Chapter 12 “Two People Destined To Meet”

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Part 1

Port of Raschel.

There was a flying battleship there that came from the Empire.

The knights are lining up, waiting for the Emperor to arrive.

And yet, the person in question is chatting with me at a distance.

“You were reincarnated over fifty years ago?”

“Aa, yes.”

Karl-san, in his plain figure for incognito, talks nostalgically about the past.

“I never dreamed that I would be reincarnated in the world of otome games that my little sister was playing.”

“You got involved with your little sister, too, huh.”

“—— I was stunned when I heard your story. What? You fell down the stairs after staying up all night playing the first Otome game? Were you really a member of society?”

I couldn’t say anything back because I was poked where it hurt.

If you think about it carefully, it is a failing behavior for a member of society.

“That time was, you know, that —— that thing.”

“Ah~, you’re that, right? Not stupid, but a fool, right? It’s pathetic to think of the number of meetings we had in the Empire to deal with this kind of person. Give me back my time.”

He says whatever he wants.

“Were you the one playing that Otome game with your little sister? I find that more difficult to believe.”

I retorted bitterly, but Karl-san shook his head.

“I knew my little sister played it, and I remembered the title. But I didn’t know the details.”


From there, Karl-san tells the story of his previous life.

“My little sister was playing the third title of that Otome game —— etto, it’s that. Special edition? Anyway, it’s the one that came out again after the release.”

“Like the one with extra elements added? Or a remake?”

“Yes, that’s it! I guess getting old makes you forgetful.”

When Karl-san reminisced about his previous life, he looked somewhat happy but sad.

There must be many feelings.

“We used to fight a lot, but we were only allowed to use the console in the living room. I would wait and watch while she finished her game.”

Did family rules dictate where and when games could be played?

Karl-san lets out a sigh.

“But who would have thought that I would have been reincarnated long before the main story began? At first, I thought it was just a world that looked similar.”

Karl-san was reincarnated as a member of the Imperial Family of the Voldenowa Holy Magic Empire.

“I was reincarnated as a member of the royal family, and even though I didn’t want to be, I was involved in the struggle for the succession and had to fight for my life. Before I knew it, I had become the emperor, forgetting about that Otome game. And when I executed my rebellious brother —— I wondered what I had been reincarnated for.”

For what purpose have we been reincarnated in this world?

That’s a question I’ve wondered about too, but I think it’s such a difficult question to ask about the meaning of life.

Maybe there is no such thing as meaning.

However, sometimes I think about it.

―― Am I really allowed to be here? I thought.

I felt a kinship with Karl-san, who had the same problem.


“And then I encountered her at a place I had gone incognito. My destined person.”


I had a feeling the conversation was going in a strange direction, but apparently I was not mistaken.

What begins there is Karl-san’s love story.

“I fell in love with a town girl whom I met by chance, and I was excited for my age. I was married to a woman whom I did not love through a political marriage, but it was the town girl whom I was truly united with.”


I try to stop him, but Karl-san ignores me and keeps talking.

The strangely familiar narrative makes me feel that this is a story I have heard many times.

If this guy is telling this story every time?

Isn’t this why Finn didn’t stick with me?

“And the result of our love is Mia.”

After saying that much, Karl-san hung up his head.

“It was there that I realized for the first time that I had been reincarnated as a character involved in an Otome game. After all, Mia is the main character in the third Otome game.”

Karl-san is somewhat happy, saying, “I remembered that she was the emperor’s illegitimate child, but I didn’t think she would be born as my child.”

I had lost all sympathy and just listened to Karl-san’s story with a blank expression on my face.

“Well, that’s how it is. She is the daughter of the only woman I have ever loved in my life. So, I want you to make sure she gets cured. ——If you do not, I will destroy the Kingdom. If you do anything insolent, I will destroy it too.”

I snicker at Karl-san who tells me with a straight face that he will destroy the Kingdom.

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“You’re in a position where you have a legitimate wife but you’ve only loved one person.”

“I told you it was a political marriage.”

This is a major difference from the values of the previous life.

If marriage is about mutuality is the value of the previous life, then marriage in this world is about a connection between houses.

There the happiness of the individual is not considered.

Karl-san’s values seem to have changed since he has lived here longer.

“——So, if you don’t want to be destroyed, take good care of Mia.”

“There’s a way to say it. Be honest and ask for it.”

“Even like this, I still have a position. Ah, then——”

Karl-san became expressionless.

“If that kid does anything immoral to my Mia, you can erase him. As Emperor, I give you permission to do so.”

—— No, you shouldn’t.

Karl-san says that much and then turns his back on me and leaves.


Part 2

The medical office in Licorne.

In a room equipped with various facilities, there were two capsules large enough to accommodate a person.

