Gift Money (1)

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Xue Lan who was sitting in front of the computer staring blankly, just realized what his teammate was saying.

Duan Wenzheng’s game character was standing by the window in the corner. Because the space in the corner was very small, it would be easy to become the enemy’s target, so he naturally crouched down as he waited for the healing to finish.

But this kind of angle…After he said it, it was indeed quite intriguing.

When the healing was almost over, Xue Lan quickly stood up and went to hide in a safe place.

“I say, Zheng-ge, you really are naughty, us two ge’s are risking our lives for you outside, but you’re hiding here doing this sort of thing. If I had come a little later, would you guys have already given birth to a child?”


“Oh, remember to gift money.”

A lazy voice vividly came out from the headset. Xue Lan’s heart skipped a beat.

Even if he had never heard Duan Wenzheng’s voice, Xue Lan could tell that the voice was from Duan Wenzheng.

He sounded nonchalant, but upon hearing him, the tip of Xue Lan’s ears turned red.

While that deep, rich voice from the headset still continued—

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“Ey did you know, this BabyCandy is a small internet celebrity. She has a pretty face. Lao Qi watches her live streams every day! Ey, look, look, her live stream is still on, it’s that one!”

A bit of noise shrouded the voice in the headset; the two appeared to be playing together in an internet cafe. Fatty’s words made Xue Lan strain to breathe once more.

The live stream is on? They’re watching?

Then isn’t it…

“What do you think? Good enough, right?”

Xue Lan stiffly lowered his head, looking at the shameful pink dress.

With a dark face, he turned the webcam away.

Xue Lan’s time playing on the computer was limited. Although he could occasionally watch live streams on the phone, he still didn’t understand how it worked. He had been searching for a long time and was still unable to close the live stream, but since the camera was no longer aimed at himself, he could only give up this thought for the time being.

But the voice in the headset still continued.

“Ey, how come the person’s gone? Did you see, Zheng-ge? Decent or not?  How did you guys come into contact? Didn’t even see you turn on the mic, did you flirt in the chat? Added WeChat yet? What about QQ? If… if you have any ‘resources’, remember to share…”

Xue Lan was not sure whether or not to warn this talkative teammate through chat, but then he heard a very low laugh.

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“What are you laughing about?” Sure enough, this talkative teammate asked in confusion.

Duan Wenzheng did not respond, but another person who was playing together with them had lost his patience and cursed:

“Fatty, did you not fucking know Zheng-ge has the group voice chat on?!”


For a long while, silence dawned the headset.

Until a familiar lazy, clear voice rolled out—

“Mark the first floor of the building, Lao Qi go round the back, Fatty go to the door.”

Hearing the order, Fatty, who just got upstairs, immediately crept downstairs in gloom.

Xue Lan’s fingers paused. This time, he did not follow Fatty; he quietly followed behind Duan Wenzheng.

Before long, the horrible shriek of Fatty came through the headset once more.

“Under the second window on the left—there’s only a little health left!” After reporting that, he cried, “Fuck, sister, how come you didn’t follow me? I died!!”

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After teammate Lao Qi made a detour, he knowingly rushed through the door, firing in the direction of the said location.

However, as soon as he entered, only a small amount of HP was left in the guy known as Lao Qi.

Duan Wenzheng’s muzzle had long been aimed below the second window and was awaiting for an opportunity. The instant that the figure under the window flashed past, he pressed down the trigger—

System notice: Reset has successfully killed LGW-Wind

Xue Lan stared at the flashing system notice on the screen, feeling more thrilled than he had been over his previous kills in the game.

He did not follow Fatty and Lao Qi to surround the person to make sure that the final shot would be from Duan Wenzheng. Besides, he himself was not good at playing as a medic, so if he went, he might have just shot himself in the foot.

On the other hand, Wen Yan’s popularity was currently climbing. As someone who was at the highest level on The End, the bullet screen in the live stream exploded.

@southofwenwind: whats going on????? wind god was sniped? a headshot??

@starswatchingthesea: must be a cheat right?

@officiallycertifiedmrswen: how could my hubby be one shot by a passerby!!

@recitingscripturesininternetcafe: Feeder is a feeder, Wen Yan has been playing professionally for so many years, it’s normal to react slow the older you get, it should be time to resign.

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@windwillneverstop: resign ur mom! get lost!!


The live stream was instantly swamped by the bullet screens of both sides. As a result, Xue Lan no longer paid attention to the bullet screen, as he was not in the mood to watch them argue.

“Holy shit?! He died?” Fatty’s voice was filled with joy. “We really defeated a professional player? Ey, but… why is it only me who died?”

“Fatty, you should be glad that sister is holding a medical gun, otherwise I reckon you wouldn’t even step out of that floor just now,” the person called Lao Qi quipped as he laughed.

He spoke while looking for a bunker to heal. “Let’s hurry and secure their base before this person revives… shit??”

His words had not been finished when Xue Lan heard gunshots coming from that shabby room again. Lao Qi’s health bar was also depleted in an instant.

“They’re three people… No, four! The medic has revived and is rushing to your floor, careful!”

Likewise, Xue Lan stiffened up.

Four people.

Although these four weren’t professional players, they were still high-level elite players. If it were an assault rifle in his hands, he could fight together with Duan Wenzheng…but he was holding a medical gun that could only heal.

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