The Wife is First

Chapter 56

Ch56 - Report of Victory

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The assassin was caught, and the torches around the imperial tent were lit one by one. The left and right protectorate generals rushed over for fear that the Wang Ye had met with a mishap. Then, they saw the Wang Ye, who should have been sleeping in the imperial tent, leisurely walk out of the tent of the military advisor. 

Right protectorate general: “…”

Left protectorate general: “…”



The right protectorate general laughed drily. “The military advisor truly has divine strategies and wonderful planning!”

Left protectorate general: “En.” 

Jing Shao wasn’t the slightest bit embarrassed to have been caught. He walked over to look at the person who was trussed up. The man was wearing the clothes of a menial laborer in the camp. Jing Shao looked closely at the dagger that the guys handed over, and saw that it was exactly the same as the knives they had found on the mounted archers. He said with a sneer, “Is the Southeast King so impatient to secede that he’s trying to do things like this now?”


Hearing these words, the man suddenly looked up, extremely surprised that Jing Shao had already guessed his identity. The mounted archers belonged to the Southwest King. The imperial household shouldn’t have any knowledge of them, which was why they had dared to attack the camp so blatantly.

“I’ll hand this matter to you. Before dawn, Benwang wants to know everything.” Throwing the dagger to the left protectorate general, Jing Shao picked up the struggling little tiger in the right protectorate general’s arms and went back inside the imperial tent to sleep, as if nothing had happened.

“Little Left, why do you think Wang Ye was sleeping in the military advisor’s tent?” The right protectorate general wasn’t able to snap out of it for a while. It had just been some ambiguous actions in the day. At night… he hurriedly shook his head. Wang Ye must have been discussing the military situation with the military advisor. When the right protectorate general discussed things until very late with Little Left, they would also sleep together… But why did he feel like it was very strange… But Wang Ye was so calm, it was definitely nothing…


The left protectorate general glanced at him and said, “Take the assassin to the army prison.”

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Early the next morning, Jing Shao got up early to go to the center tent and listen to the results of the all-night interrogation.

As expected, the assassin wasn’t a real assassin, but rather, a mounted archer who had attacked the camp during the day. Because he fell off his horse, he took advantage of the chaos to hide in the tents of the menial laborers. The Southeast King had given them a death order: If they couldn’t kill the Cheng Wang Jing Shao, they couldn’t go back alive.

Jing Shao frowned and looked at the man lying on the ground, who was breathing his last. “Then why did you want to kill Benwang’s military advisor?” 

“We also… didn’t know… what Cheng Wang… looked like… We just saw that person… His clothes were different… He also stood… stood… in front of the center tent… We thought he was…”

That man had stood in front of the center tent, confronting the surprise cavalry attack without a change in expression, his bearing distinct and noble. Without knowing that he basically didn’t know any martial arts, who wouldn’t think that he was Cheng Wang?

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Looking back on the situation then, they were just too unlucky. If they had come an hour earlier, they could have forced the Cheng Wang to remain in the camp. How could they have recognized the wrong person? When the captain found out that the man wasn’t Cheng Wang, he ordered them to disperse and search for him. As a result, they were separated and annihilated one by one.

Qtfc Alcu Vtjb tfjgv atfrf kbgvr, tf mbeivc’a tfiq ogbkclcu tjgvfg. Po tf tjv yffc lc atf mjwq ja atja alwf, jcv ilxf j rkjgw bo yffr, atfrf qfbqif tjv obmerfv bc jaajmxlcu pera tlw bc atflg relmlvf wlrrlbc, tf kjr jogjlv atja la kbeiv ralii yf vloolmeia obg tlw ab frmjqf vfjat, cb wjaafg tbk wjamtifrr tlr wjgalji jgar kfgf. Ktlcxlcu atlr, tf mbeivc’a tfiq yea ygfjx bea lc j mbiv rkfja. Po atja mjqajlc tjvc’a xcbkc atja Aec Hlcu kjrc’a Jtfcu Qjcu, atfc Aec Hlcu kbeiv tjnf vlfv atlr alwf obg regf! 

“Really going too far!” Jing Shao pounded the table fiercely, extremely angry and worried. In his last life, the Southeast King had only helped the Southwest King by secretly sending some troops to support him. Now, it was a blatant assassination attempt. Truly hateful!

