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Also in the〈Fantasia Zone〉, was a Hero and his party. The hero himself looked pretty bland, black hair and black eyes and was just an orphan. Nothing about himself stood out and yet he was still chosen by the Gods to be a Hero.

His party was the exact opposite of him though.

A priestess blessed by the Goddess of Life herself who was also the princess of the kingdom they were residing in disguise.

A ninja who left her village in pursuit of strength and the unknowns of the world.

An elf who left her village on a quest to save it with only her bow skills and... certain assets as her weapons.

And lastly, a catgirl saved from slavery by that same hero.

His four heroines all had something unique about them while he was as plain as dirt. The commoners viewed him as a source of hope while the nobility saw him as a tool they could dispose of later.

The hero surprisingly knew of this though. And yet he still continued to fight for them.

As for that certain hero, he was staring at his bedroom ceiling located in the castle. Two months had passed and he still couldn't get the sudden defeat he suffered out of his head.

For the past two months, he continued to train and train. Working out his body, practicing his sword swings, and subjugating monsters all so he could defeat that Dragon and challenge the man who knocked him out in one strike in a duel.

His comrades had been charmed by the man who beat him and they enthusiastically told him of his appearance.

Hair the color of the finest silver. Onyx eyes as deep and profound as the abyss. And skin as smooth and white as porcelain.

Their faces as they described him were full of pleasure and bliss. Yuu was actually genuinely glad that his comrades found someone they admired but was worried for the man if he already had a significant other.

'Haa... Maybe he should've been the〈Hero〉instead of me. A guy who has to shout long and cringey names just to activate a skill...'

"*sigh*... Dear Goddess, of all people... Why did you choose me to be a〈Hero〉?"

Yuu constantly questioned whether or not the Goddess above had a hole in her head or not. To be honest, most people's impressions of Yuu would be a plain yet kind young man, and they weren't wrong.

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But if anyone were to hear of the weird skill names he would have to shout out when fighting and see the past interactions he had with his party members, they would see that he was just a naive and dense teenager.

And Yuu was aware of all that.

The disposable mindset the nobility had towards him, the weird looks the townspeople gave him, his own glaring weaknesses. He wanted to overcome all of that but he didn't want to seem obnoxious.

Because of all that along with his recent defeats, he couldn't help but feel that he really didn't deserve the title of〈Hero〉

"Maybe... Maybe if I find that man, he can tell me what I have to do in order to be a real〈Hero〉..."

Yuu didn't know why, but he had a feeling that he might get an answer if he met that man. With new resolve set in his heart, he ventured forth (a week or two later, preparations take up time you know!)










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"Huh? Can Mechanicas get a cold? Well, we still have a respiratory system so..."

Cole was finishing up his first day of work at〈S.T.E.L.L.A〉and was about to get on the〔Department Head Only!〕elevator to the lobby when he sneezed all of a sudden.

'I really need to research more about this body of mine... Still too many mysteries...'

He decided that it was probably just because dust entered his nose or something. He bid goodbye to the other employees and got on the elevator.

It was only one floor before another person got on. It happened to be Mirabelle. Her Department floor was right above Cole's after all.

"Ah, Steward! Are you heading home already?"

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"Ah, Ms. Archambault. You also live outside the company Dorms, right?"

〈S.T.E.L.L.A〉had company dorms for its employees. You could choose to have your meals at the cafeteria or cook your own. Basically, all of its employees chose to live at the dorms since not all of them had an ability or aptitude for Space magic.

And also because the meals served at the cafeteria were extremely tasty. And the baths were really nice. And the cleaning robots were really cute. And... Back to the story.

"Yeah. Although I can still get a pretty big room since I'm a Department Head, I don't like living with too many people. Makes my head hurt."

Mirabelle complaints about dorms mostly came from the time where she had to go undercover in the〈Times Zone〉as a college student. Although she chose a course that only took about 2 years since that was the length of a mission, her life at the dorms sucked.

She then tried switching the topic so she wouldn't have to remember her horrible experience any further.

"So, how was your first day?"

"Tiring. I expected the workload to be heavy the moment I saw how many things I have to manage. Along with the incident this morning, it's just been full of twists and turns."

'I seriously don't understand how it's fine to dump all that work onto one person. On the up side, I have a lot of people to help me with it so it's manageable but...'

Cole could take the workload but he still wanted to complain.

"Oh yeah, and sorry about earlier today. I shouldn't have been so rude. Considering that you've worked here longer than me and all."

"Nah, it's fine. You're not the only one who teased me like that before. But at least try to look sincere if you're apologizing."

Cole still had the emotionless look he had on for the entire day. And even though Mirabelle felt that he was being sincere due to the expression on his face, she was still happy that he apologized.

In no time, the elevator reached the lobby which now had Rory was now dodging Clyde's sword strikes as the front desk clerk watched.

"Ms. Aries, no, Ms. Rory. Please stop this or else you'll be here until past midnight."

"Nooo! I refuse to be struck another time! I have so many bruises now!"

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"Your bruises have already healed and you still have to headbutt yourself a thousand times after we finally finish this set."


Cole and Mirabelle walked past the screaming leader and exited out of the building.

"Well then, see you tomorrow, Ms. Archambault."

"See you."

Mirabelle opened up a purple portal and leaped into it before it closed. Cole had already contacted Felicia beforehand that he was finishing up.

And a few seconds after Mirabelle had left, another portal opened up but instead had the familiar grey color Cole knew. He walked into it without hesitation and went back home to the〈Neutral Zone〉

When he got back, he got greeted with the sight of Libra and Eva playing Jenga. Eva was the first one to notice him.

"Ah! Papa! Welcome back!"

She clung onto Cole's head and showed him a cute smile that was full of happiness. Cole smiled and simply patted her head a bit.

"Welcome back, if you're wondering where I've been the entire day. I've been guarding your daughter here."

"Papa, by guarding cheating to beat me at Jenga."

"You just suck at it."

"No! You make it's 'balance' shift!"

"No, I don't!"

"Yes, you do!"

"Don't fight."

Such was a day after work in the〈Neutral Zone〉

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