Chen-cefei controlled Shen Jin’s diet during her stay at Yongning residence, sometimes she herself went to the kitchen to cook. Shen Jin understood Chen-cefei and Zhao-momo were looking after her, she had been very obediently eating everything, including the ones she didn’t like.

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At first Chen-cefei was a bit worried that Chu Xiuming and Shen Jin were still sleeping together,  but she didn’t say anything because both weren’t children who didn’t know the limit. However seeing how the silent Chu Xiuming was very considerate towards her daughter, Chen-cefei was finally reassured.

She was fully satisfied with everyone around Shen Jin, especially Anning and Anping. Not only were they very meticulous, but both were also honest people without second thoughts. Chen-cefei was prepared to leave after three days.

Shen Jin naturally was reluctant to see her leave but she knew to restraint herself, Chen-cefei silently held her in her arms like she used to do when Shen Jin was small. She led her to sit in front of the dressing table, combed her long hair and very soon a beautiful style was formed. Chen-cefei then picked a butterfly hairpin from the jewellery box.

The more Chen-cefei looked at her beautiful daughter, the more she was filled with joy. Shen Jin was becoming more clingy as her mother was leaving soon, she leaned back on Chen-cefei. The mother and daughter pair were affectionately talking when Chu Xiuming entered.

Chen-cefei told him she was leaving, Chu Xiuming said to her, “How if Mother-in-law stay two more days.”

Chen-cefei said, “There are things to do at Wangfu. Wangfei is there by herself and she may be tired.”

Chu Xiuming said again, “Please Mother-in-law stay for two more days.”

Shen Jin’s lips moved as she looked at Chu Xiuming, there was some uneasy feeling in her heart. Chen-cefei frowned slightly and nodded, “Alright, then I will bother you for a few more days.”

“Jin Girl wants to eat chicken skin soup with sour bamboo shoot tomorrow, I’ll check the kitchen now.”

“Have to trouble Mother-in-law.” Chu Xiuming said.

Chen-cefei smiled and went out, Chu Xiuming took Shen Jin’s hand, “How if I take you out for a walk?”

Shen Jin nodded and let herself be pulled up, the two of them slowly strolled to the garden. She didn’t conceal her expression whenever she was with him so the uneasiness showed.

Chu Xiuming said, “I will have to go in a few days.”

“Can you return safely?” She didn’t ask where he was going or why he didn’t stay to accompany her, she only asked about his safety.

He gently bundled her up to sit on his arm, “Yes.”

A bright smile appeared on her face, “Then I’ll wait for you.”

“En.” Chu Xiuming didn’t explain much, “The Court’s order will come in a couple of days, I’ll take you to Rui Wangfu.”

“Alright.” Her eyes reddened but she didn’t cry, coyly asking, “You have to pick me up soon, okay?”

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Chu Xiuming responded, and slowly walked around the garden with Shen Jin on his arms.

She had recovered to the usual smiling face when they returned, nobody knew her hidden sorrow until she silently cried in her sleep that night. Chu Xiuming stroked her back, Shen Jin trembled a little and turned around. This time no more hiding, she looked at him with the teary red eyes. He sat up on the bed, Shen Jin put her arms around his waist, buried her eyes on his chest and cried in a low voice.

There was no word but the tears didn’t stop falling. She understood his trip this time was dangerous, but he didn’t tell her anything, and being pregnant made her mind wandered.

With both arms around her, he kept trying to assure her, “I will return safely.”

She gradually stopped, either because she was assured or she had tired herself from crying, she fell asleep listening to his voice. Looking at her sleeping face, emotions arose in Chu Xiuming’s heart, it was aching from his reluctance to leave.

The next day Shen Jin woke up very late, she saw Chen-cefei and Zhao-momo were in the room sewing something. She sat up and looked around as if searching something. Both of them noticed her, Zhao-momo stood to go to the kitchen, Chen-cefei came over and sat on the bed. She sighed in her heart to see Shen Jin’s searching eyes, “You are up?”

Shen Jin looked aggrieved, her lips moved and she leaned forward to hold Chen-cefei’s waist.

Chen-cefei was amused to see her like that, “How are you still the same as when you were a child. Son-in-law is in the study.”

Shen Jin looked relieved, “En.”

Chen-cefei wasn’t sure if it was a good or bad thing that her daughter and son-in-law were so affectionate, but she gently said, “I’ll call someone in, don’t be spoiled like this.”

