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Earlier in the day, before Cole had been teleported into whatever place the headquarters was located in. Numerous amounts of people hustled and bustled around the various places in the gigantic building.

In the cafeteria, other Department Floors and other places that are involved in the plot that are in the building that I won't say the name of due to obvious reasons were people with varying facial features and unique body parts with the only similarity between all of them was that they were all Mechanica.

"Hey, did you hear?"

"Hear what?"

"Libra's new Department Head will be coming today!"


Considering that the topic was about the person who would become one of the main supporting pillars of the organization they worked in, people would inevitably gossip and talk about it.

"I heard he was recommended by one of the Founders herself!"

"Apparently, there's going to be a welcoming party on the Department Floor!"

"Wanna sneak a peek?"

"I heard he's extremely handsome!"

The chatting between people didn't stop and only continued to raise the expectation bar of the new Department Head even higher.

But back in the〈Neutral Zone〉, a different kind of story revolving our protagonist was being told.

"So, after you and Papa had a cup of coffee together which was followed by revealing of each other's personalities but not outright. After that, you guys decided to play a game?"

"Umu! So, if any weird situations happen don't mind them! Me and him are quite similar after all. (Even though I'm not sure what exactly the game is.)"

Eva became even more confused than before.

'What exactly kind of game are they playing?'

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'Can I join?'

'Felicia isn't that different...'

Those were the kinds of thoughts swirling in Eva's head. She felt like the world had all of a sudden became that one Grade 12 Mathematics book she couldn't understand and threw inside the bathtub and drowned until it fell apart.

She couldn't understand it anymore.

She also didn't get what exactly was so important about finding out the gist of each other's personalities. And from what she's heard from Felicia, didn't they just have casual chat?

Maybe it was because Eva was still only a child that she couldn't decipher the meaning behind each and every little word each of them had said to each other. Maybe they also communicated through body language and it just wasn't explicitly said.

Or maybe they just came to a common unsaid understanding.

Eva gave up on trying to play along with them and decided that as long as nothing important changes, there's nothing for her to whine and complain about.

She also didn't mind a Felicia like this. Although she still smiled a lot of the time and didn't seem that different, it was more like her atmosphere or aura around her changed.

And Eva liked that feeling she had earlier this morning and wished to experience it more. If everything turns out well, Cole may even succeed in marrying Felicia somehow!

'Yeah! Since my old Papa couldn't get Felicia to reveal her true self, maybe there's actually hope that one day I'll be able to call Felicia...'



Eva snapped out of her thoughts like she had done so many times earlier in the day and lifted her face.

The pair of eyes she was met with were different from the ones she were used to.

Bubbly. Happy. Air-headed. Not a single care in the world.

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She couldn't find a trace of that anymore. It was instead replaced with calmness and maturity with a dash of gentleness. Just that short momentary glimpse made Eva sure of something.

'... I like this Felicia more...'















When Cole had entered the lobby of the building, Altair, Crux and Leo were standing there to greet him. For some reason, Crux had a few bandages on his head and heavy eyebags under his eyes but Cole decided to pay no heed to it.

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Considering what Gemi's ability was, his wounds would probably heal in no time and from what little time he had spent with the man, Cole had a feeling he was just busy playing game late at night.

They were also dressed in somewhat formal attire. With Crux wearing a black dress jacket and a white dress shirt underneath that had it's collar loosely closed.

Altair was wearing your usual businesswoman's attire along with tha black pencil sskirt and stockings while Leo was wearing the same outfit as Crux but it was buttoned up properly and it looked like as if the buttons were about to burst.

"""Welcome! Sir Cole!"""

The three then bowed simultanously. Cole's face remained indefferent to their actions but he noticed that some of the passerbys kept on stealing glances at them.

"What are you guys doing?"

"Giving you a welcome."

"We're also here to serve as your guides and orientors."

Crux said in a tone as if he was sleep deprived (which he probably was due to the eye bags under his eyes) while Altair said her line in a respectful tone. Leo then beckoned Cole to follow them into the elevator and Crux then pressed the button with a Libra sign on it.

The trio stood behind Cole, as if he was their VIP and they were his bodyguards. Not as if he would actually need such things in the first place.

Cole pretended as if they were air and finally took notice of how many buttons there were on the panel.

There were a total of 17 with 13 having Zodiac symbols while the rest had Lm presumably for the Lobby, B1, B2, and B3 as the basement levels.

Cole then thought back to Gemi and Mini's Department floor, although the main space he saw looked like a normal company office floor for accounting or something, he could tell that the work done there was probably done for foreign and public relations.

It would then make sense why of all the possible candidates to choose to welcome a guest, they chose those two.

Although the impression they gave Cole was a bit childish and unproffesional, he could tell that they probably took their work seriously.

As for the work he would have to take in the future, it would probably either be Finances, Accounting, Human Resources and maybe something related to the Justice department.

Cole normally wouldn't think of including the last one, but remembering the fact that the organization was basically something that strived to keep the balance between all four of the Zones, he wouldn't be suprised if that was the case.

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At worst it would be all 4 things he thought of.

If that were indeed the situation, he would just have to suck it up and deal with it. It would mean he was getting paid a lot more than expected at least.

And he has had actual experience in working in places like those. In his 400 year-long (virtual total time) gaming session of the extremely accurate portrayal of our modern time. He was able to work in each one of those departments and still live until 100 years old in each game.

He kept on feeling like dying every time he had to go to his office building though. The simulator was truly accurate.

The trio behind him kept on fidgeting as if they couldn't stand the silence in the elevator except for Crux. He was peacefully nodding off into space.

Luckily for them, it didn't take long for the elevator to arrive at their destination and it sounded a 'ping pong' to signal such. But when the doors slid open and Cole had stepped out of the elevator, he was taken aback.

There were lines of people that were bowing in respect towards him and there was even a red carpet laid before his eyes.

Cole stared at the columns of people bowing at his arrival. Some were nervous and showed it plainly on their faces while others clenched their fists so tight that their knuckles turned white. There were a few who hid their expression as if showing it would be shameful.

After the unneeded columns of people was a holographic screen that said〔Welcome!〕

Cole knew that he couldn't just walk straight up to his office as if he owned the place and he felt the need to introduce himself right then and there.


He breathed in and exhaled out to relieve a bit of the pressure he was feeling and then faced all the employees.

"Pft... What are you guys doing? It's no good to be so stiff!"

The first thing he did was put on one of his best smile and try to diffuse the tension between his new employees.

When they heard his laugh, all of them flinched in some way or another and then slowly stood upright.

"I understand that you guys may feel nervous with the sudden inclusion of a new person to work under, but I hope that I will be able to work together to achieve whatever goals we need to accomplish. I can be cold at some times, but don't worry."

"I'm excited to work with you and I hope that everyone will be able to enjoy a healthy and peaceful work atmosphere."

Cole made his tone soft, gentle and full of drive and energy to make sure that they wouldn't have any fears of their new boss reigning over them like a tyrant. Their worried faces brightened a bit and just as Cole was about to formally introduce himself...

*Ping Pong*

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