Chapter 6 - The True Protagonist 

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──I feel like hitting my recent-past self. 

I showed off by telling Olivia that I could help teach her things, but I didn’t actually check her level of comprehension. l mean, she didn’t say that she had trouble keeping up with the material  around her! And yet── “I don’t understand it past this point. It has to do with magic, so apart from  ordinary spells, magic utilizing art rites could also be applied, and──” It was just us two holding a study group in the library. In the beginning, I thought that it was going to be a study session with a girl  in the midst of a bittersweet youth, but now I was breaking into a cold sweat while surprised at the extent of Olivia’s knowledge. In other words, Olivia’s intelligent. 

“Y, yeah, wouldn’t it be like that?” I’ve somehow managed to make it through using both knowledge I’ve studied up until now and from the game. 

However, the intelligent Olivia nodded along to my vague words while  seeming impressed. “Right! The textbook isn’t right, there really is a mistake, isn’t there? I thought it was strange for some reason. I felt something off about the  explanation on how using magic is supposed to feel. I’m glad I asked you, Leon.” What to do…this child began pointing out mistakes in the textbook. 

“N, not everything has an error. I think the textbook is important still.” “I agree. About twenty percent of it feels off, but on the other hand, I agree with eighty percent of it.” 

When I looked at Olivia’s textbook, it had signs of extensive use. Could it be that this girl has already finished reading through it? An amount worth one school term? It’s still June! 

Yet she managed to do it even though some of the nobles have given up on  the textbook after having a hard time on it?! I’ve been studying in accordance to what we’ll be tested on, but I can hardly say I understood its contents. In the first place, the score I got on magic was seventy points. 

While praying that the time would go by soon, the two of us continued our study group. Then, our arranged time had passed. “I, it’s already time to wrap things up?” “Seems so. It all went by in the blink of an eye, didn’t it?” Olivia looked delighted. For me, time seemed to go by at an immensely slow rate. 

“Um, can I ask for your help during the next time off?” Seeing her upturned eyes while making the request, I wanted to reply with “Yes!” as someone of the male sex. However, I don’t really want to do it that much. 

Searching for some excuse to bail out, I remembered an important matter in the academy. Right, marriage! I came to this academy for marriage…! I can’t really say that I came here to study, given the strangeness of this world. 

“S, sorry, I need to make preparations for a tea ceremony during my next time off.” 

Olivia got flustered and apologized. “N, no need to apologize, I was the one that asked, after all. R, right. You’re busy as well, Leon.” 

Yeah, I sure am busy. 

I felt bad towards Olivia, who held her textbook and notes while looking lonely, but I can’t forget my original purpose here. I have to find a bride that I can maintain a businesslike relationship with. In the first place, I rank low within the class’ caste. I’ve been frantically making requests for a good partner, a girl with a kind  and nice personality, within the higher ranks. Though there are girls who are kind and nice, those girls don’t approach people like me since they’re aiming to rise up in terms of their household and their future. 

Aah, what a cruel world this is. No wait, wasn’t it like this in my previous world? Olivia thanked me with a smile while looking into my eyes. 

“Leon, thank you for today.” Her eyes sparkled while she smiled, but it was directed towards me, a guy who had lied in order to get out of the situation. This girl gave a genuine word of thanks. 

I felt shameful from the embarrassment. 

Even though I lived longer than Olivia in my previous life, I had to lie and pretend that I could help with her studies for the sake of my tiny pride…I felt ashamed of myself. 


I was in my room within the boys’ dorms. I called over my friends Daniel and Raymond, and then we snacked on  sweets and drinks. They’re not the kind of sweets that would be offered to girls, but the fried, greasy kind. Considering that there are carbonated drinks, it seems like this world is in a  pre-modern era, approaching towards being modern. 

Thinking about it like that, there’s also the matter of uniforms. Is it just a matter of course since it’s an otome game? Daniel was eating some french fries. “Did you hear? Two of the rich people have already established marriage  plans. Furthermore, they were people that were kind to even us, Milly and 

Jessica…I’m way too envious.” Raymond pretended to be calm in front of the depressed Daniel. However, it was obvious that he was feeling down and could cry at any time. 

It was inevitable since Raymond had taken a liking to Milly. 

“It’s obvious that they would go for nice households rather than ours. It was a lost cause from the start…well, I’m happy as long as Milly is happy.” The two were in low spirits after what they said. The rich group made a display of all their merits, and took the offensive in  asking girls for marriage. They made speedy engagements that left no gaps. 

