279 Prehistoric Virus In The South Pole

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“Boss. We had to sacrifice up to two digits of red-eyed zombies to safely get you through the procedure.

“Mass-production isn’t impossible, but the price is too steep.

“It’s not feasible for now.

“Relatively speaking, it is more cost-effective to mass-produce rank-threes,” the bald doctor replied.

It was such simple, offhanded musings from out-of-touch CEOs that sent the entire workforce scurrying about.

The notion of mass-producing rank-six Awakened Ones? What a joke!


“We could do with those…

“Right. How long have I been asleep?” Tang Jun asked.

“About a week.

“Your assistant, Hank, has already sorted out everything that happened during this period. He’s waiting for your summoning,” the bald doctor replied.

“Tell Hank to get ready. Wait for me in the meeting room in ten minutes.”

Tang Jun walked into the bathroom naked.

After washing up, Tang Jun put on a bathrobe and went to the meeting room.

In the meeting room, his assistant Hank and two female zombies with collars were already waiting.

“Boss, a pair red-eyed female zombies for you. Please enjoy.”

Hank handed the leash to Tang Jun.

Tang Jun looked at the two female zombies. One of them was fair-skinned, the other was dark-skinned.

They were curvaceous, but he preferred willowy women.

‘Forget it, I’ll just make do with them for now.’

“Move,” Tang Jun sat on the sofa and said indifferently.

The two female zombies had no choice but to listen to him because of the bomb collars on their necks.

Tang Jun took a deep breath.

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He finally got to experience what a man should feel.

He was very content and found it pleasing.

“Hank, status update.


Tang Jun shuddered.

Only a few seconds had passed…

That was a little awkward.


The fair-skinned female zombie couldn’t help but laugh.

She had never seen such a weak man before.

Tang Jun’s face darkened.

Laughing at him?

Are you tired of living?

Tang Jun gave Hank a look.

Hank immediately understood. He took out the remote control and pressed it.

“Bang! Bang!”

The two female zombies’ heads exploded like watermelons.


“You could have just blown up the culprit. If you kill the other one, who’s going to serve me?”

Tang Jun frowned.

“Boss, do you want me to do it?”

Hank shivered.

If the boss was enraged, many people would die.

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He had been with the boss for so long, so he probably wouldn’t mind, right…?

“Don’t be daft.

“Find a few more for me later. Business first!” Tang Jun said with a straight face.

He was still basking in the clarity, so he was not in dire need.

“Yes, yes, yes…

“The company has been making good progress recently.

“The North American base has already taken control of more than half of the US. We have already plundered most of their weapons and equipment.

“We earned ourselves some serious firepower there.

“I estimate that in a few months, the long-range missiles will be up and running again.

“We’ve made some major discoveries at the South Pole base.

“They excavated some prehistoric specimens that have been frozen underground. We’ve synthesized some prehistoric viruses from them.

“By merging this ancient virus with the zombie virus…

“It created something terrifying…

“We lost a few red-eyed zombies and a few rank-five Awakened Ones. With the help of firearms, we finally managed to kill the specimen.

“I believe that given more time, we will be able to control these specimens.

“There is also something concerning Captain Lucas…”

Hank was a little hesitant.

“Lucas? Didn’t he go to the southwest of China to look for those insects we’ve been hearing so much about?

“What is it? Did he return empty-handed?”

Tang Jun frowned.

‘Was the new field team leader so unreliable?

‘Could he not even manage his first mission?

‘It looked like he had to be punished.’

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“No… he didn’t return empty-handed…

“He never returned altogether…

“When they got to the location, they encountered a Chinese special forces unit.

“Lucas reported that out of concern that this team would get in the way of their mission, they attacked them and killed at least half of them.

“After that, Lucas went dark.

“I’m guessing…”

Hank did not dare to continue.


“Is Lucas’s brain filled with sh*t?!

“In the entire world, the one thing you can’t mess with the most are Chinese soldiers!

“They’re stupidly protective of their own!

“If you kill half of their team, I would be surprised if they don’t throw themselves into the fire to get back at you!”

Tang Jun smashed the wineglass in his hand onto the floor.

“The ones who escaped must have called for reinforcements…

“Boss, should we continue to send more forces?” Hank asked.

“Forget it…

“Let’s focus on the South Pole base first. Don’t spread ourselves thin.”

Tang Jun rubbed his temples.

After he became stronger, his blood pressure and pulse were much more turbulent than before. Getting worked up easily spiked his numbers.

“As for the now vacated position of field team leader…

“Would you like to screen for another candidate?” Hank asked.

It had turned into a cursed position within the company.

They had lost three field team leaders within a month…

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“Forget it…

“Each one has been more pathetic than the last.

“How about this? You’ll be the team leader of the field team for now.

“We’ll wait for someone competent to turn up,” Tang Jun said indifferently.


Hank’s butthole tightened.

This was a cursed position…

Even if he was part-time…

He was afraid that he would wind up dead in no time.

“Alright, arrange a plane for me. I’m going to the North American base.

“Throw in a few female zombies.

“I’ll let you manage the Hawaii base for the time being.”

Tang Jun poured himself a glass of wine and stepped over the female zombie’s body on the ground.

Hank immediately ran to arrange a plane and the female zombies.

Ten minutes later, Tang Jun got on a plane and flew towards North America.

Hank heaved a long sigh of relief as he watched the plane disappear in the air.

Serving this man was a truly stressful job. Fortunately, he had left.

The Hawaiian base had been handed over to him to manage, which only meant…

Hank chuckled.

He could finally have a good time.

He had long taken a fancy to a female assistant in the laboratory.

This time, he could deal with her properly. If she refused…

Then, she would serve as an excellent experimental subject.

Hank smiled as he walked towards the laboratory…

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