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Cole was reading a stack of papers laid on the desk before him. The sun was setting and the sky was turning red outside.

He didn't need a lamp since he was used to reading in the dark and had night vision with his eyes anyway.

The writing on the pieces of paper was elegant and well-defined. It showed that the person or people that wrote them were well-educated or had any kind of education at all. He was currently in a place just like Ancient China and that was usually the norm after all.

The papers he was reading contained information about the money flow between families and purchases for properties and slaves.

There was also a payment to a certain infamous General around the capital. He was known for being easily susceptible to bribes and often visited the red light district. He also had a lot of wives and with just their number, it was more like he was the Emperor instead of the man himself.

He wanted to hit the twins again but decided not to since his mood wasn't the absolute worst. Eva had given him a call earlier in the day and although the topic was a little odd, he was glad she was having fun there.

He put the document he was reading on the desk before him and faced the ceiling above him.

"So, what are the results?"

As Cole said that. The plank above him loosened up and was moved away before two bodies plopped down from the open hole.

Instead of performing the classic pose of a ninja perfectly landing on the floor, one of them instead landed on the other thus ruining the classic entrance.



"This is what I get for not exercising."

"It's not like you can."

Cole stared at the twins with eyes a father would have after raising his children into disappointments.

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"How long are you two going to fool around?"

The two of them instantly fixed themselves up and assumed a more ninja-like posture. Cole didn't see why they would do that since they were in China and not in Japan but just let it be. Maybe they were Japanese or were just some plain old otaku.

"Back to the topic."

"So, tell me the results."

The two of them bowed their heads and changed to a more serious demeanour.

"Dier Siliao, the Head of the Dier clan has made contact Fu Bai at the expected time."

"The way they moved and talk showed that they were already familiar with each other and were used to doing business with each other."

"They even led each other to an uncommon pub."

"It was as if they were longtime pals and not a pair of greedy monkeys.

Their voices turned a bit chilly and were filled with pure disgust and contempt. Their eyes shared the same emotions as their words and both of their fists tightened slightly.

Cole stroked his chin and thought for a bit. He had the twins go search the houses of the most likely people first and to tail them if they went out. They quickly went through their manors and searched for secret entrances and passageways and had also copied account flows.

When Cole had asked them why they just didn't take screenshots of the documents instead, they answered that their handwriting was super fast and they couldn't mute the sound feature of the screenshot tool and the fact that they would have to keep on setting it up over and over again.

This was to make sure that they would be aware of all the pictures they took.

Another reason was that they had bought way too much spare paper anyway. Just so you know, they copied it in English since their translator translated images too.

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Although they said that, Cole knew it was because they had just forgotten about it and just decided to go with it.

「I'm BACK!!!」

They were about to continue their report but a man covered in seaweed blasted through the sliding door.

It was Val who hadn't fully assumed his human form yet. He still had his horns and a few scales on both his arms on his face hadn't faded away yet and his tail was also present and his mouth had a random fish caught in it. Water kept on dripping down from his body down to the wooden floor.

It was going to be a pain to clean up later.

"Ah, you're back."

"Vale, there's kelp on your horn."

"Rion, there's a clam clamped onto your tail."

Cole didn't seem to be surprised by Val's timing since he had anticipated that he would come back then or a bit later while the twins were preoccupied with a few other things that came back with Val.

'Natural source of iodine.'

'Fried clams.'

Val took a quick second to check himself and shook off all the water and other items that came with him like a dog drying themselves.

'This is really going to be a pain to clean later.'

Cole wouldn't be the actual one to clean the place but the room they were currently in was his temporary bedroom. Even if it was temporary, he would still be bothered by it.


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Val was interrupted with Felicia entering through the now busted door while carefully tiptoeing over the wet spots on the floor. (Which was nearly everywhere.)

"What happened here? The floor's wet."

Felicia stepped inside the room and had just returned from interrogating a few trusted servants who were informed of their actual mission.

The three simultaneously pointed towards Val who already had his Dragon features fully removed. His hair was untied so he could dry it better and was sitting by an open window.

"So, what were your findings that you were so excited about?"

After seeing that Val had fully settled down, Cole asked the Dragon.

Noticing that his turn had finally come, Val stood up with an excited and triumphant look on his face and proudly said.

「I found him! Or is it her? Wait, they could be genderless...」

Val's voice eventually faded to confusion and doubt so he didn't notice the satisfied smirk on Cole's face.

"Where exactly did you find the Azure Dragon?"

The others cleared up with Cole's subtle reveal on who exactly Val had found. They didn't know why Cole had Val look for him but knowing him, it wasn't so Val could find a friend.

'It's not just so he could find a fucking friend. That would just be useless.'

'I wonder if it was so we could use the Dragon in some way.'

'Are we gonna kill the Dragon?'

Whatever they thought, they would simply listen. They all thought there was no point in butting in a conversation you knew nothing about. You would only embarrass yourself.

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Besides they would be told the reason when the time comes.

「I found them at an underwater cavern slightly to the east of here, I think? I remember it being really deep though.」


Val's face was the epitome of an easygoing and happy-go-lucky. Cole wanted to get mad at him for only being able to provide such a vague description about the location of the Dragon but his face was shining so brightly.

There were even flowers blooming around, Cole felt he would actually feel a pang of guilt he hadn't felt in years if he destroyed such an innocent face.


「OW! What was that for?!」

"Oh, I didn't feel it."

When Cole tried it, he didn't feel a weight on his chest or his heart scrunching up. Maybe it was because he thought it was well deserved.

The bystanders for the chapter felt slightly sorry for Val but were used to Cole's actions. One was used to him at home and the others were used to his eyes of disappointment at workers who couldn't accomplish the simplest of tasks.
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He didn't bother to explain to the Val who was rubbing his swollen cheek while his face was glistening due to his held back tears. You really wouldn't be able to tell that he was a Dragon.

"Give a proper description."


The Dragon sulked which signalled the start to a long night.

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