Even the rich were frantic. 

Milly and Jessica were the ideal partners for the boys, or rather, the finest ones, so now the rich guys are scrambling for the next best girls. It’s difficult for people like us to get in contact with them. Inevitably, the girls that guys like us will get involved with…will be the cruel ones. 

If one was from an earl household or above, an outstandingly prestigious family, or a rich household, then the story would be different. Those guys will already have a partner decided. 

It’s like that with Julian’s fiance, Anjelica. Due to that, the boys with the highest rank aren’t frantic about marriage. 

Daniel chugged a carbonated drink. 

“Damn it! With this, my hopes for the school year are gone! There are only cruel girls now!” 

There were a lot of girls who looked down on boys. 

Raymond nodded. 

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“We were unlucky for this first year. There are too many prestigious nobles, starting with his Highness Julian. We just can’t compete with them.” 

There were too many boys with unrivaled looks who had come from rich, well-established families, so the people around had looked at us harshly. 

We were at too different of a level to be compared, making it difficult for guys like us in the lower ranks to invite a girl. 

Julian and the others had the lineage, demeanor, assets, appearances…and above all, a fiance, so they were able to take it easy. 

“Anyways, Leon, are things going well on your end? Haven’t you been spending a lot time with the honor student recently? Did you give up on marriage?” 

I sipped on some juice while explaining to an uneasy Daniel. 

“I haven’t given up. It’s just that I keep sending invitation letters and I keep getting rejected.” Raymond has a bad mouth, but he seemed to be worried about me. “Your careless sympathy is going to be your own undoing…If you get too  close with the honor student, the girls will be unfriendly towards you. It would be better to keep your distance.” 

Rukul, a third year student, had said something similar before. Marriage with a girl was tough for some of the seniors, so they ended up having to accept some pretty harsh conditions. For example…allowing for lovers outside of the usual demi-human slaves. 

It was a humiliating agreement where one would have to look after the wife and her other lovers since she was the one giving birth to the heir. There were many boys who had no choice but to accept such conditions. 

Amongst them, some of the boys entered a bigamous relationship, and others have to dish out money for their wife to live in luxury with her lovers. Those were the best circumstances for girls. 

According to the girls, they’re the ones who are giving birth to the heirs, so this was natural for them. My previous world had more upright circumstances. Daniel asked me a question. “Leon, your brother is definitely in the regular class, right?” 

“Right.” My older brother, the second son, wanted to enroll in the advanced class as well, but it was impossible to get the large amount of money needed for it after the eldest brother had enrolled. 

I wanted us to share the hardship together, but unfortunately, that wasn’t the  case. “The girls in the regular class are upright, so what’s with the ones in the advanced class…?” 

The girls in the regular class are relatively decent. 

Marriage certainly seems to be tough, but it’s better compared to the advanced class. The reason for that is because they don’t purchase slaves that serve them. In fact, the girls that are particularly cruel are the ones in the advanced  class──especially the ones from a baron household and above, but still below an earl household. Those above earl households basically aren’t allowed to have slaves. Earl households can go either way and can have trouble deciding on it, but oddly, a lot more weight was placed on the opinions of the girls. 

…The partner I’ll have to marry will be right from that particular range. “When I heard my older brother talk about it…” “Hmm?” “…I wanted to hit him.” Why are girls in the advanced class this cruel? This being the world of an  otome game is the only explanation I can come up with, but I can’t help but  be irritated about it. “It would have been better if I had taken the regular class. If that had happened, then I wouldn’t be going through this hardship.” 

Raymond agreed while seeming like he was going to cry. “Why does marriage have to be so relentless for us?” 

What would the two think if I replied by saying that it’s because this is the world of an otome game? Raymond then brought up some rumors within the academy to distract us from our whining. 

“Come to think of it, it seems that those surrounding his Highness Julian have  become noisy recently.” I listened to the conversation while sipping my juice and going “Hmm.” To begin with, we’re talking about a realm beyond our reach. 

It was an interesting topic of discussion, but one that we’re unrelated to. 

Raymond was just telling a story to pass the time, and he didn’t place much importance on credibility. From my point of view, the people around Julian are normally noisy. Perhaps  one of the game’s events occurred? I can only assume so. Daniel joined in. “You’re talking about that? That girl…Marie? The kid that seems to have  been bullied by a lot by the girls?” 