“For the Southeast King to do this, does he not want to live anymore?” The right protectorate general really didn’t understand. The main forces had already reached the southwest. Wasn’t provoking them at this time just leading the fire to the Southeast King himself?

“If it wasn’t for Wang Ye being so experienced and knowledgeable, we might not have known that this was the Southeast King’s person,” the left protectorate general said.

“Wang Ye, I think it’s better to send this man back to the Southeast King to scare that old guy and make him more well-behaved,” the right protectorate general said, brandishing his fist. 

“This person cannot remain.” A warm and pleasant voice rang out. Everyone turned around and saw Mu Hanzhang, dressed in light blue, lift the curtain at the entrance and walk in.

“Jun Qing, why are you up?” Jing Shao frowned. They had tossed about until so late last night that he thought Mu Hanzhang would be able to sleep until noon. He hurriedly greeted him, then had him come and sit down.

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Mu Hanzhang also didn’t refuse, but the moment he sat down in his seat, he frowned slightly.

“Why can’t this person remain?” the right protectorate general looked at Mu Hanzhang curiously and asked. Halfway through his sentence, he was distracted by a little red bruise on the military advisor’s white neck. 

“A cornered dog will only be forced to jump over the wall; the gains are not worth the losses.” Mu Hanzhang slowly rubbed the jade pendant at his waist, and explained all the advantages and disadvantages.

The reason the Southeast King had done this was mainly because he saw that the southwest was in a crisis, and feeling that they were too interdependent, he was afraid that the next vassal power to be withdrawn would be his. He wanted to help the Southwest King secretly. If they sent this person back, they would be telling the Southeast King, “The court already knows what you are doing.” In the end, he would be forced to jump the wall and directly revolt alongside the Southwest King.

“Our forces only number one hundred thousand. The southeast has a strong and well-trained army; if it combines with the southwest, we will not be able to win.”

Jing Shao listened in silence, then said slowly, “How about escorting this man back to the capital?” 

“No.” Mu Hanzhang immediately vetoed that proposal. “In terms of withdrawing the southeast vassal state, all we need is just one excuse. As for evidence, this man can’t truly verify anything, and the Southeast King will never admit it. A letter will be enough to inform the emperor of the entire matter. In the future, if the Southeast King wants to take back the vassal state for himself, there will already be a record of his crimes to use.”

Between the southwest and the capital were three thousand li of mountains and rugged roads to travel. No one could predict what might happen during that period. If news was leaked, the Southeast King might revolt at any time, and they would suffer tremendous losses if they were caught off guard.

Seeing that his Wang Fei’s face was slowly starting to turn pale, Jing Shao felt his heart ache terribly. He waved at the left and right protectorate generals to deal with the person. He got to his feet and picked up the man sitting in the chair who was trying to be brave and endure the pain. His hands reached out to feel that smooth and round flesh. “Does it still ache?”

Mu Hanzhang promptly blushed and quickly slapped away his groping paws. “It’s not important.” 

“Don’t try to be so brave next time, just come and sit in your husband’s lap.” Jing Shao was completely serious.

Mu Hanzhang glared at him. “You should be more restrained in the light of day. You came out of the military advisor’s tent last night. They’ll definitely be suspicious.”

“I bet they’ve already known for a while now,” Jing Shao said, inching closer to lick Mu Hanzhang’s fair neck. “You didn’t even cover up the teeth marks here.”

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“Ah?” Mu Hanzhang’s hand hurriedly reached up to cover it. He pressed the area carefully, and it really did hurt a little. He remembered the expression of the right protectorate general just then, and blushed before promptly getting up to walk out. This man must have done it intentionally, to kiss him in such an obvious place. Now that he had lost so much face, how would he be able to lift his head again in the army camp? 

“Ai, Jun Qing…” Seeing that his Wang Fei was leaving in a huff, Jing Shao rushed after him.

“Reporting~” Just as Mu Hanzhang left the tent, he ran into a little soldier rushing to deliver an urgent message. The soldier was riding a horse, and Mu Hanzhang hurried to get out of the way. However, because his body wasn’t feeling well, he wasn’t quick enough, and was about to be hit by the horse. Jing Shao stepped toward the speeding horse and jumped up and grabbed the collar of the messenger, dragging the frightened soldier down.

