Hand Injury (3)

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Duan Wenzheng’s tightly pursed lips raised a slight arc again, and his fingertips gently slid across the place where the wound medicine was overflowing, as if he was carefully pushing the medicine into the wound. Weird itching.

Xue Lan didn’t dare to turn her head back, and didn’t dare to withdraw her hand again. She just quietly glanced at the hospital gate behind her from the corner of her eye.

“still there?”


“……still there?”


“…” Xue Lan was about to cry, thinking about why Uncle Duan didn’t come out directly when he came, why did he have to hide behind his back…

I don’t know how long it took, until the medicine on the wrist gradually soaked into the fragrance of the medicine, so long that Xue Lan began to secretly doubt the authenticity of Duan Wenzheng’s words… Then suddenly came the voice of Duan’s father from far and near behind him——

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“Xiao Xue, it’s a good thing you’re fine this time, or else I would really…”

Hearing this, Xue Lan seemed to have finally grasped some life-saving straw, and hastily withdrew her hand from Duan Wenzheng’s palm that seemed to be playing, and sat upright.

“This time… thank you.” Duan’s father walked to the two of them in a deep voice, and seemed embarrassed when he remembered his bad attitude just now, and then he pursed his lips and said seriously: “From now on, our home will be your home. You come to play often.”

“Wait a minute, did you forget that I’m still running away from home?” Duan Wenzheng recovered his composure for a while. “If I don’t come back, why does he…”

Xue Lan heard him bring this up again, and hurriedly wanted to pull the hem of his clothes to make him stop talking. This man clearly said that he didn’t want to say that he didn’t want to say that there was someone he couldn’t catch up with, so why is he hanging this matter on the Internet now? lips.

But before Duan Wenzheng understood his hint, he heard Duan’s father spat: “It’s not that you are too disappointed! Xiao Xue, in fact, I have always wanted a daughter. If you don’t like this bastard, why don’t you give me a daughter?” Treat me as…”

Duan Wenzheng suddenly felt that something was wrong, seeing the old man’s words getting more and more outrageous, but the eyes of someone who didn’t understand any human feelings lit up when he heard the words…

He hurriedly interrupted his father: “It’s getting late, the youth training camp has already urged you several times, since you are fine, we will go back first.”

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As soon as Xue Lan heard the urging from the club, she quickly followed Duan Wenzheng and stood up.

After bidding farewell to Duan’s father several times, the two said goodbye at Duan’s father’s request and walked out of the hospital together.

Hearing that the youth training camp came to urge him, Xue Lan hurriedly forgot what happened just now after walking out of the hospital, and asked seriously: “The youth training camp is here to urge you? Is there any temporary extra match?”

Duan Wenzheng looked at his serious eyebrows, raised his lips and was about to say something, but a sudden ringing of the phone interrupted their conversation. Xue Lan picked up the phone, and after a while——

“What? The first team match is ahead of schedule?!”


The first team match was ahead of schedule, something no one expected.

Xue Lan hurried back to the youth training camp with Duan Wenzheng after receiving a call from Qi Siyu. Before entering the door, she heard complaints from the training room about waiting for a training team with them.

As soon as the two entered the door, Qi Siyu ran towards them.

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“Where did you go? Why did you come back so late, and I’m waiting for your training…” He finished speaking halfway, his eyes fixed on Xue Lan’s limping footsteps supported by Duan Wenzheng: “What’s going on? gone?”

“It’s okay.” Xue Lan smiled apologetically: “I’m fine, I didn’t mean to stall, let’s go.”

Qi Siyu breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and was about to take the two of them into the training room, but Duan Wenzheng said with a grim expression: “He can’t train now.”

Qi Siyu was taken aback, and even Meng Weiran and Si Yiyu who were standing up in the training room were also taken aback.

Si Yiyu saw that the atmosphere was a bit stiff, his eyes fell on Xue Lan, and seeing that there seemed to be something wrong with him, he asked slowly, “What’s the matter?”

Seeing this, Xue Lan hurriedly said: “It’s okay, it’s just a small injury. You have been waiting for a long time, let’s start.”

But just after he finished speaking, Duan Wenzheng said coldly: “He’s injured in his wrist and can’t play anymore. If you still want him to play in the game two days later, let him go back to rest now.”

“Wrist injury?” Si Yiyu gasped and exclaimed in a low voice.

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“It’s not that exaggerated.” Xue Lan hurriedly explained: “It’s just that I accidentally twisted it just now, it really doesn’t matter.”

“Find someone to make up for it first.” Duan Wenzheng said to Meng Weiran without hesitation, seeing him turn around and run towards the lounge, Duan Wenzheng then looked away: “If you are worried, just watch from the side. ”

Wrist injuries can be big or small, but for an e-sports player, no matter how small the injury is, it is a major matter that needs to be paid full attention to.

Duan Wenzheng has never been a rigid person, and he has never said anything in an orderly tone. At this moment, his sensual words are like an order. Not only did Meng Weiran subconsciously call for someone after hearing his words, but he was still thinking about himself the moment before. Xue Lan, who was in the practice match, couldn’t help but sit down in his designated seat in a well-behaved manner, and he didn’t dare to make a sound in a well-behaved manner.

Although Qi Siyu looked bad, he didn’t say anything after all, and returned to his seat to continue adjusting the equipment.

Xue Lan knew that it was his fault that he left the youth training camp without permission when he should have practiced well, and finally came back with a hand injury. Although his teammates did not criticize him harshly at this moment, he still felt sorry, and a hanging heart fell on him. In the practice match that started hastily after preparation.

Fortunately, Wen Zheng performed exceptionally well in several practice sessions, and every time he was able to play a very smooth tailwind at the beginning of the game. Although the cooperation of his teammates was a little immature, each of them had extremely solid actual combat skills. Should be more solid and ideal.

During this period of training, Xue Lan’s slightly suspended heart about the position gradually settled down.

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