When Chu Xiuming finished his business and looked for them, he saw Chu Xiuyuan talking to Shen Jin while holding a cage in his hand, “Big Brother definitely won’t let you keep it.”

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“Why is that?” Shen Jin looked at the puppy, it was white with silly looks, it’s undeniably very cute. “Why can’t Fujun let me keep it?” Her crestfallen innocent eyes looked at Chu Xiuyuan.

“This dog can grow very large.” Chu Xiuyuan said, “Don’t you see it’s paws are very thick?”

Shen Jin normally was not a stubborn or an unreasonable person, “I can raise large dog too.”

“Little lady, why don’t you ask your Fujun first?” The dog seller spoke, “This puppy was bred at my own house, although it is not an expensive breed but it can herd.”

“What’s wrong?” Chu Xiuming came over.

Shen Jin saw him, with a face full of expectation she said, “Fujun, can I keep a puppy?”

“Big Brother.” Actually Chu Xiuyuan liked that puppy too, but was afraid that a large dog could hurt Shen Jin.

Chu Xiuming didn’t answer right away, he walked over to the puppy. The puppy sensed a threat approaching, suddenly it’s not as meek as before, arching it’s back with furs all stood up, it’s whimpering towards Shen Jin in low voice. “The bitch mated with a wolf?”

Shen Jin found she didn’t understand the language Chu Xiuming was using, the accent was also different from when he was talking to the fur seller, “Fujun is very smart.”

“Big Brother can speak a lot of languages.” Chu Xiuyuan said in lower voice, “I don’t really understand this coastal language.”

Shen Jin nodded, “I don’t understand either.” She actually never heard any, she only knew the official language.

“That’s right.” The dog seller turned more honest, someone who could speak their local language was usually on their side. It was also the first time he saw the puppy behaved that way, it’s usually spiritless.

“I won’t lie to you, there are three of them puppies, this one is weak and the colour is bad.” White dogs were good looking but also too eye-catching, dogs with darker coat were more useful in wilderness.

Chu Xiuming nodded, he lifted the puppy on it’s neck. Puppy and human looked at each other for a moment, it whimpered a little and turned quieter, didn’t struggle much.

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Chu Xiuming saw Shen Jin on his side looking dumbstruck, he put the puppy into Shen Jin’s hands. The puppy whimpered twice, looked at Shen Jin then lowered it’s head to lick Shen Jin’s hands and became calm. It was chubby and soft, it’s eyes, nose and lips were black, while the rest of it’s body was white like a cotton ball.

Chu Xiuyuan also liked it, he reached out to pet the soft and obedient puppy in Shen Jin’s arms. Puppy ignored him, it was back to the way it was before Chu Xiuming arrived.

“This dog is smart, I’ll take it.” Chu Xiuming spoke.

The dog seller didn’t say much, he quoted a price which Chu Xiuming paid right away. Chu Xiuming then picked up the basket from the seller.

“Let’s go back.” Chu Xiuming looked at the sky.

Shen Jin who had bought rabbits and puppy was very content, she nodded. “Okay.”

Chu Xiuming saw her both hands holding the puppy, his eyes darkened for a moment. He gave the basket to Chu Xiuyuan, then put his arm around her shoulder, half nestling her while walking.

Chu Xiuyuan behind them held the cage in one hand and the basket in the other hand. The rabbits which had just been nice suddenly bunched up together then peed every now and then, made his clothes stink and smelled.

Shen Jin sat on Chu Xiuming’s horse holding the puppy, it’s a pity the rabbits didn’t also go back with them.

Their considerable shopping, including the rabbits, was entrusted to a service to be delivered to the General’s Mansion tomorrow. This special service transported goods and people between the border town and the market.

Looking down while stroking the puppy’s soft fur, Shen Jin wondered why was it that since there was such service Chu Xiuming still had some traders deliver goods directly to the Mansion, and who actually managed such things in this market.

She found there was a lot of news to discover in the market, like people said that some tribes didn’t come this time due to some wars. There must be many more news that Shen Jin didn’t understand due to the language, but Chu Xiuming should understand?

Shen Jin poked the puppy’s belly, this husband of hers was quite mysterious. When they first met, he was a full bearded man who looked like door deities. When he was outside in front of people, he was a fortright and pretenseless person. Inside the mansion, he turned silent with few words…. And sometimes he had the air of a being above others, she always felt…… Shen Jin pinched the puppy’s tail and stopped thinking.

No matter what, she was married to this man. Moreover this was the man who let her sit on his shoulder, the man who protected her, the man who was her windshield and her shelter. This was enough.

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And he was also the man who bought a puppy for her, the man who could eavesdropped on her then deadpanly corrected her on things he heard, he was also the one who ordered the kitchen to make her……

“Fujun, will Zhao Momo leave some food for us?” Shen Jin was hiding inside Chu Xiuming’s cloak with the puppy in her arms.

Chu Xiuming “En” but didn’t speak. The horse was running, speaking meant eating a mouthful of dust.

Nestling in Chu Xiuming’s arms, she pinched the puppy’s tail, puppy annoyedly flung it. Shen Jin thought for a while, “Fujun, you say how should we name this puppy?”

Chu Xiuming didn’t plan to reply, he had discovered this little spoiled wife sometimes asked questions that didn’t need answers.

