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After they had made sure Eva was comfortable with staying with Lala. Felicia transported the party over to〈S.T.E.L.L.A〉's headquarters. Val seemed to have a weird expression when he took a sniff of the air.

"Why? Is something wrong with the air?"

「No. It's just that its scent reminds me of the Demon Empress.」

"Demon Empress?"

"Demon Empress?"

Cole and Felicia felt confused at the sudden mention of a Demon Empress, albeit, for different reasons.

Cole recalled that Lucille had proclaimed herself as a Queen. He started to wonder if the〈Demon Realm〉had different countries opposing each other. If possible, he didn't want to get wrapped up in a different realm's politics.

He was completely unwilling and lazy to deal with such a troublesome thing.

As for Felicia, she had heard of rumors of the〈Demon Realm〉's Empress, but she had never had the chance to meet her in person. And the last visit she had to the〈Demon Realm〉was an accident and she ended up returning nearly immediately anyway.

She had to deal with a certain couple getting brought into the local police first though. She wished that someday she would actually be able to look at those times with some sort of fondness.

「? You haven't heard of her?」

「The Demon Empress, Lucille Etern Sunset. The white-haired demoness of ice and fire. It's said that--」

"Never mind. I know her."

Cole stopped Val from telling him anymore. He didn't want to hear any kinds of tales about that woman. He could only imagine her haughty self as others spread stories of her glory.

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Although Lucille wasn't that kind of person, Cole could vividly imagine such a sight.

'Didn't she only refer to herself as a Queen?'


They decided to put the matter behind them and go pick up the twins waiting for them in the lobby.

Val's eyes turned into an entire galaxy of purple stars. His body looked like it would explode from excitement like that of a child visiting a dinosaur museum. But it looks like Val really was an adult since he was able to keep his havoc-wreaking urges from coming out.

Although his adultness quickly left as he started fidgeting and looked at everything in the lobby with sparkling eyes.

Cole had messaged the twins to meet them at the lobby but he didn't see a single trace of them. He decided to just sit on the nearby sofa and wait for them. He could also review a few things about the〈Huaxia Zone〉and his Chaos Magic.

He wanted to try it out in actual battle along with all the other things in the few months he's been transmigrated and check his updated Status since he's been putting it off for a little while. He mostly let its existence fade into his memories because he had expected that he wouldn't be involved in the〈Fantasia Zone〉much.

As for Felicia, she was busy checking the items in her inventory. She was sifting through them by using a nice and well-ordered drag-down list that appeared before her in the form of a regular computer window.





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It turned out that the trio didn't get to spend that much time doing their own thing when the ding of an elevator sounded out and two figures came sprinting out of it.

"F*CK! F*CK! F*CK!"

"Nii! Turn off your auto-censor! It's making my ears bleed!"

"Still! F*CK! That loli baba is persistent!"

"I know!"

It was the familiar blue-haired twins. They seemed to be in great distress and the trio felt like asking them what was wrong but they also felt a sense of indifference for some reason. It could be because they were quickly interrupted at what they had only started doing.

Both of them were sweating heavily and it definitely wasn't because of the heavy clothes that they wore all the time.

Cole assumed that it was probably Mirabelle since he heard the term 'loli baba', as for the reason she was chasing them, Cole didn't feel like caring. Val was preoccupied with fancy tech and Felicia was wondering if she should teleport everyone away already.

But the twins weren't in her range so she was actually contemplating whether or not she should just leave them and come back for them later when they stopped running.

They hadn't left the vicinity near the elevator door and everyone was waiting to see what they would do. This included even the desk clerk who actually had no real purpose and just sat there most of the time.

The expression in the twin's eyes showed that they were waiting for something.

Mini was pulling something from one of the pockets of his cargo pants and Gemi had something glistening from her labcoat's sleeves.

They looked like they would get into a fighting stance but they instead walked a few meters away from the elevator and aimed.


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Cole counted in his mind and just as he thought, a pastel purple appeared and a fair and slender hand jumped out from it.

After that hand, a frilly, white floating sleeve followed it and then an entire child appeared. It was no one other than Virgo's Department Head, Mirabelle Archambault.

Felicia's first impression was that she looked like a French doll. And a secret haughty b*tch or a secretly mature woman taht's trapped in a child's body because she had a tantrum when she was eleven that she didn't want to grow up to be turned into an old hag.

"Fuefuefuefue... Did you really think you two could escape...?"

Her face looked a bit menacing but probably because it was the face of a child, the watchers didn't feel any kind of fear from it. There was the feeling of some kind of presence at least.

The face seemed to only make the twins want to laugh since the arms that were outstretched to aim were quivering a little. Seeing that her intimidation didn't work, Mirabelle was about to launch some sort of attack when something unexpected came flying her way.



It was a rolled-up magazine from one of the lobby's magazine racks provided for entertainment. The Virgo Department Head fell down on the floor and only had the chance to say one sentence and a sound effect before being knocked out.

Gemi and Mini who didn't know what to feel after seeing that were wordlessly picked up by Cole and carried like potato sacks as he did so before to a different pair of individuals and the party left.

Thus the squad named〔Ambivalence〕where secretly none of the actual members properly remembered the name because they didn't really care and just picked it because they didn't want to go with whatever name their boss went, together along with its two temporary ones set off for the〈Huaxia Zone〉


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"This is going to end horribly, isn't it?"

"But Ms. Feli, shouldn't you have high hopes?"

"That's right, Ms. Cia!"

"First of all, shut up you two. And second, what's with the nicknames?"

Unfortunately for her, they weren't going to give an answer due to the first request.

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