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After finishing off that horrible mess, Cole went back to Val with the twins in tow.

Although they were complaining about it very excessively earlier, it seems they had already calmed down.

"On second thought, there are a lot of things that we've seen that are worse than that."

"You're right about that, Ni."

The twins went silent for a while and looked as if they had recalled a bad memory before quickly going back to smiling children. Cole dragged Val away from the still entranced crowd and bid his farewells to the only recently introduced dragon.

「If you are to ever visit here again, please let me know.」

The Azure Dragon gave them a kind message and then he did his best to try to appease the crowd.

Felicia handed overYunzhen to the Shadow Imperial Guards (Self-proclaimed). They had questioning faces behind their hats and masks but knew that it was better not question anything. They then teleported away with Yunzhen.

"*YAWN*... Shall we go back now?"

Felicia let out a yawn and stretched her arms. She then turned around and asked the group behind her.

"Sure, but Gemi, Mini."


Cole called the attention of the twins who had been just making sure that they had all of their stuff in order down on the ground. They were just as in-sync as they always were.

"Can you guys go report the completion of the mission? I need to go pick someone up."

The twins' hands stopped and they looked up at Cole and stood up.


"That's fine but who?"

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Gemi raised a suspicious eyebrow at Cole's request while Mini asked who exactly was the important personage.
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"My daughter."





Millions of questions popped up in both of Gemi's and Mini's minds. Their feet were rooted in place and it was if they had been petrified. Cole patiently waited for their response even as a tumbleweed casually rolled by.

Mini took in a hard gulp and was the first to ask a question to which Gemi followed after.

"...How old is she?"

"She's 5."

"And how old are you now?"

"23. That's also according to this body as well."

Both of the twins put a hand to their chins and sank into deep thought. They could be heard muttering a few calculations and some ethic problems. After a good while, their eyes darted straight to Felicia.

"And how old are you, Feli?"

"Ah? 20. Why?"

The twins then let out a sad sigh at her answer. But something probably popped up into their heads since they then had reassured faces quickly after.

"Well, whatever. We'll report to HQ in your stead."

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"In exchange, bring your kid to the office sometime."

Cole simply gave a nod as affirmation and then had Felicia teleport them back to〈S.T.E.L.L.A〉

Felicia opened up a portal to Val's cave. and the group finally left the〈Huaxia Zone〉















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"I'm telling you, Ray. I'm pretty sure it doesn't work like that."

"Nonsense, Eva!

Meanwhile, in a cave. Eva was sitting on a sofa holding a book that was titled〈How to Deal With Idiots (Various Types)〉while a lovestruck Braith was busy preaching about how he would absolutely win over the heart of his crush in the next 3 days by constantly bumping against them in his school's corridor.

"By then, she'll have developed an interest in me and then we'll meet each other in romantic situations by pure coincidence through the power of magic! All thanks to this holy book!"

Braith held up a cliche shoujo manga up in his hands and looked at it as if it were his bible. Eva let out a sigh and recalled the time when he told her that they were both 'mature' for their age.

In certain matters, yes. Braith did seem smarter than others his age but he was a definite idiot when it came to love matters. Just like his father.

You couldn't blame the boy though. He was only 7.

However, Eva wasn't sure if thinking about dating at the age of 7 could be considered as 'mature' or not.

"I thought you were smart..."

"Huh? What was that just now?"

"Nothing, I' was just wondering when Papa would be coming back."

At Eva's words, Braith quieted down and studied her face. Her silver bangs were covering her face as she buried it in one of the books she had borrowed from the cave.

Braith then suddenly felt a bit sorry for one-sidedly talking about his crush and whatever nonsense he had in his head.

He came down from the table and sat on the couch with a good distance between him and Eva.

He scratched his head for ideas of what to say to make her feel better and then took a deep breath.

"It'll be fine, Eva. After all, Uncle Cole seems like a good person. And even while my Dad is gone a lot sometimes, he always comes back. So I and Mom still love him."

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"And, Uncle Cole said so himself right? That he'll definitely come back. So just believe in him."

Braith gave a little fist bump to Eva's shoulder to try and cheer her up. She lowered the book in her hands and started to curl up into a ball.

"But... I believed that and he..."




Eva cut her sentence midway through when she heard the sound of footsteps coming from the corridor. She didn't dare to go and take a look since most of the time it was just Lala or Val's parents bringing them refreshments.

As the footsteps grew louder and louder, the urge to go peek grew stronger but she didn't budge a single bit.


At the call of a familiar voice, only then did Eva slowly bring her head up. It was Cole's face that had appeared above her.


To her question, Cole leaned against the sofa and stretched out a hand to Eva. Although his face wasn't smiling, it felt kinder and softer than it usually did.

"Let's go home."

At Cole's words, Eva closed the book she was reading and took Cole's hand. He picked her up and gave her a few pats on the back before leaving the room.

The sight of her curled up in Cole's arms as they were leaving somehow made for a heartwarming scene.

"See, I told you there was nothing to worry about."

Braith said with a self-satisfied grin on his face before he picked up his 'holy bible' and continued to read it.

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