Women’s Clothing (2)

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Xue Lan did not immediately sleep after exiting the game. He remembered the video Duan Wenzheng casually sent in the live stream and opened the game live video website, trying to find the clip of him meeting Duan Wenzheng for the first time.

After searching for a simple keyword, sure enough, on the website, he saw a lot of video materials with particularly high clicks. Someone even spliced that video with his own, creating a collection of videos of the top advanced controls.

With a red face, Xue Lan clicked open that video.

All of this was like a dream. He actually had the chance to live again, he could go for a dream he wasn’t able to before and even what he didn’t dare to dream about—playing a match together with his idol Duan Wenzheng. Such a dream beyond belief could even be realized.

There were Wen Yan’s die-hard fans in the video comments and also those that dissed Duan Wenzheng for cheating, but the majority saw Duan Wenzheng Reset’s ability in operating, even indistinctly turning into his tech-fans.

Xue Lan looked at the two parties tearing at each other. He remembered the direction of Duan Wenzheng and Wen Yan’s story shortly after and couldn’t help looking forward to these. They were still at each other’s throats at this moment, but everyone would soon upgrade to be called CP fans. With his foresight, he unconsciously looked forward to the upcoming plot.

He carefully bookmarked that video of him and Duan Wenzheng spliced together. Only then did he delightfully turn off the lights and sleep.

The next morning.

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Xue Lan who would soon be going to the training camp planned to buy a few normal clothes, but when opened the close the saw…

In the original owner’s closet—

E! Very! Thing! Was! A! Dress!

Shocked into questioning his life by the sight in front of him, Xue Lan stood frozen in place. He hung his head sizing up the overly pink dress on his body, and sunk into deep thought.

Before entering the training camp, “Xue Lan” lived alone, so even if he wanted to steal his dad’s clothes to buy clothes…it was impossible.

Xue Lan had thought, he could at least find a few sweatshirts in the closet or a unisex shirt and jeans…but it turned out it was all his wishful thinking.

Xue Lan closed the closet with indifference. He randomly chose and purchased a few clothes on Taobao. Only then did he hopelessly sit back in front of the computer. He continued leveling up his assaulter account.

A day passed like this.

The next day, when Xue Lan groggily woke up from his dream, it was already the afternoon. Seeing that the next day was the registration date for the training camp, he opened Taobao again to check on the delivery status…

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But shockingly, the clothes he chose yesterday had not been dispatched!!

Between wearing a dress to the training camp and wearing a dress to buy clothes to comfortably wearing men’s clothes to the training camp—

If he had to choose, he chose the latter.

Xue Lan indifferently opened the closet again. He closed his eyes and grabbed a dress…

There was a mall not far away from where Xue Lan lived.

He awkwardly pulled at the damned dress on his body and wore a hat to cover himself…in this way he braved death and stepped out of the door.

But even if he had strengthened his mentality, after Xue Lan went out, he felt stifling.

He lowered his head and quickly walked toward the mall. He comforted himself, it was only a few steps away, it was impossible to meet an acquaintance. He just had to quickly buy the clothes and get changed…

“Ey? Doesn’t he look like Xue Lan?”

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An unfamiliar voice made Xue Lan rigid in his steps. He inadvertently looked up toward the sound, only to see in the lower level of the mall, two tall straight figures were coming in his direction.

Maybe the original owner recognized the voice, but he completely did not know that face, but the other person—

It was the very person whom he had seen countless times on game video sites and on the giant posters in his house the past two days…

LGW-Wind, Wen Yan.

Following the words of the person beside him, Wen Yan’s line of sight fell on Xue Lan.

Under the two pairs of eyes, Xue Lan instinctively…turned around and ran!!

Horrified, he quickly squeezed into an internet cafe. He thought Wen Yan would not come to find him, but for some reason, Wen Yan chased after him and also entered the internet cafe.

Although Xue Lan didn’t care to leave a good impression in front of Wen Yan, the original owner wearing women’s clothes was one thing, but him wearing women’s clothes and unexpectedly meeting an acquaintance was another thing…

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He passed through the hall and went into the internet cafe’s restroom in a flurry.

But unexpectedly, as he hastily entered the men’s restroom, someone was there.

That person was standing by the urinal and had just pulled down the zipper of his pants…

Xue Lan didn’t have time to look at him, he was so stunned he looked away. “S-Sorry…”

But then he thought, that’s wrong.

He was a man!! What was he embarrassed for?!

With this in mind, just as Xue Lan lifted his head wanting to explain, a burst of footsteps came from behind him again.

“Did I see wrong? Wouldn’t Xue Lan pounce on you the moment he saw you? How come he ran? You’re also weird, why are we chasing him…Take your time looking for him, I’ll go to the toilet first.”

Xue Lan’s breathing stiffened. As he urgently thought of a place to hide in, that person who was originally undressed in front of him suddenly grabbed his wrist, dragging him into a stall.

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