The Wife is First

Chapter 80

Ch80 - Imperial Civil Service Examination

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“Cursing people out? I’m going to beat people up too!” Without saying another word, Jing Shao grabbed the man’s collar and knocked him down with one blow. 

Three or four people at the same table saw this and all came to help the man, but they were all knocked down by Jing Shao.

“You… How dare you strike a candidate for the imperial civil exam…” The wretched-looking young man covered his left eye and got up to point at Jing Shao, his finger shaking in anger. They were all people with scholarly honor. In his hometown, who wouldn’t bow to and fawn over him every day? He had never suffered such a grievance.



At the beginning, the man who was knocked down found that even though there was such a big stir, none of the other guests came to intervene, and some of the more luxuriously dressed people at the tables even looked at them like they were watching a good show.

Most of the noblemen in the capital recognized Cheng Wang, and the candidates who saw this were also about to take the imperial civil exam, so they naturally didn’t dare stand out. If they offended anyone in the capital, their ten hard years of studying would be wasted. Naturally, they swallowed their protests and quickly finished eating so that they could leave as soon as possible. 

“Based on what you were just saying, I’ll beat up even the top scorer in the exam!” Jing Shao said. He was about to continue hitting the man, when a smooth and slender hand suddenly clasped his wrist.


That hand was very good-looking. It was a man’s hand, but the skin had the luster of jade, like that of a very exquisitely carved white jade. Everyone’s eyes followed the hand up the arm, and saw that he was wearing a sapphire blue wide-sleeved robe. The material it was made from wasn’t ordinary. In fact, someone in the trade would be able to see that it was tribute satin, which was the same material that Jing Shao’s clothes were made from.

“I only came a little late, and you’re fighting again?” The warm voice was very pleasant; it was Mu Hanzhang.

Although he was a marquis, he had entered court suddenly, and Emperor Hong Zheng had yet to give him any substantial official work. Thus, Mu Hanzhang, like Jing Shao, was only an idle man in court. However, Jing Chen had been very busy recently, and often called Mu Hanzhang to the Ministry of Rites for help, so Jing Shao would come to reserve a place first and wait for his Wang Fei to come eat.

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When Jing Shao saw his Wang Fei, his fierce expression immediately turned into a smile. “No, I saw that their skills weren’t too bad, so we just sparred and exchanged a couple of moves.”

Mu Hanzhang glanced at the young and feeble-looking scholars; what part of them looked as if their skills weren’t too bad?

Glared at by his Wang Fei, Jing Shao hmphed twice, and said something in his ear. When the reason was clarified, Mu Hanzhang couldn’t help but smile. “These candidates are just ignorant and afraid to lose face, which is why they said these sour words. Why bother lowering yourself to their level?”

These sorts of words were meant to console people. If spoken in a low volume to mediate, that was fine. It was just that Mu Hanzhang spoke at a normal volume, and although it wasn’t loud, it was enough for everyone present to hear them clearly. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Pffft…” Sitting in the corner, the right protectorate general, who was trying to be inconspicuous, couldn’t help spitting out his tea when he heard this. The military advisor’s character of holding onto a grudge truly hadn’t changed.

Ktf ifoa qgbafmabgjaf ufcfgji rlifcais abbx j mibat abkfi ogbw j kjlafg’r rtbeivfg jcv tjcvfv la ab tlw.

Alcu Vtjb aegcfv ab ibbx ja atfw klat j “P’ii ajxf mjgf bo sbe akb ijafg” fzqgfrrlbc.

Ktf gluta qgbafmabgjaf ufcfgji rajgafv mtbxlcu bc atf gfra bo atf afj. 

“Tbe… Tbe akb… jgf abb wemt!” Ktf kgfamtfv-ibbxlcu wjc bglulcjiis atbeuta atja Ze Ljchtjcu tjv mbwf ab rjnf tlw, yea vlvc’a fzqfma tlw ab mbwf jcv rqfmajaf atf ilnfis rmfcf.

“Brother, we have done no injustice and no harm. Why do you wish to hurt people?” Although the man’s face was pale, he still tried to reason with him.

