Shen Jin had been unwell since returning from Yongle Mansion, even when Chu Xiuming roasted meat for her, she could only ate some. At first Chu Xiuming and Zhao-momo only thought she was in a bad mood but after two days and she still didn’t improve, Zhao-momo became suspicious and secretly talked to Chu Xiuming who immediately invited a doctor to come over.

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Shen Jin knew Chu Xiuming was worried about her health, she herself had felt something wasn’t right and it made her baffled. Did she really care about Shen Zi and Shen Rong that much?

But that’s not possible, she didn’t really know Shen Rong. For her, Shen Rong was just the little sister who always followed Shen Zi and Shen Jing. And about Shen Zi? Even Shen Jin didn’t believe there was any sisterly bond existing between her and Shen Zi.

Shen Jin felt even more depressed after thinking. She shouldn’t be this…… this sentimental. Had she been sentimental, at Rui-wang Mansion wouldn’t she had been crying non-stop everyday?

“Actually I am just not used to the environment.” Shen Jin looked at Chu Xiuming, telling him in low voice, “The mutton in the Capital isn’t as fresh as at the border, and a bit stinky.”

Chu Xiuming held her hand, “Let the doctor have a look, I will also feel at ease.” He was already good looking with eyebrows that looked like painting and a dignified jade-like face, and even more so at this moment when there was no coldness on his face. But Shen Jin was still unwilling, she really hated medicine.

Zhao-momo brought up a bowl of red date curdle, “Furen, if I am not wrong, you were in the Capital for more than 10 years, and just over a year in the border.”

“But I haven’t been back for over a year, so I am not used to the Capital anymore.” Shen Jin said with conviction like it was so obvious.

Chu Xiuming just looked at Shen Jin without a word. Her red lips moved before she finally dejectedly said, “I know, I’ll see the doctor when he comes.” Then she drew her hand and lowered her head to eat the red date curdle.

Zhao-momo looked at Chu Xiuming with pride, it was obvious that Furen preferred the snacks she made more than the General’s beauty. Thinking that Furen was extraordinarily wise, she said in a soft voice, “Anything else Furen would like to eat, just tell me to make it.”

Shen Jin’s eyes lit up as she looked at Zhao-momo, there was still a spoon in her mouth, she hurriedly swallowed, “How about wine lees meatball?” Seeing the disapproval on Zhao-momo’s face, she argued weakly, “It’s what Eldest Sister likes to eat, she’ll be here soon.”

Zhao-momo sighed, “We can ask the doctor. If Furen’s health is fine, I will make shrimp ball and chicken skin soup for Furen okay?”

“Good.” Shen Jin replied at once, she smiled at Zhao-momo then contentedly continued eating her red date curdle.

Zhao-momo gave Chu Xiuming a smug look. A thought flashed in Chu Xiuming’s mind, after being with his little wife for a long time, Zhao-momo had turned younger and younger.

The doctor and Shen Qi arrived at almost the same time. Anning and Anping went out to welcome Shen Qi and her husband. Anping respectfully explained, “Furen has been a little unwell since a few days ago that she didn’t eat much at breakfast today. Young Master had invited the doctor, the doctor is currently inside to check Furen’s pulse, so Furen isn’t able to come in person to welcome Shizi Furen.”

Shen Qi didn’t mind at all, she asked, “What’s wrong with your Furen? Is it because she was frightened a few days ago?”

“This Slave doesn’t know.” Anping said with a bit of worry on her face.

Shen Qi nodded, “Alright, take me to have a look.”

Yongle Shizi also said, “We are all family, no need to be so polite.”

By the time Shen Qi and his wife entered, the old doctor had finished taking the pulse, “What has Furen been having these days?”

Zhao-momo told him, “Furen’s appetite has been poor these past few days, this morning she only had a bowl of rice congee and two vegetable buns.”

A bowl of rice congee and two buns wasn’t much? Shen Qi’s footsteps stalled for a moment. If not for the serious faces of everyone in the room and the concern in Count Yongning’s eyes, Shen Qi would have thought Shen Jin was joking.

Yongle Shizi was also surprised, he unconsciously glanced at Shen Qi. They were sisters, but Shen Zi’s breakfast in the morning was at most half a bowl of congee and a few pieces of pastries. If Shen Jin’s poor appetite meal was a bowl of congee and two buns, what did she eat when she had good appetite?

Chu Xiuming stood up, nodded his head at them as a greeting, and then turned to the doctor waiting for him to speak.

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The doctor was not as surprised as them, he had seen women with a big appetite before, “Then how much it is usually for breakfast?”

