Elvin’s mouth was dry.

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As soon as the head became an adult, he drove out his predecessor and took the throne, he had such an outstanding ability that he completely changed the game of territorial disputes, which had been grouped with disadvantages, at once…

But at the same time, he had a very brutal temper.

Elvin opened his mouth with difficulty, worried that he might offend his nerves.

“…I dare say, but why don’t you just step aside now?”

“Why? Are you afraid?”

“It’s not that.” 

“I know, but isn’t this a lot of fun?”

He asked with an amused voice and got up from his seat.

Soon the blinds moved, revealing a man with silver hair and dark purple eyes.

Elvin was nervous about the distance that was narrowing down.  The man who came right in front of him opened his mouth with a smile.

“I don’t think Ella completely failed her mission. It seems that she was half successful.”

“…What do you mean by that?”

“They say the egg hatched in the Astrophel family. I’ve heard that they cherish it terribly.”

Although he couldn’t check it with his own eyes because he wasn’t the Head at the time. 

Is that all? He made time to introduce the child at the banquet and even bestowed the Astrophel surname.

Interest flickered in the man’s eyes for a moment and then disappeared. At the sight of the Head, Elvin was astonished and hurriedly opened his mouth.

“It’s too dangerous to touch the Astrophel family.” 

“Who said I would come out and touch it myself? There is someone else who can do that for me.”

The Head’s brow furrowed as if his excitement had cooled. Elvin, desperately wanting to go away, closed his mouth. The man, who seemed to have been lost in thought for a moment, grinned and muttered as he went back to his seat.

“Isn’t it polite to use a card if you have any left?”

“Are you talking about the Loisar family?”

“I’m sure they want to get their heir back safely, so I think they’ll follow faithfully.”


“Did you understand what I’m talking about without having to explain it?”

Of course, he knew it very well.

The first thing the man did after becoming the Head of his clan was to take all heirs of the neighboring families as hostages.

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As a result, the whole area was devastated and most of the families fell under the man’s feet.

The family, exhausted by the long struggle for territory, cheered for the Head’s outspoken move, but… 

Elvin just couldn’t like it.

“Then I’ll be on my way, Head Diel.”

“You may do so.”

Elvin walked backward and soon after, a large door opened on both sides.



Elvin let out a long-held sigh filled with despondency after finishing the report. 

Is it really okay to be like this?

Walking along the dead, silent corridor, he closed his eyes gently. 

It would be nice if someone could stop the Head from moving. He thought it didn’t matter who would do such a feat, as long as they could succeed.

“…Where was the Heir of Loisar staying again?”

By now, Loisar’s heir would have been feeling humiliated while trapped in a cage. All of these were instructions given by the Head.

As Elvin moved his steps to fulfill the order, he could not hide his mixed feelings.

 * * *

Shunng. Shunng.

It was the second day of class in the forest.

I was concentrating on moving the immobile pheromones with all my might.

“You’re doing well. Focus a little bit more.”

It’s hard!

As Arban told me, I tried to spread the pheromone all over my body, but it was not as easy as it sounds.

When I tried, it didn’t even budge. The pheromones, which were not properly controlled, were leaking out of my body with a pop. I felt like I couldn’t do it anymore because my heart was impatient. 

I can’t do more. First of all, I need to rest for a while.

“Kasa. Can I rest for a bit?”

“All right. Let’s take a break for a while.”

“Thank you.”

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I took the water bottle out of my bag and drank it. It was cool because all the ice had yet to melt.

Leaning under the tree for a moment, Kasana watched with concern.


“If it’s hard, why don’t we stop for today?”

“No, it’s not difficult. I can go on.”

I couldn’t give up just yet. I’m only taking my first steps as a beast and I didn’t want to give up like a crybaby.

I jumped up. 

Great. Since I’m all rested, I’m going to start over.

As Kasana just explained, it feels like the pheromone was slowly roaming my body… I think it’s slowly changing one place at a time.


