“Don’t you dare.” (Ian)

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He doesn’t know about anything else but that was something he couldn’t concede. Ian followed his wife as she entered the mansion.

Helena had already enjoyed relaxation for three years, so she was telling stories of boredom, but it was not the same for Ian.

How much he wanted this alone time for the two?

That’s why he deliberately settled in a remote rural area far from the family. He could not yield such precious time to a granddaughter.

Helena didn’t know, but Ian had even threatened Cade not to come down to the rural area to disturb the alone time between them.

-It’s a very tear-jerking love. Hurry up and be on your way.

-I was going to do that anyway.


That was the last conversation with their frosty cold son.

And the news of the successors came soon after.

I was a little worried, but just as I was finally relieved that he was running the family well, I unexpectedly got a granddaughter.

It didn’t matter until then. The problem was…….

“There you go again. Get ready to go out soon.”

“Where are we going?”

“It’s the first time we’ll be meeting, so I should give her a present, right? What would a girl like… I’ve never raised a child other than a son, so what do I need to know?”

Helena was already preparing to leave while thinking about all sorts of things. Ian let out a sigh.

She was already having so much fun that he couldn’t bear to stop it.

Now he’s going to have to share her interest and time with this new grandchild. Ian couldn’t even get it out of his mouth because Helena will surely make fun of him.

However, Helena, who recognized Ian’s feelings like a ghost, smiled slyly.

“Still, I love you the most, you know?”

“I know.”

After getting ready, the two left the mansion. They both looked very young, though they could never be called young.

Helena, who was walking while holding Ian’s hand, opened her mouth.

“Is the child adjusting well?”

She seemed a little worried. No matter where you go, if you look different, there will always be someone who will reject you.

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“There have been mixed races among the previous generations. I don’t know about other regions, but you don’t have to worry much about such a thing in the South.” 

“Still, there is such a thing as if.”

“Then we can deal with it in front of everyone. Who dares reject a successor?”

At Ian’s words, Helena smiled as her worries disappeared.

“That’ll do! But what would be a good present, Ian.” 

“I don’t know.”

“Would it be better to go to the arms dealer and procure something?”

…Arms dealer?

For a moment, Ian thought he had heard it wrong. But it soon became clear that wasn’t the case.

Because Helena was thinking very seriously about it.

Is it appropriate to visit an arms dealer to buy gifts for children?

As far as he knew, it wasn’t something common. Ian was confused. What kind of childhood did Helena have?

“When I was young, I used to play with things like halberds or maces. Because I was a girl…”


“I was easily able to play with things like that. My family also gave me permission.”

It was possible because the female body was born much stronger.

In the case of werebeasts, the number of individuals decreased as you went up the food chain, and in the case of females, it became extremely rare.

(Note: The more powerful the lineage, the less likely are females to be born, but when they are born, they are like mini-hulks. That’s why Hestia could run on the wall of a cliff and the reason many people are afraid of Rosaria.)

Although the exact reason has not been revealed, they were born with strength that far exceeds the average in spite of the small number of individuals.

Even so, no matter how strong a young girl is, you don’t give weapons as children’s toys.

Helena grinned.

“She should be able to protect herself. I want to teach my granddaughter, but she already must have had a good teacher, right?”

“…I don’t think the child will ever play with the mace.”

“That’s a shame.”

In the first place, Cade would not even tolerate that. It was not a matter of possible or impossible.

“How about a dagger then? She needs to get used to the weapons.” (Ian)

She wouldn’t even have touched a weapon yet.

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I could tell just by reading the letter that she was being raised with gold and jade. He couldn’t help but notice that affection for Irene was dripping down in the sentences.

But could Cade even put a weapon in her tiny hand?

Ian could confidently say he would absolutely not do it.

Helena had a dissatisfied expression on her face.

“Anyway, Cade doesn’t know how to raise children. Then, as you said, let’s go with a dagger.”

“I think we’d better do that.” 

“What are you going to give as a gift?”

To Helena who has been excited, Ian decided to bring up what he had been thinking about whether to say or not. 



“By the way, does she know that we exist?”

Obviously, Cade would not have properly explained the existence of the two. Even if he has contacted his parents to come to see their granddaughter…

That Cade would not have kindly told her, ‘You have a grandmother and a grandfather.’

It was good for mental health not to have any such expectations. 

And sure enough.

Helena’s expression slowly hardened as she understood Ian’s meaning. It’s her own son’s personality, as his mother, she knew best, so he didn’t have to add other explanations.

Helena stopped walking and slowly looked at Ian.

“No way.”


“She doesn’t know?”

I don’t think she knows. It was natural not to know because we never showed our faces after the child was born. 

But Ian didn’t dare say it out loud.

Because Helena was pretty shocked right now, and he didn’t want to shock her anymore.

The aftermath is….

‘He’ll figure it out.’

It’s been a long time since they went on a date, but he didn’t want to ruin the mood.

Ian took Helena’s hand and gently led her.

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“No way. He would at least have talked about us at the bare minimum.”

“Right? If it were you, you would have told the child that much, right?”

“…Why are you always comparing us?”

“It’s a matter of fact. Cade looks like you no matter who looks at you two.”

“…He’s also your son.”

Ian, who was stabbed in the stomach for nothing, coughed in vain.

 * * *

Preparations for welcoming the eastern delegation have begun.

It is said that for the time being, there was an instruction to thoroughly prepare so that guests would not feel uncomfortable while staying in the mansion.

Today I sat on the swing as if stamping my daily attendance.

Shake it. Shake it.

While I was stamping my feet hard, a large shadow fell to my side.


When I turned my head toward the shadow, Messi, who was snooping around, stood up. 

“What? When did Messi came?”

“Just now. What are you doing here?”

“Playing on the swing.”

He awkwardly swiped his face as I moved the swing as hard as I could. Messi, who had not spoken for a long time, opened his mouth again. 

“Then… What are you doing on the swing?”

What are you doing on the swing?

Can you do anything else on the swing?

Today’s Messi was very strange.

I thought for a moment I’d ignore the lame comment, but Messi looked more serious than ever, so I couldn’t do it. 

“I’m just thinking while playing on the swing?”

Looking back, there were a few things to think about.

Of course, I wasn’t worried about Cade sending me back. I didn’t care anymore because I already knew for sure that he didn’t want to send me back.

Because he said I should say with confidence that I’m from the family and his daughter.

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I no longer had to worry about leaving the Astrophel family.

However, it was a bit questionable because welcoming the delegation stayed the same. It was obvious that it had to do with the person named ‘Estella’ that I overheard in front of the office.

Since Baon called her with honorifics, she seems to be a pretty high-ranked person. But I have never even heard of her name in the mansion.

I glanced at Messi, who was still standing next to me while groaning.


“Yes, what it is?”

“Who is Estella?”


“Do you know who is she?”

Messi looked embarrassed at my question. He seemed to know for sure who Estella was. However, it seemed that he was at odds with whether or not to give me an answer.

I narrowed my eyes.

“Do you know who she is?”



“Young Lady. From whom did you hear the Lady’s name?”


Seeing that even Messi speaks very formally, she must be a very high-ranked person.

He messed up his straight gray hair with a puzzled face and immediately bowed his head.

“Can’t you ask the Head?”

“Yes, I don’t think Daddy will tell me.”

“……Sigh. Then I’m not sure I can tell you either.”

Mess looked around, then came closer and whispered in my ear.

“That name refers to the Madam.”


“Yes. The hostess of the Astrophel family.”


I gasped and looked at Messi.

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