The very smart Shen Jin was staring blankly at the wedding dress. Zhao Momo laughed, “Madam, try it?”

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“Moonlight brocade?” Shen Jin had seen Moonlight brocade before, but not as beautiful as this one.

Moonlight brocade was extremely valuable, even at Rui Wang’s Mansion only Shen Qi had a skirt made of it, and it was just aqua red instead of true red. When Shen Qi walked the skirt brimmed with colours as if woven with moonlight.

T/N – A site says aqua red is Cerise (RGB 222,49,99) which is a little pink like Barbie’s.

This true red wedding dress was just hanging on the clothes rack but it had already captured the eyes, and that hadn’t taken the embroidery on it into account.

“Yes it is.” Zhao Momo was not surprised that Shen Jin knew the material, she laughed, “The General specially ordered it for Madam, why don’t Madam try it?”

The two wedding dresses Shen Jin wore when she came were all fine silk and embroidered with gold threads, made by Palace dressmakers. However compared to this Moonlight dress, it was like gourmet dish from imperial kitchen vs staple food from street vendors, something exquisite vs something practical.

Shen Jin still had trepidation whenever she recalled the weight of the two wedding dresses, she couldn’t move at all under the dresses, and the embellishment on her head gave her headaches!

“Madam doesn’t like?” An Ping asked as she didn’t see any sign of happy surprises on Shen Jin yet.

Shen Jin bewilderedly looked at An Ping, “I like.”

Which woman could reject Moonlight brocade! Even Rui Wangfei carefully saved her Moonlight brocade, waiting for Shen Qi to be at her best age before meticulously made it into a skirt for her.

Zhao Momo thought for a moment before she spoke, “Didn’t Madam notice recently the General has not been keeping Madam company?”

Speaking of this Shen Jin felt a bit of resentment, “He took the stuff Mother made him, and promised to let the kitchen make me red date curdles, but I get red date ginger soup instead.”

Zhao Momo said, “It was because Madam recently had a lot of seafood and river fish, those are cold in nature and Madam is having the time of the month soon, does Madam still want to feel pain like last time?”

Shen Jin’s lips moved, she felt a bit guilty, “But they could make it red date curdle.”

Zhao Momo couldn’t say it was because the General wanted to teach Madam a lesson, she only said, “Is Madam not curious why the General hasn’t visited for a long time?”

Shen Jin glanced at the red date ginger soup with disgust, “Mother said man and woman should not meet before the wedding.”

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Zhao Momo smiled, “It’s good that Madam doesn’t blame the General.”

“I thought Fujun was away.” Actually Shen Jin didn’t think Chu Xiuming not coming was any big deal, it was not the first or even second time he had mysteriously disappeared. Today seeing this wedding dress, her heart felt warm, but also a bit wronged.

It’s true that being spoiled was bad. When she just arrived, noone cared for her and everyone was guarded against her that even the necessary rituals were not given. However, she wasn’t upset at all.

T/N – I think the ‘necessary rituals’ here was the wedding ceremony. She came as a bride wearing wedding dress but she had not had a real wedding.

Later her days became better, she was not just content but even a bit smug. She really wanted to tell Shen Zi that her life here was good, and that she had more freedom than in the Capital. Apart from missing her mother, there was nothing to be dissatisfied about.

Meeting Chu Xiuming, and being treated very well by him, was a happy surprise. It’s like buying a basket of soup dumpling and the boss gave a bonus of a plate of dishes. Shen Jin was not only content, she was also very happy.

But today seeing this Moonlight brocade wedding dress, Shen Jin was feeling aggrieved, her head bowed and her eyes turned red.

Then somehow she thought of what Mother told her that day.

That time Shen Jin was upset for the unfairness her mother suffered, asking Mother if she felt wronged with the way Father treated her?

Mother just smiled and said, “I feel wronged for my child only.”

Actually that time she had been with Rui Wangfei so their daily life had improved, at least the servants didn’t dare to neglect them, and because she had made many things for Rui Wang, when he was gifting Xu Cefei and her three daughters, occasionally Rui Wang would remember her and gave Shen Jin some too.

Shen Jin then asked again, then how about for Mother herself, did she feel wronged?

What did Mother say?

“Not wronged, I eat well and I have good clothes everyday. One should know to be content.”

Shen Jin dived into Chen Cefei’s arms, still pursuing, but did Mother ever feel wronged?

That time she didn’t understand Mother’s reply, but now … she seemed to get it.

“When your maternal grandmother and grandfather were still alive, I felt wronged when my clothes’ style wasn’t exactly as my liking or when the meal wasn’t my taste. But then…. after they were gone and I am here, I don’t feel wronged anymore.”

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Shen Jin knew it didn’t mean that everything in Rui Wang mansion was perfectly according to her mother’s wishes. It meant that without anyone caring for you and loving you, you wouldn’t feel wronged anymore, because even if you did, noone would feel sorry for you.

Thinking about her mother, Shen Jin sniffed, but she didn’t cry.

Actually she lied when telling Chu Xiuming that it had to be a son because she wanted to be Mother’s only daughter. What she wanted was Mother could have a concubine’s son put under her name, then when the Heir inherited Rui Wang’s title and divided the family, letting his shu brothers out, the concubine’s son could bring her mother out of the mansion. That time she would take her mother away, she didn’t need the adoptive son to support her mother.

If Mother didn’t want to live in the General’s mansion, she would buy a courtyard and some servants for Mother. Mother could then be her own mistress, she wouldn’t need to live always wary of others’ whims. Noone would dare to abuse Mother here. Although this place was not as luxurious as the Capital but Shen Jin felt her mother would like it.