I clenched my fist. First of all, I had a great desire to change at least one place, anywhere was fine. This is because it is said that if you transform a part of the body first, you will get the hang of it after that.

While I was seriously moving the pheromones in my body little by little, Kasana’s eyes suddenly opened wide when she saw something. 

“…Miss Irene.”


“You have succeeded in transforming a part of your body.”

“Huh? Really?! Where? Where?”

That’s why Kasana had a surprised expression on her face!

I jumped out of my seat with joy.

But where did it change? No matter how much I looked, I couldn’t see where it had changed.

When I touched my face, it didn’t seem to have changed. My arms and legs that could be seen with the naked eye were the same as before.

Don’t tell me Kasana lied because I looked like I was overdoing it 

I suspiciously glanced at her.

“Where’s the change? I haven’t changed anywhere?!”


“Are you sure I changed?”

“You have a tail.”

Kasana pointed to my back.

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……Tail? Why a tail of all parts?

I looked back with dissatisfaction. The shape of the tail sticking out was clearly visible. I wish I had wings if possible.

Still, it wasn’t bad since I changed a part of my body.

“By the way Kasa.”

“Yes, miss.”

“How do I get rid of this?”

“You can get rid of it with the feeling that you are collecting pheromones.”

Collecting? Like taking it back?


I tightened my tail and I could feel it twitching and moving. There’s no way I’m walking around in this state, so I want it to disappear before class was over.

How long did I fight with my tail?

I flopped down on the floor with a tearful look, crying at the pheromones I couldn’t squeeze anymore.

“Uh, how…”

The tail did not disappear until the end.

The words that Seth had said suddenly flashed through my mind.

‘You must not lose concentration when you change your body. If that happens… only a part of your body will turn into a beast’s, so you might have to walk around like that for the rest of your life.’

Oh my god. What he said was about to become a reality!

Anxiety surged and I hurriedly grabbed Kasana’s arm.


“Yes, Miss Irene.”

“How can… Do I have to live like this for the rest of my life?”

When I worriedly asked, Kasana gave me a soft smile and reassured me.

“It’s okay, Miss. This kind of situation is very common. It will get better over time.”

“But, Brother Seth said he succeeded at once.”

“That’s… that’s right.”

“Then Brother Arban did too?”

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Kasana was silent. Arban also seemed to have succeeded at once.

If it happens so often, it’s not uncommon at all.

I decided to go back after covering my tail with my bag.  It seemed like it could be covered up somehow if I put it on my shoulder with the intention of hanging it with my arms.

“Miss Irene. Don’t be so heartbroken, because you’ve done the basics of shapeshifting.”

“Kasa is right.”

That’s right… but it didn’t make me feel any better. Besides, it was somewhat embarrassing because only the tail was strangely sticking out.

I came out of the woods with my bag hanging down on my back.  I’ll never get caught by anyone, I will hide it, especially from Arban. 

“I can go alone from here.”

“I see. Then, I hope you go home safely without being caught, Miss Irene.”

With Kasana’s support, I nodded my head and walked towards the entrance to the garden. However, my resolution was short-lived.

I ran into a huge problem, and that was……

“Hello, Miss Irene.”


“I brought some snacks in advance in case you were hungry. But why is your bag drooping like that?”


“If you’re doing it because it’s heavy, please give it to me. I’ll carry it for you.”

It was because I ran into Fayman who was waiting for me at the entrance. Seeing Fayman reaching out for my bag, I hesitated and backed away.

“No. It’s not heavy at all. I can carry it by myself.”

“Then you have to put it on your shoulder properly. If you carry it like that, your arm will hurt, right?”

Fayman nodded his head saying he understood but made a puzzled expression on his face.

Whew. I’m in trouble.

How can I get back to my room without being caught?

I stopped in place and looked around and suddenly felt a huge presence next to me. A man with a terrifying appearance of enormous size was staring at me.

“She seems to like the bag.” (Fayman)

“It doesn’t seem like that.” (?)


“Rather than that, I think she’s trying to hide something.”

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