Volume 6 - Epilogue

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It was a day before classes started again. He was visiting the Rault castle.

I wanted to thank Alberg-Sama for everything and to know more about their situation.

"You went to the trouble of bringing me a box of candy." "It's like an apology for all the trouble I've caused you."

"An apology, huh? ... you actually saved me so don't worry."

This is how I began to hear the latest news while speaking softly. "Rumors are circulating that Serge is going to be fired. It is true?” "I can't say it's a silly rumor."

-Are you serious?

Alberg-Sama thought Serge hated them for this one incident.

"I think I've been treating Serge like a son, but I think it's been a burden to him. If that boy wants to be an adventurer, I'm willing to let him pursue that dream.”

"If you don't like him then do you dismiss him?"

"We accept him as an adopted child and we are responsible for him.

That child is, and will continue to be, part of our family. Although Louise will never accept it.

Observing their interactions in the large airship, it seems impossible to do something about it. How is it possible that they hate each other so much?

"Leon, you must see Louise. She is shy, but wants to see you.” At the request of Alberg-Sama, I went to see Louise.

When I met with Louise, she was embarrassed.

More importantly, she had some scratches on the side of her face.

I heard she had a fight with Noelle, but it seems like they overdid it a bit. "Don't look at me too much. It’s embarrassing.”

She seemed less concerned about the abomination she displayed in the sacrifice fiasco than about being seen hurt.

"I'm relieved to see you're in a good mood." "I've caused you a lot of trouble."

-Do not worry about it.

Marie has caused me so much more trouble, so Louise's still small when you think about it. She seemed to want to ask me something.

-What's going on?

"Leon ... Hey, the answer to the question I asked you that time, how did you know?"

"The answer to your question?"

-Look! You guessed it was a save ticket when we were aboard Einhorn!

I thought you'd never guess. How did you know about it !? It's something only a child would think.

"A man is always a child at heart."


It is incredible that it is a coincidence.

"Don't lie! … Hey, Leon… you're not really my brother, are you?”

I suppose you wish it were so, but your Leon and I were almost born at the same time. It makes no sense that I am his reincarnation.

If he died and reincarnated once, he would be less than ten years old. "No, I am not."

"Yes, of course not. I'm sorry. I do not know what is happening to me.”

"I just look like him. I'm not your brother, Louise. I'm sorry I tricked you at the time.” When I lowered my head, Louise had a complex look on her face.

"Just don't do that to me again."

"I wouldn't really like to do that either." I'm tired of pretending to be someone else. I had to get information from Louise and Alberg-Sama to pretend to be Leon. I felt like a villain.

It was really heartbreaking.

-… Hey, just for once. Can I hug you?

"It will be a pleasure to be hugged by a beautiful woman!" Yes, please.

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Wow ~ I did it ~! … I was happy to show it to her, but Louise is looking at Leon, not at me. She wants to hug her brother, and she doesn't look at me personally.

When Louise hugged me, she was crying.

-I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.

Right now, I was about to call her Onee-chan… but then I stopped.

I thought it would ruin the mood if I said so, so I stopped just for her to hold onto on my body.


But it's just that.

It's a good thing, I think.

I could feel Louise's gentle touch, but I tried my best not to look sloppy and held back.

"Leon, I'm sorry." Your sister is sorry for having caused so much trouble

... Thinking about that, seeing Louise really apologize ... I regretted it.

It made me remember that I am a lustful and shameful person at a time like this. Oh my heart aches.

But when I looked out the window ... I saw Luxon. His red lens was looking at me.

I couldn't stop Louise crying, and I think I had a tight expression on my face, because I was too afraid to speak.

Luxon saw me and sent me a message so that only I can hear it.

[You are hopeless, Master, but I didn't think you would cheat in a short period of time. But I guess my prediction was wrong. Sorry, Master.]

Wait. Please wait!

Livia gazed out at the landscape as the kingdom engulfed in flames. The royal capital had been turned to rubble and the area was on fire. The fallen did not move.

-…What is this?

Livia was stunned at the sight.

Large aircraft were floating in the night sky.

