa... Haa... Master... That was mean... I could've died!」

"Lies. Not only are you just a mass made out of Mana, but there's also no way a five-year-old child could kill you with their puny amount of strength. Well, unless that child was me."

With Cole's matter-of-fact statement, Libra could only put and sulk in the corner of the room. He let the spirit be. His mood was very fickle and could easily be changed with a small push of the scales.

"Eva, what are you reading about?"


She pointed her finger to the title of the page she was on. It read <Nonsense: Crawly> The page before it had <Nonsense: Pillows>. I guess that explained her actions.

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"What kind of nonsense? Please, do tell."

Eva blinked at her Papa's request. She hadn't expected this action. She held the book close to her chest but after a few moments of hesitation, she started happily reciting what she was reading.

As Cole saw Eva's radiant smile, it got him thinking. She was a very cute child. Her silver bangs were cut straight like Felicia's and was braided at one side. Her cheeks were chubby and had a bit of a rosy tint to them. The only thing of any concern would be the fact that she looked a bit pale.

Cole just thought that she was taking after either him or Felicia since both of them shared the same complexion. She was expressionless most of the time, something she got from Cole but she smiled a lot more in comparison to him.

He was a bit scared. Despite her being so young, she already shared so many similarities with him. Cole didn't have a lot of hopes for her.

It wasn't that he had low expectations or anything. It was just that his only wanted for her to grow up properly. He wanted her to be raised with a lot of love and care. And his only wish for her was that she wouldn't turn out like him.

And then he remembered the reason as to why she hadn't even come into this world in the first place.

'It was because I didn't feel loved.'

As he thought of that, maybe Eva was Felicia's wish for herself. Maybe they held the same hopes for her. If only their circumstances were a bit more normal it wouldn't hurt so much.

'No, it would hurt even more. Because then I'll start feeling that I stole someone's happiness.'

He grimaced and his eyes grew darker. He was growing empathetic again. Cole clenched his fists and cooled his head. Wishes were something he shouldn't think of, he hadn't thought of them as a child so why would he start now?

"...And then you have to get some spider's leg... Papa?

"Hm? Ah, sorry. I got lost in thought for a bit."

He gave a small smile. He closed his eyes and had them turn into crescents, hiding the inner turmoil inside.

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