The Youngest Daughter of the Snake Family

Chapter 13: The Youngest Daughter of the Snak

Chapter 13

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‘Come on.’

I hit the ball with my wings.

Tong, tong, tong.

“You’ll get hurt, Miss Irene!”


“Is it because the ball doesn’t move at will?”


As I waddled with the ball, Rosaria hurriedly picked the camera hanging on her neck. Resting my cheek on the soft rubber for a while, I turned my eyes to Rosaria’s call.

“Look here, Miss Irene!”


“You’re so cute.”

After several clicks, Rosaria put down the camera. These days, she has been into taking pictures. If there’s anything unusual, it’s the fact that she just takes pictures of me.


After catching up with the unruly ball a few times after it bounced off, I was exhausted.

The ball is boring!

“Pii Pii Pii Pii!”

I swung it around and ran to Rosaria’s place.

“Are you done playing?”


I crawled up the mat and sat in front of the blueberry pie Roseria bought which the chef had prepared for today’s outing.

“The chef said he wanted you to eat well and grow up soon.”


“Is it delicious?”


The flavorful taste instantly made me feel better while Rosaria patted me on the head, telling me to eat a lot. The pie quickly disappeared after a bite or two.

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Next time I meet the chef, I’ll have to say thank you for the delicious meal.

There was a gentle breeze as I rubbed my stomach.

“Are you full?”


“Then why don’t you lie down and fold paper with me?”

Rosaria was thorough. It seemed that she had prepared the next game in case I wasn’t interested in playing ball.

She took out a colored paper from one side of the basket and stretched it out. All my portions were cut into quarters.

“What color do you like here?”

“Pii Pii.”

When I picked the yellow paper, Rosaria smiled and handed it to me.

“Let’s fold your favorite butterfly.”

“Pii Pii?”

“Yes. Fold it into a triangle first.”

Rosaria demonstrated slowly.

It must have bothered her when I was wandering around to catch a butterfly the other day.

I was worried that I couldn’t fold it well with my wings, but it wasn’t that difficult as I focused on following the steps one by one.

“Then, spread the fold completely.”


“Yes, you did a great job!”

This is easier than eating star candy.

I confidently showed the folded paper.

Rosaria, who was smiling and checking what I had folded, moved on to the next step. As we were folding paper together, Rosaria’s hands paused.

“Pii Pii?”

“Hmm. Hold on, Miss Irene. The order is a bit confusing.”

She seemed to have forgotten the next order. Then, we have to wait until it comes to mind!

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I’m sure Rosaria has never done origami before. So I shouldn’t rush her because she must’ve memorized it particularly to spend time and play with me.

Then shall I play ball over there for a while?

I got up and checked the ball near the fountain.

“Pii Pii Pii Pii.”

“Yes, Miss Irene?”


As I pointed to the ball, Rosaria, who was almost crying, smiled broadly as if she was happy inside.

“Do you want to play ball? Then, will you do it for a little bit? I’ll quickly think of the next step.”


I grabbed the folded colored paper with my beak and walked to the fountain. I did my best to fold, so I didn’t want it to be blown away by the wind.

If I play around here, she would just call me in a little while, right?

Once more, I checked the struggling Rosaria who was not so far away, and kicked the ball.

Tong, tong, tong.

“Pii. Pii. Pii!”

I was toddling around kicking the ball, and as I lifted my feet again, a gentle breeze blew. As I tried to catch the ball rolling in the wind, I tripped over a stone and fell.

“Pii, Pii······.”

It hurts.


A little tear came out and I was about to cry, but the ball that was rolling toward the forest beyond the fountain was blocked by something and stopped.

For a moment, I had a strange feeling that I had entered a different space. I don’t know for sure, but I could tell that this was someone’s pheromone.


Whenever the wind blew, pheromones that remained threatening strongly exuded.

I raised my head.

“I was thinking there was a chirping coming from somewhere, and I guess I didn’t hear it wrong.”

There was a boy who looked just like Cade, staring at me with no expression. It was the first time I saw him, but I knew that the boy in front of me was one of the people who were called ‘young master.’

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The unexpected sudden encounter caused hiccups.

“Ppit. Ppit. Ppit!”

I forgot my injured leg and stopped crying. I was more afraid of pheromones that made my body stiffen.

Now, I realized how careful everyone was in front of me. Even the seemingly indifferent Cade was actually extremely careful.

The boy who came out of the woods nudged the ball sideways with no sincerity.

Suddenly, I remembered what Rosaria said the last time we were in the forest.

“The first young master is training here.”

I couldn’t forget the fallen tree and the squashed ground.

The gradual narrowing of the distance between us resembled that of a predator with its prey in front of it.

“Is that your ball?”


“I think you’re scared. I forgot to control it because I was on my way back from training.”
(TL: he’s talking about holding his crazy ass pheromones from leaking)

The gaze that was looking at me turned to the colored paper that fell at my foot. Do you want to have this?


I picked up confetti with my beak while the hiccups didn’t stop.



‘Take it if you want it.’

This seemed like a scene I’ve seen somewhere, but it might just be my imagination. The boy had a puzzled look on his face.

“Are you giving me this one?”


The boy’s mouth closed.

Despite being so close to each other, not one of us moved until I heard Rosaria call for my name.

“Miss Irene!”

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“Pii Pii Pii Pii!”

I quickly hid behind her feet and clasped the hem of her trousers, unable to let go of my tension. The boy’s eyes narrowed because he didn’t like the sudden appearance of Rosaria.

“Master Seth, have you already finished your training?”

“Because I’m bored.”

“Please control your pheromones. Miss Irene must have been surprised. Shall we have some water?”


I’m terribly surprised.

When I stretched out my wings, Rosaria hugged me.

I felt a burdensome look as I was nibbling at the water she gave me. The reason was that the young master called Seth did not go his way yet and was staring at me.

‘Why are you looking at me like that?’

Holding a plastic bowl containing water with both wings, I shook my head away as if I didn’t know.

I wish he would go quickly, but instead, Seth started talking to me.

“You’re the bird of the gossips these days, aren’t you?”

“What do you mean bird? It’s Irene. She got her name from the lord.”

“Is her name Irene?”

“Yes, she’s the youngest lady. Isn’t she lovely? These days, I live with the pleasure of taking care of Miss Irene.”

“Is that why you abandoned the border?”

Seth responded sarcastically, frightening me.

I knew that Rosaria was great because she had shown great power, but she must have been a much greater person for her to guard the border.

“It’s about taking care of the youngest lady, and not just anyone can do it.”

“I was wondering who was the last breathing sibling in the egg.”

Set smiled brightly.

“That’s you, isn’t it?”

You managed to survive. It was a soft voice, but it had such a nuance with it.


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