They were the drones that Luxon often used to destroy the royal capital.


Machines that ruthlessly repeated their destructive actions. Livia found it a very terrifying sight.

As she shuddered, she heard a voice. "Your Highness Julian!"

She heard a voice that sounded familiar, it was Julian, who suffered under the rubble of the tiles.

She ran up to him and tried to help him, but Julian was acting strange. " Livia, run!”


Why are you calling me by my nickname?

Also, Julian's atmosphere seemed somewhat different. "U-Uhm."

"Luxon has betrayed us! H-He brought his companions ...!” Julian, spitting blood from his mouth, couldn't speak anymore.

Luxon betrayed them --- Hearing it, Livia shook her head, saying it was impossible.

-Lie. That is not possible. Because, Luc ... It happened then.

She felt someone staring at her and turned to see Luxon there.

He was dragging a large number of drones with him, and some of them threw something in front of Livia. What fell in front of Livia, was Jilk and the other four.



Looking at all four, it was easy to imagine that they were already dead. Livia asked Luxon, scared.

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"Did you do this, Luc?"

There was also something different here. Luxon's reaction was different than usual.

His voice was cold and he seemed to be a different person, even if it was the same voice.

[Luc? Is that my nickname? What do you think you are doing by calling me with a nickname? On that, do you want me to answer your question? -


I did. They, the royal capital - and this country will perish today.]

"W-why? Why would you do that!? Leon will never forgive you for this. Leon will be angry --- and sad.”

If Luxon did this, there was no way Leon would stay still. And yet Luxon ...

["Leon"? There must have been some students of the same name among the students at the academy, but it should have nothing to do with you and me. Or are you confused?]

----Why? It's Leon. Leon Fou Baltfault! He is your Master, Luc! [I can't find a match. Who is that?]

--- Even when he heard Leon's name, his reaction was boring. On the contrary, he said something incredible to Livia.

[My Master is you. No, I need to correct that. "It was you".] Luxon, reformulating in past tense, continued.


[You have been a great help. So let me show you the moment when the world of the new humanity is destroyed. Will you be happy with it? After all, it is the future you wanted.]

-What are you talking about?

He couldn't believe she wanted that view. It looked like --- hell.


[Now you regret it? A saint who has caused so much pain and suffering

--- no, she sounds more like a witch.]

"D-Did I hurt a lot of people? And who?”

[You were the one who toppled and led Anjelica to her death. Many other humans have also died for you.]

"N-It can't be." I can't believe I killed Anjie. [Really, what happened to him?]

Livia held her head.

What the hell is going on?

I do not know. I do not get it.

[She's confused, isn't she? --- It was her wish to destroy this country. That I have fulfilled. So, now is the time to fulfill what you wanted.] Livia shook her head.

-No. I am not Luc's Master. Your master is Leon. And, there is no way you can do this.

[You are saying something selfish. I always wanted --- to destroy you, the new humanity!] Then --- Ideal appeared.

[ Luxon, how long do you want me to wait? ]


[What's up, Ideal?]

[ It's taking too long. We are way behind our original plan. ] [I think I made you wait too long.]

[ Let's hurry. Our goal is almost complete. We will return this world --- to the way it belongs. ]

Ideal and his seemingly close companion Luxon headed for the sky. Livia stopped Luxon.

-Wait. Wait, Luc! This is not OK! There's no way Leon will approve of this! Luxon reacted to Leon's name, but then he left.

Looking at the sky, several huge airships were floating there. They attacked the royal city and destroyed everything.

Livia was terrified by the appearance of that sight.

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"Luc, wait!"

Livia jumped up and had a racing pulse. She was out of breath and sweating.

Looking to her side, Anjie was resting quietly.

She thought it had all been a dream, so she felt relieved and caressed her chest. However, it was too real to be a dream.

It was so realistic that it was as if she had actually experienced it. "Do I want a future like this?" ---That's impossible.

However, when he saw Luxon bringing the world down together with


Ideal, she thought somewhere that something like that might be possible. "That was a dream." So I shouldn't worry about that.

Livia was telling herself.