Zhao-momo spoke up, “Usually Furen would use a bowl of congee, three or four buns and a few pieces of pastries ……”

How could it be so much? If Zhao-momo hadn’t said it, Shen Jin would never have realised herself, she looked at Zhao-momo with a shocked face. Seeing Shen Qi’s expression, she blushed in some rare embarrassment, “The buns, the flower rolls, and the milk mantou are all very small.”

Zhao-momo nodded and said, “Yes, I make sure Furen does not have too much so she won’t be too full. One or two shichen (T/N – 2 or 4 hours) after breakfast, Furen will have a plate of pastries and a few pieces of sugared dried fruit, but now……”

Shen Qi has regained her composure, she walked over to sit by Shen Jin’s side. Shen Jin weakly tried to explain, “I normally move a lot everyday, that’s why I eat more.”

Chu Xiuming reached out and touched the back of his wife’s neck, “Not too much.”

A smile appeared on Shen Jin’s face as she heard him, “En!” Even if she ate more, her husband could afford to feed her!

Zhao-momo had finished talking with the old doctor. The doctor pondered for a while and said, “There is nothing serious. There is no need to use medicine, Furen is actually very healthy. When Furen wants to rest, let her rest, whatever she wants to eat, let her eat. Furen can decide herself how much to eat, there is no need to advise her. She can have some fruits, and she will be fine after a while. “

“Alright. Thank you Doctor.” Zhao-momo was a little disappointed, “I’ll see Doctor off.”

The old doctor nodded and take leave, Zhao-momo had not only prepared the consultation fee but also a red envelope, “If there is a need at the Mansion in the future, I will have to trouble Doctor.”

“It’s my duty.” The old doctor let his medicine boy pack up, “Some things can’t be rushed, Furen has good foundation, it is only a matter of time.”

“What Doctor said is true.” Zhao-momo said with a smile, “It’s just that Furen is easily tired these days and we became worried.”

“Actually ……” The old doctor saw Count Yongning people had extremely good attitude, he said after a moment’s hesitation, “It’s also possible that because it’s too early so there is no trace on the pulse.”

Zhao-momo also thought of this, “Then when Doctor thinks it is suitable to take the pulse again?”

“In fifteen days.” The doctor said after thinking a while.

Zhao-momo smiled and responded, personally sending him to the door.

Compared to the disappointed Zhao-momo, Chu Xiuming was relieved. Shen Jin was still young so there was no hurry, not to mention that the current situation was not suitable for a child. But if there was really one, he would naturally be happy and delighted, and would do his best to protect the safety of Shen Jin and the child, but if not…… it’s just not destined yet.

Shen Jin was a little smug because of the doctor’s words. When Zhao-momo was back from sending the doctor out, Shen Jin smiled at her, “Momo, then it’s both wine lees meatballs and shrimp balls and chicken skin soup for lunch.” Without waiting for Zhao-momo to speak, she continued, “The doctor said that I could eat whatever I want.”

Yes it’s correct but could this used as an excuse? Zhao-momo looked at Chu Xiuming, but he just nodded, as long as his wife was happy then everything was fine.

“Yes.” Zhao-momo answered and went down to prepare.

Shen Qi saw all this, she laughed and said, “Why are you becoming more and more naughty after married?”

Shen Jin was in a good mood. She had decided to call this old doctor in the future when she was unwell, he wasn’t like other doctors who always made her drink medicine, “Momo is extremely good at cooking, but she doesn’t cook much. Today Momo only agreed to cook because Eldest Sister is here.”

Shen Qi felt her heart warmed, “Didn’t you say you had a dog? Let’s have a look?”

Yongle Shizi also liked dogs, he had hunting dogs in his courtyard, “Furen told me about it a few days ago, I am very curious too. Third Sister-in-law please take us to have a look.”

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Chu Xiuming nodded and said, “I’ll have the dog taken out, we’ll just wait outside in the courtyard.”

Shen Jin was already walking outside arm in arm with Shen Qi, “Xiaobudian is very well behaved, it looks like a fur ball when running.”

Shen Qi asked, “What colour is it?”

“White, it has lots of very soft fur.” Shen Jin boasting.

Shen Qi nodded, she was looking forward to it. Xiaobudian …… must be a tiny ball with a whole body of fluffs. She smiled thinking of how it felt to hold it in her arms, “Let me hug it later.”

T/N – Remember ‘Xiaobudian’ 小不点  means ‘tiny thing’.

“Sure.” Shen Jin instantly agreed, “It’s comfortable to hug.”

Yongle Shizi was a bit disappointed, he liked big dogs not puppies, but since he had said it, he couldn’t ask Chu Xiuming to bring him back.

Anping followed behind Shen Jin, she was looking forward to seeing how they would be after meeting Xiaobudian.

How could Chu Xiuming not understand what Yongle Shizi felt,  “I only hope that Eldest Brother-in-law won’t be too excited to go hunting.”