Silently finishing the red date ginger soup, Shen Jin said, “I like it a lot.”

Even if she felt wronged, she wouldn’t be unruly, and besides no point being headstrong towards Zhao Momo and An Ping,

“So I decided to make stew for Fujun…. for the General'”

An Ping was startled, “Madam why suddenly calling the General as General?”

It sounded a bit odd but Shen Jin understood, “Because I am not married to him yet.”

She pointed at the wedding dress, “I want to try.”

Zhao Momo also understood but didn’t try to correct her, laughingly said, “Then I will help Madam.”

Shen Jin nodded, the dress was made according to her current measurement so it fit well. The shoes were set with eastern pearls, the red dress reflected on the white pearls gave a layer of red halo, when she moved the pearls gleamed with some kind of warm luster.

The dress was gorgeous and eye-catching, with just slight movements it would emit flowing lights and vibrant colours, an indescribable sheer beauty that was not harsh to the eyes, as if a piece of real moonlight was cut to create this wedding dress.

Shen Jin turned in front of the copper mirror. If only Mother could see her, Mother would be very pleased to see her in this wedding dress,

“Tonight I will be very careful when making nutritious stew for Fujun.”

The corner of Zhao Momo’s eyes twitched, did she misunderstood from the beginning, was making stew for Madam really just meant her appreciation?

An Ping held up a box, “Madam there is still this.”

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Inside the box was a complete set of jewelleries, the pieces were smaller than Palace jewelleries but more luxurious.

For some reasons neither of the dress or the jewelleries were of phoenix or bird patterns. According to Shen Jin’s rank she was entitled to wear 7-tailed phoenix hairpin, like the one she wore when she came.

Shen Jin picked up the huasheng piece for her forehead. It’s an exquisite piece with flower and plants patterns, the tassels on it were made of a selection of rubies of uniform colours, the tassels were longer on both sides and shorter in the middle. The huasheng top piece for the hair bun was matching, it also had similar tassels of rubies. Just these two pieces alone were more valuable than the whole head of accessories Shen Jin wore that time.

T/N – Have a look at what huasheng is here:

The other pieces were not inferior to the huashengs. As these items were placed in front her, four words appeared in her mind: ‘a lot of money’.

She felt she had to be nicer to Chu Xiuming. He could have just half a pot of stew, no need to make a whole pot.

An Ping’s expression was quite envious. It’s true that no woman would reject these things, it’s not just the value, but it represented the thoughts and the importance the husband’s family placed on her.

“Madam what are you thinking?” An Ping laughingly asked as Shen Jin started to get lost in thoughts again.

“I have been spoiled.” Shen Jin’s voice was very small, even An Ping who was standing besides her couldn’t hear clearly.

An Ping looked at Shen Jin with puzzled face, Shen Jin smiled until her eyes arched and two small dimples appeared, “I like it a lot, it’s just a bit tight.”

Zhao Momo noticed it’s the chest area, she had asked the dressmaker to make it more loose but it’s still too tight when worn. It’s not too strained though, and it made the waist looked smaller while the chest enlarged. With the smile on Shen Jin’s face, there was a kind of allure that was hard to describe. Not to mention men, even Zhao Momo felt tempted to grab her into her arms and squeeze her properly.

Originally Zhao Momo thought about having the dressmakers alter the dress, but now she changed her mind, “Is it the waist area? I think it looks just right.”

“No it’s not.” Shen Jin’s face reddened, she was too embarrassed to say it’s the chest area, the measurement was just taken not long ago. “It’s…..”

Without waiting for her to speak, Zhao Momo laughed, “I think Madam has grown a little taller, let’s make the dress longer, lucky I told them to leave extra length at the ends.”

“Not there.” Shen Jin puffed her face.

Zhao Momo turned her face away from Shen Jin, “An Ping do you think it fits Madam?”

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“It looks very good.” An Ping hadn’t had much experience, she didn’t understand these things. She only felt Shen Jin wearing this was extraordinarily beautiful. “Madam is really beautiful.”

“It’s all good then.” Zhao Momo said, “Madam take it off first, I’ll let them lower the hems.”

Shen Jin looked at both of them and wondered whether it was all just her own illusion. But anyway since it wasn’t stretching too much, she said nothing and let them help her take the dress off.

Zhao Momo hung the clothes properly then had the maids carry the clothes rack out for alteration.

“Madam, didn’t you say you were going to make stew for the General?” Zhao Momo asked with a smile to stop Shen Jin thinking about the clothes.

Shen Jin nodded, her attention was drawn away, “Let’s go now.”

An Ping smiled, “I will go with Madam.”

Zhao Momo said, “I stay here to pack.”

“Alright.” Shen Jin took An Ping to the small kitchen.



T/N – I feel Shen Jin was resenting Chu Xiuming for not coming to see her, and for not getting her red date curdle as promised, so she wanted to make him the odd-tasting stew as punishment. However seeing the lavish wedding dress and accessories, she also felt resenting him was not right. She suspected herself turned spoiled, especially as she remembered Chen Cefei’s words. She could feel wronged because someone cared for her, loving her.

T/N – This gets me: ‘Shen Jin knew it didn’t mean that everything in Rui Wang mansion was perfectly according to her mother’s wishes. It meant that without anyone caring for you and loving you, you wouldn’t feel wronged anymore, because even if you did, noone would feel sorry for you.’ Ouch, that’s a truth!


T/N – Seven-tailed phoenix hairpin

T/N – Huasheng

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