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"I'll have to dress up again, right?"

"So do we infiltrate the nobles houses while they're gone?"

"Or should we eavesdrop on their conversations?"

In a private room provided by the master of the household, Sir Nan, the group was having a discussion about the second stage of their plan.

'While both are good options, that isn't the first thing a normal person thinks of, right?'

Cole felt amazed at the twins' straightforward suggestions. Felicia seemed to not care about having to be dressed up and having makeup put on her face by utter strangers for six hours straight.

〔You're one to talk. That's what you thought of as well!〕

'Shut up, Steward.'

〔Hmph! Pft!〕

'Making a spitting sound effect isn't helping your point. It's not like I can see you.'

〔Ha! Then how about this!〕

A chatbox appeared in the lower right of Cole's vision. For some reason, there was even a chibi version of him next to it.

Although it was actually just Cole with a different hairstyle and was useless in its entirety.

'I don't have time for this, I have to continue discussing the plan for the party.'


As Steward said that, the chatbox had a new message in it and the chibi's face changed the match the assumed expression Steward was having at that moment.

"Then what will be doing?"


With that, everyone quickly understood

"You two will gather info on the attendees through their conversations while Felicia will get info from them directly."

"W-wait, you don't mean..."

All of a sudden, Felicia started fidgeting and placed her hands over her chest as if she was guarding them from some reason.

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'What is she fidgeting about?'

Although Cole had made a few guesses why, he had the feeling that the reason behind her actions was the most idiotic one.

〔You probably guessed it already.〕

'Wait, so it is because she thought I would have her use her body to get information from them?

Instead of being told yes, the chibi nodded in affirmation. It was still useless though.

'Does she think I'm some merciless creature that would have a member of my team use her body for the mission's success.'

〔Well, you did do that before.〕

Steward was talking about the time where Cole was sent on an infiltration mission to an enemy plant. On his team was two more guys and two girls.

He had recieved info that one of the bigshots in thier political scene that had major connections in the military was a major sucker for female earthlings with sexy bodies. Since it was one of the obvious choices to go with and the easiest, there was no way the Cole at the time would pass it up.

'That was because she was trained to do such things. Having an amateur do a pro's job could completely ruin the mission.'

〔But to think there was someone like that among your fans.〕

'No, she was one of my former classmates at the academy.'

Cole had indeed created a interstellar warship and most of his fans were recruited as the members, he had done stuff before that. And although he had told himself that was done through pure accident and he wasn't aware of it, he was just entering the first stage of depression.

There was no way he could think three years of intense fighting was an accident or misinterpret it so heavily that he completely denied reality.

'Something like that... Is completely impossible.'

As Cole thought that to himself, Steward came with new information.

〔She was also one of your fans.〕

'Eh, really?'

〔Yeah. That was how you got to know Mira, right?〕

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'Ah, my ex? Really?'

Having his ex brought out surprised Cole a bit. He remembered first meeting her at a simulation center. She had wanted to see what it was like back in ancient history but got lost.

〔Eh? That's how you first met her.〕

'Ah, I guess I didn't notice her then.'

〔You were only aware of her existence when she confessed to you.〕

'What, no. I was aware of everyone's existence and their potential on the battlefield.'

Every single person Cole would come in contact to, he would unconsciously assess their potential based on their actions and build as well their mannerisms.

〔You know, I still feel amazed that you made all those things on accident.〕


"On accident..."

Cole murmured underneath his breath but it was so quiet it was as if he just moved his lips for no apparent reason. He didn't like recalling his times of failure.

Seeing that Felicia had already started telling the twins of her delusions of having to use her body as a weapon in order for the mission to succeed with a face that was about to cry, Cole decided to end his conversation with Steward and clear up the misunderstanding.

"Felicia, No, you won't be doing that. Just converse with them and make their tongues slip a bit and we can piece it together from there."

"I'll need you to record your interactions as well so we can figure out if they're hiding something or not."

Felicia instantly put her hands back down and had them pick up a glass of tea. She tooke a sip and when she was done, her face was the epitome of understading.

"Ah... Is that so?"

"Is that so?"

"It seems so."

"What kind of person do you think I am?"

The three of them looked at each other with Cole's question and responded with answers could've been said by one person in the same sentence.

"It's because you're a Weapon Master, right?"

"Use anything at your disposal."

"As a weapon."

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'If I ever get a class somehow in the〈Fantasia Zone〉, it'll probably be〈Weapon Master〉, won't it?'

As Cole started to stress about his identity that was no becoming only a single title, Mini realized something.


"Then what will you be doing?"

The rest, realizing that, stared at Cole. Well, he wasn't the kind of person that would give himself the easiest job or none so he didn't know why they were staring at him like that.

"Me? I'm HQ. You'll be reporting your findings to me in real time. That's why, please have your〔Share Screen〕feature on."

"Eh, we had something like that?"

Felicia asked the twins who were sitting next to her. She wasn't aware of a lot of things concerning a Mechanica's physiology since she wasn't taught it.

"We do."



Before he had called everyone to the meeting room along with the previous night before going to sleep, Cole inspected his body and the user interface available to him for any features that could be used for the plan.

The〔Share Screen〕feature was probably for recon missions and the infiltration mission they were planning for.

It couldn't be used one-sidedly and it needed both parties to consent. It would send an invite to the person requested and once you accepted, a red line would encompass your main field of sight. It was similar to sharing your screen to your online friends on a chat service.

"Then, Val?"

"Yeah, how about Vale?"

"Since Rion's a Dragon maybe he doesn't have to do anything for this stage of the mission."

"Ah, him? I have him on another mission."






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「Col! I hate you!!!!!」














"Somewhere deep in the sea that is."

"Eh, did you say something?"

"Nope, nothing at all."

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