“Alright.” Shen Jin took a few deep breaths and released her mother, she wasn’t smiling yet but was already looking much better. He wouldn’t leave her alone in times like this if he had a choice. She blinked but the sour feeling after a cry had gone.

Chen-cefei opened the door for Anping who came with water to help Shen Jin freshen up. Zhao-momo had also come with the goat milk, no almond in the milk due to the pregnancy so the taste wasn’t that good, but Shen Jin drank it down without objection.

Chu Xiuming heard she had woken up, he came as Shen Jin was dressing up. She complained in a spoiled manner as she saw him, “I thought Fujun had gone without telling me.”

“I won’t.” He greeted Chen-cefei then came over to take Shen Jin’s hand, “Come for a meal.”

“Okay.” She said to Chen-cefei with a smile on her face, “Mother, let’s have breakfast.”

“I have had breakfast.” Chen-cefei laughed, “Who wants to wait for you this lazy thing to get up.”

Shen Jin’s nose crinkled and she started laughing, then she went to the dining room with Chu Xiuming. The dishes on the table were all her favourite, everyone noticed her reluctant expression and her clinginess when she returned with Chu Xiuming yesterday. Without an explicit agreement, everyone got up earlier today to prepare things she liked.

A summon from the Palace came when he was accompanying her taking an afternoon nap. Shen Jin rose to call someone to bring Chu Xiuming his court attire, she then helped him putting it on. She saw him off after draping a coat on his body.

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Chu Xiuming stroked her face, “Take Xiaobudian to play with you for a while, I’ll be back soon.”

“Alright.” She said with a smile.

Chu Xiuming looked at Zhao-momo who nodded slightly, then he turned around. He didn’t look back but he knew Shen Jin was still at the door watching.

When he was no longer seen, Shen Jin blinked, “Momo, let us go back.”

Zhao-momo warmly said, “The General will be back later, Furen needs not worry.”

Shen Jin smiled, “I know that. Tell them to prepare things, I don’t know where he is going….. prepare more medicine….”

Zhao-momo smiled too, “Furen is thoughtful.” It was obvious Zhao-momo was trying to make her happy.

Shen Jin didn’t continue the nap, she changed her clothes and started to talk with Zhao-momo about the things to pack. Chen-cefei also came, the three of them quickly made a list, went through it and added some more items.

Zhao-momo took the maids to pack, Shen Jin retrieved the old fragrant pouch she hadn’t finished since long ago. Chen-cefei sat next to her and gave her some pointers from time to time.

Many other officials had been there when Chu Xiuming arrived at the Palace. Emperor Cheng’s expression looked bad, he didn’t even wait for Chu Xiuming to finished the salute.

“Aiqing, rise up now.”

* aiqing 爱卿 = the term used by the emperor for his subject.

Chu Xiuming’s expression didn’t change at the word ‘aiqing’, he continued to bow respectfully. Older and more experienced ministers didn’t reveal anything on their faces either, but some of the younger officials showed some ripples which were quickly wiped off.

Emperor Cheng said, “Aiqing, today I received the news that Central Min people……”

Prime Minister Chen lowered his eyes, it was received last night and the Emperor had called him about what they were to do.

Last time the discussion at the Palace was unfinished as there was news of an incident at Yongle residence that needed imperial doctors and the Emperor took the chance to mock Chu Xiuming’s family as being a mess. The matter was not mentioned again until now, the sea pirates were unexpectedly very savage.

The Emperor was especially furious that Central Min people had joined hands with the pirates. In just one night they had ransacked the county, killed the magistrate and his whole family. The officials in Central Min was selected by the Emperor himself, they could be said were his trusted people. Those unscrupulous commoners didn’t know to appreciate the Emperor’s grace.

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The real reason he was summoned last night was to discuss how to use this opportunity against Chu Xiuming, subduing the pirates itself was not the main point. Emperor Cheng didn’t actually take the pirates seriously, for him the pirates problem was just an issue caused by the local officials’ negligence. These last two years quite a lot of pirates had been killed, the Emperor had even given some hefty rewards for it last year.

After devising a plan with Prime Minister Chen last night, the Emperor called Chu Xiuming this morning.

Emperor Cheng finished his talk with a glance at Chu Xiuming, “Count Yongning has an impressive record of victories, merely some sea pirates should be very easy.”

Chu Xiuming had always been steady but hearing this, his heart was filled with anger. He kept his head bowed without a word.

