The Youngest Daughter of the Snake Family

Chapter 26: The Youngest Daughter of the Snak

It contained yarn and soap bubbles that she used to play with when she was a baby bird, as well as her most cherished star candy.

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I looked at Kasana with a bit of anxiety.

Oh my God. Kasana seems interested in my treasure chest. But this is my secret.

I quickly put the treasure chest into the drawer and returned to my seat.

“Then shall we start the class?”

“Okay! I’ll study hard!”

“Today is the first day, so I’ll briefly show you how to write Lady Irene’s name.”

Kasana took out her notebook and scribbled letters down in straight and large sizes. It was a text that felt a little stiff.

I carefully observed the gestures of how to write, then grabbed a pen and drew along what I could see.

“Now, turn to the side there.”

“Hmm. It’s hard.”

“It’s because you’re still awkward. Shall we do it again?”

I repeated the name several times. This is my name after all. I even followed the long curly letters. Perhaps the long letters on the back looked like an adult.

Concentrating all my attention on the name, I suddenly lifted my head.



“Daddy, Seth, and Arban! Rodaria and Kasa, too.”

I turned the notebook to the back page asking for more names.

“I want to know the names of evewyone.”

“Okay. Do you want me to write it here?”


After memorizing everything, I should surprise everyone. I can write my family’s name now!

I moved my little hand hard.


I finally memorized everyone’s name. Now, all I had to do was visit and show it. A laugh full of pride came out.

I had a great desire to go and show it to everyone. I left the room with a pen in my hand. The first person I visited was Seth.

Hesitating to enter several times in front of the door. I closed my eyes tightly and immediately called out to him.

“Brother Seth!”

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“…What? Irene, why are you here?”

I was worried about what would happen if he wasn’t inside, but luckily enough, Seth was in the room.

I smiled broadly at Seth that came out of the door.

“Can I go in?”

“What’s going on?”

“I came to see Brother Seth…”

I rolled my eyes. I was worried about what to do if I was asked to go back before doing anything.

A brief silence followed. Seth looked down at me and sighed. A somewhat grumpy voice was heard.

“Did you come to see me?”

At the same time, his questioning eyes were not smoothed in the least. The red eyes looking at me narrowed as if trying to figure out what was going on.

I nodded quickly.


“Why me?”

“I came here because I wanted to see Brother Seth.”


Seth responded in a dumbstruck tone and made a deflated sound. The way he frowned and slowly blinked his eyes showed that he still didn’t understand the situation.

I smiled bashfully and entered the room.

Seth’s room was very neat, it was different from mine. Unlike my room, where snacks and toys were prepared everywhere, Seth’s room had only what was necessary. One thing that stood out was that there were plants scattered all over the place.

Does he like plants?

Seth, who followed me into the room, said in a voice full of dissatisfaction.

“If you’re just going to look around like that, why don’t you go back, Irene.”

“Ah! No. I’m going to show this to Brother!”

I recalled the reason for coming here and quickly said.

“Then I want you to show it to me now and leave.”

“I learned to write my name, but I also learned Brother’s name. I’m here to show you that.”

I brought a pen, so all I needed was paper.

I pulled out a blank piece of paper lying on the table and clumsily wrote down the name I had memorized.

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Seth’s eyes widened slightly as I pressed hard and wrote down each letter.

“Ta-da! Look at this!”

Are you surprised? Are you surprised that I already know how to write your name?

“You know how to write my name.”

“Yes. Irene studied hard.”

While sweeping down the crooked but carefully written name, Seth’s mouth rose significantly. Soon, an outspoken harsh remark came out.

“The handwriting is so bad that if you hadn’t called it my name, I wouldn’t have recognized it.”

“…It’s not. I was praised for writing well!”

“Really? I don’t know who it is, but it’s better not to trust too much.”

I thought I would be praised here too, but I slumped my shoulders instead.

As I was preparing to go back after inflating my cheeks in a sulky mood, Seth grabbed the piece of paper with his name written on it.

“Did anyone else get this other than me?”

“I’m going to show them now.”

“…I’m the first?”

“Yes. I like Brother Seth…… but brother said my handwiting is bad.”

When I fidgeted with my fingers smeared with ink while frowning, Seth, who looked surprised, showed an unusual smile.

“Ah. I suddenly changed my mind.”


“You write well, Irene.”

The next place I headed was where Arban was. He was lying on a hammock installed in the garden. You’re not skipping class today, right?



Arban got up from his seat when I called and came down from the shaking hammock.

“I’m going to show this!”

“What are you going to show me?”


But I couldn’t find anything suitable in the garden. Arban, who showed interest when I said I had something to show, glanced at me pretending to not be interested.

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“What is it?”

“What do I do? I want to show that I can write Arban’s name.”

“My name?”

I couldn’t help it. I’ll have to show it to him the next time I get a chance. Because I don’t have a place to write it right now.

When I tried to reluctantly go back, Arban caught me.

“Hey, you said you were here to show me. Why are you going back?”

“I don’t have paper.”

“You can write it here.”

Arban spread his palms out. I rolled my eyes.

It won’t come off easily if I write it on his palm. Can I do it?

“Can I really write here?”


“Okay. Then watch me well. I learned Arban’s name the fastest.”

There was a part where our names overlap, so it was the easiest to memorize Arban’s name. As I bowed my head and wrote down each letter, his palms trembled. Arban, who had been hesitating, sneakily asked.

“Did you memorize my name the fastest? Not father or brother?”

“Yes. Arban is number one. I got it all!”

“I’m number one…”

I smiled and lifted my head at the perfectly written name that I had not yet forgotten.

My eyes met Arban’s, who had his head lowered. He smiled at the name written on the palm of his hand. His lips, which had been raised at the same time, drew a straight line and were tightly closed in a second.

Arban seemed embarrassed.

“Arban smiled!”

“W-who smiled because they liked it!”

Arban, whose face turned red, quickly ran out of the garden.

I headed to my final destination. The last person to visit was Cade. I went down to the first floor and carefully opened the office door. As I poked my face inside through the gap of the door, my eyes met with Cade’s, who was looking at the documents.

Beside him, Baon was waving his hand, warmly welcoming my arrival.

Cade looked at me and asked as if he knew I was already sneaking around.

“What have you been doing in front of the door since before? You’re finally coming in.”

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“Daddy, are you busy?”

I hesitated, and when I asked, the two gave contradictory answers.

“No, I’m not busy.” (Cade)

“Yes, the Lord is very busy.” (Baon)

“…I won’t stay long.” (Irene)

“Come here.” (Cade)

Cade put the papers down and reached out his hand.

I quickly opened the door and went inside. The desk was full of papers. He seemed very busy. When I stood on my tiptoes on a desk taller than me, Cade pressed my forehead hard.

The heels holding my tiptoes stuck to the floor.


“Pretending to be hurt.”

“I said ouch!”

When I covered my forehead and inflated my cheeks, Cade’s lips rose faintly. As he reached out for more pranks, I quickly hid behind Baon.

“Lady Irene.”


“Was my neck your purpose?”

Baon, who had received Cade’s fierce gaze with his whole body, tremblingly asked.

“I was going to show you something great. I’m not going to show Daddy anymore.”

“Is it that great?”

“Yes. It’s a great thing.”

“Come here and show me. I won’t touch your forehead.”


I was very skeptical as to whether he would keep his word, but I decided to trust him and went back to the desk.

Cade put me on his lap and nodded for me to show him what great things I had prepared. Baon came to this side, inwardly wondering what I was going to do.

I picked up the pen I had brought.

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