“By the way, Grand Duchess. What is the name of this tree?”

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One person who stared at the winter trees, as if possessed, asked.

“It’s a winter tree.”

“Winter tree?”

The gentleman asked back in astonishment.

“I often saw wagons and furniture made of winter wood, but they were not this beautiful.”

The others nodded at the words.

They were all aristocrats from nearby estates. So they have often seen things made of winter wood.

However, the tree in front of them was so beautiful that they didn’t know if it was the same tree.

A tree that sprinkles subtle rays of light.

“Winter trees lose their sparkle when they are cut down or out of Bertrand.”

In answer, Daphne swept a branch with her hand. The glitter followed and spread along her fingertips.


It was so beautiful that they couldn’t help but exclaim.

“I didn’t know winter trees would be this beautiful. I thought it was just sturdy wood.”

“I didn’t know you could only see this in Bertrand.”

Daphne swiftly took over and spoke at someone’s words.

“I found out for the first time when I came here. It’s even more beautiful when winter trees are in groups.”

When the wind blew, the group of lights spread and disappeared like a dream. Especially at night, it was beautiful, as if it was mesmerized by the moonlight.

People’s expressions were ecstatic as they imagined it.

It’s time.

Daphne smiled brightly.

“Wouldn’t it be better if you could enjoy the hot springs in a place like that?”

Today’s purpose was more than one or two.

One of them was the promotion of hot springs.

‘Not only the central nobles and gentry, but also the surrounding nobles should be included.’

The closer they were, the more likely they would come and become regulars.

And the more visitors there are, the better.

It is said to attract future regular visitors.

“I heard that the grand duchy is going to open a hot spring business in the Acmel area, right?”

“Yes, that’s right! If the madam comes, I will treat you specially under my name.”

“Oho. May I ask you too, Grand Duchess?”

Count Hins wiped his face at the friendly atmosphere again.

Cold sweat broke out on his palms.

‘I can’t believe you’re promoting your future business so firmly.’

It was regrettable that he let his guard down for a moment at the first impression.

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Being so clever that the angelic Rachel suffers.

Count Hins shook his head and slumped in his seat.


Looking at it now, it was obvious that even the seats were taken care of. It was arranged according to the friendship and family between the people.

Thanks to that, people were chatting with their acquaintances amicably.

‘Wait a minute.’

The fact that the seating arrangement considered not only families, but also the exchange between people.

‘Did you know that I proposed to Lady Theodore?’

There was no way. She doesn’t know.

The count barely managed to calm his uneasiness.

There was a high possibility that she would not pay much attention even if she knew.

Frankly, Rachel had more than one suitor. Isn’t there a family here that wrote a letter of courtship to Count Theodore’s lady?

Therefore, there was a high possibility that she would not pay much attention to him.

‘I’m using you.’

Daphne sat down and swung her feet.

‘Are you a fool? Did you really think I wouldn’t know?’

The investigation into Count Hins had already been completed.

Because Count Coman gave everything one by one.

Count Coman has been obeying Daphne’s request without saying anything ever since the ladies-in-waiting investigation.

He even sent a letter of concern along with that.

‘A good person.’

Daphne blinked slowly. As expected, the answer was to leave one on her side in the capital.

‘Anyway, thanks to Count Coman, I now even know the number of people in Count Hins’s family.’

Daphne’s smile deepened.

What Rachel and Edia would do with a fool like that.

‘I can roughly guess. You’ll repeat what you did to Mariel in the past.’

The investigation into Mariel, Edia, and Rachel had already been completed.

She knew what happened between the three of them when they were young.

‘I might be able to give Mariel a carrot.’

Daphne poked the carrot glacé served as a side dish with a fork.


“Huh? What’s the matter, madam?”

Then a lady frowned. Count Hins, who was right next to her, immediately responded.

“Ah. It’s nothing. I think my hair must have gotten caught in my earring.”

Her hair was tangled at the end of her fancy earrings. The other missus looked closely and shook her head.

“You have a cut on your ear. I think it’s better to take off the earrings first.”

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“I’ll have to do that. It’s been a while since I did it.”

With a sad face, the missus took off her earrings.

“Those are pretty earrings.”

Madam Banten smiled broadly at the words of the missus who looked after the wound.

“Right? It’s a keepsake that my grandmother left for me. I can’t put a price on it.”

Saying that, the missus carefully wrapped the earrings in her handkerchief.

Count Hins called the servant who was standing at the wall.

“Hey, take this to the kitchen. There will be Madam Banten’s maid.”

“Thank you, Count Hins.”

The servant nodded and left the drawing room.

Daphne looked at the servant’s back and put the food in her mouth.

“I’ll call Selma.”

