When the brothers returned, Chu Xiuming’s courtyard had finished. The craftsmen left without fixing Shen Jin’s courtyard.

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Not only that, everyday his courtyard was busy with people coming in and out, it didn’t stop even after Chu Xiuming returned. An Ping and Zhao Momo’s faces looked joyful.

Sitting next to the window watching, Shen Jin vaguely had a guess inside, but she also felt her guess was somewhat..… unrealistic. Still there was some anticipation.

Shen Jin didn’t understand Emperor Cheng, after the envoys’s memorial, wagons of provisions were transported over. Was it because he was moved by the description of the town? She felt it’s not possible.

Actually she didn’t understand many things, like why was the border town under siege for such long time but no help came.

The lost of the border town didn’t just mean dead town people, but also a danger to the country. It was the most important defense for the country, Emperor Cheng should not be unaware of this, or was he afraid of people with high merits?

(T/N) 功高震主 = a subordinate with too much merit makes the leader feel threatened.

Shen Jin didn’t dare to think further.

“Madam, there is delivery from Rui Wang Mansion.” An Ping was informed by a little maid who heard it from a manservant.

Shen Jin snapped back, whatever ‘high merits makes the boss scared’ was gone from her mind, it’s all just idle thoughts, “Let’s go.”

“I was told Rui Wangfei also sent a steward here.” An Ping supported Shen Jin as they walked outside, she quietly asked, “Does Madam want to meet him?”

“En.” Shen Jin spoke, “I think Mother Consort and others have received the things I sent. I don’t know if Eldest Sister’s child is a girl or a boy, when I left she had just sent the happy news.”

An Ping saw Shen Jin smiled, “Madam can soon ask him.”

The person sent by Rui Wangfei was Rui Wang’s mansion second steward, he was one of the people who Rui Wangfei brought in when she married. They guessed Shen Jin would want to meet him so he was told to wait in the guest room.

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When Shen Jin entered, Second Steward hurriedly put down his cup of tea to bow, “Greetings to the Countess.”

“Just get up.”  Shen Jin laughed, “Did Mother Consort send me a letter? Eldest Sister’s child is a boy or a girl?”

Second Steward did not rush to reply, he waited Shen Jin sat down before he rose and respectfully said, “Replying to the Countess, Wangfei, Chen Cefei, and Shizi-fei have all sent letters for the Countess.” He picked up a wooden box from the table and held it with both hands.

(T/N) Shizi-fei = Heir’s Consort, it’s Shen Qi. Before the wedding, Rui Wang had the future in-laws declared her fiancé as The Heir / Shizi of the family, so that Shen Qi could become the Heir’s wife as soon as she entered the family.

An Ping accepted the box for Shen Jin, Shen Jin opened it. There was a thick pile of letters in the box, she couldn’t hide the laughter on her face. Running her fingers over the letters, she was barely able to restraint herself from opening the letters right now.

“How about Eldest Sister?”

Sad expression appeared on Second Steward’s face, he knelt down and cried, “Replying to the Countess, Shizi-fei had a miscarriage.”

“What!” Shen Jin paled, staring at Second Steward, “How is that possible.”

Second Steward didn’t dare to reply. Zhao Momo saw this might be Marquis Yongle family’s secret, she picked up the red date tea and gently said to Shen Jin, “Madam, take it easy. Rui Wang mansion’s steward is probably unaware of the matters in Yongle mansion.” Even if the steward knew, he still couldn’t tell.

Shen Jin took a sip, “Second Steward please get up, I was too hasty.”

Second Steward wiped his tears, “Shizi-fei often misses Countess as well, said in the Mansion she had the best relationship with Countess. If Shizi-fei knows Countess cares for her so much, she will be very comforted.”

Shen Jin still remembered how much Eldest Sister was looking forward to the child. Before she left Eldest Sister was making baby clothes, she sought advice from her mother, hearing that babies’ skin was too delicate the clothings were not embroidered at all, she also made sure that all ends of the stiches were not bundled up….. but how did she lose the baby? Eldest Sister must had Rui Wangfei’s people on her side?

Second Steward said, “Cui Xi said Wangfei read Countess’s letters with Cefei, and they cried together. Wangfei also collected all tributed Jade Stem rice in the mansion for Countess.”

Shen Jin was stunned for a while, then she said, “An Ping and Second Steward, bring the Jade Stem rice into my courtyard.”

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Rui Wangfei was not someone who talked nonsense, every words of hers had some meaning. Second Steward mentioning this to her wouldn’t just be an idle talk.

“Yes.” An Ping responded without question.

Second Steward handed An Ping a gift list, which she passed to Shen Jin. “Wangfei, Chen Cefei, Shizi-fei, Xu Cefei, Fourth Miss and Fifth Miss have all prepared gifts for the Countess.”

“En.” Shen Jin said, “All foodstuff to the kitchen, anything else to my courtyard.”

Second Steward didn’t say more, An Ping followed him out for the Jade Stem rice. Shen Jin stayed behind, she was lost in thought, “Momo, where is Fujun now?”

“Replying to Madam, the General is in the study, no urgent business today.” Zhao Momo understood Shen Jin’s meaning.

Shen Jin responded, she carried the box of letters herself, “Have someone ask Fujun to come to my courtyard.”

“Yes.” Zhao Momo immediately instructed one of the manservants, then followed Shen Jin.

