The Wife is First

Chapter 71

Ch71 - Retribution

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Jing Shao turned his head and looked at the Count of Yongchang. When he heard the words “severe punishment,” killing intent emerged in his eyes. This group of lowly despicable people couldn’t find any fault with him, so they would just use Jun Qing to attack him. 

Emperor Hong Zheng held back a smile and didn’t say a word as he looked at Jing Shao and waited for a response.

“The Wang Fei didn’t go with the army for selfish reasons,” Jing Shao said. He thought back to what his Wang Fei had cautioned him about last night and suppressed his anger. “The Wang Fei is very intelligent and served as the army’s military advisor.”



“Is Wang Ye joking?” The Count of Yongchang was confident that he was in the right and sneered. “There are so many people with knowledge and experience in this world. Why did Wang Ye choose his pretty little Wang Fei to be the military advisor, hm?” The malice in his words was very obvious; while implying that Jing Shao just coveted beauty, he thoroughly insulted Mu Hanzhang at the same time.

Jing Shao clenched his fists, and his knuckles cracked audibly. He couldn’t hold back anymore at those words, and he threw a punch at the Count of Yongchang’s old face. “Clean out your mouth for Benwang!” 

The Count of Yongchang was caught off guard and was knocked down by the Cheng Wang.


“Jing Shao!” Seeing this, Jing Chen quickly went up and pulled at him. The Duke of Mao immediately came over to help the Count of Yongchang up and the court was thrown into disorder.

“Everyone shut your mouths for Zhen!” Emperor Hong Zheng kneaded his forehead and shouted coldly.

“Emperor, please forgive us!” The courtiers immediately fell to their knees. Naturally, the two brothers in the center of everything also knelt down. However, Jing Shao was obviously very angry. It seemed that as soon as he was permitted to stand up, he would give the Count of Yongchang another kick.

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Emperor Hong Zheng reprimanded everyone with a couple of sentences and had Jing Chen pull Jing Shao back to stand properly in his original position before permitting everyone else to rise. However, his rebuke was all about how raucous the court had gotten, and he didn’t mention the Cheng Wang hitting the Count of Yongchang. Everyone knew that the emperor was protecting the Cheng Wang, so they all shut their mouths and didn’t dare say more.

Jing Chen gave his little brother a gentle push and a “hurry up and pretend to be pitiful” look.

Jing Shao understood and fell to his knees on the steps to the emperor’s throne with a plop. “Imperial father, Erchen does not want any reward for pacifying the vassals. I only ask imperial father not to punish Erchen’s Wang Fei! In order to protect the 20,000 soldiers in the camp, Wang Fei was severely wounded by the mounted archers of the southeast. He remains in poor health until now and won’t be able to withstand punishment!” He even kowtowed three times and his voice sounded choked. He recalled Jun Qing fainting from the pain, which made him feel like a knife was twisted in his heart.

All the courtiers were silent for a moment. Cheng Wang’s victory in subduing two vassals this time was a miracle, and as a prince, he couldn’t be granted any more status. However, it would truly be too severe to offset such great achievements with such an unwarranted accusation. Thinking about it, Cheng Wang was the legitimate son of Empress Yuan. He had always performed outstandingly in the military, yet had been forced to marry a male wife. He had now resigned himself to such a misfortune, and was even reacting in this way to protect his Wang Fei; even those who stayed neutral and just would inevitably feel some sympathy. 

Emperor Hong Zheng gradually furrowed his brow and his eyes swept over everyone’s faces. Finally, they fell on the lowered head of the fourth prince, who hadn’t said anything. The fourth prince felt his father’s gaze, but didn’t dare look up.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Erchen feels,” Jing Chen, who saw that no one was speaking, slowly opened his mouth, “that as a man, Cheng Wang Fei leaving the inner court is no cause for criticism.”

“Efqbgalcu ab atf fwqfgbg, atlr tewyif rfgnjca tfjgv atja atf akb njrrjir kfgf reyvefv lc pera j ofk wbcatr, jcv Jtfcu Qjcu Mfl qijsfv jc fzagfwfis lwqbgajca gbif jr atf wlilajgs jvnlrbg ab jmmbwqilrt atlr.” Qtfc Zlclrafg Vec, ktb kjr atf Zlclrafg bo Qjg, rjk Alcu Jtfc bqfc tlr wbeat, tf jirb rafqqfv obgkjgv lc reqqbga. Ktf qbrakjg agjcrmglqar ogbw atf mbwwjcvfgr bo atf atgff jgwlfr tjv yffc rfca ab atf mjqlaji, jcv jii bo atfw qgjlrfv atf wlilajgs jvnlrbg nfgs wemt.