“Let’s call it Tiny Bit.”

(T/N: The name is “小不点” which means very small, so like… ‘Tiny Bit’ in English?)

Chu Xiuming had made mental preparation but his eyes still twitched. Shen Jin still continued gushing her sweet wishes, “Xiuyuan said it will grow to be very large, but I still hope it won’t be, or I can’t hold it.”

“Tiny Bit, you mustn’t grow too big, but even if you are, I still like you.” Shen Jin stroked the puppy’s belly and rubbed it’s chin, murmuring words to it.

They were back at the General’s Mansion before the sun set. This time Chu Xiuming didn’t tease her again, he opened the cloak, went down from the horse, then helped Shen Jin, “Let it walk by itself.”

“Alright.” Her arms were quite tired holding the puppy all the way, she squatted down to release Tiny Bit on the ground. Tiny Bit was a bit wary of the new environment, it followed Shen Jin closely instead of running around.

Chu Xiuyuan looked at the puppy’s small snow-ball body, “Brother, how if we let someone raise and train it for a while first?”

“No need.” Chu Xiuming spoke, “I’ll do it.”

Chu Xiuyuan watching the puppy’s appearance, he laughed, “If raised well this puppy will surely be a good dog.”

“En.” Chu Xiuming could see it as well. Most importantly the dog was smart, if raised well it could follow and protect Shen Jin. However it’s basics were a bit poor, raising it would take efforts and expenses.

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“Right, we should give it an impressive name.” Chu Xiuyuan’s eyes were full of anticipation, “Sister-in-Law, you must lend it to me when I go hunting okay.”

“Okay.” Shen Jin smiled as she heard the dog wouldn’t be taken away from her, “It already has a name.”

Chu Xiuyuan asked, “What name?”

“Tiny Bit.” Shen Jin happily said, “You said it would grow large, I still hope it wouldn’t so I can hold it up.”

Chu Xiuyuan looked at Chu Xiuming with accusing eyes, “Brother, what do you think of the name?”

“Very good.” Chu Xiuming didn’t even look at Chu Xiuyuan, “Madam’s dog, any name is fine.”

“Sister-in-Law, it can be called Lai Fu or Zhao Cai, both are good names.” Chu Xiuyuan felt wronged on behalf of the puppy. It would definitely become a large dog, look at it’s thick and powerful legs and it’s thick solid paws.

(T/N: Lai Fu is ‘Luck Arrives’ and Zhao Cai is ‘Inviting Wealth’. Why do they sound like cats’ names…. a Maneki-neko.)

Shen Jin sweetly smiled, rejected without hesitation. “Don’t want. Names like Lai Fu and Zhao Cai don’t sound good.”

Chu Xiuyuan felt he probably couldn’t take the dog go hunting, he would be ridiculed.

Hot water was ready, so after giving Tiny Bit a melancholy look, Chu Xiuyuan went back to his courtyard to wash. Chu Xiuming sent Shen Jin back to her courtyard, at the entrance he said, “I’ll take Tiny Bit with me.”

“Can’t it be in my courtyard?” Shen Jin asked with some reluctance.

Chu Xiuming raised his eyebrows, “Do you know how to raise it?”

Shen Jin didn’t know how, she squatted down to stroke the puppy’s head, and picked it up into Chu Xiuming’s arms, “Alright then, but don’t carry it on it’s neck.”

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Chu Xiuming didn’t answer, Shen Jin turned back once before entering the courtyard. After she was inside Chu Xiuming picked up the puppy on it’s neck and walked towards his own courtyard. He had to get the craftsmen work faster, a couple shouldn’t have to live this far away.

Tiny Bit knew Chu Xiuming was not to be messed with. Resigning itself to it’s fate, it stayed put like a dead dog, only a tail occasionally wagged to show that it’s still alive.

Zhao Momo laughed, “Madam if you miss it, you can go to the General’s courtyard to see it.”

“Oh.” Shen Jin responded. “Right, is there a place for the dog to sleep at Fujun’s place?”

Noone knew the General and Madam would return with a dog, so no kennel was prepared. Zhao Momo said, “Madam don’t worry, I’ll get someone sew a small bedding for the puppy to sleep first.”

Shen Jin thought a while then pulled the bedding that An Ping had just prepared for her, she handed it to An Ping, “Send it to the General’s courtyard, tell them to give it to the puppy to sleep on, it’ll be softer.”

An Ping responded, Shen Jin then went to wash. After the long outing not only her clothes and shoes were dirty, even the person smelt a bit.

Zhao Momo helped Shen Jin washed her hair, “Today the two envoy masters sent a word that they are going back to the Capital in two days.”

“But Fujun bought some furs for Mother Consort and the others to be delivered here tomorrow, I am afraid won’t make it to bring to the Capital with them. ” Shen Jin spoke, “How if we ask them to delay a bit?”

“I’ll have someone tell them.” Zhao Momo said.

It’s better for them if the envoys left later, the General’s memorial should had reached the Capital. The two envoys were openly locked up by Shen Jin, and after that they still got watched over. They definitely had no chance to send secret letters to the Capital, and even better was, they were unable to spy around the General’s residence. Most incredible was Shen Jin didn’t even realise how much she had helped the General.



T/N: A door deity.

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