“That’s strange. This young master just said that some people don’t have the knowledge to speak such sour words; if you didn’t say sour words, then why do you belittle yourself so much?” Today, the right protectorate general had grabbed the left protectorate general to slack off, and came to the capital to partake in all the bustle from the exam. Now that Wang Ye had found them out, he naturally couldn’t hide again, and quickly came out to help.

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“You…” Although these were scholars, who filled their stomachs with book scrolls, they would never be able to compare with the right protectorate general, who butted heads and bickered with the other generals every day. They could only tremble with anger. Seeing that the right protectorate general was wearing sturdy fighting clothes and was full of the army ruffian spirit, they didn’t want to talk to him. Instead, they looked at Mu Hanzhang. “Brother, since you doubt our knowledge, then we will consult you.” 

Mu Hanzhang chuckled. “I only ask you, what is your reason for prattling on so self-importantly?”

“The great ancestor encourages the freedom to air different views, and important affairs of the country should be discussed. As scholars, we meticulously study and investigate them.” Saying this, they immediately felt justified.


“What is the country?” Mu Hanzhang followed with another question.

“The country is naturally composed of land and a state with many affairs. We have studied princes and nobles, and voiced our concerns about the current situation for the sake of the country,” the wretched-looking young man said with a smile, squinting with his mung bean eyes. 

“The five colors of earth offered to heaven are for the land, and the five crops offered to the deities are for the people. The word ‘country’ refers to the land and the people. Those who become scholars first swear loyalty to the monarch and then to the welfare of the country’s people, who toil under heaven for the whole country.” Mu Hanzhang’s eyes slowly swept over them. “It’s a shame that there are literati who do not consider the welfare of the common people and only envy those who can achieve instant success. They are inferior to the old farmers in the fields, who at least put in effort every day to contribute to the country.”

(Country = 社稷 Earth = 土 Crops = 谷 MHZ is using the smaller radicals within the characters for country to make his analysis)

“Well said!” At an adjacent table, a neatly dressed man couldn’t help cheering. “Brother, your remarks are perfectly wise, I, surnamed Ma can’t help but admire them.”

“Good!” Everyone else’s spirits were lifted once again and they cheered. 

Mu Hanzhang’s face was indifferent and didn’t show any excited color. He just turned to look at Jing Shao. After being riled up by this group of people, he wasn’t in the mood to eat anymore. Jing Shao pulled his Wang Fei away and took his two subordinates, who were hanging their heads, with him, preparing to change restaurants.

After the four left, the man surnamed Ma went to the counter and asked the boss, who was as indifferent as ever and hadn’t been affected by the noise at all, “Daring to ask shopkeeper, who are those two noble sirs?”

Zhou Jin was too lazy to lift his eyes, and he continued calculating on the abacus. “There are many powerful people all over the capital. Why do you need them in particular, my guest?”

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“I just think that the young man in blue has a lot of eloquence and talent. Perhaps he could be the new top scholar this time. I wish to get to know him.” The man with the surname Ma wasn’t shy. 

“That’s the Marquis Wen Yuan whom all of you were just talking about,” Zhou Jin said slowly.

“What?” The table that had been humiliated by the beating was about to pay the bill. Hearing this, they immediately stopped. The leader grabbed the counter and asked in a hurry, “The one who started the fight…”

“Of course, it’s the husband of Marquis Wen Yuan, His Royal Highness Cheng Wang.” Zhou Jin looked at the man with great interest. His face was deathly white as if he were about to pass out. Zhou Jin quickly grabbed him and said politely, “Remember to pay for the cup Cheng Wang broke, a total of 70 Wen.”

From that day on, the news of Marquis Wenyuan’s real talent and learning spread among the scholars. 

On the ninth day of the second lunar month, the civil service examination began. Before, Jing Shao was worried that his Wang Fei would feel melancholy when he saw the grand event. He was now a marquis, however, so it didn’t matter. He specially took Mu Hanzhang on Xiao Hei to the Tribute Courtyard gates to see the soldiers searching the scholar candidates one by one.