“Emperor, Hao Dadao is an unrefined man who doesn’t understand these rules and etiquette. However, if it wasn’t for the military advisor’s clever plan, this general would not have been able to break through Tiger’s Teeth, Crane’s Beak Pass. General Zhao also wouldn’t have been able to break through Sheng Jing Pass in just a few days.” Hao Dadao couldn’t help but immediately follow to back up the minister. 

“This subject can testify that the matter of the army’s accounts was also entirely due to the Wang Fei’s service.” The newly appointed Minister of Revenue Xiao Yuan also stepped forward. It was all thanks to the military advisor inspecting and investigating the army’s accounts that he could be promoted.

Except for Duke Mao and the Count of Yongchang, all the other courtiers unexpectedly came forward one after another.

“Zhen gave the Cheng Wang Fei special permission to leave the capital,” Emperor Hongzheng said lightly.

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When the Count of Yongchang heard this, he looked like he had been struck by lightning and glanced at the fourth prince. Song An was already shaking like chaff being shaken off rice, and Jing Yu’s face turned white. He knew that his imperial father knew that the Cheng Wang Fei left the capital. He had planned all this today to give his imperial father an excuse not to generously reward Cheng Wang in order to suppress Jing Shao’s arrogance. However, it now seemed that his imperial father intended to protect Jing Shao to the end. 

“Cheng Wang Fei Mu Hanzhang passed the provincial imperial exam at seventeen. He is a very intelligent person, and Zhen especially ordered that he assist Cheng Wang.” Emperor Hong Zheng gave the fourth prince a profound look before his gaze swept over the Count of Yongchang who had thought himself clever, and he continued, “This time,  the two vassals were subdued in four months. The Wang Fei’s merit should first be recorded, and Zhen proposes to confer him the title of a marquis. The Ministry of Rites will choose the title and select an auspicious date for the ceremony.”

If a man married into the royal family, he would be recognized as half a royal descendant. He could be granted a title if he distinguished himself with meritorious service. However, since the founding of the country, few royal descendants had ever married a male wife. Even if they did, none of them had performed meritorious deeds. People had almost forgotten this law.


On this side, court was boiling like a gathering storm, while the atmosphere in the North Marquis’s house was even stranger.

Mu Hanzhang got out of the carriage and walked into the mansion. He felt that the whole house was very quiet. Even the servants in the front courtyard all took small and hurried steps as if they were nervous. He couldn’t help but frown, and asked Steward Wang, who was personally leading the way, “Has something happened?” 

Steward Wang managed the front courtyard. Why had he come alone to greet Mu Hanzhang? Where were the rest of the servants?

Steward Wang looked around and said quietly, “To tell the truth, Wang Fei, the eldest young master is seriously ill and is bedridden. Furen is in a bad mood.”

Mu Hanzhang clearly understood that the North Marchioness was probably very irritable now. Afraid of becoming her punching bag, each and every one of them was scared of making a mistake. Mu Hanzhang gave the steward a jade Buddha pendant. “This time, I brought back a gift for Uncle Wang.”

“Young master, how generous of you.” Housekeeper Wang immediately smiled and took it with both hands. 

Mu Hanzhang’s lips curved up but he didn’t say much. He continued toward the back courtyard. The North Marquis shouldn’t have returned from court yet at this time, so he was going to go see his stepmother.

“Young master, this way.” Steward Wang raised his hand and pointed, and led him to the North Marquis’s study.

“Father didn’t go to court?” Mu Hanzhang frowned. When he saw that the North Marquis was in perfect health and reading in his study, his heart couldn’t help but jump. Jing Shao had returned to the imperial court today and was currently receiving rewards and commendation for his meritorious deeds. During such a joyous time, father had unexpectedly called in sick and stayed at home! Could it be… thinking like this, he couldn’t help but worry about Jing Shao.

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North Marquis Mu Jin was very happy to see his son return. After chatting with him for a while, Mu Hanzhang gave his father a treasure sword. 