Republic of Alzer.

At Emile's mansion, Lelia was preparing her dress.

She changed into her uniform and had complained since the morning. "After all, I couldn't talk to Leon and everyone else."

[ It can't be helped. It is also convenient there. ] "They don't speak of anything good!"

This side should be more important

Despite having to talk about the future of the Republic, both Leon and Marie were busy before the new semester.

Thanks to that, she didn't have a chance to talk to any of them. Lelia asked Ideal while checking the contents of her purse. "Beyond that, did you manage to find Serge's whereabouts?"

[ I am currently looking into it. Apparently, he's hiding --- ] "Haa !? You said you would find it immediately!”

[ Sorry ]

Lelia continued to adopt a tough attitude towards Ideal's incompetence.

"You are more useless than I thought. You said you would find it immediately. Liar. Then Ideal's voice, who had been keeping a low profile until then, changed.”


[ --- Correct that ]

-What thing?

[ Correct the word liar ] "Ah?" A liar is a liar.

[Please correct that. I'm not a liar. I ask for a correction. ]

Facing Ideal's atmosphere, which was different than usual, Lelia thought this was bad and apologized.

"O-Okay. I was only worried about Serge.”

[ --- No, I also showed a rude attitude. I'll search right away, so please give me a little more time. ]

"H-Hurry up."

[--- Understood. ]

While Lelia headed to the academy, Ideal came to an unused warehouse. There was Serge, who had a very pretty appearance.

[ How are you today, Serge-Sama? ] Ideal already knew where Serge was.

----Of the worst. What about the boys?

[ If you're talking about the people from the Holy Kingdom of Rachelle, they'll be arriving soon. ]

Ideal said that, then the warehouse blinds were opened and men in suits arrived.

They were people from the Holy Kingdom of Rachelle, who had hostility towards the kingdom of Holfault.

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'It's been a while, Serge.

----It is so..

Serge stood up and discussed the future with them. A man in a suit shook Serge's hand.

"That Foreign Knight of the Realm is very skilled. We are in serious trouble with that young man. It is a source of anxiety for the future.”

"Enough of the talk. Do you lend me your strength or not? --- Be clear.” The man in the suit shrugged.

"If Serge becomes the owner of Rault House, can he also offer a reward to Rachelle in exchange?"

Serge nodded.

-As you like.

"I was relieved to hear that. Let's protect the Republic from the demonic hands of the Foreign Knight!”

To Rachelle's population, Leon was a troublesome kingdom-born hero. So he didn't hesitate to team up with Serge to defeat Leon.

Serge's target was also Leon.

—Ideal ── Prepare my armor. It is a special order. Like that guy riding Arroganz, prepare an armor that has no match.

Everything was to win against Leon.

To get revenge on Leon who didn't get beat up like he should. Ideal nodded.

[We will prepare the best aircraft ]


On the night of that day.

Luxon and Ideal faced each other in an unpopular place. [I asked for an explanation]

[ An explanation? About what? ]

Ideal was towards the mysterious while Luxon asked for an explanation.

[On the case of Louise's sacrifice. Ideal, you were against this, right? I found the trace that you helped Serge, saying that you would not supply the forces.]

Ideal apologizes.

[It was inevitable when Serge-Sama ordered it. Instead, I stopped by to help. We do not send drones as a force. ]

[Why did you interfere in our way?]

[ Because I believed that you could solve that difficulty by yourself. ] Luxon was suspicious of Ideal.

Ideal felt that too and asked Luxon.

[ Luxon --- Do you think this world is correct? ] [What do you mean by correct?]

[ No, it's okay for now. I apologize for the interference. But they weren't supposed to fight hard to that point. ]

We certainly fought hard to rescue Louise.

If it wasn't for that, they wouldn't have gotten involved in this matter in the first place.

[I would like you to let me know in advance next time.]


[ --- Yes, I will. ]

[Then, now I will return.]

Ideal stopped Luxon as he was leaving. [ Ah, Luxon ]


[ Luxon --- Are you willing to work with me? ] Ideal invited Luxon to make him his partner.

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