It would be natural for them to hate her since she’s gotten close with the crown prince. I though as such, but Raymond began to continue on── “This is a continuation of that rumor, but I heard that the leader of the ones  bullying her is his Highness Julian’s fiance──the daughter of a duke household. There’s gossip about his Highness getting enraged after realizing that. There’s quite some credibility to it, so it might be true.” 

──I spit out my drink and started coughing violently. “H, hey, are you alright?” “Leon, do you know something?” 

The two were thinking that perhaps I knew something and wanted to hear it, so I brushed it aside by saying “No, my drink just went down the wrong pipe.” 

While wiping my mouth, I also wiped my cold sweat. The two then cleaned up the table. However, I have an interest in what Raymond said. Based on what I know  about the game’s events, there’s more to the matter of the crown prince getting enraged at his fiance. Furthermore, I’m close with Olivia. I haven’t seen her getting intimate with the capture target boys. Just what the heck was going on? 

I had been thinking that I shouldn’t get involved with the otome game’s events. 

It would have been fine for a mob to watch from a distance like a mob should. I thought that the story was unrelated to me, but things aren’t looking good now. I had a hunch that leaving things as they are would be dangerous, so I investigated some things myself. 

Since Olivia’s the only girl from the advanced class that I’m closely acquainted with, I spoke to her. 

In the library, I asked about Julian’s relation with Marie. 

“I’m sorry. I don’t know the full details of it either. All I know is that at some point, all the girls turned cold towards Marie, but it calmed down now.” 

“…Is there anything else you know? Have you made ever made contact with Marie?” 

A girl has snatched away the position of the protagonist. 

I had considered the possibility that this world has nothing to do with the game, and that I was just mistaken. 

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However, this doesn’t seem to be the case. “I haven’t spoken with her before, but…I did encounter her a couple times. I went to the school library a few days after the school entrance ceremony, and that’s when I heard a voice call out to me.” 

I understood from Olivia’s behavior that she didn’t really want to talk about the matter she was discussing, since she was casting her eyes downward while seeming sorrowful. 

Yet, I wanted to know. It may be intrusive on Olivia’s feelings, but I’ll have to do at least this much to get information about Marie, the ominous woman. “I want to know no matter what.” Olivia lifted her head. 

“…Leon, do you find people like Marie attractive?” Judging from how embarrassed she looked, it seemed that she misunderstood this as being a discussion about love. 

Being in love with her? Disgusting. Olivia was surprised when she saw me make a repulsed expression. “Huh?! That’s not it?” “I don’t really like her.” “I, is that so?” Olivia thought for a bit, and then proceeded to talk about her relation with 

Marie. “When I was thinking about looking into one of the library’s rooms, Marie  showed up and told me to go away because I was being a nuisance. There was also a time where I saw her in the courtyard. I was similarly treated like an nuisance, so I thought that maybe it was something I did and asked her about it. When I did that, she said that she hated women like me.” 

Olivia made a bitter smile. So Marie hates Olivia? There are a lot of girls that would hate a commoner for coming to a noble’s  academy, but something feels odd about the part where she said that she hated women like her. Olivia was worried while I remained silent. We then heard some voices when us two had ceased talking. “We’re doing it in a place like this?” 

“It’s fine. Aren’t you and I the only two people here?” It seemed like a jovial conversation between a boy and a girl. Judging from their delighted tone of voice…are these two lovers? 

Wondering just who in the world would let such an envious development unfold here, I crouched down and wanted to check the behavior of those people. 

“Leon, what are you doing?!” 

Olivia cautioned me with a low voice, so I answered back in a low voice as well. “Well, I’m just curious. Things like who’s getting intimate with who are  important information for us. There’s also my curiosity. Now then, who is it  that’s…?!” Upon seeing what was there, Olivia seemed like she was going to unintentionally raise a voice, so I covered her mouth. 

I held my breath and paid close attention on not making a noise. 

There, a boy with purple hair…Brad, had embraced a small, delicate girl with blond hair. Come to think of it, Brad was the character who’s often in the library. Olivia was also taking a long, hard look at the situation. Furthermore──the one that guy was kissing was Marie. It was after school in a library room. The two were glued to each other, and  they moved their arms around each other’s backs as they embraced one another. I never thought that I’d see such a strong kissing scene like this in the library room. 

The two of us slowly left that spot and fled from the library room. 



Marie Fou Lafuan was on the way towards her dorm from the library room. She recalled her sweet time with Brad, and traced her lips with her fingers. “Hehe, this world really is the best. It’s splendid that there are few stupid  boys like the ones in my previous world, and that this world rightly recognizes the rights of women.” 