“This is Hua Feng?” Looking at the sharp sword in his hand, the North Marquis was very excited. He took it and compared it with the famous painting of the weapons on the wall.

“Son is not good at recognizing such things, but Wang Ye said so,” Mu Hanzhang said warmly.

“Good, good!” Mu Jin examined the sword happily for a long time. Looking up, he saw Mu Hanzhang looking down and standing respectfully beside him. However, his overall bearing was more noble and reserved than before he left home. He couldn’t help sighing heavily.

“What is troubling father?” Mu Hanzhang personally poured his father some more tea. 

The North Marquis had a complicated expression on his face and couldn’t help but sigh. “The family hasn’t been peaceful recently. Go see your mother. Come and have a drink with me at noon.”

Mu Hanzhang agreed. As his father said, he should still pay his respects to the North Marchioness first. She looked a lot more haggard but still maintained her bearing as she spoke to him. The look in her eyes as she gazed at him, however, wasn’t quite right; her eyes were full of wariness and held bitter resentment!

Not wanting to stay in her courtyard any longer than he had to, Mu Hanzhang said a few words, put down the gift he had brought, and went to his birth mother’s courtyard.

Consort Qiu had been promoted to a legitimate wife and now had two maidservants, Yan Cui and Qiu Lan. They were very happy to see the second young master. 

“Where’s mother?” Mu Hanzhang frowned and couldn’t help feeling even more worried.

“The secondary mistress is feeling a little uncomfortable,” Qiu Lan said. Seeing Mu Hanzhang’s face turn grave, she quickly added, “It’s not very serious. Young master, go in and have a look.”


In winter, the doors and windows of the house were closed, and a warm fire was burning in the copper furnace. A warm-colored canopy hung from the bed. Consort Qiu was leaning against the bed as she embroidered a purse. Her mature but still-charming face reflected in the candlelight was very peaceful and beautiful.

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Seeing his mother at peace, Mu Hanzhang’s heart gradually settled. “Mother.” 

Consort Qiu raised her head and saw her son, who had already moved next to the bed. She was stunned at first, but then gave a pleasant smile. “Hanzhang, you’re back! Come, let mother see you.”

He sat down next to the bed and held his mother’s hand. The hand was warm and soft, and had a healthy glow. Mu Hanzhang was relieved. “Why are you feeling uncomfortable? Have you seen a doctor?” When someone from the marquis’s family was ill, they could invite an imperial physician to take a look. However, there were only a few doctors in the imperial palace, which was still very busy. Therefore, if it wasn’t an emergency, an imperial doctor couldn’t be invited over right away.

Hearing this, Consort Qiu said quietly and a little uneasily, “I have, it’s nothing important.”

“Mother!” Seeing her hesitation, Mu Hanzhang couldn’t help but become nervous again. “Truly, what has happened?” 

Consort Qiu lowered her eyes, but didn’t reply. Instead, she asked, “On the battlefield, swords have no eyes. My heart worried over that every day. I was afraid you would fall into the most unfortunate situation. Let mother see if you were hurt?”

“I’m going to fetch a doctor right now.” When Mu Hanzhang saw that his mother refused to tell him anything, he got up, wanting to go out, but was held back.

“Aiya, why did you learn from Cheng Wang, assuming that wind always means rain?” Consort Qiu pulled him back and chided him, yet her face was a little red. “I haven’t had an imperial physician examine me yet, but I may know what the issue is.”

Mu Hanzhang frowned and sat back down again. Looking quietly at his mother for a long while, he suddenly understood. “Mother, am I… going to have a younger sibling?” 

Consort Qiu’s face turned even redder. She was already this old; telling her son about this was truly embarrassing. “It looks like it. I’m not completely sure yet. Don’t tell anyone else, no one knows yet.”

“This is good news.” Mu Hanzhang’s expression gradually relaxed, and his heart was full of joy. This proved that his mother had lived well during this time and was in good health, since she was able to fall pregnant again at this age. Suddenly, he remembered Steward Wang’s words. He calmed down and put away his smile. “It seems that it hasn’t been peaceful in the mansion recently. Don’t make this public yet; I’ll find a doctor I’m well-acquainted with tomorrow.”

Hearing these words, Consort Qiu’s face couldn’t help but turn solemn, and she said quietly, “That’s precisely what I’m worried about, which is why I don’t dare ask an imperial physician to come.”

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