The Wife is First

Chapter 69

Ch69 - Return to the Capital

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Jing Shao was placated after hearing his Wang Fei use the word “us” so naturally, so after a couple of “hmphs,” he didn’t say any more. 

Gu Huaiqing’s expression remained unchanged, and he topped up the tea in Jing Shao’s cup. “Naturally, I became sworn brothers with Jing Shao yesterday because he’s clearly rich and respectable. In the future, if I don’t have a place to settle down in, it’s good to have someone I can seek asylum with.”

This person’s face was truly a lot thicker than most. Mu Hanzhang smiled helplessly, suddenly feeling that his Wang Ye probably still knew – at least a little bit – what shame meant.



It was easy to form an alliance when both parties had mutual interests. When the Huainan King asked Jing Shao about his future plans, he was surprised to hear that Jing Shao was preparing to push his brother onto the throne. This man had done so much himself, but was unexpectedly helping someone else ascend the throne? Narrowing his eyes slightly, he looked at the two people opposite him.

Jing Shao peeled a mandarin, split it, and handed half to the person next to him. Mu Hanzhang took it and deftly helped Jing Shao wipe his fingers which had gotten stained with juice. 

Suddenly, the corners of Gu Huaiqing’s mouth slowly lifted up, and he took a delicate sip of his tea. The bitter taste mixed with some sweetness spread from the tip of his tongue. There was truly someone in this world who did not wish for all the beauties across the rivers and mountains! All of a sudden, he admired Jing Shao very much. There were not many people in the world who could understand what they truly wanted. Royals, in particular, always demanded too much. More often than not, it was only after they lost their most precious things that they would feel useless regret. Just like the ancestors of the Huainan King…


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“When you decide to forgo something, you follow through. I admire you, brother.” Gu Huaiqing held up his cup of tea. “This cup is to you.”

He thought they would have to battle with words for a while, yet Jing Shao spoke frankly and openly with him, telling him things as they were. The mistrustful Huainan King decided to believe him, and handed him a letter.

When Jing Shao unfolded it, he knew that only his imperial father could have written such powerful words. The letter was confusing, full of allusions and cryptic words. Just looking at it gave him a headache, so he lazily passed it to his Wang Fei.


Mu Hanzhang didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, and took a look at it. He furrowed his brow slightly. “Imperial father’s meaning is that two of the fiefs have been suppressed, but Huainan has always known its place, and there is an agreement between the ancestors, so he’s telling the Huainan King not to think too much about it. However…”

Gu Huaiqing laughed and said, “Go on.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“It’s just this sentence: ‘I fear not my own disaster; rather, I am afraid of the regime being overturned.’” Mu Hanzhang paused and looked at the person opposite him. “I’m afraid there is much meaning in this.”

Alcu Vtjb rmgjamtfv tlr tfjv, yea vlvc’a ecvfgrajcv. Qjrc’a atlr rfcafcmf pera debalcu atf jcmlfcar, ijwfcalcu atf vlrqbrlalbc bo jc fwqfgbg, ktb kjr jikjsr ofjgoei bo atf rabgwr lc mbega jcv jogjlv atja Gj Jtfc kbeiv yf vfragbsfv ecvfg tlr tjcvr? Qjrc’a atlr ab ifa atf Lejlcjc Blcu xcbk bo atf fwqfgbg’r tfiqifrrcfrr, jcv ab reyrfdefcais afii tlw ab xffq tlr olfo lc mtfmx? Qtja firf mbeiv la yf? 

Mu Hanzhang returned the letter, turned to look at Jing Shao, and said, “What is the sentence before this one?”

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“‘Those lowly ones who form hidden alliances for their own personal interests may temporarily experience joy, but the future of the country will be dark and dangerous,’” Jing Shao recited. He paused for a moment, and suddenly understood what his father’s implied meaning was. He was saying that the Southwest and Southeast Kings were traitors who colluded to rebel against the country, worrying and troubling the emperor, who was finally forced to send troops to quell the rebellion. He was warning the Huainan King not to follow them and take that dark, narrow road, which would result in the Huainan King digging his own grave.

“Huainan pays its tribute on time every year. Even when the Qinhuai River floods Danyang City, we have never sent less.” Gu Huaiqing put the letter away with a sneer on his lips. “Does the emperor want me to take the initiative to offer the fief as tribute?”

“Elder brother should rejoice; using this sort of pretense, he is only testing the waters for now,” Mu Hanzhang said, slowly rubbing the nearly transparent white jade cup in his hands. “I’m afraid His Majesty’s words will become more and more direct after a period of time.” Gu Huaiqing was two years older than Jing Shao, and older than Mu Hanzhang as well; calling him elder brother didn’t hurt. 

Gu Huaiqing nodded and looked at Jing Shao again.

Jing Shao muttered to himself for a moment. “First, drag things out, and pretend as if you don’t understand. Imperial father knows Huainan’s strength, and won’t move troops rashly.”