The school building was dyed orange from the evening sun. While holding down the urge of wanting to skip and hop, she headed to the girls’ dorms. 

“Julian and the others have even reprimanded the stupid boys that were bullying me and silenced them…this really is the best. Now that the bullying has stopped, my second school life will be fun~” 

This world was Marie’s ideal world. 

After all, she was in the position of where the protagonist should have been. 

She embraced the illusion that the world revolved around her. 

Just around the corner of the corridor in the academy building were the figures of Julian and Jilk. It seemed that they were looking for Marie. “Marie, so you were here.” The two approached her. (These two are always together aren’t they. Could it be that they have that  kind of relationship? I heard that even back then, homosexuality was a thing,  so perhaps it’s that.) While harboring cruel thoughts in her mind, she straightened herself and made a slight smile. 

It was easy for Marie to act out the part of the ideal girl for these two, especially for Julian. “You Highness, did something happen?” 

Julian surprisingly gave her a warning. “Stop using ‘your Highness.’ Julian is fine. I was talking with Jilk about this, but do you not have an exclusive servant?” 

Marie nodded. She then made herself look slightly embarrassed in front of the two. “R, right. Actually…since my financial situation is tough, it’s hard for me to  arrange an exclusive servant.” 

(My parents don’t want to waste money. If possible, I would have wanted to reincarnate into a wealthy household) Hiding the displeasure she had about her home, Jilk proposed something to  the seemingly admirable Marie. 

“In that case, his Highness and and I can cover the expenses. You’ll be lonely without an exclusive servant, Marie.” 

In her mind, Marie made a triumphant pose towards the proposal and voiced her appreciation. 

(With this, I will have a lover that I don’t need contraceptives for! There weren’t many girls who didn’t have one, so I was getting fairly concerned. All the same, this is a surprising world that lets women openly carry along lovers. Well, I’m glad about it so it doesn’t matter.) 

On the inside, Marie was a little curious about the fact these two were going to give her a lover, but she went along with it while believing that this was how the world worked. 

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“Th, thank you. Your hi…Julian, Jilk.” 

She made an embarrassed expression while saying Julian’s name, but beneath the surface, Marie was actually relieved. 

Jilk guided Marie and Julian. 

“Now then, shall we prepare a carriage and depart? Let’s head towards a prominent slave firm in the royal capital.” 

◇ There were rooms in the girls’ dorms that were spacious and extravagant. They were available for girls from well-established families of an earl rank or  higher. Among them, there were some special rooms arranged for those who had connections with the royal family. The room Anjelica used was one of those. In the room, a girl who was one of her followers arrived. 

“Anjelica, we cannot allow that woman. Isn’t his Highness purchasing a sub-race slave as a gift for her? You aren’t even allowed to own one, though.” 

The girl couldn’t see the face of Anjelica, who was standing near a window. 

Her expression was warped with bitterness. 

“…Leave it be. If you understand the meaning of having a demi-human slave, then you know what kind of relationship he has with that girl.” 

“B, but.” 

Anjelica, a young duke woman, could purchase several tens of demi-human slaves considering the scale of her household. 

However, she couldn’t do it precisely because she was the daughter of a Duke’s house. Above all, she held the position of being the fiancee for the crown prince. 

She was a girl who would become the queen in the future, so having other lovers was no laughing matter. 

After the girl left the room, Anjelica took a nearby object into her hands and threw it onto the floor as hard as she could. 

“Stop fooling around! You’re…you’re getting so infatuated with an inconsequential girl! I’m──I’m doing this for your sake──just for your sake!” 

It was easy to guess that Anjelica was rampaging from her outward appearance and her violent personality. 

Just a while ago, the girls bullying Marie had been questioned by Julian and the others. They weren’t really told to, but they ended up spitting out Anjelica’s name. 

The girls belonging to that group were not part of her followers, but had said that they were from the same group under the dicey situation they found themselves in. 

It’s likely that they wanted to distract themselves from their everyday routine by bullying Marie, who had gotten carried away. Since girls were treated with importance in this society of nobles, there were many who didn’t show proper self-restraint. 

However, cowering in front Julian and the others when being questioned, they blurted out Anjelica’s name. 

Due to that, Anjelica was blamed by Julian and the others for Marie’s bullying. She denied her involvement, but they didn’t believe her. 

After that, Anjelica’s position within the school weakened. 

Now, there were an increasing number of girls that were trying to earn Marie’s favor. 

