The Youngest Daughter of the Snake Family

Chapter 16: The Youngest Daughter of the Snak

Chapter 14

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I became a human being when I woke up. I looked back and forth in front of the mirror in an inexplicable wonder.

I grabbed and unfolded my hands and moved my feet.

I’ve touched my long hair, touched my eyes, nose, and mouth.


“Yes, Miss Irene.”

“Look, you’re all awake!”

Rosaria nodded as I showed my hand wide open.

“Yes, that’s five!”

“Yes! I’ve become a real human!”

And I love it!

I’ve been standing in front of the mirror for hours, but I couldn’t get enough of it.

“Are you still that surprised?”

“Yes!,,,,but Rodaria.”


“What if I wake up and I’m a bird again?”

Then it’s a big deal.

I looked in the mirror because I liked it, but I was also worried that I might become a bird again. So whenever I had time, I looked in the mirror.

What if my arms turns into a wing or the tail pops out?

Young children with weak pheromones sometimes return to their original form along the way. I was humanized at best so I didn’t want to go back.

When I expressed my concern, Rosaria, who was organizing the toys, burst into laughter.

“Are you worried about becoming a bird again?”


I was often surprised to see similar things like my white silver hair and get confused, so every time I did that, I ran to Rosaria, sweeping my astonished heart.

This time again, she stopped what she was doing and hugged me back while holding me face to face.

“Don’t worry too much. It won’t be like that if you eat well without being picky.”


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I was a little relieved when Rosaria said yes. After a sigh of relief, Rosaria’s actions accelerated after she confirmed the time.

“Miss Irene, are you hungry? Let’s go eat.”

“The food is not here yet.”

The meal arrived to my room every day, but I haven’t seen it so far today. I hope it comes soon since the time to eat has become ambiguous because something big happened since morning.

Rosaria smiled.

“From today on, you will eat at the Dinner Hall.”

“…is it food?”

“Yes. The young masters and the Lord will be waiting for you. Give me your hand!”

“Oooh! I’m going to stay in Dinner Hall now.”

I was so excited to be able to go to the hall from now on. The chef will be there too, right?

Other than that, what else is hiding in here?

There were still many things I didn’t know about the manor as I only went to limited places with Rosaria every day.

My heart was pounding with anticipation. Now I can go to a dinner hall on my own two feet!

“Miss Irene, your hand!”


I took Rosaria’s hand and proceeded cautiously.

Because I could have twisted my feet and fell over if I was careless since I was still not used to walk in two legs without a tail.

As I left the room and bravely walked down the hallway, I stumbled again. Rosaria, who supported me before I fell down, saw me crying and smiled at me saying it was okay.



“I… I guess I can’t do it alone if my tail is not here.”

I used to walk very well, but now that the tail that held my center disappeared, I couldn’t do that anymore.

What if I have to learn to walk again from the beginning?

I thought everything would be solved if I humanized, but there were a lot of things I had to learn again.

“You don’t have to be impatient. You’re still walking well.”

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“But this is······.”

It’s like a toddler. To go up the stairs, I had to climb one-step at a time.

No, let’s not cry. I can make it!

Pop. Pop. Pop.

My shoes made sounds as I walked bravely.

Pop. Pop. Pop.

“Oh, Lady Rosaria. Is that Miss Irene?”

“Sir Durias?”

“She’s very······.”

A man walking by while carrying documents approached with interest when he heard popping sounds.

I think I’ve seen him in front of a conference room before. Wearing white gloves on his hands to prevent his skin from being seen, he gave off a clean and neat atmosphere overall.

Durias smiled refreshingly as he looked at me holding Rosarias’s hand in a yellow sleeveless shirt and white shorts.

“It’s not as bad as the Lord said.”


“She’s so cute that that you want to take a bite.”

I stiffened and Rosaria stopped Durias in a hurry.

“If you say that, Miss Irene will misunderstand!”


Durias put on a look of genuine surprise.

I wondered what kind of thinking would make it possible to have such a way of speaking. The way this family expressed their emotions was too extreme.

“Lady Rosaria did, too. You said she was so cute that I you wanted to kill everyone.”

Rosaria was startled.

Come to think of it, I think she said she wanted to destroy everything some time ago.

I smiled softly to indicate that I understood her real intentions, and Rosaria, who was a loss for words, had a moved expression on her face.

“As expected, our Miss Irene has a broad mind and a big heart.”


“But it’s still good to be careful, Sir Durias. What if Miss Irene learns such radical expressions?”

I was writing too openly for something to worry about. I wiggled the hand I was holding.

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When are we going to the restaurant? I’m hungry.

“Rodaria. I’m hungry.”

“Hoo, are you going to feed?”

“…Sir Durias. Be careful with your expressions. That kind of conversation is only used among clan members.”

So it means that they are also aware that their way of speaking is out of the norms.

But I had no intention of fixing it.

It was very likely that it would be a useless task.

Looking at the family members I’ve met so far, my guess is that they didn’t even pretend to listen if dissatisfaction as expressed right on their faces.

On the contrary, I wished I had done more, but it seemed that I would not have stopped.

“Then enjoy your meal, miss. I’m very busy.”

“Good bye.”

Bye Bye.

When I waved with the other hand, Durias politely bowed his back and disappeared on his way.



“My leg hurts. What do I do?”

Is it because I’ve been standing for too long? Slowly, my legs started to hurt. I was only coming down from the second floor to the first floor, but I was already exhausted.

Is the original body of a young child so weak?

Rosaria smiled and hugged me.

“Then I can carry you with me. The restaurant is in the basement.”


“Yes. Even if it’s underground, you don’t need to be afraid at all because the sunlight comes in.”

Oh, if it’s like that then it’s ok.

I grabbed Rosaria’s neck and leaned my body against her.

When I walked, it took a long time, but when I was held in her arms, we quickly arrived in the restaurant.

A delicious smell emanated from the entrance, making my stomach churn.

“My! Miss Irene, you must have been very hungry. I should have brought you sooner, I’m sorry.”

“No, it’s alright!”

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“How are you going to live in this world been this nice?”

Rosaria said with a really worried expression on her face.

“Irene, it would be better if you could express and act as you want.”


You’re even worried if I’m too nice. But I don’t think I’m nice. Sometimes, I act while thinking about myself.

As I entered the restaurant talking about Dorandoran, I saw the Cade that had arrived in advance.

“Here you are.”

And two boys were seen.

One was a Seth I had already met, and the other was a boy I had never seen before.

“I want to go down!”

“Yes, Miss Irene.”

Rosaria dropped me off on the floor. At the same time, the shoes made a sound.


Pop. Pop. Pop.

“……What’s that?” (Seth)

“Take that thing off!” (the other one)

I shouted vigorously that it was mine. The names that I’ve been memorizing in my heart.

Cade laughed out load.

“I hear a strange noise.”

“It’s not strange. It’s a gift from Rodaria.”

“Miss Irene doesn’t know the way yet, so I put it on to prevent her from getting lost.”

That’s right. It’s like that!

I moved to an empty seat.

I could see hot meat on a plate. I can eat meat now!

I was in a hurry, so I walked quickly.


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