Side Story 5: Ashiel Nacht Likes Sienna Hesaros

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Sienna’s face felt hot, and she could sense that she was getting drunk, but she didn’t bother to try to calm down because it seemed to give her the courage to do what she was about to do.

Ashiel was nowhere to be seen in the ballroom, but Sienna’s steps did not stop. Directly, she headed towards one particular place. It was the only place she could think of.

It was where she had once calmed Ashiel, who had been cursed by Loreina back then.

‘The third terrace from the left.’

Sienna quickly headed there before anyone could catch her at the end of her dance.

And there… 

“…Your Highness the Crown Princess?”

…Ashiel was there.

Sienna involuntarily took a deep breath.

As much as she had a strong certainty that he was right here, she would be a bit unsettled about where to go if he wasn’t here.

“Move away if you wish…”

“No… No.”

Sienna cooled her hot cheeks and caught her breath.

“I’ve been looking for you, Ashiel.”


Ashiel’s expression darkened.

“Your Highness wants me.”


Sienna moistened her dry lips. She recklessly came to Ashiel, but she didn’t know what to say even though she borrowed the power of alcohol.

Meanwhile, Ashiel’s expression grew darker and darker.

Finally he nodded miserably, as if swallowing something very bitter.

“All right. If Your Highness issues an order, I’ll leave.”


What the hell is this all about?

“Ashiel, I did not come to order you to leave.”


Asiel’s eyes flickered briefly. He asked,

“Then… What did you come to see me for?”


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Sienna thought.

It was not that Ashiel Nacht didn’t like her.

Even now, this man was revealing his feelings of going back and forth between heaven and hell at her words. Without filtering.

‘He’s a pitiful man who believes he doesn’t deserve it, who isn’t sure he’s loved.’

Up to this point tonight, it was a little pathetic that he had such thoughts, but including that point, Sienna likes…

…No, it should be Sienna ‘loves’ Ashiel Nacht.

‘I don’t care.’

It was okay if a letter of courtship didn’t come. It was okay if he didn’t have the courage.

‘I just need to have the courage.’

With that promise, Sienna said,

“I looked for you because I have something to say…”

“Your Highness, Just a moment.”

Then, Ashiel suddenly stopped Sienna.

“With all due respect, would Your Highness please give me one chance before you speak?”


One chance… what?

Sienna nodded at his request. Then, Ashiel slowly approached the puzzled Sienna, and he held her hand.

“Sienna Hesaros.”

In front of the hem of Sienna’s dress, he knelt down.

And lifted his head.

At that second, in Ashiel’s eyes, Sienna found the same courage as herself.


The moment she realized it, Ashiel spoke.

“I’m shameless, but I… I love you.”

Until now, he had many longings, pleas, and tears, but these were words he could not bear to say.

The words fell between the two like gold. Sienna involuntarily covered her mouth with her hand.


“If you give me a chance, I dare to greedily say this.”


Ashiel slowly let go of Sienna’s hand.

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Then, holding the hem of her dress with his empty hand, he kissed it slowly.

The wind blew. The silver pines in the garden swayed and rustled like murmurs. Through the thick curtains, joyful chatters and merry music could be heard from the ballroom.

At this instant, Sienna had a hunch that she would never forget this moment.

“Please marry me. Please…”

The death that gave away the heart to the life that gave it all back, implored.

Ashiel couldn’t hide the trembling of his hand that was clutching her skirt. Of course, Sienna was everything to him.

Beginnings, everything that pulsates, the moments of blue sprouting and blooming flowers, a light wind that carries a ray of warmth before one knows it.

His spring, barely in full bloom again with the life he gave.

Ashiel thought again and again. It was unreasonable to be greedy like this. He couldn’t hold onto Sienna just because of a few kisses like sighs, or a light stay.

Of course, her time-axis needed him to function normally, but it didn’t necessarily have to be accompanied by marriage.

As a man in the shadows, he could have always remained without showing up the noble life of Sienna, who would become the empress.


It seemed that greed was screaming darkly inside him.

