"HAHAHA! That's right! You, bring her over here to me!" Samuel laughed like a maniac as he ordered the last guard.

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"Yes sir!"

The guard walked over to Samuel with an unconscious Plutia in his hands while still resting his sword beneath Plutia's chin.

"You! You call us demons!? You're the one that's a demon!" Nicole shouted with bloodshot eyes from rage.

"Don't you want her to live?" The guard said nonchalantly as he brought his sword's edge even closer to Plutia's neck.


Meanwhile back at the Hugge's family mansion.

"Nyan? Wheres my master?"

Hastur who woke up looked around in the room to be met with no one.

'Why do I feel like something is not right? I can't contact her through our spirit link.'

Hastur who noticed this was panicking as he headed towards the direction of Plutia through her scent.

'Master I hope you're fine! Just wait I'm on my way!'

Hastur then leaped onto a building and started to run along its edges until he saw a crowd of commoners all looking at one spot in disgust, fear and rage.

'What's happening here?'

"You! You call us demons!? You're the one that's a demon!"

Hastur who heard this recognized the voice as it came from Nicole. He turned to look at her direction to find someone holding his master with their blade on her neck.


Hastur after seeing his cute little master being hurt dived towards the guard with all his strength which blew a hole onto the building's roof he was on due to his force.


"You stay right there! I'll have my way with her in front of all of you! HAHAHA, if you try to stop me I'll have her head fly off from her neck right now!" Samuel said maniacally as he started extending his arm towards Plutia's skirt.


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Half of Plutia's skirt was torn which only showed her thighs.

Samuel threw away the piece of skirt which he had ripped off and moved his hands towards Plutia's thigh.

That was, until his hand that should've touched Plutia's thigh missed and touched the empty air.

"Blargh." The guard who was holding onto Plutia lost his grip of her as he looked toward's the hole through his body piercing his heart.

'W-what happened. Who was it...'

He then saw a black cat that had supported Plutia on his small back and carried her over to Nicole.

'A black cat?! No! If I die like this I'll be a laughing joke in hell! I won't let it off like this...'

Contrary to the guard's thoughts his eyes rolled over as he breathed his last.

"Who!" Samuel who noticed the hole on the guard's body became scared instantly.

"""Hastur!?""" Nicole's group exclaimed.

"Hastur? Who?" Mrs. Hummel asked the group as she was holding onto the shoulders of an unconscious Plutia.

"He's the black cat you see. He's actually a spirit cat that Plutia contracted with." Nicole said out loud for the commoners and Samuel to hear.

'Spirit cat huh? Hehe, she'll be mine soon.' Leo thought secretly as he hid himself within the commoners.

"Spirit cat! So that little girl was a monster tamer!" Samuel shouted in jealousy.

"That's right she's a monster tamer. So what? You're going to prison now!"

"Y-you! You think civilian's can arrest an adventurer on the Adventurer Guild's territory!?" Samuel shouted.

"What do you mean by that?" A voice Plutia was really familiar with was heard from the Adventurer Guild's building.

"Huh? Who do you think you ar-"

Samuel looked at the man who walked out of the guild with his eyes wide open in shock.

Other adventurers that were regulars here who saw the man walk out of the guild also became speechless.

The commoners started to ask the adventurers who were shocked who the man was.

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"H-he is the guild master of this guild..." One of the adventurers said while stuttering.

"I-I, Guild Master arrest these people! They killed my men! You know we nobles send you money so you can keep your stuff running!" Samuel shouted as he pointed toward's Nicoles group for which seemed like the 100th time.

"Oh? Just why should I arrest them for killing your men? For what I know we can keep running just by selling the resources we get."

"I've been adventuring to get this guild some of the resources it needs to maintain! They are just nobodies! Obviously I have the higher merit, so they should be the one arrested!" Samuel shouted as he tried to reason with Sinaeb.

"Ah? Is that so... You harmed one of my guild officials and yet you still claim to have them be arrested? Is that right?" Sinaeb asked Samuel.

"What guild official! I haven't harmed any!" Samuel declined the claim.

"Then explain to me why she's unconscious and has blood trickling down her neck?" Sinaeb said as he pointed toward's Plutia who was in Mrs. Hummels embrace.

"What does she have to do with me harming an guild offical!?" Samuel said in rage as he couldn't add things up.

"So did you harm her?"

"I did so what? She's a nobody! She should've accepted to become my wife but, she declined me!"

"I hope you do know you admitted to harming my guild official yourself you know." Sinaeb said as his eyes sharpened when he heard Samuel try to take Plutia as his wife.

