The Youngest Daughter of the Snake Family

Chapter 38: The Youngest Daughter of the Snak

⊱⋅ ─────────────────────────── ⋅⊰

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After being caught once, he seemed to have no hesitation in appearing in front of me.

Messi, who was walking next to the swing, snooped around to see if the swing was safe.

“Did you deliver the letter well?”

“Oh, that. Of course. Everyone loved it.”


“Yes. They have submitted all the letters. It’s because the young lady cheered them on.”

It was fortunate that all the letters of self-reflection were submitted.

Then can we meet now?

Messi’s mouth trembled as I spoke, perhaps thinking of something. Seeing me curious, he smiled brightly.

“There was no other spectacular view such as that. Thank you. Thanks to the lady, I was able to see such a scene.”

“What did you see?”

“Ask yourself later. What did they do?”

I was curious, but I nodded for now. First of all, it was more important to ride the swing. I set my buttocks on the swing and held the string firmly with both hands.

“Messi, please push me.”


“I have to do like this, back and forth, but it’s hard.”

When I shook my leg and pretended to be in trouble, Messi, who was moderately away, approached.

“How hard should I push?”

“Hmm. Gently!”

“Gently? …It’s not a very difficult request, but why does it feel difficult?”

Messi muttered.

Contrary to his positive tone in accepting the request, Messi seemed to ponder for a moment. He looked like he was contemplating how softly he should push.

I looked ahead and waited for him to push me quickly.

Soon the swing began to move slowly. With a sense of a moderately fast speed, I vigorously rolled my legs back and forth.


A cool breeze fluttered my hair. As I cheered every time I got closer to the sky, I heard Messi’s small laugh from behind.


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“Just a little harder!”

I exclaimed with great excitement. It seemed that it would be okay to go up a little higher from here. I thought Messi would save me right away if anything happened.

I’m going to ride a little bit more and go do my homework.

The swing that went up high in the sky went all the way down again. As I was stretching my legs, I felt a poking in my back.


I tilted my head.

What is it?

The feeling was quite different from when Messi was pushing. It was a feeling of being very careful, leisurely pushing forward in a slow manner.



When I called Messi with doubt, a voice that I had to hear from behind came out right next to me. I looked to the side in surprise. He was leaning on the tree with the swing and watching as if it was very fun.

Who’s pushing the swing now?

Messi laughed out loud when I was confused.

“Fayman. Stop it now that you’ve been caught. The lady is surprised.”


An unfamiliar voice full of regret came from behind. The hand that gently pushed the swing disappeared.


It was a name I never heard before. I immediately realized that he was one of my escorts.

When did you change seats?

I quickly waited for the swing to stop.

“I received your letter, Miss Irene.”

It was a very friendly voice full of affection.

“Did you read the letter?”

“Yes. I was at a loss because I didn’t know how to write a reflection letter. After reading your letter, I was able to come and see you early because I got the energy to finish it.”

“How did you write the letter?”

“I thought it was okay to reflect in moderation and get revenge.”

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It was a very exotic letter of self-reflect. Because of that, it took several days to submit the letter.

I wondered why it took so long, but the question was solved.

I jumped off after the swing completely stopped. Then turned around to see Fayman. My eyes met with dark brown hair and green eyes that gave a mysterious feeling.

“Wow, I’m finally able to say hello.”

“Are you Fayman?”


I looked down and saw a finger poking out awkwardly in the air. Not knowing why he was holding up his finger, Fayman smiled as if he was embarrassed when I looked blankly at him.

“Ah, that’s. I heard I have to push gently, but I don’t know how much power I needed to control.”


“About one finger was enough.”

I guess that finger was the feeling of poking me earlier.

…You made me fly high in the sky with just one finger, and I think I flew very high.

I smiled happily at Fayman, whom I was meeting for the first time, face-to-face.

“Did Fayman also want to meet me?”

“You’re asking something obvious.”

“I wanted to meet too!”


I hugged his leg.

Fayman, who was about to step back, stood still in place when he saw me hugging his calves. In an instant, Messi freaked out and began to speak hastily.

“Hold on, Fayman. Remember, the lady is holding your legs right now.”

“I know. I’m trying to be careful right now.”



At the same time, I sunk to the floor.

I glanced at the lawn that became hollow.

If this was the first time that something like this had happened, I would have been very surprised, but I was not surprised because I had seen and experienced it before.

To-duk. To-duk.

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When I lifted one foot after the other, a lump of dirt from the back of the sandal fell. I gently pulled out the feet that were inside the ground.

“…Miss, are you okay? You’re not hurt, are you?”

Rather, it seemed that Messi was more surprised than me. He, who had been dazed, approached with contemplation.

“Yes. I’m okay. Not hurt.”

When I nodded that I was fine, he was relieved. Nevertheless, he looked around my legs because he couldn’t relax.

I looked up at Fayman, who was frozen. I think he was very surprised by the sudden hug, seeing as how he sunk the floor.


“Ah…. yes.”

“Sorry that I surprised you.”

When I apologized, Fayman, who had been silent for a while, suddenly covered his eyes with both hands. He stepped back, looked at me and sighed. Eyes full of trouble roamed the air.

Soon, he quietly called out to Messi.

“Messi. This is too much.”

“No. Hold back.”

“Did you see the Miss walking in front of us? Did you see how cute the little miss walking by is?”

“You were told not to go around breaking everything as you did at the border.”

It was a conversation that showed how Fayman usually behaved. I looked again at him. His green eyes and dark brown hair that seemed to melt like chocolate gave off an infinitely soft atmosphere.

But it turned out that he was violently smashing things around. I could hardly imagine it.

“I’m sorry, Miss Irene. I’ll be more careful now.”

“No. It’s okay. It’s not like this every day, right?”


Fayman muffled his words as he squatted and stuffed the hole he made in the lawn. His brow narrowed slightly, Fayman seemed to recall the past.

“When I was at the border, it’s hard to answer positively to you, because I don’t have to control my strength…. It was not every day, but sometimes? Whether it’s when I felt good or bad, or when I was embarrassed.”

When I put the list of situations one by one, it seemed to happen almost every day. I decided to keep a distance from him.

Messi clicked his tongue and shook his head.

“As you can see, that’s why we can’t all come together.”

“…Un, I understand.”

“Thanks for understanding.”

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It would be difficult if the same situation happened consecutively.

I thought it had been a while, so I walked toward the mat. Messi and Fayman followed as if it was natural. I took off my sandals and neatly sat down. Because it seemed like I had to do my homework soon.

Bringing the bag from one side and taking out a notebook and a pencil case, the two looked at the bag with interest.

Messi asked.

“What are you going to do? Aren’t you going to swing more?”

“Yes. I’m going to study now.”


“Kasa gave me homework for today, so I have to do it all. If I don’t, I feel bad for Kasa.”

I opened my notebook and started writing down the words one by one. Messi and Fayman stayed quietly by my side until I finished my homework.

“It’s all done!”

“Oh, are you already learning the words?”


“That’s great.”

“I’m all done, so I’ll eat snacks.”

I was hungry because I focused too much even though I didn’t think I did it for a long time. I pulled out a snack box from my bag.

Fayman pointed to the barrel and asked.

“Is that a snack?”

“Yes. This is my snack.”

“…Is that the all?”

“The lady can’t eat much. You saw it last time.”

“It is, but…”

When I opened the snack box, a sweet scent came up.

Crackers topped with cute fruits appeared. I picked up the crackers the size of the palm of my hand and handed them out one by one.

You’re supposed to share things like this!

“I’ll give you one. Eat this.”

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