“It won’t be.” Noticing how confident Chu Xiuming looked about his own dog, Yongle Shizi laughed, “If Third Sister likes dogs, I have just been given a litter of shih-tzu puppies, I thought of training them for Furen to play with, I will also send a few for Third Sister.”

Chu Xiuming didn’t answer, he was saying, “Here it comes.”

“What’s coming?” Yongle Shizi froze for a moment, obviously didn’t get it yet. Just as his words fell, he saw a white fluffy snow wolf running towards them.

Shen Qi saw it too, her face paled and she almost exclaimed in shock when she heard Shen Jin called out with cheerful voice, “Xiaobudian!”


Shen Qi and Yongle Shizi looked at each other in disbelief.

Shen Jin had already run forward a few steps, Xiaobudian had stopped running around 1 zhang before her, but because it’s too large and too heavy, it’s body still slid forward to stop right in front of her. Xiaobudian stood up, two large paws on Shen Jin’s shoulder, it’s large head rubbed against Shen Jin’s face. It had been trained well by Chu Xiuming so it didn’t lick her face with abundance of saliva.

T/N – 1 zhang 1丈 = 2.3 metres to 3.1 metres in ancient times (depending on which dynasty).

Xiaobudian hadn’t finished growing up, its ears were now one drooping and one standing up, “Aowu.”

Shen Jin let go of Xiaobudian, she stood up and patted the big dog’s head, “These are my sister and brother-in-law.”

Xiaobudian sat crouched on the ground, black eyes looking at the two strangers, then it turned to Chu Xiuming instead, “Aowu.”

Shen Jin said to Shen Qi with a face full of joy, “Sister, look at Xiaobudian.”

“Xiaobudian ……” Shen Qi didn’t know what to say about this name. Where was the cute little fur ball that could be held in her arms?

Shen Jin laughed, “Sister, don’t you want to hug it? It’s very well behaved, it won’t bite.”

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Xiaobudian opened its mouth, it’s tongue out, ‘hu chi hu chi’.

Shen Qi wasn’t a timid person, and with Shen Jin around there was no need to be afraid that the dog would hurt anyone, so she walked over and said, “Can I pet it?”

“Yes.” Shen Jin took Shen Qi’s hand and put it on the large dog’s head, Xiaobudian rubbed against Shen Qi’s hand.

Shen Qi’s eyes looked surprised, the worries were all gone now, “So well behaved.”

“En.” Shen Jin whispered, “Xiaobudian is very good-natured, I will bring it back to the room later, we can step on it on bare feet, very comfortable.”

“Is that okay?” Shen Qi looked at Shen Jin.

Shen Jin nodded vigorously and said somewhat smugly, “I knew Sister would like it, Xiaobudian can even shake paws.” She reached out to give her hand to Xiaobudian, “Shake paws.”

Xiaobudian promptly put it’s big paw on Shen Jin’s hand, she shook it up and down before letting go.

“I want too!” Shen Qi also extended her hand and said, “Shake paws.”

Xiaobudian cocked it’s big head and looked but didn’t move, Shen Jin patted it’s head, “Shake paws with Sister.”

“Aowu.” Xiaobudian barked before extending it’s paw on Shen Qi’s hand, Shen Qi also shook it.

Shen Qi also liked animals but at Rui-wang Mansion, Rui-wangfei did not allow animals, fearing that the animals would accidently scratch them. The ones Yongle Shizi kept were fierce hunting dogs, and they were extremely precious to him, so Shen Qi was not willing to touch dogs, today was a rare chance.

Unlike Shen Qi, Yongle Shizi could see that Xiaobudian was extremely well trained, like just now it wouldn’t listen to Shen Qi without Shen Jin’s order, he said, “Third brother-in-law, this dog is really neat!”

Chu Xiuming spoke, “This dog has wolf bloodline, it was bought at the market.”

“I’ve heard that the dogs and wolves over there are very fierce.” Yongle Shizi stared at Xiaobudian, if only he could take the dog away now. No wonder Chu Xiuming did not say anything when he said he was giving them some shih-tzu puppies, with a dog like this who would care about shih-tzu!

Chu Xiuming responded, “If Eldest Brother-in-law likes it, when the market opens again, I’ll have someone look for the good ones and buy ……”

“Great.” Chu Xiuming hadn’t finished talking, Yongle Shizi had excitedly agreed. “It’s even better if your Xiaobudian has pups, you can give me one!”

“Xiaobudian is still young.” Chu Xiuming wasn’t upset at being interrupted, “But it’s not certain that we can find one, I have been in the border town for long, only Xiaobudian is suitable to keep at home. The other dogs there are all aggressive and liked to fight, and…… there is probably no dog exactly like Xiaobudian.”

