"Get out here old man! We know you're in there! You know what we want, so hand it over! Give your Viscount Rank to us, otherwise we'll destroy your entire mansion! Don't think your petty guards can stop us this time, I hired twenty D ranked adventurers this time!" Dean shouted at the top of his lungs.

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'If I ever see that White Haired Loli again, I'll make sure to teach her who's boss by making her my pet slave. I'll make it so she can't even stand or cry for help.' Dean thought vulgarly.

'Ever since Dean got out of prison, he isn't acting like his usual self. He's so arrogant nowadays, I wonder what happened to him in prison? He's been muttering to himself lately about teaching that White Haired Loli in a vulgar manner, on and on. I hope he doesn't catch her, otherwise I can't imagine what'll happen to the poor girl. She'll probably die by his hands, from the pain and torture, as she's still so young and small.' Roji thought as he shuddered in fear.

'I feel sorry for that little girl. She'll probably never see the light of sun ever again once he catches her. She'll turn into his pet and no one will be able to save her.' Louis thought to himself.

"LEAVE THIS AREA THIS INSTANT BEFORE THINGS GET MESSY DEAN!" Ben bellowed as he walked outside his mansion gate with twenty guards.

"Hah, on what saying will I get out of here? Hand over the Viscount Rank then we can talk." Dean replied.

"Also, whilst you're at it, hand those two girls over to me." Dean stated as he pointed towards Nicole and Sally who were behind the guards.

"On what basis will I give you those two girls? They're my son's classmates! You think I'll hand them over to you? Who knows what you'll do when you get your dirty hands on them!" Ben angrily retorted.

"Oh, is that so? You two girls just wait, this handsome man will treat you well once we deal with this old man. Hahahaha!" Dean said as he vulgarly eyed up and down Nicole and Sally.

"Ugh, I don't like this guy. On what basis is he handsome? He's so fat that he's even bigger than Peter himself!" Nicole said in disgust.

"Y-you're right. I'm getting goosebumps just by him staring at me. Hey Nicole, can you hurry up and Fireball him? I don't want him to stare at me for a second longer. It grosses me out!" Sally stated.

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"Y-yeah.. I'll do that." Nicole hastily replied.

"I give my prayers to heaven for a wish, give me the power I need to burn the enemies in front of me. Fireball!" Nicole chanted quickly as she pointed the tip of her wand towards Dean.

A Fireball twice the size of Plutia's hand shot out towards Dean. Dean who was still in a daze, vulgarly thought of what he would do to Nicole and Sally.

"Dean watch out!" shouted Louis.

"Huh wha-"


"Gyaah?!" Dean who finally snapped out of his daze felt a painful blow that sent him flying back towards all the adventurers he hired and caused a few of them to be injured and get knocked over.

""Dean!"" Both Louis and Roji screamed as they ran towards him.

"You're dead to me! Men, get them! Make sure you leave the girls alive. They'll be taught how to behave by me personally. Hahaha!" Dean who got up said in a mad rage.

"""Yes Sir!""" Said the adventurers who were blinded by money.

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"Guards! Protect the girls and the mansion!" Ben commanded.

"""Yes Sir!""" Said Ben's guards in unison.

"You girls should run back to the house with Plutia, before you get dragged into the battle." Ben stated.

"No need! They'll go after us anyway if we don't stop them here and now. Right guys?" Nicole said as she looked at the group.

"""Ou!""" The group nodded in agreement.

"Alright, then let's do this!" Nicole said.

"""Yeah! Lets do this otherwise they'll get to Plutia!""" The group shouted.

"I give my prayers to heaven for a wish, give me the power I need to burn the enemies in front of me. Fireball!" Nicole chanted once again as she aimed for an adventurer fighting against one of the guards.


"Gy-ack?!" He wailed in agony as he gets sliced and burnt before falling unconscious.

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"""I give my prayers to heaven for a wish, give me the power I need to destroy the enemies I fight against. Reinforcement!""" Brian, Robert, and Peter chanted.

The three of them rushed to help the guards closest to them.

Swish~! Clang~! Swish~!

The three of them sliced down the enemies while the guards were holding the Adventurers with their sword.

"""Ahhhhhhhhhh!""" Three Adventurers cried out in pain before they fell unconscious.


"GAH!" Wailed an Adventurer as an arrow was embedded into his left arm. He took a knee in the gut, forgetting about the guard he was fighting as the opposing guard's sword flew down directly at his chest.

"GAWAHHHHHHHH!" The Adventurer screamed as blood spurted out from his chest and fell down dead.

"I give my prayers to heaven for a wish, give me the power I need to save the people I care about. Heal!" Sally chanted.

"""Woah! I feel refreshed and healed up!""" The guards said happily in unison."""

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"""Tch! Auguste, help us!""" Shouted the eight D-Ranked adventurers that were still alive and kicking.

"Losing to little kids and a few mere guards? You make me laugh, don't even think about stepping on the same rank as me." A big fat man said cladded in a full iron suit and falchion sword at his hip.

Auguste Alsand is a C-Ranked adventurer that comes from a Baron family. He is a big and fat man and wore a new set of polished iron armor and iron helmet. Rumour has it, he paid others to do his work for him to get his rank up due to how no one has ever seen him doing any sorts of work. However, in this scenario, they all have lost hope, calling in Auguste so he can do something to save them.

"You better stand down otherwise I'll kill you! Don't you know who I am? I am Auguste Alsand, I'm a C-Ranked adventurer!" Auguste bragged.

'Hmph, this should make those pesky brats and guards stop. It wasn't easy getting this rank. I had to spend so much money to hire people to get this rank.' Auguste thought to himself.

Everyone stopped and stared at Auguste. The Adventurers stared at Auguste with their eyes wide open in shock because he actually tried to use his rank to taunt them which they believed couldn't be used to stop the guards and kids. The guards stared at Auguste because they all thought if they were to bring another Baron family and a C-ranked adventurer into the mix, it might actually bring harm to the Hugge's family. Nicole's group stared at Auguste in disgust because he actually used a rank to taunt them instead of showing them what he's capable of.

"That's right! You better stop and hand me everything you have!" Auguste laughed as his planned worked.

""Who will do tha-!"" Nicole and Ben shouted.

"Thats enough!" came a familiar voice near the Hugge's mansion's gate.

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