However, just as he barely stopped himself from sending a letter of courtship, he was determined not to say anything even here.

Yet, the second she came to him, the petty patience came to an end like this.

Sienna stood blankly, her hand still covering her mouth. After a while, words came out of her mouth, which were neither permission nor rejection.

“…Why didn’t you send me a letter of courtship?”


It was an unexpected question, but Ashiel answered honestly.

“I… I thought I wasn’t in a position where I could be greedy.”

“Then what about now?”

“I still think so…”

Ashiel bit his lips nervously.

In spite of digging up his heart and offering it with his own hands, this man acted like someone who couldn’t be confident in anything towards her.

Sienna felt sorry for that…

‘How heartbreakingly lovely.’

Her intoxication and palpitations rose at the same time, making her head dizzy. She couldn’t hold back the shudder that came and she said,

“Ashiel Nacht.”


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As if it should have been like this a long time ago, Ashiel answered using formal speech.

Sienna continued her words as she looked down at the man who was being too nice.

“Thank you for the courage to come this far. I will take it from here.”


Sienna laughed as she looked at the bewildered Ashiel.

“I will marry you.”


Ashiel’s eyes widened. However, Sienna’s words did not end there.

“Right now.”


The eyes of Ashiel went blank, not knowing how to hear something more unexpected than acceptance.

“Did you say ‘right now’?”


Sienna nodded without hesitation and helped Ashiel up.

“Is it true that you said you would marry me right now?”

“Yes. That’s right.”


Instead of answering, Sienna opened her garden. And she took Ashiel’s hand, dragging him.

Completely stunned, Ashiel was just led by Sienna.

Badump, badump. His heart rang. He didn’t know what she was up to, but his heart skipped a beat as he felt as though she was diverting him away from all the crowds at the ballroom that were after her.


However, Sienna did not have the energy to join Ashiel’s emotions.

“Wear it.”

Sienna first took a cloak from a closet in her office and threw it to Ashiel. Then she put on a cloak too.

Ashiel fumbled, but did as Sienna told him to. He was confused and it all seemed like a dream, but it wasn’t to the point that he couldn’t understand her commands.

“Where are we going?”

Could it be that Sienna got tired of being the crown princess and decided to wipe out everything?

Did getting married meant that she wanted to run away together?

If so, he could participate in this escape, even for the rest of his life. No, he was rather willing. If only a little bit of Sienna would not be taken away by this world… 

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After the absurd incident of having the marriage proposal accepted, Ashiel’s head was spinning. He was barely sane.

“Marriage is very easy in temples located near the borders with magical beasts.”

“Is that so?”

Ashiel blankly recalled as Sienna said so. He knew it too. Getting a marriage approved there was easy as death was always near.

People living near the borders often knocked on the door of the temple in the middle of the night to hold a wedding ceremony just for the two of them. Of course, there were quite a few cases that returned the next day, saying that they had made a mistake while drinking and that they would divorce.

“I know a temple with a priest who is always drunk.”


Ashiel was just insane, but not stupid.

He was floating, but not to the extent that he couldn’t grasp the context of Sienna’s words.


‘Sienna, Sienna Hesaros, is she really going to marry me?’

And also, right now?

“Hold it.”

Badump, badump, badump.

Ashiel held Sienna’s hand, unable to hide his beating heart and the blush on his cheek.

He was ecstatic. That alone seemed like an indescribable gift.



“Are you really going to marry me?”

Ashiel asked restlessly. Sienna stared at the stupid man who was staring at her both eagerly and anxiously wondering if this was all a dream.

And she answered.


Maybe there was a better way than this.

Like an adult, like the country’s crown princess. The answer might be to have a grandiose and wonderful wedding.


‘Today, which will never come again. If you miss this opportunity, you might never have another chance.’

‘How could we be so sure that there will be tomorrow?’

The lesson that the previous grand duke engraved deeply into her bones. Sienna would probably never forget.

“Let’s get married today. Us.”

Ame: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OUR SIENNA!!!!!! Out of all the projects I’ve worked on thus far, Sienna has the biggest character growth.

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