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Inside the meeting room, besides Lucille and Clyde were all the Department Heads oF〈S.T.E.L.L.A〉all gathered in the single room. This included the Department hadn't even seen or had a chance to

meet with due to them being busy.

"We've finally arrived at this point..."

Clyde said to himself as he hid in the shadows. For years, they had been carefully laying down the groundwork for this project while trying to maintain the delicate balance between Zones.

Everyone exchanged a few pleasantries before Lucille asked her first question.

"How were the people in the〈Fantasia Zone〉, Amara, Theo?"

"The situation, in general, was stable."

"However,〈S.T.E.L.L.A〉is feared as a mysterious power. I've heard it's the same in the other Zones and it used to be fine since that was our intention but..."

"Yes, we'll probably have to change that now."

Lucille directed her question to Aquarius and Leo. Aquarius's real name was Amara Etienam. She had cyan-coloured hair and magenta eyes. She was a dark-skinned beauty and unlike the modern wear everyone else was wearing, her clothes looked a bit more tribal.

Her appearance embodied the Spirit that she had made a contract with. Although, such a fact was probably coincidental.

Theo was Leo's older brother. He had the same ruggedly-shaped face and had his golden hair combed back like and then tied into a ponytail. It felt a bit like Leo was slightly imitating his brother. He was definitely over 180 cm tall and had broad shoulders.

He had a bit of stubble on his chin and while Leo would give a soft and warm atmosphere when you talked with him, Theo's gaze made you feel like you were stepping on hot coals barefoot.

"So, Gemini. As our PR heads, please think up of a plan to increase〈S.T.E.L.L.A〉's reputation to the masses."

Lucille then set a beaming smile towards the twins. They jumped a bit but then became a bit excited.

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"That means we're finally making our existence properly known?"

"Yes, isn't that wonderful?"

Lucille clapped her hands in a joyful manner that made everyone feel like suddenly celebrating. But she had one more thing for the twins to do.

"By the way, when the meeting is over please make sure to inform Cole of these changes."

"Eh, Cole?"


Not just the twins but all the Department Heads perked their heads in confusion. All they knew at this point was that he left. As for the ones that didn't even have a chance to meet him, all they knew was that the new Libra Head had left as quickly as he joined.

It was also a period where they felt that the overall work balance and management of the company had improved for some reason.

Lucille put a finger to her cheek and pondered over how to say the news.

"Let's say he's now responsible for a... 'special' division."

"As you know, he works quite fast."

"It's only been a week and yet he's already laid down the proper framework for it."

"Is it an information agency?"

It was Pisces, Alfred Quincy who raised the question. The Pisces Department was mostly for research purposes and included weapon research as well. But because it was somewhat all-rounded, Virgo, Mira who served as the head of the Medicine and Health Department often went to him to exchange notes.

"Well, he's going to partially turn it into one."

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"But I'm surprised you said 'agency', instead of division. Little Alfred."

Alfred's face worsened. He was the youngest and newest out of the Heads so he was actually picked on quite a lot.

"I miss the times when I was called Pisces... Maybe we should bring Cole back."

"Zuben, Eschamli."


"Make sure to start preparing for a shift of employees. Libra's going to be split even more. Have a fun time drafting up laws."

"I will not fail you."

"I will definitely do better work than this woman."

Both of them had originally studied law and had made sure to learn of the other Zones history in their laws. That way, they could learn from their mistakes and adapt them to the needs of the〈Neutral Zone〉.

"So, although you say that. There's no way we can pick one person out of here to be a supreme president can we?"

It was Aries who said that. Rory Konrad. She seemed to be very doubtful of the entire plan although she did wish for the〈Neutral Zone〉to become its own independent country.

If it were, it would be easier to let in people from other Zones as 'tourists'. They could start doing an open money exchange which would be great if the〈Neutral Zone〉's economy was strong. And yes, Rory was a very greedy bitch if you didn't know that already. At least she had morals and wouldn't do anything that anybody found distasteful.

It would be meaningless if she was rich but had no one to make more money for her. And because it's not like she could use her money if she was jailed.

"Yes, and I'm too busy handling the〈Demon Realm〉here."

Lucille put on a pitiful face as she thought of all the work has piled up.

"That's why you'll be a council."

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"That's why you guys will be split."

"Into those who will manage the country and〈S.T.E.L.L.A〉"

"Can't we just find other candidates?"

"The trust and reputation we've built in〈S.T.E.L.L.A〉is going to be a lot of pressure for a newcomer though."

"But managing a country and a company are both difficult and serious things that could be vastly different."

"Now, for our next major issue."

"The〈Avant Zone〉."
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"If it weren't for us, they probably would've already started conquering the〈Neutral Zone〉and find out how to get past the barriers of the others."

"What do you expect. They're a highly advanced civilization that could even traverse the stars."

"It's what allows the〈Avant Zone〉 to exist beyond this planet."

"We were able to somehow reach an agreement but we all know that it won't last for long."

"They're curious little bastards. Thinking that they're super smart and can do anything just because they can."

"Well, they are. And while not everything, you can't ignore the fact that since they were able to reach such a technological checkpoint, it means they didn't make the same mistakes as your previous world."

"Isn't that great? Gemi, Mini."

The focus was shifted back to the twins. This was the reason why they weren't considered the youngest. It was due to their past lives and experiences.

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The two of them shared glances with each other and both of them lowered their heads. Their past life was something they loved and despaired over at the same time. It was complicated. The expressions on their faces worsened slightly but it just looked like they were bored or annoyed.

"I guess so."

"It's for the best."

They continued their discussion and talked about the particulars of their plan. It went on for quite some time until Lucille finally adjourned the meeting. Everyone left the meeting room and had gone back to 〈S.T.E.L.L.A〉's base or went home.

But only Rory stayed behind, she felt like saying something to Lucille. The expected respondent silently waited for her talk with a patient smile. It had been quite some time since they had the chance like now to chat.

"Hey, Lucille."

"What, Rory? You aren't leaving yet?"

"I am but..."

Rory's face had formed into a smile. It was so sincere that it would make a person feel guilty if faced with such a smile. You could only feel the happiness genuinely coming from within.

"You kept your promise."

Rory raised her head and looked straight into Lucille's eyes. She remembered the day they first met and the promise Lucille had made to her. At the time, she thought she was just a madwoman spouting out nonsense but now...

"Of course. Promises are an important thing here if you didn't know."

Lucille responded with a smile of her own. That's why she would always keep every single promise she made. Whether it be with a human, an elf, a dwarf, a dragon and all the way to a God. It was somewhat of a curse. The kind of curse that couldn't be lifted. So whatever promise she made, she would keep it.

No matter how dangerous or questionable.

She didn't have a choice.

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