“I understand!” Yongle Shizi really likes dogs, especially the large ones, “It also depends on luck, but it’s already good that Brother-in-law would help.” Yongle Shizi felt that Chu Xiuming was simply his soulmate.

Seeing Xiaobudian wasn’t upset even after being heavily ravaged by Shen Qi and Shen Jin, Yongle Shizi also wanted to touch it, “Brother-in-law, who trained this dog? And it hasn’t grown up yet, has it?”

“En.” Chu Xiuming wouldn’t tell Yongle Shizi that Xiaobudian was trained by himself. Training a dog for his wife was enjoyable, but he’s not going to train a dog for Yongle Shizi.

Yongle Shizi said, “Brother-in-law, let me take a good look at Xiaobudian.” Chu Xiuming knew what Yongle Shizi meant by taking a good look, “Alright.”

Xiaobudian was lying on the ground with it’s belly up, letting Shen Jin and Shen Qi touch it’s warm belly. It didn’t move when Chu Xiuming and Yongle Shizi approached. Yongle Shizi said, “Furen, Sister, let me have a look.”

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Shen Qi knew his interest, she raised her eyebrows at him. Yongle Shizi said, “Consider this as your Fujun begging Furen.”

“Hahaha, Brother-in-law, you……” Shen Jin laughed. Shen Qi was also amused, “Integrity.” Despite saying this, she still stood up and both of them moved out of the way.

After they left, Xiaobudian rolled over and stood up, shook it’s body, it’s dark eyes stared at Yongle Shizi.

“Good dog.” Yongle Shizi couldn’t help but exclaim in admiration.

Chu Xiuming said, “Sit down.” Xiaobudian sat back.

Yongle Shizi didn’t start to touch it, Chu Xiuming petted Xiaobudian’s head first. Only then Yongle Shizi squatted down beside Xiaobudian without any care for his brocade robe, “Is it fine?”

“En.” Chu Xiuming’s hand did not leave Xiaobudian’s head.

Yongle Shizi extended his hand, Chu Xiuming gently patted Xiaobudian, it stretched out its paw and placed it on Yongle Shizi’s hand.

Unlike Shen Qi, Yongle Shizi did not shake paws with Xiaobudian, he carefully felt the thickness of it’s paws and legs and marvelled, “When this dog has grown, it will be taller than a man!”

“En.” Chu Xiuming found that Yongle Shizi was really quite knowledgeable about dogs.

Under Xiaobudian’s depressed eyes, Yongle Shizi touched it’s whole body including the tail. If it wasn’t because of Chu Xiuming, Xiaobudian would have already bitten him.

“Awesome ……”Yongle Shizi released Xiaobudian with reluctance, “Brother-in-law, how come such a good dog is named like this.”

“Brother-in-law, I named it.” Shen Jin had started telling Shen Qi about the market when Shen Qi asked her about Xiaobudian’s history, she happened to hear Yongle Shizi’s question.

“How did you come up with such a name.” Yongle Shizi said regretfully, “It should be named something impressive.”

Shen Jin laughed, “Fujun also thinks the name is very good.”

Yongle Shizi looked at Chu Xiuming. Chu Xiuming nodded blandly and said to Yongle Shizi who was about to break down, “Furen has given a very good name.”

Shen Qi instantly laughed, “It’s Sister’s dog, if she thinks it’s good then it’s good. It’s not Fujun’s dog, besides, your dogs’ names are no better.”

“What are they called?” Shen Jin asked curiously.

Shen Qi laughed, “One is called The Mighty General, the other one is The Godly General, and another is The Proud General ……”

“Hahahaha so cheesy.” Shen Jin laughed impolitely.

Yongle Shizi said with a depressed face, “What are you laughing for, the names are majestic to hear.”

He wanted to talk to Xiaobudian, but as soon as Chu Xiuming’s hand left, Xiaobudian had ran back to Shen Jin’s feet. It’s crouching there with tongue sticked out ‘hu chi hu chi’ and tail wagging. It’s completely different from how it just looked, Yongle Shizi felt even more depressed.

Shen Qi felt it was extremely pleasurable to see her husband that way. Thinking of the time he made her miserable for that cousin, her eyes narrowed, “Sister, let them chat, let’s go inside for our own private chat, I want to try letting Xiaobudian warm my feet.”

Yongle Shizi said, “Actually, I think we can stay a little longer and spend time with Xiaobudian.”

Xiaobudian listened to Chu Xiuming and Shen Jin, Shen Jin listened to her sister, and Chu Xiuming spoiled his wife, so although Yongle Shizi tried his best to make them stay, he could only watch as Shen Qi and Shen Jin took Xiaobudian away, and then he was also invited to the guest room to change his clothes.

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