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Cole called Felicia again to get teleported home. This time, when Cole got teleported, Felicia was leisurely sitting on a chair on the porch.

"Welcome back!"

Felicia greeted Cole with a big smile on her face. She seemed to have been in the middle of reading a children's storybook.

"What do you have there?"

"Oh, this?"

Felicia was pointing at a black leather bag that was hung across his shoulder.

"I'll show you when I'm inside."

When Cole entered the house, he saw Eva and Libra playing together again. This time they were playing what Cole could only assume to be some kind of card game?

He had come back home with leather-bound books about Magic Physiques and different Magic-types that included many details and the various kinds of both. He was also given a work Tablet PC he could take on the go or use at home.

It also had the specifications and various sub-types of Mechanicas that Cole had yet to learn of. It also included a downloaded version of a Wikipedia that even included information about the different countries and history of the other Zones.

And lastly, he was allowed to borrow the Crystal Ball for a day so he could use it for Felicia and Eva. He thought of maybe asking Val if he could borrow his but he remembered that his only checked Magic Aptitude.

'He usually visits once a month, he'll probably be visiting again in a couple of days.'

When Cole and Felicia entered the house, Libra and Eva were playing together as always. This time, they were locked in an intense match of the card game 'War'.

Simply put, split a deck of two cards between two players and each player lays down their card and the higher number wins. At the end of the game, the player with the most card remaining win.

"...Fufufufufu... What shall you do, Libra?


Eva had a triumphant smile on her face while Libra had his back drenched in sweat. It seemed that she was finally winning something for once.

"Oh! Papa!"

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Her happiness was amplified even more when she noticed Cole coming home. She clung to his leg and smiled at him like she always did whenever he came home.

"Hmmm? What's that?"

"I'll show you in a bit."

"Cole! Help! She found out that I was using〈Influence〉to cheat!"

"She already knew that."

"You're not helping! You're a sh*tty master!"


Felicia jumped in before Cole could retort. That effectively shut up Libra while Eva just thought.

'Felicia... You're one to talk... From the farthest recesses of my memories, all I heard from you were buttloads of curse words...'

"Anyway... I have some stuff to show. So no arguing."

Everyone then gathered around the living room and sat around the coffee table on the floor. Cole then started to take out the items he got one by one.

"There's a lot more than I thought. Is that a〈Item Bag〉?"

"It's been a long time since I've seen one. I've never really needed one since I could just put it inside my Spirit Room."

"I just put it in my Inventory."

Felicia and Libra started talking about things related to Space Magic and the intricacies of how a Spirit realm worked.

Eva's eyes were attracted to three things. The crystal ball but that only lasted for a second. They were then glued on the book that spoke about each and every kind of Mechanica's anatomy and the basics of magic.

"[The Basics of Magic]and[Mechanica Anatomy - Beginner Edition]..."

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"What, you interested? The second one is filled with pictures but it may not be the kind you like and the first one barely has any."

Eva didn't respond and just stared at the books. The one about magic was covered in leather while the one about Mechanica Anatomy wasn't really a book. It was a square-shaped panel.

Cole smiled and handed the book about Mechanica Anatomy to Eva. He could just read it later, after all. He gave her the one about Magic too.

His main goal was to learn more about his Physique and about Chaos Magic.

Eva's eyes lit up and she headed straight up to her room to read them. Felicia then noticed another book that Cole took out.

"[Chaos Magic]? What's this?"

"Are? Felicia doesn't know about it?"

Felicia held the thin book about Chaos Magic in her hands and had a puzzled look as she stared at it. She could vaguely feel that she had heard the term before

"I feel like I've heard about it before..."

"Wait... Cole! Does this mean you can use Chaos Magic?!"

"Yeah, so?"

Cole replied nonchalantly to Libra's question, he was about to grab the book from Felicia's hands so he could start reading. He decided he would take a mission inside the〈Huaxia Zone〉and needed to learn how to utilize this new form of attack as fast as possible.

"I'm a Spirit that is the embodiment of Balance!"

Libra said as they put a hand to their chest to emphasize the point. It made them look like a haughty young master/mistress which made Cole want to punch the Spirit in the face, he decided a different method to do so.

"Or asymmetry."

"Hey! Anyway, when I first had contact with you. I clearly felt that you were blessed with the aptitude for Holy and Cursed Magic. If you were a chaotic mess, I would've definitely felt it."

"Maybe it's because he's no longer the other 'Cole'"

Felicia thought that it was because Cole was a transmigrator and maybe it just took time for his new body to adjust or something. Cole had also thought that was the case considering that Lucille was happy about her theory or something.

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"I guess that's probably it. Lucille was also happy about her theory being proven true or something."

The group shrugged it off and focused on the book before them.

But Felicia seemed to have recalled something and asked Cole

"Speaking of adjustments, Cole, has your Neurochip adjusted to you yet?"

"Hmm? What about my Neurochip?"

"Remember how you came here via slipping on a banana peel?"

'Ah... I totally forgot about that part.'


"Well, not only did 'your' memories get impaired, but your Neurochip was also damaged in the process. Or else you would have been able to see your memories through the chip's save instead. In fact, it should be attempting to repair itself as a background process."

Cole decided he would keep that in mind and put it on the list he had for things to inspect in his new body.

"Let's just focus on learning about Chaos Magic"

Thus, the three started to experiment with Chaos Magic.

Meanwhile, in the〈Huaxia Zone〉...






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There was a young man meditating on his bed. He was dressed in expensive clothes made out of silk, and his black hair was meticulously taken care of.

His skin was as fair as jade and was as beautiful as the Red Moon Continent's number one beauty. His eyes were closed and his long eyelashes kept on fluttering ever so slightly.

However, that charming face of his was covered in beads of sweat and was creased into a frown. His hands started to tremble.


He then spat out a blotch of blood, staining his exquisitely crafted bedsheets.

He continued to cough up blood for what seemed to be ages before he had the chance to properly breath.

His face was now pale and his teeth grit themselves in frustration.

"If only my Meridians weren't broken in the fight between that cursed Wei Hundan!"

The young man was known as Nan Zhujiao and was known across Blue Meadow county as the Nan Clan's stunning prodigy.

Unfortunately, in one of his matches between another man from the Wei Clan, he got cheated by and had his Meridians crushed.

Since that day, every time he would attempt to restore them, he would cough up blood and would feel like he was being stabbed by a thousand needles.

"I swear on my name as Nan Zhujiao, I will personally cripple you to in the upcoming clan tournament!

Zhujiao swore revenge, he was told by a Fairy Oracle that in a few days time, there would be a man with hair of silver and eyes of the abyss would come and restore his former glory.

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