The Wife is First

Chapter 82

Ch82 - Qionglin Banquet

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Mu Hanzhang saw him change the topic again. He frowned and slowly fiddled with the tip of the fluffy tail with his thumb. “If you want to see the number one scholar, after the parade is the Qionglin banquet. Why do you want to watch the parade alone in Hui Wei Restaurant?”

“Isn’t it the same?” Jing Shao took the tail from Mu Hanzhang and also played with it.



Mu Hanzhang was amused by his childish behavior and pinched his fingers. “It’s not like I don’t let you touch me on normal days; why do you always become so crazy during the Muxiu holiday? You are young and voracious now, but you will suffer when you’re old.”

“It’s not my fault; who made you so attractive all the time…” Jing Shao said softly as he inched close to rest on his Wang Fei’s pillow. 

Mu Hanzhang used his palm to push away the big head that was breathing out warm air on him. “Speak properly: supporting those people – what are you trying to do?”


“Wawu!” When Xiao Huang saw its master’s action, it also used its paws to push at Jing Shao’s face. The soft paw pads on his face and the fur between the claws pressed to his nose made Jing Shao sneeze again.

Jing Shao grabbed the tiger, stuffed it into the quilt, and pressed down the corner of the quilt with his arm to prevent the tiger from wriggling out. “It’s just a precaution. I won’t use it unless I have to.”

“What are you taking precautions against?” Mu Hanzhang didn’t plan to just let him be as vague as in the past. The private army was a hidden danger, and it cost a lot of money. If it wasn’t absolutely essential, there really was no need to take this risk.


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Jing Shao lowered his eyes and sighed. “I’ve fought so many battles over the years, from the northwest to the southeast. I’ve never lost a battle or a city. I’ve opened up territory for Dachen for thousands of miles. If you were imperial father, what would you think?”

Mu Hanzhang was stunned. “You mean…”

The death of the cunning rabbit, boiling alive the running dog, shooting down a flying bird with a good bow; the monarchs of all the dynasties had had little tolerance for military generals who achieved great success. But Jing Shao was a prince. Even he would not be able to escape suspicion?


“In order for my brother to ascend the throne, I have to hold part of the military power in my hands, preferably in Jiangnan. I don’t know how many years it will take, and I don’t know what will happen in that period. We always need to leave a way out for the both of us.” Jing Shao sighed. The matter of returning military power and then being slaughtered by others which occurred in his last life must never happen again. Even if he had to go down the worst path, he still had to protect Jun Qing at all costs.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ze Ljchtjcu ibbxfv eq ja tlw. Xlnfc Swqfgbg Lbcu Itfcu’r mtjgjmafg, fnfc lo tf vbafv bc jcv agerafv Alcu Vtjb cbk, lo tf qfgmflnfv jcs atgfja ab atf lwqfglji qbkfg, Ze Ljchtjcu yfilfnfv atja atf wbcjgmt kbeivc’a tfrlajaf ab vlrqbrf bo tlr rbc. Dbgc lc atf lwqfglji ojwlis, jcv klatbea tlr wbatfg’r qgbafmalbc, atfgf kjr cb gbbw ab wfvljaf klat tlr ojatfg, rb Alcu Vtjb’r tfjga kjr jikjsr gfraifrr.

Seeing the worry on his Wang Fei’s face, Jing Shao pinched his face with a smile. “Don’t worry, this is only just in case, and I’ve always been very careful. Things shouldn’t go that far.”

Mu Hanzhang quietly looked at him, slowly moved closer and placed a gentle kiss on one corner of his smile. “Don’t worry, I support you.” 

This simple sentence was better than a thousand words of comfort. Jing Shao blanked for a long time before he could react; his Wang Fei unexpectedly took the initiative to give him a kiss. It was just a gentle little kiss, but how could he explain the great joy in his heart? He threw himself at his Wang Fei to kiss him back. “Wawu!” Xiao Huang, who had been battling with the quilt for 300 rounds, was finally able to tunnel out, and Jing Shao, who was overjoyed, was immediately met with a mouthful of fur.

