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Meanwhile, while the previous chapter was happening, the nearby counties and cities were in a frenzy. Purple lightning was raining down everywhere. Wherever it struck, destruction followed. Fierce howls like that of a Dragon's accompanied the thunderstorm.


"Help, please!"

Peasants ran frantically in an attempt to find shelter from the lightning.

"Stop pushing!"

"Have you seen my wife?

Ferocious winds that caused trees to fall and roofs to join the tornado that was forming in the distance. It was just pure chaos.

And where was the assumed source of such chaos?

To the south of Blue Meadow County, which was located at the eastmost part of the〈Huaxia Zone〉. Inside Devil Forest, a place notorious for the strong beasts inside and the various valuable and expensive herbs that could be found there.

And inside that same forest, a black beast could be found howling as the purple lightning encircled around it. Despite not being able to see any of its features, the moment you laid eyes on it, it would activate a deep and instinctual fear in them.

On top of Blue Meadow County's walls, there was a man gazing at that very sight.

He was dressed in fine silk clothes and appeared to be around his forties. His eyes held great wisdom that came with his age and he stood fearless against the vicious winds and the unforgiving howls.

He was the Nan Clan's family head and Nan Zhujiao's father. Nan Fuqin.

His eyebrows were creased in worry and the hands that were hidden behind his back were fists. He had already ordered the men of his family to help and evacuate the civilians to somewhere safe.

He had faith in his men, however, there was a worry that was weighing heavily in his heart.


His eldest son had gone out into the forest last night and still hadn't come back. He noticed his son's strange behaviour the day it started. He had wanted to ask what was he doing but every time he came back, he sensed that his constitution had improved bit by bit.

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As long as he came back safe and sound, he would believe in his son.

But with the sudden thunderstorm, he couldn't help but wonder about his son's safety.

He wanted to rush out into the forest and look for him but he knew he stood no chance against the raging beast inside the forest.

He looked up to the dark sky filled with purple thunderbolts that were a sign of the Heavens' judgement.

"Oh, Dear Immortals and benevolent Gods..."

He prayed to the ascended cultivators and Gods that ruled over the skies.

"Please spare my son...!"

As he let out that desperate cry, it was as if the Heavens' had indeed heard of his plight. The thunders and lightning stopped bit by bit and the winds were returning to their usual calm breeze.

The beast had disappeared and silence ensued the county.

The citizens rejoiced at the passing of the storm and they all broke out into a mix of tears and cheers at their survival.

Men had sighed in relief while others had plopped down to the ground in gratitude.

But little did they know, a great presence had awakened.






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「...Hoo? What is this?」

Inside a cavern hidden deep underneath the deep sea laid a dragon.

Its long, serpentine body was covered in azure scales that shone as beautifully as the ocean while being as hard as a fish's. Golden antler horns adorned its head. Its five-toed feet were adorned with claws that were as white as jade and as sharp as an eagle's.

Its eyes were deep and profound and it made whoever gazed upon the figure worship them in awe.

Any resident born in the〈Huaxia Zone〉would instinctively bow down and recognize the Dragon's existence as something similar to a God.

The people in the〈Fantasia Zone〉had a similar kind of existence resting in their lands.

The people in the〈Times Zone〉and the〈Avant Zone〉would have only believed it to be legends from a distant past.

The Azure Dragon, guardian of the East and the one that governs over water and watches over spring.

The Azure Dragon raised his head and its golden eyes peered to above the surface. As it did so, it said to itself.

「Has someone come to visit?」

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「I do wonder...」

「If that visitor is friend or foe...」
















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"Hmm? What's wrong, Val?"

〈「I just got a chill up my spine.」〉

Back to our main party, Val was pulling the carriage towards Blue Meadow County.

Cole wasn't sure if it was possible for Dragons to feel a chill up their spines considering what kiind of monster they were. He was especially unsure when he recalled the sight of Val summoning a thunderstorm earlier.

He just brushed it off and called up to Mini who was scouting from on top of the carriage.

"Mini, how much farther?"

Believe it or not, they were actually going at a pretty fast pace. But you couldn't tell since the carraige wasn't rocking heavily and and it was as steady as if it was riding over an open plain. The carriage was actually modified so it would function as such.

Cole had done the modifications before they departed so they would be able to cover a lot of distance over land.

"Has he woken up yet?"

Seeing that was all Mini had to report, he asked Gemi through the small window of the carriage.

"Nope. He already got cleaned up by the all-function roomba Felicia brought. He's currently on the floor."

Cole could hear faint snores from through the window and the constant bumping of something metallic against the walls of the carraiage.

"Just make sure he's calm when he wakes up. He's plan B."

"What's plan A then?"

Felicia was the one who asked this time. She just really wanted to have a change of clothes. If there was a plan A or plan C that involved that, she would happily oblige. But she had started to grow fond of them unbeknownst to her.

"It's something that involves the family whose name we borrowed."

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