“No, no. Mister Zegman, the atmosphere is so good that we can’t ruin it.”

Madam Banten laughed.

“It’s not a big wound. I can go back and apply medicine. I think the earrings were put on incorrectly.”

“Oh my! When you die, you’ll have to reprimand the maid who takes care of the jewellery.”

With the words of Count Hins, the meal resumed smoothly again.

Nothing happened.

‘That’s odd.’

And Daphne started to get bored.

Daphne darted her eyes around as she ate the salad in front of her.

She saw Rachel and Edia busily coming and going through the crack of the door.

‘I thought it would be today that I had to do something.’

Now the people of the Bertrand Grand Duchy were in favor of Daphne.

In such a situation, today is the best time for guests to come to reduce their interest in Daphne.

‘They were afraid of Kael, so I sent him out early.’

Daphne grumbled to herself.

In fact, Kael wanted to stay in the castle until today.

He wanted to introduce Daphne to the guests himself.

However, Daphne sent Kael out early because she didn’t think the two would move properly with Kael.

“Then in return for leaving early, please grant me one wish later.”

“A wish?”


Daphne recalled Kael, who asked for a wish with a cold face.

Since it was a serious ambience, she nodded yes and hooked pinkies, saying it was a promise.

‘What is it for?’

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She was already doing everything she could. Daphne grunted.

In any case, even though she sent Kael out with difficulty, Rachel and Edia seemed to have no intention of making a move.

They were just busily carrying food like Mariel and the other servants.

Why, why aren’t you making a move?

“Why, baby. Isn’t it delicious?”

Zegman asked as Daphne stuck out her pouty lips.

Daphne quickly changed her expression and shook her head.

“It’s nothing.”

If it doesn’t move, she can make it move.

‘But that’s annoying.’

Besides, that method took more time. To keep the emperor’s hands and feet for another month?

‘I’d rather not.’

Will they really not make a move?

“That, Grand Duchess!”

It moved. It happened when the guests were all going home after the visit today.

“My earrings are missing.”

Madam Banten ran to Daphne with a dark face.

“Wait a minute.”

Zegman stepped forward as if to protect Daphne.

“If it’s Madam’s earrings, my servant took them earlier.”

“Yes, yes. But my maid says she never received my earrings.”

“Yes, I had tea in the kitchen with the other servants, but no one came looking for me.”

The young-looking maid nodded with tears in her eyes.

When Zegman looked at Bree, as if asking if the maid’s words were true, Bree replied with a puzzled look.

“Yes, no one has come or gone.”

The maids and servants accompanied by the guests were served food and tea separately in the kitchen.

So if Bree hasn’t seen it, it means that the earrings went missing in the middle of it.

“Where is the servant who took the earrings earlier?”

In response to Zegman’s question, Daphne immediately found the servant who carried the earrings.

It wasn’t even far away in the first place.

“I’m sorry!”

The servant fell flat on his face.

“That’s because my stomach hurt so much while I was going with the earrings the madam asked for.”

“Because you’re sick?”

Zegman’s face was distorted.

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As the mischief disappeared from his always playful face, nothing but brutality remained. Cold silver eyes flashed.

‘As expected, he’s not the villain’s father for no reason.’

Daphne nodded inwardly. Then she waited for the servant’s backstory.

‘Surely it must be pointing at me.’

She has already prepared for it.

Didn’t Mariel tell her all the tricks Edia and Rachel did to her when she was young?

So, as long as she is singled out…

“I asked that lady-in-waiting instead!!”


Daphne’s eyes widened. When she turned to the place the servant pointed to, Mariel stood there with equally wide eyes.


“No, why do you pretend not to know?”

When Mariel asked in surprise, the servant also exclaimed as if he was innocent.

“You kindly accepted the handkerchief and told me to go!”

“I never did that!”

“Wait. I will ask myself.”

Madam Banten stepped forward.

“What is your name, lady-in-waiting?”

“I am Ma-Mariel Livint.”

“Viscount Livint?”

Count Hins exclaimed, stepping forward.

“You mean that swindler, Viscount Livint!”

“I am not a swindler!!”

Mariel cried out desperately.

“I paid back all the money I borrowed!”

“How do you mean? Aha, by secretly touching the things of other nobles like this?”

Putting a hand on it.

‘You bought a house and paid off your debts with the budget given from me?’

Daphne watched one step away.

‘Rachel and Edia used their brains too.’

To be honest, she knew they were going to attack her. She didn’t expect them to frame Mariel to be a thief.

‘If my lady-in-waiting’s reputation gets worse, of course my reputation will also get worse.’

Having done this in front of the guests, the gap between the grand duchy will gradually grow bit by bit.

They really used their brains.

‘Well, even so.’

The corners of Daphne’s mouth curled up.

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