After the release of the ranking list of names came the celebration. The Ministry of Rites managed by Jing Chen organized everything in a foolproof manner; everything was in order and there were no slip-ups. On the 23rd of the second month, after the results were posted, the top three candidates, decorated with flowers, rode into the city on horses and paraded through the streets. There was a lot of excitement, even more so than on an ordinary day, in the capital.

“It’s said that all the successful candidates this time are young talents. That’s really rare!” Hui Wei Restaurant was on the main street of the capital and all the seats which looked onto the street had all been reserved early; the entire morning was rowdy as gossip and rumors spread like wildfire.

“That’s not necessarily true. I heard that the second place candidate is an old man, but the top scorer and the third place are young,” another person responded. 

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Jing Shao had already reserved the best seats, and pulled his Wang Fei over to watch the bustling scene.

“We still have to rush to the Qionglin banquet in a bit. Why bother?” Mu Hanzhang looked helplessly at Jing Shao, who was looking out the window excitedly. He just felt that Jing Shao was quite similar to Xiao Huang when it lay on the edge of the carriage window to look outside.


“The top scorer hasn’t come down the street yet! It’s rare to be in the center of the city, you should have a good look.” They were the only two in this elegant room, but Jing Shao didn’t pay any particular attention to the exquisite decor as he continued looking outside in high spirits.

Not long after, there were the sounds of gongs and drums which cleared the street, and three people wearing red robes and red flower-crested hair accessories rode on tall horses down the streets from the imperial palace. 

“Jun Qing, look. Isn’t the third rank scholar the one surnamed Ma whom we met in Hui Wei Restaurant that day?” Jing Shao pointed him out to his Wang Fei. Jun Qing’s words had rendered that sour group of scholars speechless that day. The one surnamed Ma was the first to stand up and applaud him for his wisdom, so Jing Shao had some impression of him.

Only then did Mu Hanzhang move over to take a look, and he saw the bright third rank candidate smiling widely. His face was somewhat familiar, so Mu Hanzhang nodded before he turned to look at the number one scholar. He felt that this face was also familiar. It just so happened that the top scorer, who was in the front, seemed to sense someone looking at him from above. He raised his head and his gaze collided with Mu Hanzhang’s.

How could it be him? Mu Hanzhang was a little surprised.

After seeing Mu Hanzhang’s face clearly, the top scholar stared blankly for a long time; until his horse passed the Hui Wei Restaurant, he was still looking back. 

Jing Shao immediately felt something wasn’t right, and frowned. “Do you know the top scorer?”

Mu Hanzhang nodded his head. Although he hasn’t seen him for several years, considering the other’s reaction, he shouldn’t be wrong.

“Who is he?” Jing Shao clasped his Wang Fei’s face discontentedly and forced him to turn his head and stop looking at the top candidate.

“He was a schoolmate when I was a child.” Mu Hanzhang pulled at the hands that were squeezing his cheeks and explained. His name was Qin Zhaoran, and he was a distant relative of the North Marquis’s family. He was able to study with the Mu family, and took the provincial exam with Mu Hanzhang. Later, he went back to his hometown to continue his studies. Now, they had met again after all these years. Unexpectedly, he placed first in the civil service exam. 

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“If you didn’t marry me, how would he have even been able to obtain first place?” As long as he wasn’t an old lover, that was fine. Jing Shao muttered some complaints in his heart for a moment, then resumed smiling and pulled his princess downstairs. “Let’s go; we’ll be late if we stay a little longer.”

The top three candidates would be attending the Qionglin banquet, and the imperial family and all the nobles had to be present, so they both had to go. Regarding his Wang Ye’s willful behavior, Mu Hanzhang had no choice but to follow him.

The main road was full of people. The two rode Xiaohei and quickly made their way through a small alley, going straight to Qionglin Garden.

In the middle of Qionglin Garden was a large pavilion called Flower Pavilion. The emperors and aristocrats would all sit here, and the three candidates would feast with them. 

When they arrived at Flower Pavilion, except for Emperor Hong Zheng, the other princes and several nobles were already waiting. Jing Chen gave his younger brother a look and had them quickly go to their positions.

