“Cough.” Fatty didn’t know he would cooperate with him like that, using the title “sniper god” he had flaunted. For the first time, his thick-skinned face flushed. He snickered. “Look, you don’t believe me, but you believe sister right?”

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Duan Wenzheng didn’t comment. Xue Lan became nervous.

Although everything he said was sincere, it was his first time praising someone in front of others and being put in the light, which embarrassed him.

Xue Lan snapped back to himself and once again emphasized:

BabyCandy: I’m really male.

“En, we know!” Fatty agreed without a beat, but there was no trace of “know” in his mirthful tone.

Xue Lan finally gave up.

BabyCandy: You guys play, I’ll go off first.

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“Ey, sister don’t be mad.” Fatty immediately panicked, completely forgetting the fact that he wasn’t healed by Xue Lan at all in the game just now. “Hey, let’s play together! One more one more, you play so well, we’re waiting for you to teach us!”

Xue Lan heard this and saw through Fatty’s lies. He played as a medic for the first time—he knew fairly well what a novice he was. Hearing Fatty saying “play one more game”, he glanced at that ID in the team and the add friend option next to the ID.

BabyCandy: I’m not, we’ll next time.

Saying that, Xue Lan swiftly clicked on the small plus sign beside the Reset name and left the party in diffidence. He went offline without waiting for a response.

Xue Lan did not sleep the whole night, he only drifted off to sleep in the early morning the next day.

The next day, he also didn’t log into the medic account but registered a new assaulter account.

Dawn of the End’s game mechanism was flexible. The earlier stage could be upgraded in many ways, such as world survival war and killing bosses, and the game character’s level must be upgraded to reach a series of optimization attributes.

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Before the end of the world, humans were distinguished by level and were implanted “microchips” to become cyborgs. When the account was initially selected as “game profession”, the microchip was unique and irreplaceable. So, if he wanted to play as an assaulter, he must make a new account.

While upgrading the level, the base attributes such as “movement speed, reduce cool down and change ammunition speed” could be upgraded according to one’s own customized chip properties. The microchip came with two jacks which one may choose to install through the exchange of winning points or drops from bosses, and had different “teleportation, shield, healing, purification, interference,” and the extremely difficult to obtain “invisibility”, among the random two skills of the microchip plug.

And while the game character’s rifle possessed the “core energy”, winning points from the ranks were needed to upgrade it.

The beginner level was insipid since players were unable to join the ranked match, Xue Lan also didn’t like playing PVE, so the best way to upgrade the base level and strengthen the “microchip” was to carry out a multi-player survival war.

Leveling up was hard, but if he played with a medic account like the original owner, although it would be easier to join LGW with the current condition where medics were lacking, three months after entering LGW, because the original Xue Lan persistently used the status of a teammate to get close to Wen Yan and even publicly confessed to Wen Yan in Weibo, he was kicked out of the team.

From then on, the team recruited another medic.

And the assaulter…

LGW currently did not lack assaulter, but Xue Lan knew…in the calm pretense, Wen Yan’s old wrist injury could no longer let him continue his intense training. Although he did not announce it, he would take note of outstanding assaulters in the youth academy.

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Not long after the youth academy ended, when Wen Yan was wondering whether he should inform the higher-ups of the club about this, he and his teammate assaulter of many years suddenly declared to retire.

So soon after, the assaulter position in LGW became insufficient.

Xue Lan was not adept with his medic skills, but he believed he could pass this time to level up and familiarize himself with the game again.

Beginner survival wars had a lot of computer-controlled enemies. He casually played, but his thoughts fell to that friend request.

As far as Xue Lan was concerned, although he had admired a few esports athletes, worshipping them was out of the question. The only person he worshipped was…only the one who had previously only existed in fanfiction, but whom he finally could meet through the game—Duan Wenzheng.

Xue Lan rubbed his head. He had never experienced this concept of “chasing one’s star”. After aggressively playing a few games, he logged out of the assaulter account and logged back into the medic account.

From his understanding of Duan Wenzheng, his account would always have a lot of friend requests. He most likely would ignore and clear those up.

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Even so, he still logged back into the account.

The lower right corner of the account flashed with a friend request response.

Xue Lan’s mouse paused, then clicked it open—

System notice: Reset has added you as a friend.

Xue Lan’s heart skipped a beat.

He had not woken up from the dream of successfully chasing a star—he thought he was still dreaming. But seeing a new notice popping up at the team window at the lower right corner, above the request window flashed the name—


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