"Just what do you mea-"

"Plutia is a guild official here. She works as a guild receptionist here. Ask the other adventurers that have been here for the past year to confirm." Sinaeb said nonchalantly.

"""What!?""" Samuel and the students exclaimed in shock.

"T-there's no way! She can't be!" Samuel shouted as he panicked.

"Next time you open your eyes you'll be behind bars Samuel. You're now a criminal and no longer an adventurer." Sinaeb said as he pulled out his broadsword and walked toward him.

"No! You can't! Im a nob-"


Samuel who said this before his last words were out of his mouth was knocked unconscious by Sinaeb.

[Vanishing Step]

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Sinaeb who was walking toward's Samuel suddenly disappeared and reappeared behind Samuel as he brought the flat of his blade onto Samuel's head.


"Hmm. I'm still a bit rusty. Maybe I should work out more."

"""S-strong.""" Everyone at the scene said in unison excluding the unconscious Plutia.(LOL)

"Alright the show's over. Go back to doing what you're doing otherwise this city will be poor and become a slum again. Shoo~" Sinaeb said as he tried to ward everyone away.

"Ah right! My wife and daughter is still at home and it's past dinner time! They surely are still waiting for me!" A commoner said as he dashed back home.

"Me too!"

"I have a patient that I have to cure!"

"I-I have a weapon order so I need to create that!"

"U-uh my store needs to be opened! So I need to go open and manage it!"

The commoners started to state their reasons and then left immediately so they didn't get on his bad side.

"M-mister, what did you mean when you said Plutia was a guild official here?" Nicole asked what the group was thinking.

"What I meant was what I meant. Has she told you about her mother yet?" Sinaeb asked Nicole.

"Y-yes a bit... She only said that her mother died on a adventurer's quest." Nicole said as she looked down and remembered how sad Plutia was.

"Ever since her mother died and her father who is missing, I had to take care of her so I quit my adventuring days and ended up raising her at this guild."

"I-is that so? Thank you for taking care of her then..." Nicole said as she realized Plutia only had Sinaeb who she could count on as a family member.

"Thank you for taking care of her."

"Yeah, what both of them said. I'd like to thank you."

"Same, if you never took care of her, we would never have been able to meet her."

The student's started to thank him one after each other excluding Leo. Even the teachers ended up thanking him.

"Nya~ So you're her father in law then I guess?" Hastur asked as he walked over to where Sinaeb was.

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"Correct, you're her spirit beast I assume?"

"Nailed it! So uh, how did you know I was her spirit beast again?"

"I remembered how she had a love of cats. So that's one way to narrow it down to you. Second I also remembered how animals loved her scent for some reason. So that's another way to narrow it down to you. Lastly, you were the one that protected her, so that is a way to narrow it down to you." Sinaeb said as he explained it to Hastur.

"Oh, you're actually pretty smart for a guy. Are you sure you aren't her stalker rather than her father-in-law?"

"Do you wan't to die?"

"No I don't, I take it back.

"Then you better take care of her once you guys start adventuring. You already saw how pure her mana was. However, that doesn't mean she's strong due to her power being sealed off around the world." Sinaeb whispered to Hastur so no one else could hear.

"Sealed? What do you mean?"

"She was a prodigy. However her attempt to avenge her dead mother was met with failure as her powered was sealed by the one that murdered his mother for the exchange of his life."

"Alright, I'll take care of her then so she doesn't live in grief..." Hastur agreed when he heard of the full story from Sinaeb.

"Oh yeah don't worry I'll kill you if you can't take care of Plutia well enough for me."

Sinaeb then stood up after Hastur had confirmed that he would take care of Plutia. He then looked toward's the students.

"So you came here to register as adventurers right? Then come inside I'll set that up for you kids quickly." Sinaeb said as he gestured for them to follow him.

"""Yes!""" The students said as they followed him into the guild.

"Alright fill in this form for me each of you." Sinaeb said as he handed them all a form and a quill with ink."

"""Yes!""" The students once again said enthusiastically as after they signed this form they would become adventurers.

"Alright, here you go. This is a an ID to represent your name, age, profession, and rank. Since you all are new you will be placed as E-ranked. I hope you the best of luck on your adventure since you're friends with Plutia."

"""We will!"""

"Make sure you take care of her as well." Sinaeb said as he pointed toward's Plutia who was unconscious with her head on Mrs. Hummels thighs receiving a lap pillow.

"""Yes Plutia's father-in-law!"""

"Alright! Then give it all ye got!"

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