The lid is open, and looking inside, it is filled with a translucent liquid that glows a pale green color.

In front of such a capsule were two girls in hospital gowns.

It’s Mia and Erika.

Creare asks them.

[Now, I’m going to put you both in the capsule to sleep. During that time, I’m going to check on your physical disorder.]

Erika nodded and seemed willing to leave everything to Creare.

“I’ll leave it to you.”

[Leave it to me. Anyway, have you said goodbye to your acquaintance yet?]

“Even though it’s goodbye, it’s only for a few days. I’ve already said my goodbyes, in case you were wondering.”

[To Marie-chan too?]

“——That’s right. I’ve said to her properly.”

Erika smiles with a downcast look on her face, but then turns her gaze to Mia, who looks nervous next to her.



Mia responds hastily and blushes as she puts her fist to her chest.

Concerned about her actions, Erika tries to ease the tension.

“Don’t worry, we will be out of the capsule in a few days. Then we will be able to see everyone again.”

Mia tilted her head. She didn’t understand for a moment what Erika was saying.

But she must have quickly realized that she was being misunderstood.

She waves her hands in panic.

“I-I am not worried. Both Knight-sama and Oji-sama said that if the disease can be cured, I should definitely take it.”

“Then why?”

This time, when Erika tilted her head, Mia looked embarrassed – and shyly said.

“Earlier, Knight-sama told me. Knight-sama said to Mia that he——”


Part 3

“Kurosuke, did I make the right choice?”

[Buddy, still having trouble with it? You just gave your answer to Mia, right?]

Deck of the Licorne.

Finn, leaning against the railing, was worried about his choice.

The answer is given.

But he didn’t think it was the right choice, either.

That said, he doesn’t think it’s wrong.

“I’m willing to devote my life to Mia. But this just doesn’t seem right. Still, if it would make that girl happy.”

[My buddy has a bit of a lot of affection for Mia.]

Brave is taken aback, but Finn retorts that it’s not true.

“I’m normal.”

[I don’t think that’s normal. That Leon and Marie are siblings from a previous life, aren’t they? And yet they are always fighting with each other.]

From Brave’s point of view, the relationship between Leon and Marie seems more normal.

But Finn pokes Brave’s forehead —— above his eyes lightly with his finger.

“You don’t understand. Those two don’t have as bad a relationship as their mouths are saying. If anything, Leon dotes on his little sister.”

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[——Isn’t that your misunderstanding?]

The half-open eyes Brave seems to doubt Finn.

“They just don’t say it out loud. But as for me, I doubt those two who always quarrel.”

Finn was stunned by the relationship between Leon and Marie, but laughed.


Part 4

On board the Licorne returning to the kingdom.

In the lounge, a restless Marie is pacing around the room.

Kara and Kyle, sitting on the sofa, call out to Marie.

“Marie-sama, the results will only come out in a few days. If you keep going like that now, you will get tired.”

“Goshujin-sama, please calm down. Creare also said it would be all right”

Then Marie points her upper body at them.

“Don’t believe anything she says! Have you forgotten what she did? She’s the one who turned Aaron into Aare-chan.”

Although she had been given the right to do so by Leon, she is an artificial intelligence that would run amok and perform gender change surgeries on the male capture target.

Even Marie wanted to believe her, but she was slightly unable to believe in her.

Kara pulls in her cheeks.

“It’s amazing how they even change genders. Lost Item——how advanced a civilization did the ancients have?”

Kara is amazed that the ancient people who created Luxion and Creare —— the old humans had tremendous science and technology.

It must be hard to believe that there was a civilization long ago that was better than the one they have today.

Kyle folds his hands behind his head.

“I can’t believe it. If they were so great, why did they perish? No matter how you look at it, it’s weird.”

Kara nodded in agreement to Kyle’s question.

While listening to their conversation, Marie was also curious about something.

It is that Leon and herself have the characteristics of the old humans.

Because of that, Luxion and Creare follow Leon.

(——Humans who can use magic are the new humans, right? So why do aniki and I have the characteristics of the old humans? Aniki said it’s because we are the reincarnated people, but is that true?)

Because they are reincarnated, they have the characteristics of the old humans.

Marie had doubts about Leon’s hypothesis.

(Well, even if I thought about it, I wouldn’t find the answer, and even if I did, I’m not sure I would. I just hope that Erika wakes up safely.)

If her daughter from a previous life who has been reincarnated has an unexplained illness, she would be concerned.

Although she was told that her condition could be cured, it was heartbreaking to see her in pain from time to time.

Hoping that the cause of the problem will be removed soon, and that she will be healthy again.

The motherhood in Marie makes her worried about Erika’s safety.


Part 5

Einhorn’s dining room.