Soon after, Emperor Hong Zheng came, and after the ceremony, they were seated in order of their status.

The Qionglin banquet was very important for scholars, so the ceremony was very complicated, comparable with getting married and having to go through the rituals to worship heaven and earth. Jing Shao was bored and yawned stealthily, but was secretly kicked by Jing Chen. He could only sit properly, and he looked pitifully at his Wang Fei, who was separated from him by several other people.

Mu Hanzhang gave him a “I wish I could help, but I cannot” look in return as he continued to sit gracefully. 

The only interesting thing at the Qionglin banquet was that the third place scorer would present flowers. While reciting a poem, the third rank scholar would select the most vibrant flower in the garden and present it to the emperor.

The name of the third place candidate was Ma Zhuo. He had a pair of smiling eyes. When Emperor Hong Zheng ordained him as the third place candidate, he must have also thought that he was very pleasant-looking. It was better for him to present the flower at the Qionglin banquet rather than that old man who came in second.


“The flower every year is offered to Zhen. This year’s third rank candidate is so young, which is rare. It’s better that you offer it to one of my sons.” Emperor Hong Zheng smiled and stopped Ma Zhuo, who was about to hand over the flower, and had him present it to one of the princes.

Flower Pavilion suddenly quieted down, the originally festive atmosphere immediately turning cold and solemn. 

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Jing Shao, who was about to fall asleep, suddenly sat up straight and looked at Jing Chen covertly. Jing Chen obviously also didn’t know why Emperor Hong Zheng suddenly made such a request. The hands hidden in his sleeves secretly clenched, and then slowly relaxed again, as he awaited the third place candidate’s response.

The Fourth Prince was also startled. He looked at Duke Mao opposite him; they were all at a loss.

Immediately, there was cold sweat on Ma Zhuo’s forehead. He could not offer this flower casually. Even now he had not yet decided which faction to join, so no matter who it was, it wasn’t right to offer it to anyone. It was reasonable to say that the safest would be to give it to Cheng Wang, who had no right of inheritance. But in that way, it would seem as if he were clearly mocking the Cheng Wang… 

Mu Hanzhang lowered his eyes, thinking deeply about the emperor’s purpose. Could it be that someone recently made a plea for him to pick the crown prince, which made Emperor Hong Zheng unhappy, so he was using this matter to deal with that person? Just as he was thinking this, the vibrant bloom was held before him. 

“This subject has admired the talent of Marquis Wen Yuan for a long time. This flower should be offered to Marquis,” Ma Zhuo said with a smile.

It was reasonable to say that the Cheng Wang Fei could also be considered half a prince; moreover, he was the only scholar among this group of nobles.

Jing Chen looked at the third rank scholar whose reaction was very quick, and nodded to himself. The Fourth Prince was relieved, but Jing Shao looked at his Wang Fei nervously. He didn’t understand; everything had been going perfectly fine, but how did this fire spread to Jun Qing? Also worrying and looking at Mu Hanzhang at the same time was Qin Zhaoran, the new first rank scholar.

“This honored scholar’s good intentions, I cannot possibly refuse.” Mu Hanzhang stood up and gracefully accepted the pink peony. 

“Hanzhang’s talent isn’t inferior to that of the third rank scholar,” said Emperor Hong Zheng. A smile gradually emerged in his deep eyes, and he motioned to the waiter to bring cups. “This toast is for the third rank scholar; you can drink it on behalf of Zheng as well.”

“Yes, imperial father.” Mu Hanzhang didn’t refuse. He respectfully saluted Emperor Hong Zheng, accepted the cup from Ma Zhuo and drank it down.

The words of Emperor Hong Zheng raised Mu Hanzhang’s status once again. Everyone had different thoughts in their hearts, but all had smiles on their faces. The cold and solemn atmosphere warmed up once more.

Ma Zhuo retreated to one side, and secretly wiped off his cold sweat with his palms. 

Qin Zhaoran looked at Mu Hanzhang, who was magnificent and eye-catching, and a touch of sadness gradually emerged in his eyes.

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