The Wife is First

Chapter 74

Ch74 - Divorcing the Concubine

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Imperial physicians were to keep their mouths shut, but that was only outside. They would go to various nobles’ homes to check patients, and anything important had to be reported to the emperor. Imperial Physician Jiang thus didn’t find it surprising that the royal family would know about such a matter, so he also went along and spoke about it. 

Surprised, Mu Hanzhang looked at Jing Shao, who gave him a “I also don’t know” look, before he carefully asked a few more questions. It wasn’t until he heard “it will be difficult to have offspring” and “hindrance to intercourse” that he could confirm for sure what part of Mu Lingbao had frozen.

After Jing Shao came back from seeing off Imperial Physician Jiang, he saw his Wang Fei still sitting in the same place, frowning and thinking deeply. His elegant, jade-like fingers unconsciously rubbed the armrests of the chair.



“What are you thinking about?” Jing Shao looked at him, his heart slightly itchy, and couldn’t help but grab those restless hands with warm palms. “When you think about things later, just grab onto me instead.” He thought about his Wang Fei’s hands unconsciously rubbing against something; what if he was holding Jing Shao Jr. instead, hehe…

Mu Hanzhang looked up at him and shook his head helplessly. “Your silliness is showing.” 

“Hehe.” Jing Shao rubbed his nose and squeezed to sit in the same chair as his Wang Fei. However, the chair had two armrests, so two grown men couldn’t squeeze in together. Mu Hanzhang helplessly got up, but was pulled down into an embrace and pressed onto the other’s lap.


The two were used to sitting in the army camp like this. Mu Hanzhang shifted a little and then didn’t struggle anymore.

“My mother may be pregnant.” Mu Hanzhang really picked up Jing Shao’s hand to play with. The hand was very big with distinct joints, and was broad and powerful. The palm and finger pads had thin calluses from wielding weapons all year round.

“Is that so?” This time, Jing Shao was truly surprised. His mother-in-law was in her thirties. Could she still get pregnant? “That’s a good thing. Did she find an imperial physician to examine her?”


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Mu Hanzhang shook his head. “It’s chaotic in the household nowadays, not to mention that the heir even… You are so fierce, actually crippling him like that.”

Jing Shao was tickled by the other man’s fingers rubbing over his palm, but he didn’t dare make a sound for fear that he wouldn’t play with his hand anymore, and held back. “That isn’t my fault. When they found Mu Lingbao, he was behaving wantonly in a low-class brothel. How could the thugs remember to put his pants on for him?”

Mu Hanzhang sighed. “I want to bring my mother to our home for a day and find a doctor to see her.”

“Alright,” Jing Shao said, his heart full from the words “our home.” “Might as well have Mother come and stay here during her pregnancy? We’ll be staying in the capital for at least a year and a half. ” 

“How can we do that?” Mu Hanzhang smiled and looked at him. “My father is still around; there is no reason to bring one’s mother into the house of a son who has married out to take care of her.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Kbwbggbk lr atf Ojcafgc Mfralnji. Vtf kbc’a tjnf j gfjrbc ab mbwf bea, jcv kf tjnf ab ub ab atf lwqfglji mbega ja cluta jcskjs. Lbk jybea, bc atf 16at bo atf wbcat, kf tjnf Pwqfglji Utsrlmljc Aljcu rff tfg?”

Ze Ljchtjcu ogbkcfv. Lf kjcafv ab olcv j vbmabg ogbw atf mjqlaji rb jr cba ab ifa atf cfkr rqgfjv. Dea atlcxlcu jybea la, lo Jtfcu Qjcu’r tberftbiv jrxfv obg j vbmabg ogbw atf mlas obg cb gfjrbc, la kbeiv regfis gberf rerqlmlbc. Qtja kjr wbgf, lwqfglji yerlcfrr ja atf Jtfcu Qjcu gfrlvfcmf wfjca atja lwqfglji qtsrlmljcr vfolclafis kbeivc’a ifa atf cfkr rilq, rb tf cbvvfv.