After lunch, the dishes were cleared —— but I was holding my head.

“You’ve got to be kidding me —— I’ve been going around denying the rumors, but somehow they’re becoming more and more believable. Every time I deny it, everyone says it’s true.”

During my stay in Raschel, I had my fair share of work.

The role is to watch over and intimidate Raschel’s army.

I was staying there until the army was sent from the Kingdom of Horfalt.

In the meantime, I tried to deny the rumors, but it had the opposite effect.

Luxion blames my actions.

[I advised that forcing denial is counterproductive. Master is at fault for not listening.]

“Something like I’m Roland’s illegitimate child, it’s a rumor I’d like to erase as soon as possible!”

As we were making noise in the cafeteria, Livia let out a small sigh.

We had Luxion’s special pudding for dessert.

“Even the people around seem to believe the rumors.”

At Livia’s words, Noel, who was also eating pudding, looks at another table with a spoon in her mouth.

“They’re having fun, aren’t they?”

It was the five idiots who were there.

The five of them gathered together to reflect on this event.

However, since the reflection meeting is being held in the middle of the day, no alcohol is being served and they are eating pudding.

As Chris eats his pudding.

“The masked knight has shown up again this time. Really, he’s a guy who shows his face everywhere.”

He said it in displeased manner, Jilk soothes him with a hand on his chin.

“Well, he has been a great help in terms of strength. He may wear a weird mask, but his skills have been proven in the battles we’ve fought so far.”

When Jilk praised him, Julius, who was eating the pudding, looked happy.

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—— You guys really don’t realize it, do you?

“I’d like to meet that guy at least once.”

When he learned that Julius wanted to see him, Greg placed the small jar of pudding he had finished eating somewhat roughly on the table.

“I’ll never admit it. Sure, he’s strong, but every time he shows up, he’s got a smug look on his face. It’s a sign that he has something to hide.”

How do you know if he’s making smug faces when he’s hiding his face?

Listening to their conversations makes my head hurt.

Then Brad, exhaling a sigh, says.

At his side were Rose and Marie, each of whom was being fed by Brad.

“Anyway, listen to me. For some reason, I am worshipped in Raschel. They call me the purple knight who descended from the heavens. I’ve had a lot of trouble with people asking me for signatures. —— Haha, give me a break.”

He had his hand on his forehead and was looking up to the heavens, but Brad’s expression, by all accounts, was happy.

He acts like he’s in trouble, but I think he’s just trying to show off.

The eyes of the other four are cold.

I am sure they don’t like the fact that Brad is the only one who got appreciated, even though they worked as hard as he did.

Jilk takes one look at me and then brings up a new topic.

“By the way, there is a ridiculous rumor circulating in Raschel. I hear that Leon-kun is His Majesty’s illegitimate son.”

When Julius suddenly stops moving, Chris looks at him and speaks.

“Was it rumored that Leon’s continued promotion is only possible because of His Majesty’s affection? It’s a lie, but it’s also a fact that can’t be denied.”

Brad is petting Rose and Marie with a difficult expression on his face.

“His Majesty spread his love around to many women.”

To put it another way, what Roland has been doing is playing with women.

I can’t tolerate the fact that because of him, the theory of I am his illegitimate child is getting thicker.

When I meet with him, I want to punch him once.

Greg keeps glancing at me.

“I don’t think so. I don’t think so, but what do you think would happen if Leon were His Majesty’s illegitimate son?”

It was Julius, who had been silent, who answered Greg’s question.

“He would be the best candidate for the Crown Prince. Mother and the royal court will do everything in their power to push nii-san —— Leon to be seated on the throne. This alone will keep the kingdom at peace for decades.”

This bastard —— he calls me “nii-san” sometimes, so people will have unnecessary misunderstandings.

As I was thinking about punching this guy too, Ange, who had finished her pudding, looked at me with a mischievous look on her face.

“As for me, I don’t want to question mother-in-law’s infidelity, but the idea that Leon is His Majesty’s illegitimate son made me laugh.”


When I try to plead with her to stop, Ange puts her fist to her mouth and smiles.

“Because you get so pissed off like that, people tease you. ——Your Highness, don’t be amused, please tell the truth.”

Ange says to Julius, raising her voice a little.

When all four of them looked at Julius’ face at once, he seemed to be enjoying himself.

“Well, I’m just kidding.”

Jilk looks like he wants to complain to Julius, but he holds back and chooses his words.

“At least make it a funny joke. Since His Highness had such an attitude, we believed it too.”

You believed it! Are your heads for decoration?!

Chris lets out a deep sigh.

“Please don’t joke about it when you return to the royal palace. It will be like poking a beehive again.”

Greg folded his hands behind his head and leaned back against the back of his chair.