“Didn’t you say you wanted to see Jiang Lang? Why did we come here?” Mu Hanzhang looked back at him.

“Weren’t you unable to take the civil examination? I took you here to satisfy that craving.” Jing Shao laughed and urged his horse forward to let him see clearly. Seeing the misery of these people, Jun Qing definitely wouldn’t regret marrying him.

Mu Hanzhang laughed in spite of himself. “Elder brother arranged everything so perfectly with a lot of difficulty. Let’s not make trouble here, and leave quickly.” 

At the request of Imperial Physician Jiang, Jing Shao transferred Jiang Lang to the capital to join the north imperial guards, who were in charge of guarding the nine gates to the capital. Because he had made contributions in the battle to subdue the two vassal states, he was given the position of a capital officer and took charge of one side gate. Jing Shao specially had him take care of the eastern gate.

“Greeting Wang Ye and Marquis.” Jiang Lang looked the same as ever, and seeing the two of them, quickly went to salute them.


“How are you doing here?” Mu Hanzhang asked him with a smile. Jiang Lang was smart and diligent; no matter where he went, he would be of great use.

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“Replying to Marquis, serving as gatekeeper does not denote much weathering of storm or fire, and is just standing in one place every day. Time is better spent happily in the barracks.” Jiang Lang smiled shyly. If his father hadn’t urged him repeatedly, and also went to plead the Wang Ye for this assignment, he truly wouldn’t have been willing to come out of the barracks. 

“There is no fighting now, and there is nothing to do in the barracks. The day before yesterday, the right and left protectorate generals even went to the capital; they envy you very much.” Jing Shao laughed and patted Jiang Lang on the shoulder.

“This subordinate understands,” Jiang Lang said with a smile. “When Wang Ye goes to the battlefield again, he must take this subordinate with him. I haven’t fought enough to be satisfied this time!” In fact, Jiang Lang had been a guard for the Wang Ye and Wang Fei the entire time, so he seldom had the chance to actually fight the enemy.

After saying goodbye to Jiang Lang, Jing Shao and his Wang Fei headed straight for the eastern suburbs. After letting Xiao Hei gallop freely for a while, he changed directions and backtracked a few li. After looking around, he rushed into the barren forest.

This piece of barren forest was Mu Hanzhang’s share of the family property. Now, it was still the same, with knee-high grass and thick, overgrown forest. 

Jing Shao pressed the face of the man in his arms to his chest. “Hold me tight and hide your hands in your sleeves so that you don’t get scratched.”

Mu Hanzhang didn’t know what he was doing, running to such a place. The branch directly in front of him almost struck his eyes. He had no choice but to turn around and bury his face in Jing Shao’s broad and warm chest. His slender hands also retracted into their sleeves as he hid in Jing Shao’s embrace.

The warm body in his arms took the initiative to press against him, instantly making Jing Shao’s heart beat faster. He couldn’t help slowing down a little, pulling on the reins with one hand and encircling Jun Qing’s supple waist with the other. “Jun Qing, shall we stay in the villa tonight?”

Tomorrow was the tenth day of the second lunar month. It was a day of rest and they didn’t have to go to court. Since his Wang Fei started going to court, Jing Shao had started to consider his health. Every night, he didn’t dare to make too much trouble, for fear that Mu Hanzhang wouldn’t be able to stand in court. However, it was hard to eat until he was only half-full every day, so every time there was a rest period, he had to eat enough. 

Mu Hanzhang naturally understood what he meant. Because the horse was still running, he didn’t look up, and just agreed with an “en” sound.

Although his voice was very small, Jing Shao could hear it clearly since it came from his chest, and the corners of his mouth curved up as he picked up the pace.

It wasn’t long before they were out of the forest, and Jing Shao patted the man in his arms.

Mu Hanzhang turned his head and saw the scene in front of him. His eyes couldn’t help but widen. Within the depths of the barren forest was flat, open land. On the flat land, dozens of tents had been set up, and soldiers came and went from time to time. There was a group of officers and soldiers on the center training ground doing drills, but they were silent and didn’t shout any instructions. It looked very strange. 

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