Today, she suddenly felt at ease because she felt that she did not need to control the rest of the matters. In any case, he would definitely help her deal with these matters.

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For the first time, she felt that having power was also a very important matter. At least when it came to such matters, she could still use special methods to solve them.

Sui Xin really could not believe it. If she was the only one facing these matters, she might really be helpless.

“Yin Shu, thank you. I really don’t know what to say to express my current feelings. I really feel that if you were not by my side, I might really not know what to do. “

Gu Yinshu looked at the face of the girl in front of him and suddenly smiled lightly. Then, he reached out and gently scratched her nose.

“If you really feel guilty, then eat well, sleep well, rest well, take care of your body, and then be my girlfriend. “

Freewill smiled faintly and rested his head on his shoulder.

Outside the window, there was already a faint green.

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Freewill looked at the blue sky and white clouds outside and suddenly felt that his heart was as erratic as the clouds in the sky. He slowly closed his eyes.

“Yin Shu, sometimes, I’m really afraid to imagine our future, because I’m afraid that this is just a dream. “

Jiang Suixin didn’t know whether it was because she was sick or because of other reasons. The softest part of her heart suddenly collapsed, and her entire person became weak.

“Why do you think about this? We will never be separated. You can imagine our future as much as you want, because our future will definitely follow the most dreamy dream in your heart. “

Following her heart, she did not speak, but kept her eyes closed.

Her heart suddenly trembled. It was as if there was a time when she could not control the feelings that spread in her heart and eventually extended to the four limbs of her body.

She could not peel them off.

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When she was young, she always had ignorant feelings and love. But at this moment, following her heart, she suddenly felt that her love had taken root and sprouted.

She could not let go anymore.

She could not let go anymore.

Gu Yinshu saw the girl’s eyelashes gently trembling, and he had a very strange feeling in his heart.

He reached out and gently covered the girl’s eyelashes, and a clear voice sounded in his ear.

“Sleep, I will always be by your side. As long as you need me, I will always be by your side. “

Although freewill was not a princess, Gu Yinshu was a real prince.

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But he did not care about the so-called identity of a prince at all.

Every girl was an angel and also a princess, so he was willing to transform into a knight and always be by his princess’side.

He knew that sometimes she would hesitate and be frustrated because of some identity and status, but he would use practical actions to tell her that you are not a commoner, you are my princess.

She was worthy of being waited on and loved by him for the rest of his life.

She did not know how long she slept. Initially, she was still in a daze. Later on, she really fell asleep.

That day, she changed a few bottles of IV needles. Her fever had finally subsided.

Because of a cold, she stayed in the hospital for a few days. She felt as though her entire body had been emptied.

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“Do you want to eat some fruit? I just bought a bunch of fresh fruits. Which one do you want to eat? I’ll peel it for you. “

“then I’ll eat an apple. ” When she got out of bed, she felt a little more strength in her body. She did not feel as weak and hopeless as before.

Perhaps it was because he had been hit by something, so he was really in a bad mood at that time.

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