“What, so you’re just kidding.”

But Brad seems to be having fun about what’s funny.

“No, it may not end up being a joke. There will be people who want to make this lie the truth. While we’re at it, if we flatter Leon, I’m sure we’ll rise in the ranks.”

When Greg hears that, he asks Brad.

“What, you wanted a promotion?”

“Of course!”

“You’re kidding, right? It’s enough for me to live now and have Marie.”

I hope you can understand my feelings as I watch the five of you laugh at each other.

To sum up what these guys said, “I want to flirt with Marie while being fed by me.”

Noel’s eyes were cold as she looked at the five of them, as if she was biting a bitter bug.

“I feel sorry for Marie-chan. She has to support five men who don’t have the ability or desire to make a living or a career. But it is Leon who is supporting Marie-chan, isn’t it?”

Julius may barely pass, but the other four are a big minus.

Livia had a complicated look on her face.

She is concerned about Ange.

“Though it could be said that Marie-san deserved what she got.”

Ange smiles at Livia’s opinion and looks at me.

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“What a popular guy you are, Leon”

In response to Ange’s provocative gaze, I act nonchalantly about it.

The nonchalant attitude like Luxion’s made me happy because I felt like our hearts were closer to each other.

“Oh, is that sarcasm? You’re starting to say about that too, Ange.”

Ange mutters somewhat happily.

“I’m just being mean”

Livia, who had been listening to our conversation, looked at me with a sullen look.

“Both Leon-san and Ange are kind of cunning.”

As to what is cunning, Livia does not put it into words.

Ange begins to tease Livia.

“The sulking Livia is cute, but I always prefer the usual you.”

Ange extends her hand and lifts Livia’s chin.

That alone made Livia blush.

“You are deceiving me like that again. Ange is starting to act like Leon-san.”

Does Livia think I’m going to deceive her about everything?

I can’t say that —— I’m not surprised.

The fact is that I have a lot of things to hide.

Noel got up from her seat and hugged my left arm.

“Isn’t it terrible to only give Angelica special treatment? So, go out with me this time. Let’s go on a date when we get back to the royal capital.”

Noel’s honest request made me flinch somewhat, but I decided to accept it.

“——You’ll have to wait until after work.”

“That’s fine. Besides, it’s our summer vacation, so we should enjoy it more. We went to the Fraser territory and Raschel, but it didn’t feel like sightseeing.”

Noel’s words reminded us of something important.

Ange says with a somewhat distant look.

“We went to the Fraser Territory at the same time as our summer vacation. We visited some tourist spots, but most of our time was taken up by war-related activities.”

Livia is looking down and sad.

“It’s the last summer break of the school, so it’s kind of sad, isn’t it?”

I turn my gaze to Luxion, who had been silent all along.

“How many days left?”

[It has been twelve days.]

We lost most of our summer vacation thanks to Raschel’s unnecessary actions.

Should I have beaten the Holy King more?

I think about my future plans and estimate how much I can play.

“When I get back, I’ll have an audience and meetings, right? Besides, I’d like to go visit my parents, if I can, and have some fun.”

[Subtracting the days used for travel and taking into account the work schedule —— Master has three days off left at the disposal.]

“Is that all I got!”

I yell, and Luxion gives me more.

[In addition, the school gave you special assignments to complete, didn’t it? Since you have less than 10% of the assignments completed, you will have to spend 8 hours every day from today onward on your assignments. Ah, that assumes that you do all your assignments on your days off.]

From the time I was in the first year, I was behind in my classes due to the war and other factors.

To compensate, the school gave me so-called summer vacation homework.

The way Ange looks at me, a little angry.

“Oi, is it true you didn’t finish your assignment?”

The more time I spend on assignments, the less time I have to play with Ange and the others.

Noel, who was also excited earlier, is pulling away from my arm.

“What’s that, you’re the worst. We can’t play.”

I wanted to ask the other way around.

“Eh!? No way, even though we were so busy, did everyone finish the assignment!?”

I thought everyone was going through the assignments because they were busy.

Ange nodded as if it were natural.

“It’s a matter of course. Proceeding as planned.”

Maybe Noel’s is embarrassed by being slightly behind, she is just scratching her cheeks with her fingertips.

“I’m a little behind, but I feel like I can get it done in time. But what about Leon, who’s not even halfway done?”

When I fearfully look at Livia, she is smiling at me and trying to finish me.

“I got it all done at the beginning of my summer vacation.”

I slump my shoulders, and Livia comforts me.

“We’ll help you, so let’s finish it together, Leon-san.”


After all this hard work, do I even have to do my summer homework? I’m a Duke, right? They should at least be a little bit nice to me.

If I said that, Ange would get angry, so I’ll keep my mouth shut.

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