Shen Jin was not as joyous like when she came, “The child, how come it’s gone already?”

Zhao Momo warmly said, “Madam can read the Shizi-fei’s letter, maybe it is written there.”

“Eldest Sister had been married for years before she conceived.” Shen Jin’s both hands tightly clutched the box, “It was most precious, Mother Consort even invited a Palace Momo who was good at medicine.”

Zhao Momo didn’t know what to say, she had left the Capital for so many years, she had no idea of the situation at Yongle Mansion. However, from Second Steward’s expression, it couldn’t be good.

Chu Xiuming had heard that Capital sent goods over, but he didn’t expect Shen Jin to ask him along. Putting down the scroll in his hand, he headed for Shen Jin’s courtyard.

If Shen Jin could see his courtyard now, she would be very surprised. Everything was renovated according to her preferences, there was even a corner fenced for rabbits which was more elaborate than she could imagine.

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In the bedroom Shen Jin opened the box, took Shen Qi’s letter first. Shen Qi was concerned about Shen Jin, if there was anything Shen Jin needed just tell her, thanking Shen Jin for the gifts, although not received yet but understood the gifts were from the heart. Shen Qi didn’t write about the matter at Yongle Mansion, only at the very last she mentioned the child.

She only said it was already a fully-formed male baby and nothing else after that, only wrote a poem with faint traces of tears.

In fact even if Shen Qi didn’t say it, Shen Jin had also guessed some parts.

Chu Xiuming came with Tiny Bit, seeing Tiny Bit lunging at her and Chu Xiuming in pale moon brocade robe, the brewing sadness and grief in her heart was swallowed back at once.

Shen Jin thought being seen crying was not good so she sniffed and stopped crying. Chu Xiuming waved his hand and Zhao Momo bowed to retreat.

Shen Jin said, “Momo, have someone carry that box of Jade Stem rice to my room. This gift list is handed to you, things to keep put in storage, things to use just take out to use. All foodstuff go to the kitchen, but take some seafood out for dinner.”

“Yes.” Zhao Momo responded, as Shen Jin had no further instruction she took the things and left.

Shen Jin put the letters on the box then bent to pick up Tiny Bit. She didn’t cry but her eyes were red, looked very pitiful. Chu Xiuming raised his eyebrows at the opened letter.

“You can read it yourself.” Shen Jin shoved the letter to his hand.

Chu Xiuming didn’t refuse, he didn’t have any reservation reading his wife’s family letter. Shen Jin also felt nothing wrong with it, she threw clothes ball for Tiny Bit, but the puppy directly carried the ball outside, she leant on the window to watch, turned out Tiny Bit was taking the ball to the rabbit’s den.

Shen Jin opened Rui Wangfei’s letter. Wangfei told her to take care of herself and Chu Xiuming, following after was some family matters and trivial affairs in the city.

Shen Jin was puzzled, “What’s with Mother Consort? She wasn’t like this before…… The letter is full of things like which family has a new daughter-in-law, who takes a concubine, which widower marries a second wife, the Emperor selected some consorts for the princes…. “

Chu Xiuming had finished Shen Qi’s letter, his eyes flashed hearing Shen Jin’s words. He turned to her, Shen Jin self-awarely handed him the letter. After reading Chu Xiuming confirmed his guesses, the letter was not for Shen Jin, it was for himself.

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Through the trivial societal affairs Wangfei wrote, Chu Xiuming had formed a mental image of the latest relationship map in the Capital in his mind. But why did Rui Wangfei do this, did she know already?

Meanwhile Shen Jin was reading Chen Cefei’s letter. Chen Cefei said she was fine, she asked Shen Jin to take care of herself, in the future not to send any gift for her, if Shen Jin wanted to send gifts just send for Rui Wang and Rui Wangfei. The rest of the letters were some advices, and also that Chen Cefei made her some clothings. Since she didn’t know how tall Shen Jin was now so she could only guessed, if any of the clothes did not fit, find someone to alter….

Chen Cefei’s letter was full of motherly love, but didn’t dare to ask if Shen Jin was well, afraid Shen Jin would get depressed.

Reading it, Shen Jin could no longer hold her tears.

She cried silently, furtively bowed her head and from time to time wiped her tears. She looked so delicate and pitiful.

Chu Xiuming sat down next to her, touched her face and said, “Didn’t you say you want to find a child to raise under your mother’s name?”

“Not a girl.” Shen Jin half crying half asking, with a heavy nasal voice she said, “Mother has me, one daughter is enough.”

Chu Xiuming responded, “I will make arrangements.”

“En.” Shen Jin couldn’t stop crying, “I miss Mother.”

Chu Xiuming felt heartache, but he didn’t know how to comfort others. Shen Jin took the initiative to lean in his arms, wiped her tears on his clothes,

“Mother never forced me to drink red date tea, she always made me red date curdle……”



(T/N) Pi Geng rice 碧梗米 is a type of rice used as tribute, the grains are slim and greenish. I stick to my beloved Jasmine rice, thanks.

(T/N) I feel bad for mothers and daughters in ancient times, too young daughters who were not even fully grown yet suddenly had to leave the nest, had to adult prematurely. It’s sad that Chen Cefei could only imagine (and dreamed….. I bet) of how Shen Jin looked like as she grew up.

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