There was a Bird Clan in the East.

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Maybe the Loisard is that Bird Clan? Did they write a letter asking for my return? Why all of a sudden?

“What decision will the Lord make?”

“I’m sure he’ll send her back.” 

“Well, I don’t think he’s going to do something like that.”

“It’s not like him to want to keep the young lady in the midst of having a broken relationship with the East.”

At those words, my mind went blank and I felt my heart going down with a thump.

What if he really sends me back?

Anxiety crept in. Will Cade try to protect me while risking having a bad relationship with the East?

As I had just heard, there was no reason to try so hard to keep me here. I’m not even a real daughter.


Obviously, I belong to the Black Mamba Clan, that’s why he told me not to forget that I’m an Astrophel wherever I go.

That might be useless now, because it was said before this happened. 

Arban, who had been silent, called me.

“Hey, don’t worry about that. Why would father let you go over there?”


“You don’t believe that, do you?”

This time, they may be right.

At times, he did give me a strangely excessive amount of attention and affection, but this time, it might not be the case.

Because Cade is the head of the family. He’s a man who lives for the family and his decision was the official position of the South.

Is there a possibility that he would make a decision to ruin relations with the East just because of one little person?

There was little chance of that. 

Maybe it’s time to say goodbye soon.

 * * *

“You can see why we’re all here.”

An early afternoon.

A meeting was hastily held in the Astrophel family.

It was because of a letter from the Loisards.

The impact of the short letter was big, and as a result, the elders of the family gathered one after another.

“…Why did the Loisard Clan suddenly send such a letter?”

“That’s right. They’ve been quiet all this time, and now they suddenly want to take her back?”

A heavy silence fell. Cade looked at the letter with cold eyes.

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“Yes. I’m curious about that too.”

“What exactly is written on it?”

Geras asked with a grave face.

“They’re coming to the South to pick up Irene.”

“You mean all the way to here?”

The atmosphere in the conference room became noisy. Seeing that they were going to come in person, the Loisards seemed to be determined.

“Things aren’t going very well. At this rate, I think they could even ask for a trial.”

“I think the same. If that happens, it’s a disadvantage for the South.”

In order for a Clan to bring other young beasts and raise them, it was only possible if the existing guardian entrusted them.

Otherwise, the consent of the head of the Clan was required.

Currently, the Astrophel family has Irene, but their position belongs to neither, so it was a big problem. If the Loisards file a lawsuit, they had to let Irene go without resistance.

It wasn’t just that.

Things would only get bigger once they asked how Irene came to be in the South.

One of the elders, who had been looking around, opened his mouth. 

“I don’t know what the Lord is thinking, but at this rate, our family may be at a disadvantage.”

“The protection of young beasts is a matter that overtakes the whole clan.”

“Once such a matter gets used as fuel, the problem will grow out of control.”

It was a serious matter that could lead to a confrontation between the South and the East. Baon, who was quietly listening, frowned as each person brought out their opinions.

“Are you saying that Miss Irene should be sent back to the East?”

“…Well, I didn’t mean to do that.”

There was silence again.

Everyone knew how much Cade cared for Irene, so they couldn’t express their opinions hastily.

“But it’s a little strange.”

Durias, who had been observing the situation without commenting until now, tilted his head.

“No matter how much you think about it, I don’t understand why the Loisard Clan made such a demand. Isn’t this more of a gamble to them?”

No matter how legitimate the request was, there was a significant difference in power between the families. They knew that there could be friction with the South, but it was quite difficult to comprehend why they had made such a request.

It was the same everywhere that the young beasts of the Clan were important, but it was not enough to trade this cause for the family’s interests.

Geras nodded his head in agreement.

“I’m thinking the same thing. Something’s wrong.”

“For sure.”

It was an unreasonable recklessness. It was impossible to do without believing in something.

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Cade laughed.

The request for Irene’s return came right after abducting Ella from the East. The situation was moving strangely. Perhaps the peaceful South might become deeply embroiled in the East through this incident.

Cade laughed as if he was having fun looking at the pure white feather pattern engraved in the letter. 

“Things are getting complicated.”

“…What would you like to do?”

Baon asked softly. Everyone was waiting for Cade’s decision.