Jing Shao put his chin on the shoulder of the man in his arms and swayed a little. They were quiet for a moment, each making plans for the issues that would emerge soon, and the afternoon sun shone down on this tranquil scene. 

“Wang Ye! Wang Ye! You son of a bitch, get out of the way, I want to see the Wang Ye!” Suddenly, sharp, ear-piercing screams broke the warm atmosphere.

Mu Hanzhang stood up from Jing Shao’s lap and straightened his robes. He looked at Jing Shao, whose expression had instantly turned gloomy. “Did something happen?”

Jing Shao stood up and called for his bodyguards to take Song Lingxin to Listening Wind Pavilion. He also got up and walked out, saying to his Wang Fei, “Go to the east court and have your afternoon rest; I’ll accompany you after I deal with this.”

Mu Hanzhang didn’t agree and followed him out. “I can deal with inner court issues.” 

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“I have to be present for this matter.” Jing Shao sneered. “What do you think she is making a ruckus about? Her father almost ruined me in court today.”

The two of them went to the study in Listening Wind Pavilion together. Song Lingxin rushed to pounce on Jing Shao and was evaded in a flash, causing her to fall hard with a bang.



“Wang Ye, my father also had no choice but to do that! This really had nothing to do with Qie!” Song Lingxin lay on the ground and wailed as she clutched Jing Shao’s robes. 

Jing Shao looked coldly at the woman at his feet. “It had nothing to do with you? Then how come nothing was mentioned, and only the Wang Fei was singled out in the dissent?”

“I’m a woman. I don’t understand anything about court affairs!” Song Lingxin cried, her nose running and her face full of tears.

Mu Hanzhang frowned and roughly guessed what was going on. He didn’t know what had just happened at court, yet Song Lingxin clearly knew and had responded so quickly. If one kept such people in one’s residence, they would make trouble sooner or later. He looked up at Jing Shao, who already looked disgusted. Today, he said that he had to be present to deal with this. He must have decided to abandon Song Lingxin and her father. Naturally, Mu Hanzhang hoped in his heart that Jing Shao wouldn’t have any concubines. If Jing Shao divorced Consort Song today, however, Mu Hanzhang would be the only legitimate wife left in the house, and there would definitely be people who would want to stuff a concubine into the household.

Jing Shao threw his sleeves back and turned to the desk, picking up a brush to write a divorce letter. 

“Wang Ye!” Song Lingxin read the divorce letter over and over again for a long time, and suddenly screamed, “Wang Ye, my father also did it for you. You have achieved great success, so it’s better to find a reason to avoid the limelight!” If she was divorced as a concubine, and her father also offended Cheng Wang, how could she live in the future!

“The Cheng Wang’s house doesn’t raise ingrates who eat here but whose loyalty lies outside.” Jing Shao looked at her coldly. He hadn’t liked this woman since the very beginning. Even in his last life, he hadn’t had many feelings for her and had just wanted to win over Song An. That was now unnecessary since Song An was an incompetent person who wouldn’t be able to help but would be a hindrance instead. Today, he discussed with his brother about pulling down Song An as soon as possible, and he naturally couldn’t let this woman stay.

“Wang Ye, how many things has Qie done for this residence? You’re dismissing all your consorts for this bitch!” Song Lingxin jumped up and pointed at Mu Hanzhang as she rained curses on him. “What a slut, a big man pulling such sly and treacherous tricks to seduce Wang Ye. You’ve lost face for all scholars! Bitch!”

“Pa!” A clear and loud slap landed on Song Lingxin’s face in the middle of her yelling. When she looked, she found that it was a maid beside the Wang Fei. 

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“Little whore, you dare hit me!” Consort Song had almost become crazed, having long lost the demeanor of a lady from a noble family. Everything that came out of her mouth was some variant of bitch, slut, or whore, and she lifted her hand to strike Ge Ruoyi.

