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"Now open a portal or I won't take off my shirt the next time we go near water."

She looked like a child that was told they didn't get to eat cookies if they didn't clean up after themselves or some other chore.

"Grumble grumble grumble..."

"Saying 'grumble' isn't going to help your case."

Cole's words struck Felicia like an arrow. But she still kept her pouty face on to openly show her dissatisfaction.

'...Should I just... Nah, it won't be good for Eva.'

"And I know you probably know the coordinates to the sea separating the〈Neutral Zone〉and〈Avant Zone〉"

Another arrow had found it's way to Felicia. She went back to crouching down on the ground and saying the word 'grumble' out loud.

"...Grumble grumble grumble..."

Eva came down already having changed clothes and saw Felicia's unwillingness to cooperate. She thought of something she could do and walked over to her. Felicia felt Eva's hand tugging her skirt so she bent down so she could listen to what she had to say.

Whatever Eva had said, it seemed to have convinced Felicia. They exchanged thumbs-up and Felicia opened a portal to the sea while giving a salute.








When Eva stepped onto the white sand of the beach, her mind went empty. The soft melody of the calm waves, the gentle touch of the sea breeze and the limitless horizon stretching across the sea mesmerized her.

She couldn't say anything. Eva felt like she would ruin the landscape just by being there, much less speaking.

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Cole watched Eva stay like that for a few minutes. Eventually, her legs gave out and she slumped down on the sandy beach. It could've been because she was tired of standing or maybe something she had thought of made her lose strength.

Cole started to wonder. What exactly went through Eva's mind at her young age? A girl her age would usually ask for candy, sweets, the props needed to look like a princess, fairy, mermaid and many others.

But there was nothing like that from her. She would lock herself up in the library and read. She would read books that would be a bit difficult for her age.

Cole had considered the possibility that it might be normal for Mechanica children. Unfortunately, there weren't many books on that particular subject. He sat down beside Eva and watched the sea together with her.

Silence fell over the two of them but it was a very peaceful one.

"...Hey, Papa."

"What is it?"

Cole immediately gave Eva a response. He had the feeling that she was about to say something important. He shifted his eyes slightly to get a look at her face. Her eyes looked nothing like that of a five-year-old who should barely know anything of the world.

"I feel..."

Eva paused. She wasn't exactly sure how to word her sentences. And if she actually was able to say what she was thinking, she might come off as weird.

"...There are a lot of things I shouldn't understand yet I already do."

"I get the feeling I shouldn't be able to talk like this yet I am."

"I have thoughts that I shouldn't be acting like this sometimes yet I do."

Eva curled herself up and did the same with her fists. Silence descended upon the two again. But this time, it was somewhat sorrowful and quickly got washed away by the sounds of the waves. Cole didn't try to say anything yet because he knew she still had something to say.


There was a long pause in between. Eva wasn't sure if she should really ask her question. She was afraid that it would just confirm the fear she had been feeling all this time.

"Am I weird?"

Eva had lifted her head and stared into Cole's eyes. Her sad face could be seen reflected in Cole's eyes but they stayed void of emotion. Cole moved his gaze to the sea and thought for a bit.


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He then raised his head to look at the sky. Cole found it a bit funny about the fact that the sky near blended seamlessly with the dull-coloured sea. Maybe if the sea stayed completely still, his eyes would be fooled into thinking they were just one thing.

"Everyone is weird, including me."


"And yet at the same time, everyone is normal."
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Eva didn't get it. If one person was different from the others, they were commonly isolated and left behind by the people who were apparently 'normal'.

This was just one of the things she had learnt by toiling away in the library. Maybe she would have become a total machine by the time Cole had come into her life if Felicia wasn't by her side during those times.

"It's fine if you don't understand right now. You're not even supposed to have these kinds of questions yet. For now, just enjoy life and leave those questions for another time, okay?"

Eva nodded her head. She didn't like the feeling of not understanding something. But she felt that this time, it was okay to find out the answer later. Eva felt like she could trust Cole's words and she'll understand these things one day.

"Hey, Papa."


Cole noticed that Eva looked better than earlier. It wasn't as if a burden had been lifted off her shoulders but more like it was lightened ever so slightly.

"When we come back..."

She fiddled

"Can you... lift Felicia's punishment?"


"I can't do that but I can shorten it."

Cole ruffled Eva's hair as it was gently blown away by the sea's breeze.

"Ah! It's cold!"

Eva suddenly stood up and started running closer to the shallow parts of the water.

"Hey, Eva."

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She stood up and ran after the fleeting wind and the shallow waters. Eva started playing by herself by splashing bits of the water and feeling their temperature. It may be completely unrelated to what Eva was thinking or doing right now, but Cole couldn't help but ask her.

"You really do love Felicia don't you?"


It was an immediate response with not a single bit of hesitation. Cole was glad to know that. It meant that there was a person she could rely on.

"Even more than Papa?"

"Eh? Uh..."

Eva started fidgeting. She didn't want to hurt Cole's feelings but at the same time, she didn't want to lie. Seeing that, Cole wanted her to know that it was fine for her to be honest.

"It's fine to tell me what you really think."


Eva went back to her previous spot on the sandy beach and sat down again.

"She's always been there for me after all..."

The smile Eva had on changed. It didn't contain her boundless energy nor was it her occasional disappointment in the world.

It was just an innocent smile.

"Is that why you want to be able to call her 'Mama'?"


She seemed to be a bit embarrassed over the fact and hid her head in her arms.

"Eva, I'd be happy to grant that wish but..."

Cole's tone shifted a bit. It felt serious but it was mixed with a bit of regret. He put his hand on Eva's back which made her look at Cole's face.

"That's going to take a lot of time."

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A questioning look popped up on Eva's face. She wondered why that was the case. Was it that hard? Her knowledge of marriage was actually in line with her age for once. It was that you married a person if you 'liked/loved' them or if you wanted a happy end.

"It's going to take a lot of effort on Felicia's part and... A lot more on mine..."

Cole's words trailed off at the end. He knew that a lot of people he had met during his time so far in this world were mostly good people, at least on the surface. It was exactly because of that fact that he felt so suspicious everyone.

The only people he wouldn't feel suspicious about would be children aged at most 7 to 8.

"I'm sorry I'm not able to grant your wishes. It's not your problem. If you wait I promise it'll come true one day."

Cole extended out his hand to Eva and propped up his pinky finger. Luckily for him, Eva already knew about a pinky promise and gladly hooked hers with his. The two of them shared smiles with each other and continued the calm scenery of the sea.

〔...Uh, Cole?〕

'What, Steward? Come to ruin the moment?'

〔Sort of. But you know the alerts you get about〔Good Luck, Bad Luck〕?〕


〔Well, all those pop-ups and notifications are provided to you by me if I see that it's something worth your attention. The data you get from〔Analyze〕is actually based off of your knowledge of the subject you're analyzing.〕

'I suspected such so how does this relate to〔Good Luck, Bad Luck〕?'

〔Well... It actually activated multiple times already in the past in minor instances but... Um...〕

'Let me guess, it's been activating non-stop and Eva's probably going to get in danger in a bit.'




Cole let out a sigh. Eva tilted her head, ruminating what was the reason behind her father's sudden... disappointment? She would know in about 30 seconds to a few minutes.

It was time for another fight.

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