The Youngest Daughter of the Snake Family

Chapter 18: The Youngest Daughter of the Snak

Chapter 18

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Around the end of the meal, Rosaria entered the dining hall.


“Miss Irene, I’m here to pick you up. Did you enjoy your meal?”

“Yes! I met Baharn too!”

I got down from Cade’s lap without any regrets and ran to Rosaria.

“Have you met Baharn? Did you say hello?”

“Yes. I did it like this.”

Rosalia smiled sweetly when I showed her how bowed my head down to my belly button to say hello,

“If you’re done eating, should we go brush your teeth?”


I nodded my head and took Rosaria’s hand. As I was about to go back to my room, I stopped and looked back. It doesn’t seem like Arban will come back after storming out so I decided to say goodbye to the other two.

“Nice to meet you today Seth.”

. Goodbye Big Brother

I wiggled my fingers and waved my hand. I don’t think he’s really going to accept it, but I just tried it anyway. If I keep being friendly like this, won’t he accept me at least once?

Seth frowned upon receiving my greetings. He seemed embarrassed because I kept talking to him even though he kept showing that he didn’t like it.

The next one was Cade.

“….Goodbye Daddy.”

I tried to mumble an unfamiliar word to my lips that I had spoken for the first time. I felt like my ears were getting hot, so I covered my face with both hands.

I’m embarrassed! He won’t hate me just because called him Daddy, will he?

Peek out.

She slowly opened her fingers and looked at where Cade was.

If he doesn’t like it, I’ll call him by name from now on.

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With that in mind, I took a deep breath to calm my beating heart, but a nice voice penetrated my ear.

“Yes. See you next time, Irene.”


That’s good, he doesn’t hate it.

A sense of relief made me laugh out loud. Somehow, felt tickled.

After Irene returned.

The two black mambas, who extremely value their personal areas and also hate being with only the two

of them as if thorns would prick them, we’re standing still in their place, not moving.

Irene’s sudden attack of names has kept the two out of their minds for quite some time. It was a very small voice, but Cade, who had monstrous physical abilities, listened carefully.

“…….Goodbye Daddy.”

Would Irene know what kind of ripple effect that one word has brought? It was surprising that such a creature could exist.

“You look like you are in a good mood, Father.”

“I think you’re flustered.”


Seth wiped his face. When he looked at the door where Irene disappeared, he frowned and looked away.

I even warned her in the first meeting, so I thought she would be scared without fail. But there was no sign of such a thing today. Rather, she crossed the line without fear.

In addition, didn’t she smile while saying goodbyes and left as if it was something extremely normal?

Seth didn’t like Irene’s attitude, which didn’t seem to have a sense of crisis.

“…Isn’t something lacking somewhere? She’s a strange kid.”

“You are a poor judge. I heard you got a gift.”

“What kind of a gift was that? It was just paper. I didn’t even know what it was folded into.” Seth recalled the yellow-colored paper that Irene had given him. Such crumpled paper could not be called a gift in this world.

He couldn’t even remember where he had put it.

…..Where did I put it? Did I put it on my desk? Otherwise. .

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Did I throw it on the floor?

Perhaps it was.

“I don’t even remember.”

“I see.”

“…….Aren’t you mad?”


Cade asked back and Seth asked once more, careful not to anger him.

“You’ve seen how I treat Irene.”

“I saw it.”

Cade’s reaction was strangely bland. Seth’s red eyes flashed with suspicion at such an incomprehensible calm reaction. He had expected Cade to give him a warning, so Seth looked at him with a slightly bewildered expression.

This is because his father had a face that said, everything was fine.

“It takes time to adapt to anything.”

“……I don’t know. I don’t think I will get close to her.”

Cade chuckled, and after, silence prevailed. When there was no more conversation to come or go, Seth stood up.

“I’m done eating, so I’ll just go.”

“Go ahead.”

As soon as permission was granted, Seth left the dining hall. Looking at his son’s back, Cade burst out laughing.

“He doesn’t even realize it.”

If you are not interested and do not like it, you can ignore it from the beginning. Nevertheless, it seemed that he had given Irene a warning. He is already so concerned about her and does not even know.

Irene’s existence had a greater impact than expected. To the extent that he was concerned that it might be a little dangerous.

Cade remembered the banquet to be held soon. It was a banquet where several people from each clan gathered.

I was planning to announce Irene’s existence there, but…

“Should I show her, or not?”

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Cade fell into deep trouble when his two intentions collided. He wanted to brag, but he also wanted to keep her hidden.

It was better to announce that there were three of them sooner.

As he remembered that day, his mouth was bitter. It felt like he was stabbed in the foot.

In the end, he had to be immersed in thoughts until the moment Baon came to the restaurant to find him.

I was currently in Hestia’s clinic. It was for a simple physical examination. She said that everyone who succeeded in humanization should do it.

Everyone does it, so I can do it too.

Last night, before I went to sleep, Rosaria gave me enough explanations, but I couldn’t help but feel nervous.

While waiting for Hestia for a few minutes, I looked around curiously inside the treatment room. I couldn’t really feel it every time she came to my room, but Hestia was like a doctor.

“Miss Irene, you can walk and look around.”


“You can rest comfortably.”

“I will stay here.”

swallowed my saliva holding the baby snake doll that I sleep with every night. There were many other dolls, but this one was the one doll I picked up without having any doubts.

As the time with my appointment with Hestia approached, I hugged the snake doll tighter.

It was never because I’m afraid.

I peered through the brown door, which looked unusually large today. Then the door opened and Hestia in a white robe entered.

“Miss Irene, have you been waiting for a long time?”

Too fast!

Seeing Hestia keeping her promises too well, I cried.

“Why do you look so sad?”

“I think she’s intimidated by the atmosphere in the clinic.”

“You don’t have to be afraid, Miss Irene. I’m not doing anything that hurts today.”

“Rosaria told me. I’m not doing anything that hurts today.”

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Hestia flinched as she pulled out her chart. and muttered a little.

“Oh, my…… This is the best.”

Trolled my eyes anxiously, nervous about what Hestia was going to do, muttering to herself.

I was worried even though I knew that I was not getting an injection because the atmosphere of the clinic was quite different from the outside.

Hestia noticed my nervous mind and bowed her body with a smile. I glanced at her, who was at the same eye level.

“Today we’re going to have an eye exam, a dental exam, and check your height and weight.”

“Is that the end?”

“Yes! When we are done, I’ll give you your favorite chocolate as a gift.”


As I showed interest, Hestia pointed to the back of the clinic.

“Then shall we go over there and see?”


Let’s hurry up, finish this and get some chocolate! I followed Hestia’s guidance and climbed onto the machine that measures height. When I put my heel close to the back and inhaled, I heard the sound of the measuring instrument moving above my head,

Where is it coming down?

I fixed my gaze, stopping it from going up.


The meter lightly touched my head and then fell.

As Hestia was writing down in the chart record, she gave a subtle expression, and soon the corners of her mouth trembled.

“…..Haha. Kof. Um-hum. Shall we go over there this time and do an eye exam?”


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