There was also a group of boys that were approaching Marie, perhaps noticing what was happening around them. They mainly consisted of second or third sons, people who weren’t going to be heirs, that wanted to get closer to Julian and the others. 

It was particularly obvious that the girls were now harboring ill feelings towards Anjelica. 

“You say I ordered them? You have no proof of it, and yet you believe the words of that woman…” 

What frustrated Anjelica was that Julian only believed in Marie’s words. He used the words of the bullies as a pretext to treat her like a wrongdoer. 

It was unbearably frustrating for Anjelica. 

A unity was made between the bullies and a group of people who were trying to empower themselves by spreading bad rumors about Anjelica and undermine her. 

That much was still okay. 

Anjelica didn’t mind such small things. 

However, the words Julian had said was what hurt her heart. 

‘We may be engaged, but at the academy, you’re just a student. Don’t interfere.’ ──That’s what he said to her. Anjelica shed tears and sat down where she was. 

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“I was…for his Highness…I was raised for the sake of his Highness! Only for the sake of his Highness!” Anjelica loved Julian. However, Julian didn’t love her back. 

He only thought of it as a political marriage. Ever since the engagement had been decided, Anjelica had worked hard. She pushed herself for Julian’s sake, but not an ounce of her work had been appreciated. 

The one Julian wanted was a woman like Marie. “Your Highness…why did you say that to me…why!” She covered her face with both of her hands, and Anjelica continued to cry as  her tears ran down. 

“Hey, stupid brotheeer!” It was the morning of our day off. The one who came here to the boys’ dorms was the animal, I mean my sister,  who pridefully carried her slave around. 

While yawning in my room, I checked the time, noticed that it was still seven in the morning, and lied back down onto bed. “Don’t doze off! What in the world are you doing! What are you doing!” I didn’t know the reason for her uproar, but I wanted to enjoy myself and fall  back asleep. “How improper of you, sister. Yesterday’s lessons involved the boys training  their martial arts. I’m tired, so let me sleep.” The girls got to have fun playing sports, while the boys had to get caked in mud while doing long training runs and martial arts practices. Since this was  a world where it wasn’t odd for one to lose their life fighting monsters or participating in a war, training was very strict. “This isn’t the time to be sleeping! Stupid brother, give me a detailed account  of the first year class. Right now!” 

My older sister, the second daughter, forcibly woke me up, leaving me wondering what she was in a hurry for. Lifted up by a cat-eared slave in the morning, I sat down on a chair while  rubbing my sleepy eyes and yawning. 

“Information about the first year? Wouldn’t you know more about that than me?” “I heard some strange rumors, so I came here to check. You’re more or less a  student in the advanced class.” How impolite of her to say “more or less.” “Information? Aah, come to think of it, the class’ Madonnas, Milly and 

Jessica, have chosen whom to marry. It’s kind of a disappointment since they were really good people, but there’s no helping it.” “I don’t care about pointless stories like that.” Pointless? For us boys, it’s a story that would put us to tears. 

“Do you know about a girl named Marie?” While I was reacting with a twitch, my older sister continued to talk and order me around. 

The passionate kissing scene in the library came to my mind. 

“…She’s in his Highness Julian’s group, and is intimate with him.” “Only with his Highness the crown prince?” “…She’s intimate with other prestigious nobles as well. Good for her, right?” Even if flirting around is disapproved of in the academy, people still hear  rumors about it. The rumors surrounding Marie have especially risen. 

“There’s also a young girl from a duke household, right? Do you have detailed information on her?” “You think I know? I only heard rumors like how his Highness the crown  prince got mad at her.” My sister pondered, and then made a stern face. Now it was my turn. “So, do you have a detailed account of her? It seems there are rumors  spreading around about how that duke daughter ordered people to bully Marie.” 

“Huh? Are you an idiot?” My sister got angry and called me an idiot. I’d prefer if you showed some more self-control after having stormed into the boys’ dorms in the morning. Well, considering that you have that lover with you, you probably don’t have a sliver of self-control left. 

“With a social status that high, even if she’s not ordering people around, those around her are selfishly moving. In the first place, if she was really serious about crushing a woman she’s against, then that woman wouldn’t be alive. The scale of a duke household is no joke. This is why men are useless.” 

While feeling peeved, I asked a question to my sister, who had been looking down on me. “So that duke woman is unrelated?” 

“They’re separate matters. Since girls that were in her group did it, she still has to take responsibility, though.” “Isn’t that unreasonable?” 

