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To apologize for not releasing due to exams and an instution called "school" being a stressful sh*thole or not? That is the question.











Cole waited for a few seconds. Seeing

that nothing happened he sat down cross-legged on the white floor and blinked his eyes.

When he opened his eyes, the white floors and walls that would make his eye bleed from staring at them too long disappeared and he could feel a soothing, calm breeze brush past his face all of a sudden.

His newfound surroundings was a peaceful meadow.

It was full of vibrant and colorful flowers, completely different than the previous white room Cole was in.

Cole looked up, expecting to see an expansive blue sky with puffy clouds.

But instead, what he got was a dark gray one that had numerous wisps of ghastly faces seemed to be made out of smoke swirling into a pitch-black vortex right in the middle of it all.

"...Okay then."

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Cole brushed off the bizarre contrast between the two and just chalked it up to it being something about balance or whatever because the Spirit was called Libra.

Besides, he's seen weirder and scarier sh*t before.

He stood up and brushed the nonexistent dust off his laps and shoulders and looked around for anything that might do something.

He found that something in less than 5 seconds later.

It was a 12 year old kid whose gender he could not determine due to child's features.


He/She, or Xe was humming a little tune with their genderless voice while picking bones from a very nearby field of red flowers.

As for if that was the field's original color or not, as usual, Cole didn't care.

"Hey, Sir/Ma'am Libra, whatever, I don't care. May you just get on with this test? My apathy for everything is reaching even higher heights."

Cole had said with the usual voice he used for other people.

The kid shivered a bit when Cole said the name "Libra" and put on a strained smile, although Cole couldn't see it.

The kid stiffly turned around, and Cole could then fully see their features.

Xe had white hair on the left side pf their head while the right side had black hair.

They were wearing a black, long cape that had a golden trim and and was colored red underneath.

Xe wore a shirt that resembled that of an affluent noble's child from the fantasia zone and blue puffy shorts.

Xe also had a pair of white knee socks and brown, leather shoes.

But the person's eyes were a bit weird.

They looked like they were smiling and crying at the same time.

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One was golden with a pupil shaped like a holy cross while the other was a deep purple and had a moon-shaped pupil.


Cole was fine with the contrating themes in their outfit but he just wanted to get over with the damn Spirit Mark test.

He ended up feeling too lazy to do anything all of a sudden.

"...How did you know it was me?"

"1, you're the only other person. 2, you're OCD inducing hair. 3, from all the anime and manga I've seen. And 4, you just said so."

As Cole listed put those reasons, Libra became paler and paler and soon had tears spilling from the their heterochromatic eyes.

Cole didn't feel guilty at all. He just wanted to go home.

Why did he only feel like such now? It was because the more he thought about the situation he was in, the more he felt he was about to turn into an overpowered harm protagonist.

And he had no plans of going down that path. If there was any path he was going down besides a Weapon Master, it would be the one of a terrible chef.

Because we all know that he sucks at cooking.

"... You know what? I was planning to ask why you didn't put the coins a normal person would do so and thought you were proabaly interesting but f*ck you--"

"Oh, that's because the poor looking dude looked exactly like Jeff Tennertale."


Libra instantly stopped their incoming swear barrage when they heard an actual answer from Cole's mouth.

"He's a famous Technology Specialist in the〈Avant Zone〉and that picture looked exactly like the shot they took of him after he worked for 2 and a half weeks straight."

Libra could now somewhat understand Cole's decision but they couldn't understand why he put so little for the other guy.

"It's because he looked exactly like Tenson Cumbersome who was a person who was extremely succesful but his company went bankrupt because he was extremely arrogant."


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Libra stared at Cole's dead, yet pretty eyes (weird how it could still look pretty.)

"So, can I go home now."

Libra stared at the ground, hiding their expression from Cole.

Xe stared and stared while Cole checked the time at his nonexistent watch.

Exactly 7 seconds passed before Libra stopped staring at the ground and held out their hand to Cole.


"What? Didn't you want to sign a contract with me?"

"Uh, I guess, but are you sure?"

Cole felt slightly skeptical of the genderless child in front of him.

He just felt like questioning Libra's motives.

"Yeah, I have nothing better to do anyway. And you're probably way different than the apathetic bastard I know right now depending on the people you're with aren't you?"

Libra shrugged while saying so and Cole simply nodded.

Cole realised that he also had nothing better to do and remembered taht he was doing this to get a job so he would have something to do.

So, with some hesitation due to laziness, he grabbed Libra's hand.

"Isn't this going too fast?"

"Meh. Not as if you actually care?"


With that, a grey light enveloped their hands before slowly coiling up Cole's arm while dping the same to Lubra.

And a bit later, the light fully enveloped the two of them and whisked them away from the strange place.

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"Do you think we should just color it all black or?"

"He'll become an edgelord then, Gemi. And that's your position!"



Gemi and Mini were busy picking out colors for Cole's new office when two new entities plopped down behind them.

Gemi & Mini: ...

Libra & Cole: ...

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