Chapter 14 Napoleon

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This is a really big bar. As soon as Nange walked in, the singing, finger-guessing and other loud voices made his scalp tingle. There are hundreds of people sitting or standing in the middle of the bar, not counting the ones sitting at the bar chatting and drinking. By comparison, the little bar in Rado town is so tiny. It was crowded, but not chaotic, and most people's attention was concentrated on the two huge TV screens on either side of the hall.

"Damn it, lost again." A burly man with a bushy beard walked up to the bar and tossed some coins on the counter. "A bottle of vodka, waitress."

The fashionable girl behind the bar looked at him and, without saying a word, handed him a bottle of wine. The burly man unscrewed the cap, gulped it down, then dropped his hands on the bar and began to purr. The girl behind the bar gave a piercing yell with a cold face, and immediately two young men came and dragged the big man like a dead pig into the corner of the bar.

Nange felt interesting, he walked to the bar, also asked for a beer, slowly scanning around. As his eyes fell on the big screen on the left side of the bar, he suddenly realized what Napoleon was.

On the screen, there are three cartoon frogs in a race, a word “Napoleon” is shaking on the top of one’s head.

So what was the intention of the teenager who gave me the note?

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Rules of the frog race are simple. There are three frogs at a time, and the player selects one frog you like through the machine and bets the money on it. With one-to-one odds, if the frog wins, the player wins the money, and vice versa. It was a novelty that Nange had ever seen before. After drinking the beer, he pushed his way through the crowd and put a hundred coins into the coin-dispenser, and betted that Napoleon frog.

The other two frogs were chosen at random from his rival, a fat one named Caesar, and a thin one named Louis. By contrast, Nange's choice is short and small and looks too unremarkable. How many chances does this frog have to win? He doesn't know.

The game began.

Louis jumped very far, but with each jump he had to rest. Caesar was almost trotting with his big belly to run. Napoleon of Nange is as serious as a soldier, and the distance between each step is just as long. Onlookers of the drinkers jumped up as the mood was about to reach the end of the frog, and the cheers were deafening. Nange was flushed with excitement and cheered Napoleon loudly, but Napoleon was far behind. Looks like he lost. Seeing that Caesar was near the end of the line, he patted the machine, got up, and got ready to leave. Suddenly, a roar of applause broke out, accompanied by deafening cheers “Napoleon, Napoleon.” He turned round, and was startled: Napoleon sprang forward wildly, almost to the end! Louis has been far behind him, kept pace with Caesar. As soon as Napoleon was near the finish line, fat Caesar was a little dull, and Napoleon had crossed the finish line.

Nange won, at a price of 100 dollars! The teenager's note on the paper was right, but why did he do this? Nange is indulging in wild thoughts while continuing to bet on the gambling machine. When Napoleon appeared, he must have betted on him. If Napoleon did not appear, he would have bet on Caesar. He thought this fat frog is also very interesting. As the bet went on, he could win seven out of ten matches. After one and a half hours, his accumulated bonus has amounted to 2,000 dollars. This is not a trivial sum, in the past at home, his pocket money is only 18 dollars a month.

Under the admiring gaze of the onlookers, Nange, who was tired of looking at the screen, received the prize money, walked to the bar, asked for another beer.

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"You're lucky." A man walked behind him and clapped him on the shoulder.

"Mr. Noharry," said Nange, slowly turning his head. "What's the matter?"

"It's you," said Norharry. He was looking at the young man in front of him. "What are you doing here in Bobb?"

Nange puts down the beer in his hand: "I don't think I need to tell you."

"Okay." Noharry looked up and down at him. "Are you still betting?"

"Why not? "Said Nange." I only got a thousand dollars to kill a water monster. It's easy to make money here. By the way, where is Master Gray, I want to find him.”

"Master gray? So he taught you to win so much?"

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"Haha," said Nange with a laugh, "do I need someone to teach my genius? I'm a wandering hunter in the world. I just like to make some friends and find some like-minded partners.

"Then you are quite right to look for him," said Mr. Norharry. "The Gray family is the richest one in the town, but Master Gray is always eager to emerge from Bobb and see the world outside. This teenager is a rare prodigy, although not young, but he is recognized first class mechanics of town, this electronic gambling system is made by him. But the work is done now, he has just returned, and you could go south out of the town to find his grandfather's cottage, then you can find him there.


"I'm not lying to you," said Mr. Norharry. "You've won a lot of money, and it's time to go. It's not good for you or me to stay here for so long."

Nange smiled, and around him there was already stood several laid-back burly men. He smiled again, picked up his glass, emptied it, got up and strode out.

"Wait a minute! "Said Mr. Norharry.

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Nange stopped. "Anything else?"

"I want to tell you, stranger." If Master Gray is willing to venture with you outside, you must get him another tank. Despite the fact that the town of Bobb is a famous big city, due to the lack of resources, there are only three old tanks for rent.

If you want to keep your new partner out of harm's way, you can go to the factory east of the town of Bobb. I heard that the owner there has a valuable tank. You can talk to him and see if you can buy it.

"Thank you.”

"You're welcome."

Looking at the far figure of Nange, a big man said in a puzzled voice, "Mr. Norharry, this boy has won so much money of us. Why are you so good to him?"

'Is it? Mr. Norhaley slapped the big man on the cheek with a backhand. "You're a real fool. Would I let him go with our money so easily? That factory is guarded by a notorious water ghost. Nobody has been in it for ten years. Do you think this boy can get in? Hem, let's just wait and see that kid's dead body!"

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