“That’s the way the cookie crumbles.” It seems that the world of an otome game is also difficult for girls. No wait, perhaps it just for the villainess? In the game, did the villainess…not order for this happen? It’s been ten years since I regained my memories, so my recollection is faint. 

My sister looked at my face and made a serious expression. “The second year and third year are also panicking. Above all, we don’t want any more strange trouble around his Highness the crown prince. We have  things we need to do as well. You need to seriously gather a little more information. Then, report it to me afterwards.” Who in the world does this woman think I am? I’m not your pawn. Well, I  will investigate since I’m curious about it, though. “You understand what this means, don’t you?” “Those girls are bothersome.” “Idiot, you utter idiot! Stupid brother!” My sister, who had been noisy in the morning, grabbed me by the ear and  said something as if ordering me around. “His Highness the crown prince will inherit the throne as long as nothing  happens! You understand that the people he’s pleased with will be set for life, right? On the other hand, those that he’s displeased with will be done for!” This talk has nothing to do with a baron from afar. On second thought, it has a lot to do with my sister, who wants to to live in  the city. If she gets married to someone bad, and that person garners Julian’s  antipathy, then there’s no hope for success in her future career. 

“Being able to marry and safely graduate is enough for me, so I’m not interested in this matter.” “Are you really a man?!” In actuality, I just don’t want to get involved with Julian and his  surroundings. I was thinking that maybe there were benefits to getting close with him, but…getting close with him also meant getting dragged into what’s to come. 

That’s a no-no. ──After all, a huge storm will befall upon the kingdom in the future. That is if things go according to the game’s story, though. “Anyways, you say that it doesn’t concern you, right? Well, there’s no  benefits nor drawbacks about this matter for me either.” 

It seemed that my sister was just wary of me getting involved and causing trouble upon the family. “They wouldn’t take any notice of a baron from afar.” However, the fact of the matter is that there really is something that has  caught my attention. I’m wondering what that Marie girl might do in the future. My sister gave me a warning. “There’s a grade party at the end of the school term. Don’t do anything stupid  and make me lose face. I need to pick a man I want.” My busy sister headed out of the room. “Ah, one last thing, did you even find a marriage partner?” 

The look of my grinning sister had irritated me. 

My sister wanted to marry and had been searching for a boy nonstop. I’m envious that she at least has a choice. “Don’t cause trouble if you find one.” “I thought you’d say that. Don’t think that you have charm just because you  stand out a bit. Why don’t you polish your skills as a man?” I laughed scornfully. “How do you feel having bought a slave using the money from a man that has  no charm? I’m all ears, my dear sister.” Thereupon, my sister yelled “Go to hell, stupid brother!” and left the room. Now that I was alone, I got up from my chair and stretched. Luxon, who pretended to be an ornament in the room, rose up. [It’s been quite lively for the morning.] “So the first term is going to end…I wonder if it’s fine to just think about the  party and the usual nobles?” This is the world of an otome game. The event for the first-years in the academy was modeled after those from the  schools in Japan. 

Well, it was game marketed towards Japanese people, so it was inevitable that it would be like that, though… “A school term…I entered a dungeon with my friends and ended up holding  tea ceremonies by the end of it all.” [Even if there were zero results, the time spent was still valuable, right master? After all, my master is basically a lazy person. You moving around is  by itself a great achievement.] “Do you bear a grudge against me?” [I dislike new humans, so that means I dislike you, master.] “So you’re a sad AI that pushes me around. Be ready to keep pushing me  around for as long as I live.” [Sounds fun. All things considered, life at the academy seems truly hectic.] In addition to attending the daily lessons, I also enter the dungeon for extra  cash. 

I’ve used that cash to fund tea ceremonies and invite girls, but it ends up  failing repeatedly. 

Things really have passed in the blink of an eye. 

“…Say, can you gather information?” 

Despite having a bad mouth, Luxon is basically faithful. 

[Is this about the duke woman or that Marie girl? I possibly can, but even if I  investigate information like their three sizes, I won’t tell you.] “…Please tell me.” [I refuse on the basis that it’s not necessary.] “Is that so? In that case, can you investigate whether or not what my sister  said was true?” [You want definite proof about the rumors? Does it concern you, master? 

You said you weren’t going to get involved, but are going to change that policy?] “I’m just curious.” 

[So it’s just a spurt of curiosity? How hopeless you are. Well then, I’ll go check the rumors.] 

While saying that, Luxon’s surface projected the surrounding landscape, making it vanish like it had blended in, and left the room to gather information. 

This thing can do anything. 

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