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Eva sat up and stared at the boy in front of her.

He was wearing clothing seemingly straight out of Alice in Wonderland, had black hair, red eyes and a pair of slightly pointed ears.

He had pale skin and seemed to be older than her by at least 2 years.

"I asked who are you. Did you not hear?"

The boy came back to his senses and opened his mouth to speak, revealing his pearly white teeth and small canines.

"I am Braith Von Blitzkrieg, you are?"

He then postured himself to look elegant and charming and put a hand to his chest while offering the other to Eva.

He also flashed a beautiful smile that would knock any woman off their feet for its charm despite his young face.

"I-I'm Evangeline Steward.. Nice to meet you..."

She didn't stutter due to his charm, but did so because she felt creeped out because of the fakeness of his smile.

'I want to go home...'






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Walking down the hallways of a certain castle that certain people still don't know the name to, was our protagonist, Cole.

He was in search of his daughter, Eva, whilst being lost in his own thoughts. He was stuck on the fact that his mother was mentioned from Lucille's mouth.

He had wondered what exactly was the contract Lucille spoke of was about and why did his mother agree to it.


He stopped walking and peered down at the castle's carpet covered floor.

'Cole, it's time for lunch!'

'Cole, Dad's coming home!'

'Cole! Why are you crying? Does it hurt anywhere?'

He didn't know why, but he started reminiscing about his mother's sweet voice and her worried face.

The smile she made when his father would come home, the happy tone she would have when they were going to eat, the way she would bawl her eyes out if Cole got hurt.

Cole loved and treasured his mother and the times he spent with her but...

'She was such a stupid woman. Only caring for others while foregoing her own well-being.'

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After having that thought, he lifted his face and continued his walk down the hallway.

"〈Reader (Foresight)〉"

He then activated the skill he had used earlier and used it read the entire castle's future.

Once again, Cole's eyes shone like a rainbow with numerous different images passing through them.

And like before, this lasted for only a few seconds before his eyes turned back into their regular black.

"Ugh... It still hurts."

Cole groaned at the headache that came with using the skill and clutched his head.

He ran over what he saw in those images and was acting pretty normal until a certain image came up in his mind.

'What the...'

His face darkened and he forgot about the pain stirring in his head and immediately dashed out into a sprint, the direction he was headed towards to?

The western part of the castle.





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"So you're a Mechanica? I think I overheard my father talk about such a race l, but this is my first time seeing them."


Back at Rose Garden, we had our Eva sitting cross-legged on the floor of the dome and luckily not the thorny rose bed.

Braith was continuously moving around her in circles observing her despite her obvious discomfort.

"May you please stop now?"

Eva asked with displeasure oozing out in her tone.

Fortunately, Braith got the signal and stopped. He then sat right in front of her with a pondering expression on his face.

"But it's weird..."

"What is?"

"Why is a Mechanica like you in a place like the〈Demon Realm〉?"

"The 〈Demon Realm〉?"

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"You don't know?"

Looking at the clueless expression on Eva's face, Braith saw that she truly did wasn't aware of where she was right now.

Thus, taking it upon himself to teach her, Braith kindly explained what kind of place the〈Demon Realm〉was.

"The〈Demon Realm〉is a realm connected to the〈Mid Realm〉via passages called〈Gates〉."

"It is filled with people belonging to the kingdom Demonia and has many different kinds of species and races belonging to the kingdom."

"Like you, for example?'

Braith, seeing that his new student was able to catch on quickly, put on a genuine smile on his face.

"Yes. I am of the Vampire species and my race is a mix between a Crimson Sunset Vampire and an Imperial Lightning Dragon."

"The common traits of a vampire would be their pointed ears, pale skin and their likelihood of getting a blood-related〈Spirit Mark〉which I'll talk about another time for I'm getting off-track here."

Braith recollected himself and continued speaking.

"The〈Demon Realm〉is at least 2 times bigger than the〈Mid Realm〉but doesn't have much vegetation causing the residents to mostly have monster meat as their main source of nutrition."

"Now, the next thing I'll tell you about is--"


Braith was suddenly interrupted with the sound of a crash behind him. Both Braith and Eva turned their heads to the source of the sound.

In their sights was a silver-haired man with a long black coat on his back and...

A crater beneath his feet.

And then he opened his mouth to speak with the words coming out his mouth suprising both Braith and Eva.

"Get your filthy hands off my daughter."

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