He opened his eyes, which had been closed for a while, and opened his mouth with a cold face.



“Reply to the Loisard Clan. They can visit the South if they want.”

 * * *

Sack. Sash.

Back in my room, the first thing I did was pack my things.

All the way here, Arban said it was nonsense and tried to comfort me, but it was not comforting.

“Miss Irene. Why is your expression like that?”

Rosaria, who was in the room, asked in surprise when she saw my face about to burst into tears at any moment.

“What happened?”

“No, nothing.”

When I shook my head and did not answer anything, Rosaria saw Arban coming in after me. 

Arban sighed.

“How many times do I have to tell you that father won’t let you go back?” 

“What do you mean? Sending Miss Irene back?”

Rosaria didn’t seem to have heard yet. 

I clenched my lips.

I didn’t want to tell her with my own mouth, because it seems like it will become true. As I stubbornly looked down at my bag, Arban spoke instead.

“I think the East asked us to send Irene back.”


“That’s why father called the elders and they’re having a meeting now.”

“Then, because of that…”

Just as expected. Rosaria was greatly astonished upon hearing the explanation. Then she hurriedly took the bag I was packing.

“There is no way the Lord would send Miss Irene there.”

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Tears spurted out.

It was the first time I’d seen Rosaria get angry like this. Her lips trembled as if she was about to cry right away.

I looked up at Rosaria with sad eyes.

Looking at me like that, she said in a determined tone. 

“If he gets to know what Miss Irene did today, the Lord will be very upset.”

“…Will daddy be upset?”


Rosaria put the bag on a shelf out of my reach.

I wiped the corners of my eyes.

Will Cade really send me back? No, I wanted to believe he won’t, but I was not sure because I was anxious. 

“Everyone says that if I keep living here, things will get bigger, Rodaria.”

“Absolutely not.”

“They said Daddy would be troubled.”

“Who in the world would give up a daughter when it gets tough?”


“It’s not like that, so you can relax. Okay, hm?”


Those words eased my mind a little, but the situation was still the same, though.

What if he remembers that, in the past, Cade had decided to let me stay in here only for the time being? And what if everyone knows it? Everyone’s attitude toward me might change.

Arban, who was looking at me like that, frowned as my expression hardly brightened up.

“If you’re that worried, you can go and tell father.”

“Go and tell Daddy?”

“Just say that you don’t want to go to the East.”

“If I say that, will Daddy listen?”

Regardless of the outcome of the meeting?

“Did father ever turn down your request? Last time, you even told him that you wanted to go out, right?”

That was right.

Cade never turned down my requests. Even if it was cumbersome and troublesome, he always did what I asked for, even if conditions were sometimes attached to it.

I jumped up.

“Now that Brother Arban has said it, then I will go and tell him.”

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“You have to eat a snack before you go, right?”


Rosaria showed up with a snack. On the plate were savory pancakes topped with honey.

“You have to fill your stomach first before doing big tasks.”

That’s true.

If you don’t have the power, you can’t do anything! Then let’s have a snack before meeting him.

I desperately grabbed the fork and took a bite out of the pancake.

“By the way, what should I say?”

Recklessly visiting and talking could have the opposite effect, because Cade hates that kind of thing.

“How do I do a good job?”

“They usually pay a bribe when making a request.”


“Don’t you have anything to give father?”

“…I don’t have anything like that.”

As Arban was deeply troubled while thinking hard, Rosaria smiled and said.

“Then how about doing this?”


We both looked at Rosaria at the same time.

Did you come up with a good way?

I waited for Rosaria to speak with a look of anticipation.

“How about making some refreshments for him to eat together while talking.”

“Huh? Refreshments with tea?”

“Yes. After the meeting, Baharn always gives new refreshments to the Lord.”

I see! That was very good news.

Arban nodded his head, thinking that the method was not bad.

I jumped up from my seat in a hurry, it seemed like I had to go quickly before Baharn did it all by himself.

“You can meet Mr. Baharn if you go to the dining room’s kitchen.”

“Yes! I’ll be back later.”

But will Cade like it?

As I was about to start to feel a little worried, Rosaria said.

“The Lord will be pleased with anything Miss Irene offers.”

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