Ge Ruoyi grabbed Consort Song’s wrist and twisted it behind her with some strength. She enunciated her words: “This concubine insults and dishonors the proper wife, which is deserving of twenty slaps!”

Looking at the farce in front of him, Mu Hanzhang shook his head and said to Duofu, “Duofu, count out Consort Song’s dowry and give her another thousand taels of silver.”

Hearing this, Consort Song suddenly calmed down, stopped crying and struggling, and said, “Thank you, Wang Fei.” 

When Ge Ruoyi saw her like this, she let go of her wrist. Suddenly, Consort Song pulled out a dagger from her waist and screamed as she threw herself at Mu Hanzhang.

“Jun Qing!” Jing Shao was startled. He was still standing behind his desk and immediately jumped onto it.

“Dang!” With a clear sound, the dagger was blocked by the Hanzhang treasure sword. Meanwhile, Jing Shao kicked the crazy woman to the entrance threshold.

“You’re not hurt, right?” Jing Shao quickly pulled his Wang Fei over to examine him. 

Mu Hanzhang shook his head and put his sword back in its sheath.

Jing Shao looked at Song Lingxin by the door, unable to get up. The urge to kill her welled up, and he said to Duofu, “Punish this concubine accordingly for attempting to murder the official wife.”


Duofu looked at the woman on the ground and wrinkled his steamed bun face. According to the laws of Dachen, a concubine who attempted to murder the official wife would also be imprisoned.

No longer paying attention to this matter, Jing Shao held his “frightened” Wang Fei and returned to the east court. 

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Mu Hanzhang was thinking about some things and didn’t resist as he let Jing Shao lead him all the way back. When he snapped out of his thoughts, he found himself already on the big bed in the bedroom in the east court, and was even pressed down under someone.

“What’s the matter? Were you startled?” Jing Shao drew close to kiss his forehead.

“How can that be?” Mu Hanzhang laughed in spite of himself and suddenly looked into Jing Shao’s dark eyes. There was a trace of melancholy in his own gaze. “If you divorce Consort Song, there will be no more concubines in this house. You have no heirs. If…”

“If what?” Jing Shao propped himself up and looked at him. Jun Qin’s eyes were clouded and uncertain. “If imperial father insists on giving you concubines, what will you do?” Mu Hanzhang looked at him resolutely. Originally, it was all right that Jing Shao had married one or two women as necessary ornaments, but it truly saddened him to think that Jing Shao would take another woman. 

“What do you want me to do?” As before, Jing Shao pushed the problem onto him. They had been discussing their feelings for a long time now. If Jun Qing dared to urge him to take concubines, he would fuck him until he wasn’t able to leave their bed for three days!

“I won’t allow you to take concubines…” Mu Hanzhang lowered his eyes and whispered.

“What did you say?” Jing Shao drew close to his lips, and his smile grew bigger and bigger.

“I won’t allow you to take concubines…” Mu Hanzhang’s voice was still low, but it was very firm. He pressed his lips together and his delicate, long eyelashes trembled slightly, like he was a small animal being bullied. 

Jing Shao looked at the state of the person under him and his heart suddenly melted into a pool of spring water. Whenever he felt that he already loved Jun Qing very, very much, he would discover that this person still had other alluring and lovable sides to him that he hadn’t seen before, so his love for him grew deeper and deeper every day until he was finally unable to extricate himself.

He leaned over and gently kissed Jun Qing’s quivering eyelashes. He whispered in his ear, “Say it again, louder, and I’ll promise you.”

It turned out that this man could hear him clearly, and was just teasing him! Mu Hanzhang pressed his lips together, pushed away the body on top of him and sat up. “If you take concubines, then do not touch me ever again.”

Jing Shao pulled the man back into his arms and rolled around on the bed with him in his embrace. He said with a smile, “Don’t worry, imperial father won’t force them on me in the future.” 

Mu Hanzhang frowned. “Why is that?”

“Give me a kiss and I’ll tell you!” Jing Shao pressed Mu Hanzhang below him once more, one hand lasciviously exploring under the clothes of the person under him.

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