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"Hey, Papa."

"Hmmm...? What is it, Eva?"

"How has the〚Times Zone〛not destroyed itself yet?"

"What do you mean?"

Once again, in the Steward household. We have our transmigrated Weapon Master and his daughter talking about the possibility of the〚Times Zone〛self-destructing.

They were currently in a big library located underneath the house. As for why of all places possible why make the library underground? It was because the former Cole didn't want to make a giant building and all his books would be safer.

The current Cole didn't really care if the previous one had built it in the deep sea or on a floating island in the sky.

What was important to him now was gaining more knowledge about this jumbled up world known as〈Gaia〉

It was at this point in time when the silver-haired bunny came down and asked the question leading to the current situation.

"As in, a large country disappeared overnight in that〚Zone〛, right?"

"Yes, indeed."

"That should be a really bad thing right? Other nations would try to take over the now ownerless landmass if the land itself had also disappeared, there would be a gaping hole that would cause basically death..."


Eva indeed had some relevant points to be concerned over. Cole would've probably also thought of them when Felicia gave her mini history lesson if only he wasn't reminded about his previous life.

And while it would be a serious matter for those living in the〚Times Zone〛, to be honest, Cole would sympathize with them but in the end, it wouldn't directly affect him right now.

He could buy the daily necessities in other〚Zones〛and only chose the〚Time Zone〛because it was the closest one.

Not that distance mattered with Felicia's〈Teleport〉

"I have the answer to that!"

And then at just the right time. a voice could be heard coming from the directions of the stairs.

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[A Wild Felicia Appeared!]

Was a thought Cole had when he saw the sight of black-haired, grey-eyed, 160 cm tall 21-year old woman coming down the stairs with a tray of drinks and snack in her hands while dressed in a black and white lolita dress.

"Oh! Thank you, Felicia!"

"Hmmm...? Not wearing your maid uniform this time?"

"It's not as if I can wear the same thing over and over again every day,"

Eva had already started munching on the biscuits like there was no tomorrow and drowning the orange juice in her glass into the pit known as her mouth.

Cole was simply intrigued by Felicia's outfit.

"Anyway! I have the answer to your question, young Eva!"

Felicia pointed at the Eva and loudly declared.

'Yes, I am young. Is there a need to point that out?'

Although Eva was slightly dissatisfied over being called young, she still wanted to hear the answer to her question.

"Fufufu... Now I shall begin."

As Felicia said that, she went behind one of the numerous wooden shelves in the library and pulled out a movable blackboard with chalk and an eraser too!


Felicia cleared her throat a few times before resuming the cut off history lesson from a few days ago.

"First of all, it was the people that disappeared from the country, not the land itself. And actually, everything was pretty normal. There were a few uproars on the news about it but that's about it."



"Why are you two so silent?"

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"Umm... Felicia... Is that really it?"


Cole stared in shock at Felicia while Eva nearly let her cup of orange juice fall down.

"Umm... Felicia... do you have any more details?"

Eva raised her hand and asked Felicia.

"Ohh!! So that's what you wanted! *Ahem*"

"The country itself hadn't disappeared, only the people did. And the country and economy were able to keep itself going with the power of a pair of triplets special abilities."

"Hmmm....? And what were those special ability?"

"〈Perpetual Motion〉,〈Algorithm〉, and 〈Optimize〉"


"Eh? What do you mean by that, Felicia?"

Eva was confused and surprised as to what Felicia was saying. She was confused about what 'perpetual' meant because she was only 5. Sure she was smart but it's not like she's a walking dictionary!

What? Did you think there would be a scene in this novel where she would use complicated words to fight an upperclassman?

Oh, never mind, we're getting sidetracked.

She was also surprised because she believed that there was no way for a country that could support at least a BILLION people could be run with just a simple ability of three people?

If you told her that Cole was a reincarnated person she would probably believe it more than that.

"Fufufuf... Little Eva, have your father explain the versatility of the combination ability. I'm sure he can answer way better than me."

Eva then focused her eyes on Cole. They had a burning fire in them that practically screamed 'TELL ME!'

"〈Perpetual Motion〉 should be an ability that allows something to remain forever 'in motion'.〈Algotithm〉is setting things to a certain pattern while〈Optimization〉makes things to perform the best it can."

"Those seem too plain to be dangerous."

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Cole had maid quote signs in the air as he said 'in motion' while Eva still seemed not to get it.

"Eva, imagine a factory that would never stop working because it was forced to forever remain in that state due to an ability and had no need for human input due to the motion it was set in was 〈To Repeat Production of Item A〉while optimized to do so in the best way possible."

"That was a really long command but I can see the point you're trying to get across..."

Eva then fell into deep thought. She took the little number of cookies left and went back upstairs to the house.

'I didn't try any cookies yet...'

While Cole was looking in regret at the fleeting cookies, Felicia had noticed the books on the table he was reading.

"Now then, Cole, I noticed you were reading books about general knowledge."

"Yeah, it's because I realized I don't remember a lot of basic things so I thought maybe brushing up a bit will help me rememeber things."

As Cole withdrew his gaze from the stairwell with regret still lingering in his inky, black eyes he was greeted with the sight of the lolita-clothed Felicia making a pouty face and crossing his arms in a dissatisfied manner.


"You could have just asked me."

"I didn't want to trouble you since you were in-charge of doing so many things for this big house."

Although in reality, Felicia wasn't an actual maid employed by Cole, after all, would you really call your boss only by their first name?

She was in charge of cooking, cleaning, the laundry, tutoring Eva and taking care of all of the books in the library all by herself.

Cole really wanted to beat up the previous Cole because he had such a nice woman with great wife potential but probably his defense was too high and the signs weren't powerful enough to pierce through his dense armor.

Or he was acting cold with her.

"Is that so? I'll still tell you though."

Felicia felt her dissatisfaction melting over the concern in Cole's voice but she still wanted to help him out. She had carried a deep debt with Cole that she still brings to this day.

"Then thank you very much."

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Cole decided to just simply accept Felicia's kind offer and if he had any questions, it could be automatically answered by her.

"Do you want an in-depth explanation or a simple one?"

"I'll have the simple one."


〚Avant Zone〛is a very advanced zone and had four main countries, namely〈USSR〉,〈Brittania〉,〈Amurika〉 and the〈Yellow Alliance〉There are also other countries but honestly, you probably don't want to hear about them."

"Yes, I don't."

"Those 4 control the decisions made in the〚Avant Zone〛and all share a cooperative relationship with each other. They had just recently ended a war when the〈Collapse〉happened. "

"〚Huaxia Zone〛is full of people that can cultivate and is said to look like all those people from China. They have sacred beasts guarding all 4 points of the zone and accepts polygamy. That's the basic info of it. "

"I don't like harems."

"Neither do I."

"The〚Fantasia Zone〛had recently made a hero party to save the zone in times of need even though nothing bad has happened in the last decade, moving on."

"The〚Times Zone〛, we talked about that already so we're done!"

'What about the"Neutral Zone"?"

Cole asked Felicia. After all the〚Neutral Zone〛is important right?

"About that..."

Felicia had started clearing the books from the table and when she heard Cole's question, she had put an uncomfortable appearance and made it obvious that she didn't want to talk about it.

"Cole... Let's talk about it another time, okay?"

And then she gave him a beautiful half-moon smile and walked back up the stairs.

And thus Cole was left alone in the spacious underground library.

His thoughts, a mystery.

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