Court matters had yet to be properly sorted out, and if they started a battle now, there would be no benefits. Therefore, they suggested that Gu Huaiqing take his time replying to the letter in an ambiguous manner, and wait for them to withdraw the troops and return to court to chat with Emperor Hong Zheng. The journey from Jiangnan was long; going back and forth would take about a year, so they could just wait it out and see.

In the blink of an eye, it was the evening, and Gu Huaiqing wanted them to stay at Wading Water Courtyard for the night, but Jing Shao declined for fear of arousing suspicion. Before leaving, they remembered that the little tiger, which they had used as an excuse for coming, had been left in the warm pavilion for a whole day. 

“Did they bite each other?” Mu Hanzhang walked over to the fence and frowned when he saw the blood on the little tiger’s face.

The servant watching over them on one side quickly explained that the tiger wasn’t hurt. The little lion had caught a rabbit in the afternoon, and had shared half of it with the tiger.


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“Meow ya!” When Xiao Huang saw its master, it flipped over onto its back to show him its bulging belly. Its head just happened to flip over next to the little lion crouched on the ground. The little lion stretched out its tongue and licked off the bloodstains around the tiger’s mouth.

“Wawu!” Xiao Huang turned over and pounced on the lion, nipping its ears. 

Mu Hanzhang: “…” This rascal, it had been brought here to learn how to hunt with the lion. Instead, it waited for someone to catch prey and then feed it; it was a more comfortable life than living at home.

“Hehehe…” Jing Shao couldn’t help laughing and he flipped over the fence to pick up the little tiger, who was happily gnawing on the lion’s head, so as not to make them lose even more face. The little lion stood up and stared at Jing Shao warily.

“Wawu!” The little tiger waved its short paws like a child who had not played enough. It struggled, not wanting to leave, but was forcibly taken away by its master’s husband.

Two days later, they set out to return to the capital. Gu Huaiqing didn’t see them off. Instead, he sent someone who pretended to be a shop assistant from a snack shop and gifted them boxes of exquisite snacks to eat on the road. 

Lu Zhanpeng didn’t give them any gifts. He stood in front of the carriage and jabbered on: “In the six months since you left, you didn’t even send me any good things from the shops in the capital. When you go back, you must remember to send me some things, make sure there’s enough to last through the new year holiday!”

“I haven’t been in the capital for half a year, and we also didn’t get any letters from you; how would I have gifts for you?” He was slightly influenced by his Wang Fei. Nowadays, Jing Shao understood a lot more when it came to money. When Lu Zhanpeng sent him mail requesting things, Jing Shao would usually bring them with him in passing. They hadn’t even been in the capital in the last six months, so naturally, they wouldn’t know anything.

“How much money did you spend living in my house in the last few days? Not to mention the money for your five thousand men in the Jiangnan barracks.” Lu Zhanpeng continued to argue.

“Rations and fodder are a separate matter. Don’t talk nonsense here.” Jing Shao waved his hand and drove him away like he was a fly. 

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Seeing the two of them start to quarrel again, Mu Hanzhang couldn’t help but smile. He thought of his small shop in the capital. While he was away, he had left the shop in his mother’s care. It had been stocked up previously, but on the cusp of the new year, he was afraid that all the goods might have already sold out. His mother had been promoted to a legitimate secondary wife, but he hadn’t heard from her for half a year. He didn’t know how she was doing.

“What are you thinking?” Jing Shao leaned against the big cushion and took his Wang Fei, who was staring blankly out the window, into his arms.

Mu Hanzhang was suddenly pulled over, and he almost dropped the pastry in his hand. He quickly caught it and glared at the rascal who was flailing about. “I’m thinking that Gu Huaiqing is really quite cautious. He only gifted us these things that can be eaten on the road so as to avoid the suspicion of the people in the capital.”

Jing Shao inched over and ate the pastry in Mu Hanzhang’s hand as the latter spoke. 

After half a month on the road, it was already the thirteenth day of the first lunar month when they arrived at the capital.

Outside the southern gate, many officials came to welcome them back. Emperor Hong Zheng stood on the balcony, ready to reward Cheng Wang and his army. The generals who had performed meritorious service would be granted rewards tomorrow.

No troops were allowed to be stationed within a hundred li of the capital. The left and right protectorate generals took the army directly back to the barracks. Zhao Meng’s house was in the capital, so he went straight home. Hao Dadao wanted to wait for the rewards that would be bestowed tomorrow, so he stayed with Jing Shao in the Cheng Wang’s residence.

The Cheng Wang’s palace had been newly decorated. There were big red lanterns hanging out front. It seemed that even when the Wang Ye wasn’t in the mansion, Duo Fu and Housekeeper Yun still decorated the palace diligently. From a distance, they could see a large group of people standing in front of the entrance. 

“Respectfully welcoming Wang Ye and Wang Fei back to the palace!” A large group of servants stood in two rows. Besides Mu Hanzhang’s personal servant Yun Zhu, Yun Song and several other maids, an extremely conspicuous person dressed in pink stood out among the maids: It was the eastern courtyard concubine whom Jing Shao had forgotten about – Song Linxin!

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