Side Story 3: The “Selection” Ball

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* * *

Time passed, and the day of the imperial ball came.

Under the directions of Countless Gildinak, from early in the morning, Sienna moved to the bath, and from the bath to the dressing room.

Maybe it was because she was going through something she hadn’t done before? Even though she herself didn’t have to lift a finger, it was to the point where she thought she was suffering rather than being cared for.

“One’s own gain…”

“Yes, Your Highness?”

“No, nothing.”

Sienna swallowed her sigh and looked at the mirror.

In the mirror, a tall woman with a thin face stood in a dark green dress.

“How is it, Your Highness?”

Everyone asked with expectant expressions.

Unfortunately for them, however, wearing such a dress did not bring much excitement to Sienna.

‘It’s not a military uniform with medals that compliment military achievements, it’s a jeweled dress. It’s full of essential jewels…’ 

It was. Sienna Hesaros was a mine owner who owned half of the essential jewel mine prior to becoming part of the imperial family.

If desired, it was also possible to hang so many jewels that the fabric could not be seen.

But rather, she felt awkward and uncomfortable as she was wearing clothes she didn’t usually wear.

…Since she couldn’t say it honestly, she spoke in a roundabout way.

“Good job everyone.”

“It’s our joy.”

Everyone answered in unison. Sienna came down from the podium, dragging the hem of her dress.

Countess Gildinak smiled meaningfully.

“Have a good trip, Your Highness.”

What will it be like? Once again, Sienna only sighed inwardly.

The ballroom was crowded with anticipation.

It was a ball hosted by the imperial family after a long time, and rumors had already spread that this ball was as good as a prince consort selection ball.

There was already one person who had wrinkled his face at that…

“I don’t even think of anyone to give bread, but everyone seems like they’re drinking soup first.”
(TL/N: I think it’s a play on this Korean saying, “김치국부터 마시지 말라/ Don’t drink the kimchi soup first.” In Korean culture, kimchi soup is usually eaten after the main course of a meal, so usually one should wait to eat this until the end of a meal. In other words, this saying means that one should wait for something they are anticipating to happen until it really happens.)

The person who clicked his tongue with a disapproving expression was one who could cause the abolition of the state system in this country.

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“Is it possible?”

“Okay, of course, my baby is pretty and smart, and her personality is also upright, so many covet her. I understand, but does it make sense to be in such a hurry already?”

“You’re right.”

He once had Sienna’s marriage in mind, but that was only when her status was unstable.

There was no need to rush at all now that she had become an imperial descendant with the surname Kainosia, both in name and reality.

‘No, not at all!’

As the former emperor looked at the thief candidates filling the ballroom, the memory of talking about his potential great-grandchildren had already disappeared completely from his head.

It was then.

“Her Highness the Crown Princess is entering!”

In an instant, the tumult in the ballroom stopped.

It wasn’t unreasonable. Today, all the people gathered at this ballroom were those who coveted the prince consort seat, relatives of such ones, or spectators who felt things would probably be fun.

Everyone had no choice but to pay attention to the appearance of Sienna, who was no different from the main character.

At the center of it all, Sienna slowly appeared.

The flowy dress revealed a clean silhouette, one with bared shoulders and a tightened waist.

Over it wrapped a cream shawl embroidered with the imperial family crest in gold; it covered half of her shoulders and arms.

Her voluminous hair was only half-tied, the rest were left hanging down.

In a way, it was a simple hairstyle, but it didn’t look simple at all thanks to the pearl and diamond crown Arandier gave her for the day.

It was a harmonious outfit that was put together by someone with excellent sense.

It wasn’t such a special outfit that people with many years in the social world would be at a loss for words at once, but the point was the person.

Since Sienna did not wear dresses often, the only images of her imprinted in people’s minds were always in military uniforms or trousers.

The mere fact that such a person wore a dress stood out in a special way.

“Is it because she’s a soldier? Her posture is upright, so she looks elegant and disciplined.”

“I can’t compare it to the flower-like girls who are just debuting, but…”

“Anyway, she’s gorgeous. Yes?”

Sienna walked straight through the whispers that fluttered across the opened fans.

When she reached the podium, she raised one of the glasses which was placed on a tray by a waiting attendant.

When she lifted the cup, the attendants who had been instructed in advance moved in perfect order and offered glasses to the other guests.

Eventually, after everyone took their glasses, Sienna smiled lightly and declared.

“Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend this ball.”

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There was only one person who could serve as a role model for Sienna, who hastily became the crown princess. Without her realization, Sienna had developed a habit of imitating Arandier’s tone.

“Enjoy yourselves.”

Sienna emptied the first glass of this ball in one go.

