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Cole was currently outside. It had been a week since the events of the previous chapter and things should have been mostly settled. He now had something new to focus on.

He was to meet Igor's boss.

He was going to bring Eva along with him as well and have Libra teach Zhujiao English while he was gone since it would just be troublesome to keep having to return to just check-up on him. All he had to say that Zhujiao was surprisingly a quick learner so he didn't have many worries.

The only thing he would have to be worried about was that he hadn't scheduled an appointment with the man. He's heard from Igor that his boss was the kind of person that liked following the order of things, a bit like Cole.

As much as Cole would like to schedule one, he decided that he would rather not waste time. It would also allow him to have a splendid view of the man's reactions.

"Hey, are we gonna go or what?"

"Patience is a virtue, Igor."

Igor had come out along with Felicia who had a sleeping Eva in her arms. It was the afternoon and she took a few naps here and then. Meanwhile, Steward rolled his eyes inside of Cole's mind because he was the one who didn't want to waste time.

"It's not like it'll take us long to get there."

Just as Igor was about to recount about how long it took him to cross the bloody mountain range, Felicia opened up a portal. Her face was telling him to go eat shit.


Igor promptly closed his slacked jaw and decided to prepare himself for any future groundbreaking happenings.



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Unsure of the exact country, a gorgeous estate could be found. With a giant mansion as the main house and a few houses that paled in comparison to the main could be found.

Iron fence gates surrounded it and while it may appear that it would be a simple matter to get across, it was in no way so. Cameras were planted in all sorts of places and guards were stationed in corners you would never guess.

It belonged to the Reznikov family and was its current owner was Mikhail Reznikov.

Mikhail Reznikov was a powerful man. On the outside, he part of the great Reznikov family that had pioneered the ESP item industry. He had connections, wealth, and a beautiful family. He was the model of a man that everyone yearned to be no matter how impossible or unlikely.

The family had greatly boosted Russia's reputation as a whole and did wonders for its economy. But what was underneath that perfect facade?

The Reznikov family was deeply rooted in dangerous deals. You couldn't really call it a mafia or organized crime since their dealings dealt with confidential information. That's what made their job dangerous.

Drug trade routes, government official scandals, murderers and possible arsonists. The group found and outsourced information about and for such individuals and more!

But that is not our focus for today.

In one of the numerous halls of the main mansion, Mikhail could be seen walking on the cold, white marble flooring. Despite already having a newly borne grandchild, he still looked as dashing as ever and didn't appear a single day over forty at the latest.

Silver hair and blue eyes covered by his black-framed glasses. He looked like the father of some half-Russian child in an anime.

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The sound of his heels clicking against the floor was the only thing that resounded out in the lonely halls. Through the windows, you could see the glow of the sun gently caressing the green leaves of the trees outside. The soft chirping of birds also eventually came to accompany his footsteps.

Mikhail smiled at such a soothing atmosphere.

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Unfortunately, it soon came to an end. He had reached his destination, his office. His smile was wiped off his face and it went back to its usual stern expression.


The dark oak wooden door made a small creak as he opened it, revealing the room inside.

His office was a far cry from the tranquil mood just a while ago. Dark, and quite moody. You would feel tense from just sitting there even if there was no one together with you.

Mikhail closed the door behind him and took his usual seat by his desk. He brought out a laptop in one of the desk's drawers and a series of folders from another. He picked up his pen and started to get to work.

But not even five minutes passed when he felt something off. His eyes darted across the room and his pen stopped.

He silently stood up from his chair and then jumped over his desk to send a swing towards empty air. But just before his fist reached its target, a portal opened up and a hand intercepted it.

The person who had appeared from the portal was a young man that was probably in his early twenties.

Silver hair much like his own and pure black eyes that shined like a black diamond. But his pupils were strange, they were in the shape of a power button. He had black frames attached to the sides of his face and another notable feature would probably be a handsome face.

Mikhail took in as much information he could using his eyes. He had to make up a plan on how to deal with the strange person who had somehow been able to infiltrate his mansion. To do that, he needed to answer the most important questions on his list.

Question 1: How did this man get here and...

Question 2: Who is he to have been able to do so?

Those were the ones he decided to prioritize for now. He had alot of guesses but there was one thing he was absolutely confident about.

'One thing's for sure, he's probably not from this Zone...'

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The portal behind him quickly closed and Mikhail didn't get the chance to see what was on the other side due to the man blocking his sight.


The mystery man released his hand and Mikhail quickly jumped away. The man rubbed the palm of his hand slightly and smiled.

"〈Nice skills, old man〉"

Mikhail didn't expect the man to know Russian but it put a smile on him as well. It looked like he would be able to have a nice chat with the man during, and well after the fight.

"〈I could say the same thing to you, brat〉"

Mikhail removed his spectacles and tucked them into his suit pocket. His glasses had become a bit foggy so it was only now that you could see his ice-blue eyes. They were just like the object they were the colour. Beautiful, clear, and...

Very dangerous.


Without warning, dozens of ice spikes sprang from the floor starting at Mikhail's foot. But a second later, the ice was broken apart into numerous little pieces.

The ice that had hindered the man's vision was now destroyed, but the source of it, Mikhail was nowhere to be found. The only trace he left behind was the opened door.

'So that's how we're going to play...'

Cole smiled, his eyes carrying a spark in them. It seemed that today's match would be quite exciting. Cole cast〔Devour〕on the remaining spikes and calmly walked out the doorway.

He had a rat to catch today.

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