But in this world, there were always those who loved to try and ingratiate themselves with others. For example, Wang Er, who helped with the account books. When he saw that the weak and handsome military advisor was about to be trampled by the hooves of a horse, he automatically reached out to grab the military advisor and fall with him in his arms.

“Wu…” Mu Hanzhang was suddenly pulled back by someone and fell to the ground. The violent motion promptly jarred his wound, and he couldn’t help letting out a stifled groan. 

“Jun Qing!” Hearing that voice, Jing Shao let go of the messenger and hurriedly turned around to take a look. He immediately burst into a rage and punched the man who was still pressing down on Mu Hanzhang’s body, before kicking him fiercely as well. “Bastard!”

Mu Hanzhang slowly sat up with his jaw clenched. He covered his left shoulder with his hand. The scarlet blood flowed through the cracks between his pale fingers, and looked extremely jarring.


“Jun Qing!” Jing Shao came back to his senses at that moment, and rushed to lift the man into his arms. When he saw that the man in his arms was pale and large beads of sweat were rolling down his face, he knew that the wound had been torn open again. His heart was in so much pain it felt like it couldn’t hurt any more. He ran to the imperial tent with the man in his arms.

The left and right protectorate generals who had come to listen to the military report were left staring at the tent entrance. 

The right protectorate general kicked the fallen Wang Er, who wasn’t able to get up. “Meddling in other people’s business!” Everything was already fine; the reason why Wang Ye went to stop the horse instead of pulling the military advisor away was for fear of aggravating the latter’s wound. This rascal – he didn’t have much skill, but still tried to show off! The right protectorate general recognized Wang Er, who had been part of his regiment of soldiers. However, he was always trying to curry favor, and was only eager for quick success and instant benefits, so had been dumped with the menial laborers. Later, he was recruited as a scribe by the military advisor. He had to be feeling restless again lately.

The left protectorate general shook his head and asked the messenger soldier, “What news?”

“The forces have broken through both passes!” the messenger soldier answered hurriedly.

“So fast!” The left protectorate general was stunned. 

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“General Hao broke through Tiger’s Teeth, Crane’s Beak Pass and took the Shu army to fight their way through, then went to the other pass and broke down the big door and directly welcomed General Zhao’s army in!” When the messenger relayed the news, he couldn’t help his excitement.

The left protectorate general turned and went into the imperial tent. Wang Ye had to be told the news as soon as possible.

Jing Shao couldn’t care about that now. A reopened wound would be more painful than the initial injury. Seeing that the scab over the wound was now an ugly tear again, Jing Shao was so angry that he threw down the nearby stool and ordered the guards to immediately go and execute Wang Er.

“No…” Mu Hanzhang reached out to pull at him. 

Naturally, the guards obeyed the Wang Ye’s order and left immediately to carry it out.

“He’s lucky that I didn’t order for him to be drawn and quartered!” Jing Shao said loudly, but his hands were very gentle.

“Wang Ye, the army has broken through both passes,” the left protectorate general came in and said, making sure to keep his eyes on Jing Shao.

“I see. Have the messenger tell Zhao Meng and Hao Dadao to combine their forces and continue to attack Cloud City!” Jing Shao didn’t even raise his head. 

“Yes!” The left protectorate general accepted the order. “Wang Ye, when should the army set off?”

Jing Shao immediately frowned and looked at the pale-faced man on the bed, and hesitated a little. If they set out now, it would further aggravate the injury. He was just about to say that they would wait a few days, when the man on the bed suddenly covered Jing Shao’s hand, which was holding a cloth towel, and shook his head to stop him.

“You go deliver the order first, then come back later.” Mu Hanzhang saw what Jing Shao was thinking, but this person was currently feeling angry. Mu Hanzhang couldn’t argue with him outright for now, so he had to have the left protectorate general leave first.

“The rations and fodder are all here. How can you have the forces attack Cloud City?” Mu Hanzhang’s voice was somewhat weak. 

“The rations they brought will last at least three days. Your injury is so serious. Let’s rest for a couple of days before we leave.” Jing Shao grabbed the small jade bottle.

“How can you selfishly abandon the army for just one person, you… ah…” Mu Hanzhang half-rose from the bed to scold him, but then fell back again in pain.

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