Then, bang! She set her glass down.

“Thank you, Your Highness the Crown Princess!”

“Blessings to Your Highness the Crown Princess!”

It was a declaration that somehow felt like a scolding, but Sienna’s actions were accepted moderately well by those who were already accustomed to Arandier’s unconventional style.

While everyone in the room raised a toast, Sienna silently scanned the crowd.

And she was certain.

“…He didn’t come.”

“Yes? Baby, what are you talking about?”


When Sienna looked up, the former emperor was right next to her.

“Your Majesty the Former Emperor.”

Seeing Sienna surprised, a mischievous smile spread across the former emperor’s face.

“Yes, this old man has arrived. I want to do the first dance with my grandchild.”

At that moment, the eyes of the former emperor that was behind the monocle flashed extraordinarily.

“…Instead of those bastards who dare to desire my precious child.”


“No, nothing.”

The former emperor shook his hand and said,

“Now then, Sienna. Will you accept this grandfather’s dance request?”

At the sudden but smooth request for a dance, Sienna burst into a small laugh despite her uncomfortable mood.

“At that time, I asked Your Majesty to dance.”

Looking back, Sienna didn’t know how she got that guts.

‘At that time, I just thought that I didn’t want to dance with anyone in Nacht…’

At the time, she hadn’t even imagined that the day would come when she wouldn’t be able to dance with one of them forever.

‘And that that fact will remain in my heart like this.’

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If she had known the future, would she have made a slightly different choice?

—I don’t know. Sienna thought so and she took the former emperor’s hand.

As soon as the two family members joined hands, a dance song naturally started.

“You’ve grown a lot.”

“Of course. I worked hard.”

Not only was it cute and heartwarming that Sienna had grown so much since then, but the fact that she was able to dance properly was a source of joy for the two of them.

Grinning at the situation, the former emperor said,

“I don’t know what to do, it feels like such a waste. What if I don’t let go of this hand at all?”

Sienna replied with a light smile.

“Even so, it doesn’t matter. Today’s ball is just an event to establish the authority of the imperial family.”

Selection ball was just the unofficial name.


The former emperor burst into laughter.

“You’re the only one who can make the people of Kainosia who don’t know how to laugh laugh this much.”

Sienna shrugged as she danced and bowed her head more respectfully.

“It’s a great honour.”

And the moment she raised her head.


The shape of a large man in a black coat like a crow passed the side of Sienna’s eye.

‘Did he come?’

It was a ball that she started by saying that she would try to provoke Ashiel, but she was a little embarassed when he showed up.

The emperor, who finished the dance satisfactorily without knowing what Sienna was thinking, said,

“I feel sorry for my baby that I can’t be with it for the rest of his life. I admit that you need a good partner at the right time.”


Sienna smiled faintly with a slightly puzzled face.

The former emperor gave her a kind pat on the shoulder.

“I’m definitely not telling you to hurry, so don’t worry.”

He only hoped that she would be able to know more and choose wisely than be in the cage.

‘If the spiritless bastards attack, I’ll have to deal with them, but…’

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She was not a child to be easily defeated, so for now, he intended to watch.

With that kind of heart, the former emperor gave Sienna a couple of pats on the shoulder.

“Go. There are many people waiting for you.”

“…Yes, Your Majesty. Thank you for shining the light.”

Sienna politely saw off the former emperor. And when she turned around…


Taken aback, Sienna took a step backwards. It was because Ashiel was standing in front of her, dressed in black formal attire that was like the symbol of Nacht.


Without a word, he just stared at Sienna with his red eyes.


Sienna was a little taken aback by his penetrating gaze.

‘I don’t know what to do.’

Countess Gildinak didn’t teach her this far.

In the end, the only thing Sienna said to break the silence was this.

“…Grand Duke Nacht. what brings you here?”

At those words that came out coldly to hide her embarrassment, Ashiel’s eyes shook for a moment.


Ashiel slowly held out his hand and said,

“I’ll like to be your second dance partner… That’s why I’m here.”


Badump, badump, badump.

Sienna had known Ashiel for a long time, but it was the first time she was asked to dance in a public place like this.

What should she say? It was a strange and itchy feeling. Sienna hesitated a little, and Ashiel opened his mouth again.

“…If Your Highness doesn’t want it, I’ll step down.”

The drooping ears and tail of a dog above Ashiel’s head and behind his back could pretty much be seen as he said that.

Sienna couldn’t understand why the big man seemed sullen and depressed when he was really standing there with an expressionless face.

No matter how sad that was, Sienna unknowingly put her hand on top of Ashiel’s outstretched hand.


For a moment, a slight surprise passed through Ashiel’s eyes.

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