Emperor Cheng gave him some more praises and said, “Is Count Yongning willing to subdue the pirates for zhen?”

* zhen 朕  = I, We (an emperor’s address to himself)

Chu Xiuming hadn’t replied when the Minister of Revenue came forward crying, “Your Majesty, the treasury is empty. It was already difficult to send the wagons of provision to the border last time, this time we barely have anything.”

Even before the Minister of Revenue finished talking, Emperor Cheng had looked embarrassed, but he was secretly excited inside. Faking concern, he asked, “Really nothing?”

The Minister of Revenue knelt down, “This years’s revenue is……”

The other ministers had some thoughts, it looked like something that had been arranged in advance, the conversation was well timed so there was no room for questions.

Emperor Cheng asked with a face full of concern, “How much is left?”

“Taking out the sum for disaster relief in Shu area, there is not much left.” The Minister of Revenue reported a figure.

T/N – Shu 蜀 = currently Sichuan province in southwest China.

Chu Xiuming’s face remained unchanged but many others’s faces did.

The Minister of War came right up and pointed his finger, “Do you mean the soldiers have to go to the battle starving?”

Provision had to started moving even before the army did, and the weight of the provision mattered. Every non-soldier carrier could take 6 dou rice, foot soldiers could carry five days worths of provision, one time could last 18 days. It’s assumed that they could move 40 gong li everyday, while the distance between the Capital and Central Min was over 1000 li. Even if they opt to travel on waterways, according to the Minister of Revenue, they still couldn’t afford the provision for 10,000 soldiers. They could also collect provision along the way, but it would be detrimental to Chu Xiuming’s reputation.

T/N – I have some difficulties with this paragraph, see bottom, however this isn’t a significant paragraph.

One other minister said, “It was just sea pirates. The prefect of Central Min still have soldiers, weichen think Count Yongning doesn’t need to go.”

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* weichen 微臣 = This Humble Official (referring to self)

“Exactly.” Another person stood up, respectfully said, “It would look as if the Court placed too much importance on sea pirates, and that we make a fuss over a small matter while the treasury is empty.”

Prime Minister Chen spoke up, “Laochen feel Your Majesty should still send Count Yongning. However, there is no need to bring soldiers from the Capital, that way Count Yongning can go with fast horses. Use the local soldiers in Min to attack the sea pirates.”

* laochen 老臣 = This Old Official (referring to self)

Emperor Cheng turned to Chu Xiuming who was still unmoved, “Aiqing what do you think?”

Chu Xiuming replied with a question, “What does Your Majesty plan to do with those Central Min people?”

“Just kill them all.” Emperor Cheng answered without hesitation, “Zhen is benevolent to the common people, but they collude with the sea pirates, they murdered the officials of the Court, they are simply criminals.”

Chu Xiuming asked again, “How if the official collude with the pirates?”

“Impossible.” Emperor Cheng angrily said, thinking Chu Xiuming was deliberately embarrassing him. The officials were appointed by himself, without a doubt this was to slap his face.

Chu Xiuming calmly said, “Weichen shares Your Majesty’s concerns, please Your Majesty issue the order. Just to simplify the matter, anyone colluding with the pirates, whether common people or officials, should be killed without pardon.”

Emperor Cheng was pleased but he put forth another problem, “Then how much provision, and how many soldiers Count Yongning requires?”

Chu Xiuming replied, “What does Your Majesty consider is appropriate?”

This was difficult to answer, “How if Count Yongning bring a hundred soldiers from the Capital?”

“This Official obeys the order.” Chu Xiuming didn’t object.

Emperor Cheng smiled, “Then zhen will issue the order. Zhen has granted Count Yongning’s request.” He added, “About the officials, there must be actual evidence. Count Yongning is not to kill without consideration.”

Chu Xiuming didn’t answer, Emperor Cheng immediately had the order drawn up.

He secretly hinted Prime Minister Chen to liaise with his people in Central Min. Count Yongning should die there in the hand of the pirates.

Emperor Cheng was so pleased with himself that he spent the night at the Empress’ place. Who knew the good feeling lasted only one night.

At the morning court, Emperor Cheng was about to announce the matter of Count Yongning going to subdue the sea pirates when an imperial censor suddenly charged Prime Minister Chen with a dozen crimes. There was also a bloodstained accusation letter written by one of Prime Minister Chen’s own relative…..

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